Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 16, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·. These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This twenty two years old white black haired boy has just arrived to the mine that is his family property, he's naked and inside of a delivery truck that transport merchandise and is laying on his stomach, the truck is parked in an underground slaves delivery area, and in this specific place are delivered all the slaves that have to work into the mine's deeps extracting gold and putting it into steel baskets that later are pulled up to the surface. The boy's father had decided put him to work for a month into the mine's deeps, due that he failed to reach the goals that his father was demanding him in the family business so he could keep the luxury life that he was used, however he's the best administrator between his brothers but like his father has a preferred son and he always has put him in ridiculous because his brother always had failed to be better than him getting the results that the father demands, that made the father angry and he decided to put a very high goal to be reached by the boy and as the father was expecting, the boy failed to reach it and now the father has sent him to the mine where he'll be for a month extracting gold, naked and deprived to see the sun light. But the boy's problems don't end there because to the overseer that is going to be on charge to feed and give him the water that he needs to keep him hydrated, sending down the water and the food to him by the same basked that is used to pull up the gold, the father has promised him a special monetary bonus if he gets that the boy takes out more gold from the mine than is expected, and only that goal can be reached keeping him hungry and thirsty, furthermore the boy doesnt know about the horrors that are awaiting him in the mine's deeps, because the boy by himself will have to dig the small tunnel on which he's going to be taking out the gold and he would have to creep over irregular surfaces, but the difference between him and the other slaves is that the normal slaves are castrated and he won't be, and constantly he is going to be hitting his balls causing him excruciating paint that won't allow him to move for several minutes and causing that his balls are swollen. Other thing that the boy is going to face is that he is going to have to shit and pee in the same place that he's creeping and several time he'll have to creep over his shit and the wet places like rocks or dust that is wet with his own piss and the place of the mine where he's going to be and his own body are going to stink, and the overseer is very worry about the boy might be sick since also he won't have enough water to clean his body and wash his hands, and that is one of the reasons why the slaves that are working in the mines don't have a long life. Other aspect that also worries the supervisor is the reaction that the boy might have being in confined and dark places, since the only light that he'll have is the one that will be on his helmet, and despite that he told the father all these, the father insisted that was going be good for the boy experience the slave's life so the next time he works harder to get the goals that he as his father might demand him, but the overseer also knows that the boy might lose his mind being in that place but the father doesn't care anything, and as soon as the boy be in the mine's deeps naked and with almost unbearable heat he is going to regret haven't allow his brother be better than him about allowing his brother to get the best results but is going to be too late and he's going to face the horror to be working in a mine as slave. The wretched boy never before has been in the mines slaves delivery zone where hes now, and despite that the doors of the truck that took him there are opened so he can get out of the transport he hasnt done yet because he has seen that hes in a dust and stone zone and that the place stinks, and for a strange reason he feels more safe inside the truck that going out and see how is the place where hes but unfortunately he doesnt know yet that the place where hes now can be considered a real paradise in comparison about what is awaiting him when he is lowered to the mine deeps, and he begins feel the heat on his naked body and even when the rustic elevator that will take him to the mines deep stops in the dark tunnel where he will have to work, and he's going to piss of the terror that he'll feel and he's going to beg desperately to the supervisor that don't leave him there but no avail because despite that the overseer will feel sympathy for the boy he is going to be powerless to help him, because the father and his brothers are in those moments in the mines surface observing by the camera that is installed in the elevator that has light all what is happening. For the moment the boy that is laying inside the truck doesnt know about all the suffering that are awaiting him and even can be seen the tan lines on his buttocks that until before he was stripped naked and sent to the mine had worn the tradition white briefs, while he's looking at the place trying to dont look worried despite that hes terrified and he's wondering the reason why his father did that to him considering that he always had told to all his boys that in all that they did they had to be the best, and was precisely what he had done and with one exception always he had proved his father that he was capable to do what he wanted and even he had outdone his brothers and he considered that was an injustice that he was punished on such way considering that his other brothers never reached the goals that his father had imposed them, and despite that he knew that his father had a favorite son his mind didnt understand yet the reason why he had been punished in such way and that his other brothers that almost always had failed didnt treat them the same way, but what these wretched boy doesnt know is when he was fifteen years old his father saw how he lost a wrestling match with a friend, and like he and his friend had bet in an irresponsible way that the loser would be fucked by a black slave that was the property of his friend and then he would have to suck the cock that had been in his rectum without being cleaned, the father saw how the enslaved black fucked him breaking a social rule in which never a free citizen could be fucked by a slave and to make the things worst he had to suck the cock that had just been in his butt, and that made that the father was disgusted an despised him. Other thing that this wretched boy doesnt know is that cutlery that he used to eat with his family were put on the trash because the father didn't eat with the cutlery that had been into the mouth of the son that had sucked a cock that had been in his butt, and since that moment he began to look for the opportunity to give his son a lesson that he never was going to forget and despite that he had to wait several years since the boy was an excellent student and in addition that was the most obedient of his sons, finally he had that opportunity and now a new stage is about to begin in this boys life which without doubt is the most dangerous but what nobody knows is that father when he saw the naked body of the son fallen in disgrace is thinking seriously to leave him permanently in the mine's deeps and that he dies there, since he already has enslaved him although nobody of his family knows that and once the punishment time is up he'll decide if he take him out the mine and brings him back his freedom or he leaves him permanently in the mine working there, but for the moment the most viable option is that he stays in the deeps of the mine without anyone can see him again for the terrible sin that he committed to allow that a black slave fucked him but above all have sucked the dirty cock without being cleaned as soon as it was taken out from his rectum, and for an imprudent bet this boy became one more victim of his society non written rules and its prudish people.

Next: Chapter 668: Salvajes 46

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