Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 13, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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Was a hard but a successful hunt, this Herma was following his prey for several days, and the male when smelt his depredator he did all what was on his hands to try to escape, when for the first time the Herma smelt the male he was approaching him cautiously to avoid be detected, trying don't be discovered by his prey's sight, smelt or ear senses, but what looked as an easy hunt changed to be a difficult one because the Herma wasn't expecting despite that he was very cautious that the wind was going to change its direction taking his esence directly to his prey's nose, and when he released that he was in great danger he tried to run away hiding between the bushes, and although the Herma couldn't see him he could smell him and this was the way the he was following him, sometimes watching him, and even by his ear sense. The Herma before was included in "The Experiment" was a junior executive and considering the achievements he had gotten, very soon he was going to be a junior partner of the law firm he was working for, while the male that was hunted was a high school student and he wanted to be a very famous sport man, however as many other men a women and teenagers he was chosen by a lot to be included in the program named "The Experiment" where to survive all the participants depended on their physic and mental abilities, however all the participants were sent to an isolate island where they were exposed to radiation to see the effect that they might have on their bodies, all those that were chosen without mattering if they were male of female they couldn't refuse to participate into the program and if they wanted or not were sent to the island. On the first days of their arrival nothing happened and their behavior was like if they were in a camping trip, but after two weeks to be exposed to the radiation their bodies and minds began to change, the first change that could be seen was they began to behave like animals being controlled by their instincts and they were taking off they clothes until they were completed naked, so they didn't use their mind anymore because now their instincts were who had took control of their lives to survive, the second change was on their physics, for all those that their bodies still were the same of the human males or females like they were naked their bodies now were resistant to the cold weather even they could be on the ice or to the heath and even they could be exposed to the sun without be affected, but what changed was their body odor, the females didn't suffer any body transformation only on their minds, but for the males that were transformed into Hermas the mental and body change were awesome, first because instead to have male sexual organs they have the female ones, they were very aggressive against the other males that weren't of their subspecies and like they have the need to be feed with human flesh, to have the ability to hunt the males because they never hunted the females they were extremely strong becoming the most feared depredators. However the Scientists that were responsible of the project believed that the Hermas were sterile until one day they saw two of them take out their male sexual organs and hide the female ones and have sex between them, the first time that they saw that they couldn't understand why the two Hermas had hidden their male sexual organs and only when they were with other of their same subspecies they took them out, until they realized that the Hermas could be pregnant and when they had sex between them, the one that was the bottom after have been fucked and the top ejaculated inside him, the bottom then became the top and the top the bottom, and even they were capable of produce their own breast milk to feed their babies and this was the reason why they were called "Hermas" because they were Hermaphrodites. Also they discovered that the Hermas only hunted males because while they kept them trapped inside their bodies until they died thing that could take several days, they needed their cum to feed themselves before they could swallow their prey whole body, so they furiously masturbated them several times a day causing to their victims an unbearable irritation on their penises and furthermore their glans always were very sensitive, and each time that they were masturbated the stimulation was a real torture for their victims, however the wild males needed the females to mate and have pups to guarantee their subspecies survival, but the males fought between them for the right to copulate with the female, and the winner not only earned the right to fuck the female leaving her pregnant if not that he also fucked the defeated male ejaculating inside him in his rectum and with that making him his slave for life, and only the enslaved male might be free if his master was hunted by a Herma, however the Alfa male could castrate the submissive to prevent that he might have descendants. However about the family matter the wild males allowed the female pups to stay as a members of their family, but the male pups when they were considered as a sexual rival to the father were expelled of the family and they have to look for themselves until they might be member of other family as the Alfa or as the enslaved male, and they were helpless in the presence of a Herma, their only possibility to survive once they were detected was escape from them., since was impossible fight with them since the Herma was stronger and the wild male didn`t have any chance to defeat a Herma in a fight, so the only thing that he could do was try to run a way. Now this Herma already has put into his body the male's head that he hunted through his vulva lips and the head is trapped inside that would be the vagina best known as "The Washer" without any possibility for the prey to get away, however the Herma is knelt and he has put one of his hands over his prey back to control him, since right now he furiously is fighting to get free something that is useless but that his preservation instinct is forcing him to do, and the only thing that the Herma is waiting for is that his victim is tired , so he can put him on the right position to drag him because he won't allow under any circumstances that his prey sole feet can find a support on the ground because then he would have a chance to escape, so when the Herma feels that his victim strength have lowered, he's going to put him laying over his stomach, and the body will be behind his, this will make easier the drag process and even when he has to climb threes, however when he wants his victim's cum if he is on a three or in ground and his prey body Is not hanging, he's going to turn him around so the prey will be laying on his back to masturbate him and obtain the precious viscous liquid that he needs to survive while he can swallow the unfortunate male, but the satisfaction on the Herma's face is evident because he succeeded about get his meal. The young wild male is in the full fours position while with one of his hands is leaning on the grass, the other one is trying to punch the Herma on his stomach in a vain effort to scape since the herma is very resistant to the pain beside that this herma is very muscular, the young wild male is muscular too but his physic is not as strong as the Herma and all is lost for him, but as is usual always there is something erotic when the Hermas are hunting the wild males, and in this case is that the Herma hunted his prey in front of an abandoned medieval castle and between the Herma's legs can be seen part of the hunted male abs, and between his legs his small cock that is hard and his tiny balls that are going to produce the cum that is going to feed the Herma, but like all in the wild life always will be depredators and preys and in this case The Experiment is not the exception.

Next: Chapter 581: El Experimento 28

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