Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 17, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This eighteen years old black haired withe boy with middle size light

brown colored nipples, just found out that his father had enslaved him

to save his other boys to face his same fate, since if his father was

enslaved then all his boys would be too he included.

This magnificent eighteen years specimen now is stood naked with his

arms stretched and resting on the chimney waiting to be inspected by the

first potential buyer, his face shows the sorrow and the incredulity and

confusion about can't understand why his father chose him and no other

of his brothers to be enslaved.

That morning he woke up with plans to go to swim naked with some friends

since they were in the family's vacation cabin, and after that go to

town and be with some girls which they were thinking to fuck, but when

he was heading to take a shower he was surprised to see his parents and

siblings talking in a low voice, since he knew that his siblings when

they were on vacations never woke up early, and usually his brothers and

sisters never were together unless was meal time.

However he didn't put attention about what was going and he went to

shower and when he went out only wearing a towel wrapped around his

waist to cover his nakedness his father asked him to join them, he told

his father that he was going to put some clothes on and then he would be

with them, but his father told him that it wasn't necessary and this

took him aback, then his oldest brother told him that for him wasn't

necessary that he was clothed because he had been enslaved, the boy

couldn't believe what his brother had told him and angry told his

brother not joke with him like that, but then his world feel apart when

his youngest sister told him that soon all those that were interested to

buy him would begin to arrive to inspect him and he would have to be


Then with desperation he asked his father the reason why he had done

that, and with tears on his eyes he told his son that they were in

financial troubles and they already had sold all their properties unless

the cabin and it wasn't been enough to pay their debts, and he hadn't

more option but enslave him to avoid that his brothers also were

enslaved, and when the boy asked him why he has chosen him instead

someone else his father answered him because he had been the only one

that with the sale price was enough to pay their debts, since his

brother already had been assessed by a slave dealer and like one of his

friends was a slave dealer's son and also the boy was an expert to

assess slaves and he already had seen him naked, he was the only one

that had reached he higher price and with that money they could save the


And also the boy asked him why he didn't sale the cabin but the father

told him that the cabin's price wasn't enough to pay their debts, but

the boy didn't believe his father but anyway believe him or not was too

late for him, and now he's standing in front the chimney exhibited in

front of his father, mother, brothers and sisters as an animal waiting

that the first potential buyer arrived, and when he first heard that he

had been enslaved he thought to run a way but being a slave he knew that

very soon he would be captured and would be brutally punished, and now

with sadness while he avoids look at his family he still is wondering

why him and not someone else.

But now like every boy knows that being an slave he can`t take decisions

anymore and he has to obey as is happening now being naked and he is

powerless to change that otherwise he would be punished, and he's

wondering who is going to be his new master and how he`s going to serve

him and even though he knows that he'll have to serve him sexually

he`s wondering what kind of job is awaiting him, if he's going to be

use as a house boy that has to serve his master cleaning his house, or

if he's going to serve his master doing other things, however now that

is irrelevant because now even he can`t decide that beside he knows that

he won`t be able to continuing studying and his plans to go oversees to

college in matter of seconds were shattered.

But what this newly enslaved boy doesn`t know is that the inspection

won`t take place because in few moments more who was his friend that is

an expert assessing slaves because his father is a human flesh merchant,

is going to arrive and will advise his family that the slave be sold in

a public auction in the city where much more wealthy people can bid for

this specimen and they will take pictures of him being naked even

showing his anus, with his legs open, his balls, schlong, face, nipples,

buttocks, and his full body by the front and back and his pictures are

going to be up loaded to internet so they can be seen by the potential

buyers around the world, and his minimum sale price is going to be

established in twenty thousand Sklavens that are six hundred thousand

euros , but is waiting for him to reach the one hundred thousand

Sklavens that are the equivalent to three million euros since he`s a

good looking boy and being Caucasian and having a schlong with a very

respectable sizes even though his balls are not big, he's going to

have many interested buyers in owing that magnificent piece of flesh,

although he's going to say that would have been better that he would

had brown hair or blond since that would have made that he reached a

higher price, but anyway they would make emphasis that he was a white

slave so he could be sold in a higher price.

But in few moments more this boy is going to begin to live the reality

of being a slave since when his former friend arrives he's going to

ignore him completely and he's going to greet all his family, and

despite that he will want be with them to hear the conversation because

at the end of the day they were talking about his future without

mattering him to be naked since all his family and his friend already

have seen him in that situation, his friend with a menacingly look and

with a finger snap is going to tell him to go back to the place where he

was and that he doesnt dare to move if he doesnt want be severely

punished, and after the pictures had been take he's going to put him

on his knees and he's going to spank the wretched slave causing him

scream in pain and beg him to stop in front of his family because he

have dared to move without the permission to do it, and then he`s going

to be taken from the cabin to his former friend father's auction

center together with other farmers' sons that also were enslaved as

him because their parents had financial problems, and the transport is

going to be very traumatic for him and the other enslaved boys since

he's going to be put into a cage with other slave and there are going

to be exposed to the sight of all the passer-by, and his schlong and

balls are going to be exposed to the sight of all those that turn to see

the truck because his body is going to be over the body of other boy and

his cock will be hanging among the buttocks of the other boy that is

below him into the ass crack and his anus will be exposed to everyone

sight, in addition that many times he will have an erection for the

friction of his cock with the buttocks and anus of the wretched boy that

is going to be below him.

And he's going to be bought by a business man which also is going to

buy the wretched boy that was under him in the cage and they`re going to

be used as couriers having to go to different parts of the city

delivering messages buck naked, and having to travel in the slaves area

in the public transport, having to walk on the street in the area

designed to the slaves and having to keep all the time their head down

without can look at the free citizens as an act of respect to them, and

unlike other slaves that are going to be wearing tunics or some clothes

designed for the slaves, they are going to be completely naked only

wearing the collar that identify them as slaves and barefoot because

their master isn`t going even to give them flip flops to protect their

feet, and many times he'll meet his brothers, which are going to be

dressed with the most expensive cloths thanks to their former brother

sale price because it was much more higher than they had imagined, and

many times they are going to stop him to humiliate him and forcing him

to wank in public and then order him to eat his own cum, and also they

are going to make that he opens his buttocks so everyone can see his

exposed anus humiliating him, furthermore his body is going to be

permanently depilated and only his head hair he is going to be allowed

to keep and even he`s going to be circumcised and his gland will be

completely exposed, and this is the same that will happen to his blond

misfortune fellow, and their only pleasure will be have oral and anal

sex in the nights when they're locked in the cells as long as they

aren`t put in chastity, and in addition the weekends he'll be dancing

naked in a disco while his schlong is moving up and down and in circles

and his balls are bouncing on his thighs while he's dancing, and when

he has to serve the costumers sexually in the disco he's going to be

put in chastity, and each time that he makes errands to some place a

supervisor is going to smell his schlong to check that he hadn`t wanked

and immediately he`s going to be put in chastity, and he as many other

boys he became one more victim of their parents wrongs decisions and the

need of young and good looking slaves in the society where he lives.

Next: Chapter 654: Salvajes 45

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