Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 9, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This is his last picture as a normal boy, since this white dark brown

haired eighteen years old boy has arrived to the place where the program

called "The Experiment" is taking place already he's being

exposed to the radiation, but the way that he is used to live hasn't

begun to change yet.

He's alone in the cabin and this is going to be the last time that

he'll live inside a house, cabin or cot, because since this moment he

is going to be living as a wild animal in the nature, he's naked

because he Is going to take a shower, and is looking around the place

and at his hard cock while he's trying to understand how was that he

was chosen to participate in that program.

He's missing his friends and family and he never thought that to be

alone was so hard and heartbreaking, and on those moment he would like

to be with his friends telling them how he's felling and that in

reality the most important is being with his love ones and friends,

little he knows that very soon he's is going to forget his family and

friends and he'll become to one of the most feared been in "The

Experiment" because the radiation are going to transform him in a


During the night and the next day he's going to begin to fell a very

strong testicular and abdominal pain since his body is going to begin to

transform, and with fear also he's going to see how his cock and balls

are going to be able to be put in and out of his body when he wanted and

when his balls and cock are inside on the place that his male organs

should be he'll have a pussy, furthermore he's going to begin to feel

pain in his guts and anus.

Other change that he is going to notice is that his body senses

especially the smell, hear and sight will sharpen , and he's going to

notice that from his pussy will go out a white liquid identical to the

males' semen and his body will be more agile and faster, and how his

appetite will increase and he is going to look for the wild naked human

males with normal and common bodies, and without mercy he's going to

begin to persecute and hunt them because he's going to need to be


But being a hermaphrodite he's going to look for other Hermas to mate

with them and have descendants, but also little he knows like the wild

humans males and females reproduce very fast, he with the other Hermas

are going to be a very important element to keep the nature equilibrium

to avoid that the wild human males and females destroy the nature.

Other thing that he also doesn't know but very soon he's going to

discover, is that he only is going to hunt wild naked human males even

the young ones but never he's going to hunt the females without

mattering their ages, and the last thing that the scientists are going

to discover is that only the human males that had been included in

"The Experiment" can be transformed in Hermas.

This specimen is of extraordinary beauty and muscle and soon he's

going to be running completely naked in the island's jungle, mountains

and beaches looking for his prey which are going to be completely

helpless in front to him, and the only way that they will have to can

escape from this formidable wild depredator is using the same senses

that uses this formidable wild creature to locate them, to try to be

save either going away as fast as possible as soon as they see, hear, or

smell him or to hide in places were the smell issued by his body can`t

be perceived by the herma when mixed with the leaves, flowers, foliage

or vegetation of that place, or that the wind takes his smell in other


But this white boy with light pink middle size nipples with big cock but

small balls is not going to become in a normal Herma, but for the

surprise of the scientist he's going to be come in what they call a

Beast, that is not other thing that a Herma that can hunt both the naked

wild human males, and those of his own species other Hermas, and only

he's not going to hunt them when he has the need to breed, because

when having oral and anal sex with them he's going to be very tender

although his breeding process is going to be very complicated and

painful, however when he`s hunting he's going to be ruthless with both

the wild male humans and the normal Hermas.

The buttocks movement of this Beast as he is called is something very

erotic to see by the scientists but unfortunately his balls and cock

most of the time are going to be hidden because being a depredator with

ravenous appetite, most of the time he's going to be exhibiting the

pussy that is where he keeps trapped his prey and is the place where he

swallows him to feed, however his anus unlike the normal Hermas not only

has the function to be the place where the Hermas fuck to breed but also

it serves to keep trapped his prey if necessary, what means that he can

keep trapped two prey at the same time, one inside the pussy that is the

first that he swallows and the second that is trapped into the anus and

that is being intoxicated by the gases that his body produces and when

he had swallowed the first prey, he takes out the second prey head from

his anus and put it into his pussy to continue with the process to

soften the skull and can swallow him.

This formidable depredator as soon as go into the jungle being a Beast

is going to begin to sniff the air to find his first prey and be able to

feed, and he's going to smell to teenagers younger than him, a Herma

and a naked and a young wild human male but at first they're going to

confuse him because the smell comes from the same place, but despite

that he's confused his hunger will be so big that he is going to

follow the mixed smell of both the human male and the Herma, and he's

going to find the Herma seated on a tree branch resting and the young

wild human male with his head trapped inside the young Herma's body

suspended in the air moving his legs desperately to try to find where to

support his feet and can escape from his depredator, but this young male

human legs movement is going to make that the buttocks are separated

and the young human male smell is taken by the air until this Herma is,

because the anus is the male human body part that generates the stronger

and penetrating smell and if he is not careful to keep it protected with

the buttocks together can be easily detected by the depredator.

This Herma known as the Beast is going to arrive from the back of the

you Herma that is not going to be able to detect him because the wind is

blowing to where the beat is and he'll attack him by his back climbing

silently the tree by the back side, and he's going to hit strongly the

young Herma on his back and he`s going to fall to the ground, and in

just seconds the Beast is going to be putting the young Herma's head

into his anus while the young human male is not knowing what is going on

only that his body hit very strong the ground when falling , and when

the young Herma head is trapped into the anus, the Beast is going to

take out the confused young human male head from the trapped Herman and

is going to put it into his pussy leaving it trapped in the Washer where

in few days he will be ready to be swallowed while the herma is feeding

with his cum and also the cum of the Herma that is trapped, , and when

he had swallowed the young human male he`s going to take out the

Herma's head from his anus and he's going to put it into his pussy

so when is ready he swallows him, and to feed from the Herma's cum the

beast is going to put his fingers into the anus to stimulate him and

forcing him to take our his male organs.

Next: Chapter 666: Victimas 45

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