Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 3, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


Father and son are in the auction room after the father lost in "The

Millionaire Contest" and his maximum sale price wasn't enough to pay

his debts, and his creditor asked that his son was enslaved and sold


This is the sad and humiliating end of a family that once was respected

in the business world, and now the two white slaves are naked in front

of those that once were their partners or even customers, and their

exposed cocks, balls, buttocks and the collars that they are wearing

show that now they are the lowest and more despicable in society and the

sad real testimony of their fall.

The father that is taller than his son has the hair, the beard and the

mustache gray-haired and he's forty years old, but despite the

circumstances he looks distinguish, while his eighteen years old son is

dark brown haired and has muscular body because until before he was

enslaved he practiced sports, but the most exasperating and humiliating

for the father is look at his former wife with desperation, about how

she's begging for love to the man that once was his boyfriend in

high school to keep living with the luxury that she is used, and the son

sees with horror how his mother even allows the man touches her buttocks

and breast in public, but at the same time both father and son have an

erection and that had made that the potential buyers mock at them, even

the man that is caressing the slave's former wife had made cutting

comments about the slaves' shameless behavior and he had told her that

was hard to believe that those two animals once were educated.

The son had embraced his father by his waist in desperation for the

unfairness of the comment, but both inferiors knew that as slaves they

couldn't do anything but face the mocks and humiliations from those

that already were their betters, but what most hurt the father was that

his former wife far to defend them she accepted all what that man said

against them, but also he knew that she wouldn't do anything to defend

them considering their new social status, so with incredulity he saw the

girl that once was his wife with the hope that she realized that despite

they already were slaves, they still had feelings and humanity and never

it would be taken away from their essence however they were forced to

behave as animals.

The man who the woman was flirting with at the end decided to buy both

slaves the father and the son, because not only he wanted to humiliate

the two inferiors witnessing how he fucked the female that once was

their wife and mother, but humiliate the girl too forcing her to

behave as a hooker if she wanted to keep the life style that she was

used in front of his friends, and he was glad because he would take

his revenge because for the two slaves was awaiting a very hard life as

common working slaves, but also as sexual objects allowing his friends

used them as they wanted.

"The Millionaire Contest" event where the father lost consisted in

fuck as much slaves as he could ejaculating, and when he stopped to

expel cum on that moment the event was over for him and he had to wait

if no one else fucked more slaves than him, but the father didn`t have

much real possibilities to win since there were many participant more

younger than him and even teenage boys, that could cum much more and

therefore the only way that he could win was that the other contenders

would have wanked or fucked someone else before the event thing that was

not probable for what meant lose the event, in addition that there were

many teenage boys of his son's age or even younger that even if they

had wanked they would have a surprising recover capacity and was very

likely that even if they had wanked they could produce more cum than

him, and since he found out that he was going to participate in that

specific event of "The Millionaire Contest" he neither wanked or

fucked his wife or someone else.

The father didn't want participate on that event, but like his creditor

was demanding that the debts were covered, was the same creditor who

chose the event since the law allowed him do that because the debtor to

avoid be enslaved had to do all that the creditor wanted as long as it

was legal, and the father was powerless to do anything to change it

because for more that he tried to explain him that he hadn`t any

possibility to wing since when they went to register there were many

teenage boys that wanted to participate, having the creditor the right

to choose the event in which the debtor had to participate, he chose

that event and he requested that he fucked the slaves completely naked

and not only he was allowed to take out his cock from his trousers and

was dressed, and that even being a free citizen he didn`t have to show

his dick since this was an event where the public had the right from the

beginning to see the type of merchandise that was being offering and

since the first moments they could make their bids, and that meant that

the contenders had to be enslaved the father included because they had

to be completely naked in public during the event.

But what really was new in the event was that someone that wasn`t a

judge and much less an authority in "The Millionaire Contest" had

requested that the son of one of the participants was enslaved if the

boy`s father lost considering that he was the only creditor, and in

terms of decisions he couldn`t decide if other free person had to be

enslaved or not but what helped him to get his target was that many of

the spectators voted in favor that the son of an specific contender that

was participating in the event was enslaved if he lost, and how that

meant additional profit for the event the organizers accepted the

proposal and the poor boy was enslaved and had to get naked in his own

classroom, when the authorities went to his school with an order signed

by a judge in which the boy had been enslaved, while his degradation and

humiliation was broadcasted live to the audience and he had to endure

the laughs and mocks of those that until few minutes before had been his

classmates and equals, although that situation didn`t like to the school

authorities who presented a formal protest and sued "The Millionaire

Contest" because they had broadcasted live how one of their students

was enslaved in the school facilities and that was considered a

discredit for the school, who considered that hadn`t nothing to do

with the financial problems of one of their students' father, and

"The Millionaire Contest" had to pay a very high compensation

because it lost the sued, but due to the success that had the broadcast

at the moment that the slave's son was enslaved who paid the

compensation were the sponsors which had gotten much more in audience

and sales for broadcast an uncommon and humiliating even when a boy that

had fallen in disgrace had to strip naked in front of his peers, while

his shame was being seen by the audience .

The father when he found out what they were going to do with his son he

angrily protested because he considered that was unfair what they had

done to his son, but the punishment that the Slave Police (SP) applied

on him because he had dared to speak without authorization but above all

because he had dared to challenge an order given by a free citizen was

so brutal, that the father was caged for several days naked until he was

recovered and he could be put for sale together with his son, but the

auction room where father and son were put for sale was very special

because it has a window with a shell where the slaves' naked bodies

could be seen from outside, and even the boy's former mother and the

older slave's former wife dared to go to inspect them and she fingered

their anuses and forced them to clean her fingers with their mouths, and

the former wife did that to please the man she was flirting with and who

could give her the life that she was used to have, because was going to

be hard get married with other rich man due to the discredit to which

she had been subjected about being married with someone that had been

enslaved, and for both the father and son desperation the son slavery

wasn`t necessary because his new master as the creditor had the right to

keep all the slave's properties and belongings that now were his, and

the boy slavery has been in first place as a revenge for the humiliation

that the master had suffered many years ago when the woman that now

wanted to be with him had decided married with the now enslaved man, and

also for the spectators excessive need to see innocent people suffering

in "The Millionaire Contest" show, while they were sold the only

hair that the two slaves were allowed to keep had been their pubes and

their head hair but soon their pubes were going to be shaved but for

their good luck the two slaves were cut so they hadn`t go through the

painful process to louse their foreskin without be anesthetized,

although other attraction that the father had apart to be more muscular

than his son was that his light brown colored nipples were big while his

son`s nipples were small and dark brown colored, and other thing that

caused the mockery of those that once were their equals was that the

father had a tattoo on his abs, and this was considering in his social

class a slaves thing.

Next: Chapter 592: Hora De Cobrarselas 41

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