Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 31, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


He was the last to be sold after he saw how his older brothers and

parents were, they were very lucky to have arrived together to the

Reunion Center, and they believed that after being there they were going

to receive a new house where they could live, however when they went

through the disinfection process at the Reunion Center, instead to be

taken to their new home where they should receive clothes as they

were told, they were taken to an Auction Center and by mistake all the

family were put there instead to take them to different ones as the

rules indicated.

The family farewell was sad when they released what was going their

destiny be, but they were powerless to avoid be enslaved and sold to the

black masters, because now they had the control in the country, he was

bought by a former class mate and like the law established he always is

naked and is wearing the collar that shows that he is no more than a

despicable slave, in addition he's always humiliated by his masters and

even their friends now that they belong to the superior black race.

In this moment he's preparing the beverage and snacks that his master

and friend ordered him to take them, but he knows that doesn't matter

how good he does the things, always they'll find fault and each one is

going to punish him spanking him on his buttocks as if he was a little

boy and he couldn't understand what they had ordered him to do, even

though many times he has to serve those that once were his white

neighbors and that they still are free and they haven`t sent to a

Reunion Center, and despite that he doesn`t understand why they are

still free and his family was enslaved he knows that is matter of time

that all the whiteys in his country ended up being enslaved for what he

had heard, however it looks like the black master are not in a hurry to

enslave the whites and even they enjoy how they're mistreated by the

black police which has zero tolerance towards the whites behavior that

is considered as antisocial.

This twenty years old blond boys with small size light brown colored

nipples the only thing that is wearing is a collar that identifies him

as slave have been very lucky that his master has allowed him keep his

head hair as always he has it cut, while other black masters have forced

their slaves to be bald beside that he feels very fortunate too because

his master has allowed him to keep a strip of pubes above his cock,

although in reality this makes that his cock and balls stand out that in

comparison with the black masters they are tinny, and for his shame

while he`s looking for the thing that he needs to prepare what he was

told in the fridge, he has his cock hard thing that happens very often

and it causes that constantly the black masters but above all the whites

make fun of him for his shameless behavior, and having spontaneous

erections make that he feels even more humiliated since he has them in

the least opportune moments but is something that unfortunately he

cant control because it looks like his cock doesnt obey what his brain

is telling it.

However since the slave point of view not all was so bad in his slavery

because very often he was taken at nights to their master's friends

home, and a part to have to serve them also he fucked the female slaves

in some kind of competition with other male slaves to see which slaves

put his cum faster than the other slaves inside the female slave, and

the slave that cum first had the right to fuck the other male slaves

that had competed with him, and even though that this aspect disliked

him about having to fuck other slave of his same gender or be fucked by

them, fuck the white or other race enslaved female made him feel like

a man, since generally in their masters' house he only was fucked by

the males and despite that the giants cock when they were opening his

anus hurt him he hated that and he didn't have more option but satisfy

the whims of his black masters, and fuck an enslaved female although had

to be authorized by his master for him was like a revenge towards his

master, although he knew that was very probably that the female was

going to be pregnant and a son of his own was going to born

being a slave without the possibility that once he knew what freedom

was, and although that saddened him he knew that he couldn`t do anything

about that and that was better take advantage of the opportunities that

his masters gave him to still be able to feel a man, and he was

wondering if his father and brothers were forced to do the same.

But for this blond slave always existed ways to be humiliated by his

black masters or their friends although they were whites, since he knew

that as soon as he takes the snacks they were going to touch him in the

most intimate part of his body and he hated that although he didn`t

understand at all why he dislike if it was very pleasurable, in addition

that white and Asiatic betters unlike the blacks and Latins when they

touched him they were looking to give him pleasure while in many times

the blacks and the Latins did it to cause him pain and hurt him, while

they were enjoying his suffering and so low had fallen this blond slave

that even when he could without his black masters or the Latins

listening he thanked to the withies or Asians their gentleness, but

what he kept hating is that his cock was hard by itself into his

better presence since when that happened all of them without exception

made fun of him for his shameless conduct, but his humiliations didn`t

end there because even his masters had decided that he had to do the

errands and although that was very common see naked white and Asian

slaves walking in the street doing their black and Latins masters

errands, some of the Latin masters had established the modality to go

with their slave to do the errands but instead that they went into the

supermarkets or the store with their slaves, they went to the luxury

coffees or restaurants to wait for them and have with their

acquaintances or friend a very pleasant time while the slaves had to do

the errands and exhibit their naked bodies, and the white and Asian

teenage boys that still were free took advantage of this situation to

touch the slaves naked bodies on their most intimate parts and make fun

of them without realizing that soon many of them were going to end up in

the same conditions enduring the same humiliation and their masters


Another modality that was imposed by the Latin masters that very soon

was followed by the blacks and the other owners, was that the slaves

both whites or Asians were forced to have either anal or oral sex in the

streets or in the shopping centers in the sight of all the free

citizens, however in the beginning this wasn`t well seen by some

conservative sectors of the society which complained with the

authorities because they considered that that way to exhibit the slaves

was immoral, but those that were slaves owners and that agreed that

their slaves could have sex in public if they wanted immediately

complained with the authorities, since according to them the same law

allowed them to do that, considering that the slaves were lower than

animals and therefore being the masters responsible of their slaves

actions they also have the right to make the slaves do what they wanted

in the place that they considered most appropriate, at first the judges

discarded the explanation that the slaves owners that forced their

slaves to have sex in public gave considering it as immoral, but one day

they saw how a free citizen allowed that one of his pets had sex with

another one in the street and in these case the pets were dogs, so this

was presented as evidence to the court to be allowed that the slaves had

sex in the street, since if the pets were allowed to have sex in public

being animals, then the slaves having a lower rank than the animals also

could do it and the authorities didn`t have more option but authorize

since considering the law the slaves didn`t have consciousness about the

things they were doing and their master having total control over their

lives were who decided what was good or bad for them.

But the master of this blond white animal is one of those that

fervently support that the slaves being considered as animals can have

sex in the street if the masters whish, so he not only has to go very

often with his black master to the supermarkets and shopping centers to

do the errands that his master orders him and be exhibited completely

naked, but also he has to go through the maddening situation to have to

form in a long line to can go into the shops where the human animals are

accepted by the slaves entrance, where both male and females slaves with

enough age to be responsible for what they do completely naked only

wearing the collar, have to wait patiently for the store security guards

check the documents that they have with them in their ass crack to know

what is exactly what the slave has to buy, but in many occasion was a

long wait depending how many slaves were in the line first than him and

how many things they have to buy since everything that the slave had to

buy had to be registered in a computer and they gave to the slave a

folio, when the slave arrives with the cashiers he has to provide the

number that the guard gave him and he has to have with him the same

merchandise that his masters requested and to make the things much more

difficult the slave has to memorized all that he has to shop because the

store employees keep the document with them, and is not given back to

the slave until the has finished his shopping in an sealed enveloped

that the master open when the slave is on his master house to check that

effectively the slave bought what he requested.

But this is not all because if the slaves tried to buy more than the

document indicated the merchandise that was not on the paper was put

apart or if was less the slave was sent back to buy what his master was

ordered him, and inside the envelope the store employees put a note

telling the master the slave's misdeed that meant that the slave was

going to face a punishment for his carelessness about don`t do what his

master was ordered him, and other thing that also was very humiliating

for the slave but he was powerless to stop it was when leaving the

establishment his anus was checked to be sure that he wasn`t stealing

anything despite that all the time they were watched by the store

employees or even other slaves if the store decided that, and they did

that in the presence of the free citizen in the special cashier that was

only for slaves so they had to put apart their buttocks to leave exposed

their anuses and a slave or a free employee put his fingers inside the

slaves anuses and pussies, to be sure that they were not trying to steal

anything, and if they detected something the punishment that was

awaiting the slaves was something very feared by them, in addition that

in the corridor if they were shopping and a free citizen went into the

corridor where they were immediately they had to go out of that corridor

and allow the free citizen chose what he wanted without they being in

the way and go again into that corridor to finish taking the merchandise

that they needed when no free citizen was there, and how in most of the

times made the errands took the slaves a lot of time finish them when

they went back with their master because they had made them wait much

time they were punished.

But other indignant thing for the slave that had to face was that his

master forced him to have oral and anal sex in the street to the sight

of all the pedestrians, so when they met with other master that was with

his white and Asian slave either male or female in many times he was

forced to have sex with this salve, and the first thing that he had to

do because his master ordered this to him was assume the full fours

position, then smell the other slave both the anus and the cock or the

pussy and then lick them thing that the other slave had to do with him

too and he have to be sure that his legs were wide opened, so his anus

was completely exposed and his cock and balls hanging between his legs

and also completely exposed to the sigh of the free citizen that were

there or even other slaves, and then fuck or be fucked by the other

slave and if was a female slave then fuck her, and when they finished if

they were male salve they had to lick their anuses and cocks to clean

them, although usually the anuses were dripping the cum of the slave

that had fucked him while they arrived to their masters' places and

there they cleaned their anuses, but the most humiliating thing for this

slave was that he had to fuck or be fucked by his father and brother

since their Latin masters also supported the idea that the slaves had to

have anal and oral sex in public because they weren`t considered as

humans been, so when he had to fuck or be fucked by his brothers and

father he not only had to endure the indignant situation to be exhibited

in public in such way but also to commit incest, but the most traumatic

thing for this slave was see either his father and brother that their

bodies had been permanently depilated beside that they were bald with

any hair on their heads, and from their noses hung heavy and very big

rings since their septum had been perforated and they could not remove

unless the master used a special tool to do it, also they had put on

their nipples heavy and big rings that painfully were pulling down them

beside that in many times they put weights to cause them much more pain,

and their cocks also had been pierced and always they were wearing a

very heavy padlocks so they couldn`t have a hard on and for the padlock

weight always their cocks were pointing out downwards, or even when they

were not wearing the padlock how in the perineum their masters had put a

ring the glans was hooked to that ring and then the cock was pointing

out backwards without the possibility to have a hard on, and only they

could have it if the padlock was removed or the cock was unhooked from

the perineum ring, and this salve really felt very fortunate when he saw

the condition in which their master had his brothers and father, because

he was allowed to keep his head hair, a strip of pubes over his cock

with that in reality had the purpose to highlight his small cock and

balls to humiliate him, and he wasn`t wearing the rings and pierced

his body, and most of the time he was who fuck his father and brothers

since their masters didn`t remove their cocks padlocks or they glands

weren't unhooked from the perineum rings, beside that due to his

masters fondness that he had sex in public he had enough sex to be

satisfied and be calm, although that meant that he was fucked by other

white or Asian slaves, and yes the payback time for the Latins and

blacks had come and was very sweet.

Next: Chapter 678: Victimas 46

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