Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 6, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


A hard awakening to a new reality for this honky that was taken out from

the Reunion Center by the Latin masters, thinking that he was going to

be taken with his family to their new home where they would receive

clothes to cover their nakedness after have been living for several days

naked outdoors.

But when the transport stopped he was brutally separated from his

family and now he's in an auction house slaves' reception area

waiting to be checked by a vet, under normal circumstances he should be

caged, but due that all are occupied, the Latin establishment owners

decided hang him on the cross.

But for his bad luck that day a group of black scholar boys were taken

to that place so they could know how as slave dealer house was, and even

several students were allowed to use the whip on his body so their

skill could improve lashing the crucified slave under the watchful eye

of the enslaved foreman that respectfully were teaching them how to use

the whip, while the wailing, screams of pain or even the sobs of the

wretched white slaves that were hanging could be heard for the black

students delight.

The other whiteys inside the cages were terrified looking at what the

now blacks master were doing with the boys that were crucified, and this

boy now is thinking about what was his family fate and that he would

like be with them, and for the moment any of the whiteys still know that

soon they are going to be sold as slaves to the Latin and black masters.

But for this eighteen years old black haired white boy that is hanging

on the cross and that just have been lashed his misfortunes began when

they crossed the border to visit the country where he was enslaved,

because despite that his country authorities had warned them about don`t

go to that country for the risk that had to be enslaved because they

were whites as they had done with all the whites that live there, they

didn`t put attention to the warning and their curiosity to see how the

Latins and blacks kept living the enslaved whites was much stronger than

the prudence to go to a safer place and remain being free.

When they arrived to the border their passports and visas were checked

by the migration agents and then they were checked by customs, and once

the Latin authorities of that country were sure that they didn't try to

introduce in the country nothing illegal to try to help the whites that

now are considered as inferior beings, and or they were enslaved

servicing the Latin or black masters o into the Reunion Centers living

outdoors and naked waiting their turn to be sent to one of the auction

centers to be sold as slaves, or they were living free in the forest,

jungles and beaches naked as wild animals, even this boy's family

while they were going deeper into the country could see several naked

whites running and fleeing from the Latin or black hunters to avoid be

caught and be sent to a Reunion Center, and instead to go back to

their country when they saw the conditions in where the free whites

were living, they decided go ahead in their adventure and enjoy looking

at the naked white boys of all ages desperately running a way and even

climbing trees, while shamelessly they let see how the females tits were

moving when running, the males cocks and balls were moving everywhere

and bouncing on their thighs doing the same and even when climbing the

trees they leaved exposed their body most intimate part their anuses,

without showing apparently any kind of shame thing that for that family

was very exotic, but what this boy that now is crucified liked more

was seeing the young naked white males buttocks that were small, rounded

and meaty in motion while in their desperate run a way were looking

where to hide, and even how the guards that were hidden in the forest

when the naked white animals were going through they were they threw

them nets to capture them, and the wild beast in a desperate try to

escape changed direction in a disorderly and desperate try to escape

from their oppressors and captors and avoid the terrible future that was

awaiting them, and that soon this family was going to discover the

tragic destiny that they had ahead.

Few days later when the family was far away from the border and that was

integrate by the father and five sons were resting in a hotel and

talking about how exciting and fun was see that country's naked whites

living as wild animals, and the way that they were transported in trucks

that had three sections one over the other and those trucks were used to

transport pigs and the whites were forced to be on full fours naked and

exhibited as the animals that they were on the sight of all the

citizens, and even many of the males that were locked were having anal

and oral sex and were kissing shamelessly in front of the clothed people

that were watching them while the transport was taken them wherever they

were taken looking at their depraved acts, and even they were watching

the videos about how the whites were running away or were transported

and what the shameless animals did without matter who saw them, the

Latin police knocked to the door of their room in the luxury hotel where

they were staying and simply they told the family that they had to go

with them to the police station, the disconcerted males didn`t have more

option but do what the police was telling them and even though that they

were asking for explanations no body put attention to them, and when

they arrived to the police station each member of the family was put in

a different cell so six cell were occupied, and despite for the

father's efforts to know what was going on simply he was told that

police was investigating because several hotel guest had complained

about them.

Several hours later separately each member of the family was taken out

from the cells and forced to get naked and this was done to avoid that

the family could revolt since was easier control them separately, and

when the six family members were naked without telling them a word

despite their protest they were taken to the police station back part,

where a truck that was designed to transport pigs and that was full of

naked wild whites captured was waiting for them and already had a

metallic ramp that gave access to the higher part of the transport and

that already had the doors opened, and the six male members of this

family didn`t have more option but climb on full fours the ramp until

the last section where on top and on both sides the walls were bars and

the floor was metallic, and now as the wild whites who had amused them

they were showing their buttocks, their exposed anuses, their balls and

schlongs hanging between their legs while they were climbing the ramp

and they were filmed by the police, and once the family members were

inside the cage the doors of the top compartment were closed leaving

them completely exposed to the free citizens sight that wanted see them,

but how that part of the truck was so crowed of naked bodies try to go

the center was impossible, also they realized that the floor was wet and

that the white animals smell awful and soon they discovered the

reason why was wet since they saw how a wild white animal peed and the

pestilent yellow liquid stream felt over the metal floor, and the six

male family felt sick and seeing that they reproached to the white

animal for doing that, but he didn`t put attention to them and what he

did was began to suck other white animal's cock that was beside him,

but little this family knew that soon they were going to do the same,

peeing on the floor because they weren`t have other option.

But soon this family situation was going to be desperate because they

hadnt been feed, and they hadnt being given water and they were cold

since was dark and the wind went freely by the bars while the truck was

in motion, even this slave's three younger brothers very soon had to

pee dropping their piss on the floor and for the shame of this boy, his

father and the older brother ended up doing the same, while the white

male which they had reproached when they boarded the transport because

he had peed in there was making fun of them, and when this family

thought that they couldn`t handle the situation anymore since they were

lying one over the other and over the piss because they were tired to be

on full fours, the truck stopped and a ramp was put and the six member

of this family were taken out the cage under the guards watchful eyes

that had whips on their hands, but the family wasn`t in condition to try

to run away and was grateful because the transport torture had ended and

meekly went out the transport and followed the guards instructions,

while some white slaves told them to stand in front of wall and with

freezing waters jets cleaned them and told them to clean their bodies

with soap, the shock of this arrested family because they had to clean

their bodies with freezing water was strong and being freezing they were

taken to the administration where they finger prints were scanned and

admitted in the Reunion Center, the father asked for their passport and

told them that they were tourist on vacation in their country, but he

was told that they hadn`t their passport and they were a stinky withies

and was better that they didnt dare to cause problem if they didnt

want be punished, and the family was several day in the Reunion Center

traumatized for what they were living and repented because they were on

vacation there, and when they were told that their new house was ready

and that there they would give them clothes, when the boys heard that

they were happy and the father didn`t say anything about their passport

since when they were free they would see the way to go back to their

country without knowing that it would never happened and they would end

up being slaves for life.

Very soon this black haired white animal that is crucified is going to

be circumcised and his body completely depilated and even they won`t

allow him keep his head hair , and his schlong is going to look bigger

for the lack of pubes, however despite that he is not handsome he is

going to reach a good sale price because hes virginal, and while hes

suffering for the lashes that the black students gave him, he`s

wondering which was the fate of his brothers and above all the three

youngers, his older brother and father, but now that the images of the

wild naked whites running in the forest to avoid be captured are coming

back to his mind, he knows that their destiny is going to be the same

than him although he doesn`t know that he's going to be sold as slave

to the best bidder.

Next: Chapter 629: Hora De Cobrarselas 43

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