Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 10, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This White eighteen years old black haired male student that was a

freshman in his college, was one of the most popular boys in his level,

handsome, muscular beside that he was the substitute quarterback in the

football team, and even many of the brotherhoods were interested to have

him as one of their members and had sent him invitations.

In his family he was the youngest of the children but definitely for

what could be seen he was the more intelligent and always excelled in

everything he did, his father was very rich but that doesn`t mean that

don`t demand them be responsible, and that had brought as consequence

that many of his children rebelled and that rebellion had done that the

children compete with the father, and try to show him that they were

capable to be better than him.

But what really the people was thinking was about this boy was very

intelligent because he hadn`t try to compete against his father but

submit to him and fulfill all his demands, and being the better in all

what he was doing at least in everything related to his school with the

other students and in the way he socially was developing, made that

everyone thought that he was very intelligent because he hadn`t rebelled

against his father but on the contrary he tried to please him in

everything and the results that he was getting were very satisfactory.

Even his relationship with his brother was excellent despite that he

didn't do what they were doing and the comments that the people could

heard about him by them were favorable, even the slave dealers that sold

slaves hired him to be the auctioneer in the slaves auctions that took

place all weekends night, since he even got that the potential buyers

paid more money for a slave that was considered as a low meat class

because he managed how to expose to the potential buyers the slave's

attributes, and that was very appreciated by the establishments owners

because even himself during the auction not only he told to the

potential buyers the slave's capabilities, but uninhibited he touched

the slave's body most intimate parts, lifting up his schlong so the

bidders could see his balls or he stretched the prepuce to explain them

if the slave was going to be circumcised how was the best way to do it,

or made stand out something good of the slaves naked body and even if

the slave had any education he highlighted it and he made question to

the slave about the theme in which the slave could serve his master,

beside to open up the buttocks and show their hairless anuses and take

advantage of that intimate part of the slave's body using the color of

the anuses comparing with the skin that was surrounding it, and those

thing he had learnt from the vets and overseers that checked and

controlled his father's slaves, and everything that he did he

performed with such grace and naturalness that even people that wasn`t

thinking to buy slaves went to the slaves auctions to hear him and many

of them even though that weren't thinking to buy a slave they ended up

buying one or more.

But this guy as all the other had a secret that nobody knew that was he

loved eat other males' spunk, and generally he always eat the cum of

the slaves that belonged to his father or those slaves that were at the

auction dealers, he didn`t understand the reason why he loved so much

eat the jizz, so each time that he wanked a slave put his cum in a glass

recipient and took them to his house and put them in the refrigerator

because he loved it cold, and fell how the viscous liquid was slipped by

his tongue and throat until arrive to his stomach, and he never had

understood the reason why he loved so much that, when his friends and

brothers not only considered eat their spunk as a disgusting thing but

they assured that never had tasted their own cum, and he became addict

to the jizz when for the first time he wanked and the hair over his cock

began to grew, and he loved felt asleep naked in his room and when he

heard noises and someone was going to go into his room he hadn`t more

option but swallow his cold cum that had remained on the glass because

this was the first time that he wanked, and since then he loved to eat

the cold cum and one day he tried to swallow the hot cum but for him it

was very disgusting and although he didn`t understand the reason why he

never again swallow the fresh cum that went out from his body or of some


Even several times he had invited his friends to sleep at his home and

there he drugged them and when they were sound asleep he wanked them and

get their cum, even the food that they eat he put stimulants so they

could produce more cum without the guys realizing it, and he got that

stimulant thanks to a slave that had been a doctor who had to prepare

that substance, although his secret was well known by the slaves this

didn`t matter to him because the slaves knew that they would be brutally

punished if they said a word about that beside that of course nobody

would believe them because nobody heard the slaves, and only in very few

times they were asked to say something so his secret was safe and really

he enjoyed it since simply with the slaves that his father had was

enough to satisfy his fetishism, and even when he had been the

auctioneer of some of his friends that had been sold as slaves and

sentenced by a judge to slavery for life because they got drunk, already

as slaves he forced them to wank a put their spunk into the glass

recipient and in that way always his favorite dessert was available in

his house when he wanted.

At the end of the scholar year he had to take a decision about which

brotherhood join because all the summer and the next scholar year he was

going to be in probation as a pledge to prove that he was worthy to

belong to that brotherhood, and many times he had talked with his

brothers about that and which would be the best option but they only

told him that this was a very personal decision that he had to take

considering what each brotherhood could offer him considering his

interests, and of course his interests were get as much jizz as possible

from other boys and slaves to taste them and enjoy them considering that

he already had everything that he wanted, but the problem was that all

the brotherhoods were very rich and had many slaves so for that criteria

he couldn`t chose a brotherhood, however when he visited one brotherhood

saw that some slaves that were servicing the members had been his

friends and himself had been the auctioneer and he had sold them a very

high price, then he knew that he had found the brotherhood that he

wanted since a part that they had extraordinary handsome slaves and that

they were to his disposition to fuck them and to eat their cum was very

rich considering the quality of the slaves that they had bought because

they were very expensive, so he didn't hesitate to accept the

invitation of that brotherhood and be a pledge to become to be a member

to it and can enjoy the pleasure that the brotherhood gave to its

members, even his brothers had told him that this brotherhood was very

exclusive and they doubted that they gave him the opportunity of be a

pledge but he was willing to show his brothers that they were wrong, and

that he would become a member of that brotherhood and enjoy all that it

can offer him.

Despite that he was waiting that the probation time was hard in reality

was an easy one because only this brotherhood required that all his

members were very wealthy, and even though that he came from a very

wealthy family in reality compared with the other brotherhood members

and even with other pledges he was one of the poorest, and he was about

to be rejected and the only thing that made that the brotherhood members

changed their minds was that he was a very popular boy in his school and

was very handsome, and when almost the pledge time was over he received

and order that he had to go to the house of one of the brotherhood

members that was giving a party and he together with other pledges were

going to sever the brothers, so as was expected he went to the address

that they gave him after he had enjoyed his favorite dessert that was

cold spunk that he had in his room fridge, and while the brotherhood

members were enjoying the party the pledges had to serve them and even

endure be insulted and be pissed by the brotherhood members and other

special guest, which when the party was ending voted to decided who were

going to be the next three brotherhood members that were going to join

in direct way the brotherhood, and who would have to face one more test

which was going to decide who was going to be the fourth and last

brotherhood new member to be accepted, that took aback the candidates

because they never were told that only four of them could be accepted,

but at the end all of them knew that they could be rejected and nobody

said a word.

Each pledge that wasn`t the lucky one to be part of the three that were

accepted directly had to put oil on his skin and put on a short, and

then exhibited his body to the brotherhood members including those that

had just accepted and the special guest and even get naked taking off

slowly the short, and the assistances at the end would decide who of the

pledges considering his physic would be accepted since all of them were

intelligent and were very wealthy and the intelligence and richness

wasn`t the main factor to be accepted in the brotherhood, since the

brotherhood a part from being characterized because they have the most

handsome slaves also they distinguished because they had the most best

looking members, and this lad wasn`t one of the lucky three and now is

exhibiting his shining body by the oil to the assistances while he is

taking out the short, and now is exhibiting his pubes and the area where

his legs join his pubis and in few seconds more he'll show his cock

and balls as his buttocks as well, and without his knowledge his cock as

his balls sizes and his buttocks roundness is what is going to decided

who is the last pledge to be chosen, but what they never told to the

pledges that weren`t chosen is that at the same time that they are

showing their naked bodies they are being auctioned and sold as slaves

to the best bidder, so how this guy is not going to be selected in few

minutes more his life is going to change completely and is going to turn

in one of the brotherhood's slaves and join those that once were his

friends and now serve as the brotherhood's slaves , since now the

society has changed completely, because more and more slaves are needed

to satisfy the free people needs, and how the slaves without education

perform common jobs abound, now what is needed are slave well educated

that are capable to perform specialized jobs and the great advantage is

that like this slave they don't have to pay them anything and they

can do with them what they want, so this guy not only is going to be

fucked by his new masters since the brotherhood new member is going to

buy him paying a little fortune, and as sample of his wealth he is going

to donate him to the brotherhood in gratitude of having been accepted,

while he is going to sink in despair and sadness and his family won`t be

able to do anything to rescue him, because he never told them were he

was since this had to be a secret, so from now on he`s going to serve

into the brotherhood's house naked and wearing a collar, and there

he's going to be raped and is going to serve all the brothers, beside

that he will have to study so he can serve the members in specialized

way and now he makes money for them.

So for this unfortunate guy the reality about the society is changing

has become a nightmare, and when the brotherhood is tired of him he's

going to be sent to a farm so he can work as a burden beast in whatever

they needed him, and he will have to do something that he hates eat the

brotherhood members or slaves spunk hot.

Next: Chapter 650: El Experimento 32

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