Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 25, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


Slavery had been an excellent business since it had been stablished long

time ago by the authorities that had the main goal to stop the persons

criminal acts due to their increase above all in the financial area, and

was such the success in two areas that the authorities after evaluate

its benefit decided increase those acts that they considered antisocial

to definitely be able to enslave more people and thereby have more

slaves to serve them, and where the benefit that had gotten was that

practically had been achieved eradicating the delinquency and how the

slaves were used to serve the society but above all the way that they

were used.

But another form of slavery had also been established as the increase in

poverty was going to alarming levels, and what the authorities feared

most was that again the crime will return and now it would be the slaves

bought by the criminal organizations who would commit the crimes, and

the fear of the authorities that the crime was going to return was due

to the fact that more and more people were unemployed because now the

slaves were used in productive activities in which they were required

not to be qualified, and now the free beings only could aspire to work

in executive positions and as was expected those positions were

increasingly limited and therefore they couldn't give jobs to all the

people that required that positions.

So the voluntary slavery was established where the free citizens sold

themselves voluntarily for a certain time as slave for those that didn`t

have job could have a productive life, and the slave sale price was

deposited in a special bank account that was available to the citizen

who had voluntarily sold himself once his indentured time had ended, and

as usually the sale prices were very high because most of the citizens

that sold themselves where young males with good bodies and the

intention was that when those indentured time ended, they could enjoy

the money of their sale and with it not to become delinquents, but when

the authorities realized that this was a great business they decided to

do something that they free citizens that decided to choose for the

indentured servitude never realized until was too later and this was

that all those citizens were exported to other countries, and there were

sold as slaves for life unable to recover their freedom and the sale

money was kept by the government, in addition because they did not know

what had really happened to them the naive citizens offered to be

temporarily sold as slaves.

When a free citizen indentured himself as voluntary slave and stayed in

the country despite that the contract said that he had a preference

treatment in one of the special clause said that the master could decide

the way that the slave could serve him, and without they realizing all

those naïve citizens that sold themselves that clause invalidated the

one that said that they had to have a preference treatment, in addition

that other clause said that the indentured slave had to have total

obedience otherwise that they did was put them a negative qualification

that was named demerits and when they reached twenty demerits they were

enslaved for life, and another clause said that the master could put

demerits without telling to the slaves because that such he didn't

have to give any explanation and therefore since the moment that they

signed the indenture contract of temporal servitude, the government in

that moment put the twenty demerits that turned them into slaves for

life and thus they already could be exported or sold without the naïve

citizens never knew that never again they would be free again and

therefore they were going to have a life of humiliation, degradation and

servitude and that the vast majority of them would never even be

dressed, and surprisingly many of those citizens were bought by the

breeding farms because the need of salves was very big and having docile

beast that never had known freedom and they obeyed blindly their master,

it was something that was needed for societies to continue to exist but

with a small change with fewer and fewer free citizens and more slaves,

and this was the reason of the need to have the breeding farms because

how the societies had much more slaves than free citizen they had to

avoid that they had a slaves revolt, and having slave that were

servicing them without never have known freedom and being mentally

conditioned to be inferiors and always they had to be servicing and they

did not understand what meant to be free, the breeding farms had been

the most viable and practical solution to avoid that the slaves were

going to have a revolt and ensure a future full of comfort and the free

citizen keep being free.

But anyway in the societies without mattering if you were rich or poor

nobody had their future insured and even wealthy families saw how some

of their members above all the males ended up in slavery for life,

because the same parents to show their sons how hard could be the life

if they weren't responsible put them in temporary slavery programs

without knowing that they were condemning them to a permanent slavery

life, although at the end this was a relief for the families and even

many of the parents did it in purpose to ensure that the family members

that still were free firstly were the best and then had a life full of

comfort and when they saw that a son didn't behaved as they wanted,

then the indentured slavery was the best option for some of them because

they knew that never again the boy was going to be free and others

naively thought that when their indentured servant period ended up they

would learn to value what they had and they would be more responsible,

but even betrayals between brothers were given as it was in this case,

where two brothers went to a breeding farm to buy slaves that served

in their different business such as factories, cargo transports where

the slaves were in charge to pull the heavy carts where the slaves were

in charge to pull the carts with the merchandise that was delivered to

their customers, and his business had the publicity that it was a

socially responsible company because it took care of the environment,

and of course the slaves that had to pull the carts they had to be

young and of excellent quality that meant very handsome because how they

were in public places they had to be very pleasant to the eye, so while

one of the brothers was inspecting the slaves that he wanted to buy, the

other one was negotiating the slaves purchase price.

But the one that was inspecting the slaves never realized that in

reality his brother negotiation apart to buy the slaves to the best

possible price was sold him as slave because he didn`t want to share the

business profit with him, so when the deal of the slaves purchase was

closed and the two brothers were observing the slaves that they had

bought be loaded into the transport, two of the breeding farm security

guards approached and subdued the youngest brother which was a

twenty years old white male with brawny body because he was an athlete,

and despite of the boy`s protest screams for what they were doing to

him about taken him by force into the farm nobody put attention to

him, so he was undressed and prepared for the inspection that the

breeding farm owner was going to do to his body to see if it would be

convenient for him to buy him to serve as a stallion in his breeding

farm, the older brother and the breeding farm owner inspected the male

piglets that could serve as couriers that delivered documents to the

different offices, and after the inspection the brother decided to made

an important purchase of that breeding farm slaves because despite that

it wasn't well known it had slaves of excellent quality, and all the

slaves that had to pull the carts on the street to that breeding farm he

bought fifty all of them teenage boys with brawny body and very

handsome, although their sexual organs were varied because they went

from the big until the tinny ones and in spite of that the brother

considered that would be an additional attraction that would serve as a

propaganda so that more clients would want to buy his products, because

in addition the slaves had beautiful rounded and small buttocks that was

a delight look at them, he bought two hundred young slaves that also

were of excellent quality to work either in the farms and in the

factories, he bought thirty adult slaves with experience so they could

help him to administrate his business and they organized the delivery of

his merchandise, and in addition he bought five young slaves of an

exceptional quality that apart to serve in his business in what he

needed also they were pleasure slaves to be used by his customers and

the potential buyers.

When the enslaved brother was ready both the breed farm owner as the

brother that had enslaved him went to inspect the new slave, the new

enslaved was immobilized in an exhibition rack, was a wooden furniture

with a piece of timber that went from the floor until a high of two

meter and it was wide and thick, about sixty centimeters of high were

the structure that supported the furniture that was a kind of very

thick table that went around the piece of timber and it was that keep it

in place, the furniture was very heavy and therefore couldn't be move,

in the middle of the vertical piece of timber there was other very thick

beam that could be pull up or down at will through the vertical piece of

timber, and on the sides were several rings incrusted in the wooden,

when the brother went in together with the breeding farm owner he was

surprised to see the place so lacking in decoration that it was only

cement and how they had his brother, since the newly enslaved was

immobilized standing with his legs flexed his ankles were held by very

thick ropes on both sides of the torture cabinet as well as the upper

part of his thighs, his head was trapped and immobilized between the

furniture and the beam that went up and down and that it was as far down

that it could be, and his arms were painfully immobilized by his wrist

which were painfully lifted on each side of his head and tied to the top

of the vertical pole, his legs were separated so his pink anus was

completely exposed as well as his prominent perineum and he could freely

see his balls and cock hanging between his legs, the breeding farm owner

When he saw the surprised face of his client, he told him that this was

the best way to inspect the most important parts of a slave who aspired

to be a stallion, since his sex organs and his anus could be inspected

at the same time, the brother was surprised that he mentioned his anus

and asked him what the anus had to do with being a stud, and the owner

told him that as stud he would have to give sexual pleasure to his

customer and he could be used in two way one that the customers fucked

him or he had sex in front of them with other studs, and was

indispensable that their anuses were tight because his customers loved

fuck slaves that had the anus tight, that made laugh the free brother

while he looked at his former brother in that uncomfortable position

completely exposed and with his body already depilated only having his

head hair, and he could hear his piteous begs that let him go that he

wasn't a slave but no body put attention to him, then the breeding

farm owner inspected the body of the newly enslaved boy and he put his

fingers into the anus causing that the wretched boy grunted, and then

he took his balls and felt the weight of them and with his hand then

inspected his cut cock first being soft and then he wanked him to make

that the prick was hard, and then he made that the slave cum and

inspected his body.

And finally the breeding farm owner told to the free brother that he

would be a good stud and in instead to give him money for him he would

give him all the male piglets that were born the first year and the

breeding farm will keep the female piglets, in addition that he would

give him an amount of money, the brother was delighted and putting

himself in front of his enslaved brother so he could see him said

smiling that he no longer had to worry about his sex life since now he

would have a lot of sexual activity with both females and males,

although the boy hated have sex with males, and that although he was

already going to be a slave serving in the breeding farm preying the

females, his male piglets would be at his home servicing as naked slaves

but would be as he never had gone, and the free brother while he was

going out of the room with a smile of satisfaction could hear as his

enslaved brother desperately pleaded him to don't do that and not

leave him there then the brother came back, he ruffled his hair

playfully, he squatted and kissed him on the mouth and without thinking

twice he left without worrying more about his brother since all he cared

about was that they were going to breed him and that the male piglets

that were born the first year they would belong to him and they would be

serving as slaves in his property, while he would have made them serve

to his children and him, and once his brother left the new slave was

taken to a showroom where he had to fuck five females but before they

injected him with a stimulant so that he could produce enough cum to

impregnate them while several potential clients saw how he fucked them

and lifted and lowered his meaty buttocks while he was fucking them.

Next: Chapter 604: Chicos Tontos 42

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