Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 12, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The Titans always had boasted of being a very exclusive society in both

when they had to choose their candidates that all of them had to be

males, muscular and extraordinarily intelligent, and in the way that

they could live as well without having any kind of limitation as long as

they were responsible of their deeds, above all and the most important

not put in danger the secret of the existence of the most powerful

society in the world, and other aspect that also was considered as

something very important was the way the candidates had to be almost

naked in public places and completely naked in private places, but also

they could enjoy the benefits of live as Titans with the exception that

they couldn`t have anal sex between them because being a virgin was an

indispensable requirement to be a Titan, because give his virginity to

the Titans immediately after he had been accepted as Titan was something

that the candidate has to do voluntarily as a sign of respect and love

to the society.

All this secret society members wanted that at least one of their sons

were part of this society that was responsible that the slavery was

reintroduced in the world, and make that the world's economy had

substantially improved and the free people live if not in the wealth

with enough money to have a good life, but secretly who controlled the

different countries government were the Titans, and this was the reason

why many Titans some of them were Bisexual or Homosexual that gave their

sperm to breed and have sons wanted that at least one of their sons was

a member of this exclusive society and could enjoy the benefits that

this gave, and of course there wasn`t limit in the number of sons that a

Titan could take so he can become a candidate, but also they knew if

they failed in the try to be a Titan as they already knew the secret of

the secret society their destiny was terrible because they become in the

Titans slaves, and of course as slaves there wasn't any restriction in

the way that their master wanted to used them, so generally if they had

two or more sons they chose the boy that had more potential to be a

Titan and could fulfil the two requirements to be exceptionally

intelligent and muscular.

But also there were males that without mattering their age were invited

to be candidates by other Titans' members which saw that they could

have possibilities to become in one of them, but as the sons they had to

go through the same selection process and face the terrible punishment

if they were rejected or the sweet reward if they were accepted, however

many candidates that had been accepted as Titans also could be enslaved

in the acceptance party where they had to give their virginity to the

society as a symbol of loyalty if was discovered that they weren`t

virgins at the time that they were fucked by a Titan member that had

been chosen randomly, also they could enslave when at the time that the

chosen candidate was going to be deflowered he refused to be, and when

the candidate refused to be fucked was considered as an act of rebellion

and was punished with slavery such as happened to the candidates that

were rejected.

A White dark brown haired Titan with small pinky nipples muscled but not

as much as others that is twenty five years old, and that barely got to

succeed in the acceptance physical test because he got move the weight

that had been indicated that he lifted up and move to certain distance

because due to his musculature wasn`t an impressive one, went to a

public auction to buy two personal slaves that he was needed that serve

him as sexual toys as and house slaves as well, but also they could work

in his new business that he has opened as burden beasts, is enjoying in

the beach the benefits of being a Titan while his slaves both of them

are twenty five years old but Latins are offering both fruits and a

wine, those two slaves had had studied with him being classmates and

that had been accepted as Titans because despite that they weren't

very muscular they succeed in the same test of strength that their

master succeed as well, they were enslaved because in their acceptance

party they refused be fucked and deflowered by the Titan that had been

chosen, and as they were exceptionally intelligent this white Titan took

the decision of buy them so they could plan the way that his business

was prosperous while he was having a good life taking advantage of the

benefits to be a Titan, and he as a master review periodically the

results that his business has given him under the two slaves planning

and if something dislikes him or is not what he was expecting he

punishes them in a cruel way reinforcing in their minds that they have

to do the things carefully so their master can be more and more rich,

and enjoy the pleasure that brings to be a Titan while they live terrify

because in any moment they can be punished in a brutal way, and now they

regret about not having allowed be deflowered because anyway in a brutal

and ruthless way they were deflowered by their master, but their

rebellion consequences have been terrible because instead to be living

as their master all the time they are naked wearing a collar or a chain

hanging from the neck being brutally raped by him.

Now the master is looking at an eighteen years old white blond candidate

that is naked enjoying the beach as the other candidates of his class

and he knows that he hadn't any chance to be a Titan, because his body

never is going to develop enough to reach the necessary musculature, he

has thought to buy him and give him as a gift to a friend that lives in

the city where he was born and that he doesn`t know anything about the

Titans, he had decided to buy him because he knows that when the next

weekend evaluation takes place the physical instructor is going to put

him apart together with more several candidates that like him don`t have

any chance to become a Titans because their bodies or because they are

not intelligent, but what had caught his attention about this future

slave is that he has a small and rounded buttocks, and he's

exceptionally handsome and has a small cock that makes him ideal to be

exhibited in public completely naked, and while the slave that is

offering him the wine in a wooden tray has his arms extended and is on

his knees is tired because his mater doesn`t put attention to him but he

doesn`t dare to move because he knows that he would be severely

punished, and his fellow slave that is seated on his leg but lifting up

the plate with the fruit also is tire, the master is thinking how to do

to get the government permission to give to his friend that is not a

Titan the boy that is going to be enslaved, because how the boy knows

about the Titans secret he can`t go out of the Forbidden City and the

only way that he can do it is being sent to the island with the milk

boys so he can give them his body energy, but he knows that he doesn`t

have to worry for that because his slaves will have to give him a

solution otherwise they are going to be severely punished, beside that

he already has thought circumcised the slave that is offering him the

wine because he considers that is annoying that the foreskin hides his

glans and he`s going to circumcise him without anesthetic to enjoy the

inferiors screams of pain, and the slave that is offering him the fruits

will have to be present never the less that he's already circumcised

as an incentive to think about how their master can convince the Titans

authorities to allow him give to his friend as a gift the boy that

soon is going to be enslaved.

Next: Chapter 632: El Experimento 31

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