Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 20, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The slaves and their body products sale has become a truly art for the

breeding farms owners, because with the constant slaves demand that

serve inside the new society the breeding farms have been growing and

the competition offering the merchandise that they have each day has

been more harder, so now has become a need to show to the potential

buyers the quality of the merchandise that produce the product that they

offer for sale, but that need for slaves has led that many that once

were respectable members of their social circles today are considered as

the most despicable and be exhibited as the slavery has established

human animals to which they don't have to have any consideration,

because now they are the economy well function base but now a new danger

has come inside the societies and this is that each time less free

citizen are needed and more slaves.

However for the breeding farms is really hard get the excellent quality

raw material to can offer product of excellence and the slaves are

reaching exorbitant prices, because the slaves' owners not only want

slaves that are servicing them in any area of the economy but in

addition they have to be slaves that should be in the range of good

looking to very handsome, that has made that the breeding farms has to

invest hiring and in many times even enslaving the experts in human

genetic and breeding to can offer excellent quality products to their

customers, and then they can show how rich they are having slaves that

are considered first class beasts, but to achieve that target they have

to have slaves that comes from different parts of the world to can offer

to the potential buyers a great variety of genes in their products,

which are avid to show the excellent quality human merchandise without

mattering their race or color, as long as they fulfill the requirement

that they are very beautiful.

However this great need for slaves has reached such grade that has

caused that the families' priority had chanted to such grade, that as

soon as the parents see that one of their children is exceptionally

handsome they enslave them since they are kids without the offspring

knows that, and even they educate them because this has been an

excellent way to make money selling their enslaved children to very rich

buyers or even the teenagers and adults sale either for the males their

balls products and for the females the product of their ovaries, to

buyers and breeding farms that are interested in the type of children

that they are selling and that they generate an excellent amount of

money because even their jizz for the males and the eggs (ovules) for

the females that are exceptionally handsome also can reach very high

prices, and this has made that this class of product produced by the

human body becomes in a very important incomes source for the owners

that offer them for sale, without mattering that the result of that

product is going to be a human been either male or female that will be a

slave for life and considered as the worst of the society without

rights, and therefore is going to be treated as a beast having ahead a

very hard life as the animal that is since the moment of his


But even the breeding farms could accept free people to sell their jizz

and they fucked their slaves girls with the finality that they got

pregnant and of course the resultant offspring would be the farm

reproduction property, and is exactly what happened in this time because

an eighteen years old that needed money to pay his college because his

older brother had left him without the inheritance money, saw the

opportunity to sale his jizz to an exclusive slaves auction

establishment that it wasn't other thing that the place where a

breeding farm sale either its human beasts as their corporal products,

and where even they bought the free males spunk that wanted to sale it,

the boy was a white blond with middle sizes light brown nipples and

without body hair only he had hair in his armpits and his pubes but it

was trimmed, with his balls considering that he was white with

acceptable size as his cock but nothing impressive however for the white

race they had a very good size, but to can sale his spunk he had to go

through a very strict selection process and for his surprise he saw that

there were many young males like him wanting to sale their balls

products, and with discourage he saw how most of the boys went out

without sale what their manhood produced because they didn't fulfill

with the breeding farm demands to buy that so special product, and that

it has so many boys because this was the establishment that paid the

best price for the jizz if the candidate was accepted as a cum provider.

When it was this boy turn to be evaluated by the breeding farm experts

in human and slaves genetic he went into a special room where there were

the doctors and slaves of both genders, the enslaved females all of them

were young while the enslaved males were either young, adults, and

matures, then the doctor told the boy to get naked and that he assumed

the display position with his legs apart and with his hands on the back

of his head and his arms full extended to both side, the boy felt

humiliated for what the doctor had requested and he told him that he

wasn`t a slave and calmly the expert in genetic told him or he followed

the instructions that he gave him to can assess his body and verify if

he was apt to become a regular spunk provider and then have a good

monthly income or go to sale the milk produced by his ball to other

place, the answer that the doctor gave him was so overwhelming and hard

that made that the boy understood that they had many other candidates

and they could get rid of him and that always they would have other

balls that would provide their production, so the boy get naked feeling

shame that the naked slaves saw him and he assumed the positon that they

doctor had requested while the slaves watched boringly how other free

citizen got naked, and the doctor checked up carefully his body and then

he wanked the boy and get a sample of his pre-cum and analyze it, but

also the doctor did something that the boy considered unnecessary and

humiliating because he put apart his buttocks and he locked at his anus

and even he fingered it and when he felt it thigh he made the comment

that was good that he was virginal or if he wasn`t he had anal sex


When the doctor saw the seminal liquid results that had made an enslaved

naked very muscular black slave he pointed out towards an enslaved

twenty two years old white female with light brown hair and prominent

tits with big light pinkish almost flesh color nipples with long hair

and perfectly combed, she was wearing a very discrete collar with her

data, and he told the boy that he could fuck her and they were going to

pay him 500 Sklavens fifteen thousand euros as soon as was confirmed

that the female was pregnant. Now daily this young male is seen in the

establishment fucking females of the same characteristics and he's

naked lying on his back in an exhibition room with a naked female seated

on his stomach and she's wanking him, while a mature stallion is

seated between his legs and he's penetrating him, the young male has

his eyes closed while hes being fucked and now hes going to be one of

the breeding farm enslaved stallions because the one that is fucking

him is going to be retire and sold because he`s not useful anymore to

the breeding farm purposes, and how the farms need a substitute of this

stallion and they saw the opportunity to have other without the need to

expend money, they drugged this naïve boy and they turned him in a

slave and in their stallion, and of course his brother didn't do

something to try to rescue his brother that was illegally enslaved so to

suit his interests, so the life goes on in the societies a now it

doesn`t matter anymore how someone is enslaved what matters is that

he's a slave.

Next: Chapter 585: Born Wild 41

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