Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 31, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This candidate has just finished his radiation sessions in the island

after has been enslaved because he failed in his test of both physical

and intelligence to become a Titan, and being an slave he was sent to

the island to put him under the radiations since due to his physic

characteristics he was going to be turned into a Milk Boy and exactly

this is what happened.

As the other candidates that failed in their try to become a Titan were

enslaved and according the secret society needs they decided if they

stayed to serve the Titans in the Forbidden City, or they were sent to

the island to be change into Milk Boys or be the wretched slaves that

would proportionate their corporal energy to the Milk Boys that were who

produced the milk that avoided that the Titans get ill.

Each time that a certain stage of the candidates' training ended they

had to succeed in the physical and intelligence test, the intelligence

test was the same that all the candidates had to answer, and the physic

test was a computerized program where considering their body muscles the

candidate's personal program indicated the level of muscle development

that each candidate had to had in that stage of his training and in this

case was very personal, and in case that the candidate failed in any

of the two test then was enslaved immediately because he was considered

as useless to the society because he didn't fulfill the requirements

that all the members had to fulfill, and despite that all the candidates

knew what was awaiting them if they didn't fulfill with the

requirements, always that they were enslaved the scenes of desperation

when they were begging to have other opportunity were common and all

those that kept going in the training had had the right to discipline

the new slaves as they considered the best way to do it, since at the

end it was part of their training and to know how to control and keep

terrified the slaves to force them to do all that they were told and in

case that they were taken out of The Forbidden City to go and serve

their masters in other places, force them to never say a word about the

secret society and its city, and if any of the candidates didn't

control the new slaves to his trainer satisfaction then he also was

enslaved because was considered that he had failed in the intelligence


Once the order was established again when the new slaves had been

disciplined by the candidates, the slaves if they weren't in a place

that wasn't public where all the candidates by rule they had to be

naked, then the slaves were forced to strip naked while those that

keep going still were allowed to wear the loincloth and lay down on

their stomachs and each of his former training mates and that kept going

walked over their buttocks, and each time that each candidate stood on a

mate fallen in disgrace buttocks he showed his body muscles in victory

signal and when all the candidates had done that still the slaves being

on the floor were put on their necks the collar, but all the collars

were united by chains and then the slaves were exhibited through all The

Forbidden city as animals before they were delivered to the authority so

they decided which was going to be their destiny, if they would have to

serve to the Titans as their slaves or be sent to the island to be

transformed into Milk Boys or the wretched slaves that would provide

their energy and that was decided according to each slave medical


But being a Milk Boy wasn't easy because although that they lived as

what they were wild animals naked and in the nature, for them was

indispensable find the slaves that were sent to the island and that also

like them they live as wild animals naked and they needed them for two

main reasons, the first one as was well known to get the huge energy

power that their bodies needed and that only could be provided by the

energy produced by other human male body and the second that wasn't

less important that was can eliminate the milk that their own body

produced, since when it accumulates in his pectorals and didn't find

a way out that made that his pectorals and nipples hurt in unbearable

way and that made them can't run fast to try to hunt the wretched and

helpless slaves and get the so needed energy from his body, and despite

that every day they were milked by the Titans' slaves to get their

milk and can sent it to the Forbidden city and that those wretched

slaves gave them involuntarily their corporal energy after they had

milked them, The Milk Boys couldn't stay there because they needed much

energy and beside that the exercise that they had to do to hunt their

prey and fuck their victim make them keep healthy, and despite that they

knew that when they were milked they would find the energy that they

needed provided by the wretched naked slaves that milked them, they

still were intelligent beings and they knew that only once a day they

could get the energy of the slaves that milked them because other Milk

Boys also needed be milked as well, and each one of them knew the time

of the day that they were going to be milked, and get the milk from the

Milk boys milking them was done the twenty four hours of the day.

A Twenty two years old naked Milk boy has just got the energy from the

wretched slave that milked him in one of the many facilities that are in

the island, and despite that was very pleasant fuck and leave his cum

into his rectum, suck his cock and kiss him absorbing the corporal

energy and after despite that he already had been milked give him the

milk that he produces and feel the pleasure of how his mouth sucked and

stimulated his nipples, he had left lying on the floor the helpless

slave to go out running while other of his mates are in the process of

being milked or fuck the slaves, to go immediately to find other

slaves that is roaming naked in the island, because he's felling how

the liquid is again accumulating in his pectorals and if he doesn't

take it out as soon as possible he's going to feel an unbearable pain

on his nipples and pectorals, so now is going out running by the door

that allows go into the place where the Milk Boys are milked looking for

other victim, while his cock is moving in circles like creasy and his

balls are bouncing on his thighs and his beautiful buttocks are in

motion, but every time he has to go farther to find a slave that can

give him the energy that he need so much beside that his body is nonstop

producing the milk that also he has to eliminate and the best way to do

it is find his helpless prey so he can suck from his nipples the milk.

Next: Chapter 676: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 46

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