Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 24, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


When they were free this two twenty years old slaves committed financial

fraud and for few months they bought all that they needed using the

information of other card holders so they didn't pay their purchases,

all was fine until one of their brothers discovered what they were doing

and told to their fathers.

The fathers were worried because they knew if they told the police what

their sons were doing considering the new law their sons would be

enslaved and sold, but the money of the sale would be given to the

victims, and anyway the parents would have to pay the debt.

So the little brother told the fathers that they should enslave their

sons and might send them to work at one of the farms one of the families

was just bought on the south of the country, when the fathers heard the

idea they didn't like it because they were frightened that the

authorities might discover the fraud and when they knew that the sons

were enslaved by them, they could be enslaved as well because they

had hidden the illegal activity to the authorities, but the son told

them that if the frauds stopped and if until that moment the police

hadn't discovered the frauds they won't have any chance to discover

whom had done the fraud, so the fathers followed the boy's advice.

But if they wanted to enslaved them they couldn`t go and ask for a

enslavement order without a valid excuse since if the fraud was

discovered the police wasn`t going to suspect that the fathers had

enslaved their sons knowing that they had committed the fraud, but the

problem was what kind of excuse to present so they could enslave them

without the police suspect that they knew about the fraud, but

fortunately for them the occasion was presented very soon, since the two

boys went to a party and got drunk and when they were driving going back

home they collided but the worst of all was that they weren`t

responsible of the accident but the other that was driving recklessly,

but because they were drunk they were blamed immediately of the accident

and they had to paid a very high fine so they could be free after they

were one week in jail, and this was the perfect excuse for the parents

to can enslave their sons since the decision about enslave them was

taking after they were involved in something considered as a shameful

act for the families.

But the enslavement request wasn`t made immediately since the fathers

still were fearful if the police discovered something and thought that

they had taken advantage of that opportunity to enslave them, and the

decision was taken to cover their frauds so they waited until other

opportunity came although now they boys were close watched by them and

they didn`t give time to keep doing their financial frauds to the

boys, and that made that the boys began to suspect that they fathers

knew something about what they were doing, but one night they were

invited to an event where they would be meet with some friends and as

was expected between young people they began to play and placing bets,

and despite that they weren`t drunk they begun to lose in the card games

and after they had lost their money including the luxury car that they

had and having no more money, they didn`t have more option to bet their

expensive clothes that they were wearing since the attendees didn`t

want that they deposited the money in their bank accounts because they

didn`t believe that they had the money that they were telling them that

they had, and at the end of the day then ended up naked and now they

were in serious troubles because not having clothes nobody wanted to

take them naked to their homes, and being naked they couldn`t go to

their homes walking although they weren`t far since if somebody saw them

walking in the street could accuse them with the authorities of

indecent public exposure and they could be enslaved, so they didn`t have

more option to call one of their fathers to pick them home and take them

home, but they had to explain him the shameful of the situation and

the reason why they need that he picked them up and take with him some

clothes so they could be dressed.

One of the fathers very angry went to pick them up but he took them home

naked and while the two boys were in the car the son of the father that

had gone to pick them up was reproaching to his father that he had not

brought clothes, until the annoying father told him the he wasn`t his

servant and even didn`t have to go to pick them up, and that made that

the boy stayed quiet since never before he had seen his father so angry

and when they arrived to their home they went into the house by the main

door and being the lights turn out they were subdued and their hands

cuffed to their backs, and when the lights were turned on they saw that

several Slave Police (SP) agents were there and they were told that had

been enslaved because one of their friends had complained that they had

exhibited naked in public, and even though one of them wanted to

protest, the agent immediately shut him up with a slap and told him that

a slave hadn`t the right to speak unless he had permission to do it,

beside that wasn`t necessary that their friend had complained since they

had verified that they had walked naked in the street, and when they

left the house where the reunion took place they were naked in public to

get into the car and the same when they get out the car to go into the

house, and when the other boy was going to talk to protest his father

the reason why he hadn`t brought the clothes that they had requested him

to cover their nakedness other SP guard slapped him and told him that a

slave couldn't speak without a free citizen permission, and suddenly

the two boys realized that their fathers were the responsible that they

had been enslaved and they had discovered what they were doing, but was

too late to say the true reason for what they had been enslaved because

now as slave nobody were going to hear them, and their fathers had been

very intelligent to save their hide and avoid be enslaved as they would

be obligated to pay the financial fraud that they had committed.

Now these two white twenty years old male slaves one dark brown haired

with dark brown big nipples and with a big cock, balls and buttocks that

are not attractive, and the other black haired with middle size nipple

and the same color of his fellow slave and with small cock and balls and

with big and unattractive buttocks, that work naked from sun rise to sun

set in a tropical area where the heat and humidity are almost unbearable

even though is cloudy, under the careful supervision of the famer's

youngest son that bought them who didn`t hesitate to whip them and

punish them if they dont work as he wants and they dont fulfill the

work quota that he has established, and the bad news for the slaves is

that they dont know which is the days quota beside that they have to

sleep outdoors and chained to each other to the trees and have to clean

their bodies with a freezing water in a river because is the melted snow

that comes down from the mountains, because they were exported to a

far country where if they speak and someone listen them the parents are

not in danger to be enslaved, and the dark brown haired slave has

stopped for a moment to ask to his young master if he can give him a

bigger tool to cut the dense vegetation since the one that he has is

very small and in addition it no longer has sharp edge, but of course

the young master an eighteen years old white blond boy won`t put

attention about his request and he's going to punish him with the

whip, causing him to scream in pain and twist in the ground while he is

lashing him in front of the other black haired slave that with horror is

going to look at his wretched fellow slave, that after see the brutal

punishment is going to keep working as he is doing now cutting the dense

bushes with the inadequate tool that their young master had given them,

and now both slaves regret to have done the foolishness to have

committed the financial fraud because was very short the time that they

enjoyed it and now they have ahead a life of humiliation and pain

without can take decisions, and in addition they even can`t decide when

piss or shit, or even drink water for the sweltering island's heath,

but now is too late for them and the worst of all is that when their

master is tired of them and considers them useless for his purposes

he's going to sell them and they don`t know what the future holds for

them, while the families of these two foolish boys are enjoying the

money of their sale.

Next: Chapter 658: El Concurso Millonario 45

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