Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 13, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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These three males with incredulity, anger and resignation are waiting

for their new master, until yesterday the one that was his wife and

their stepmother's best friend, and now he has taken the father's

place and he has put the sons aside, depriving the father of his

companies and wealth, left him anything and dragging his sons in his


The new master is enjoying the fall down of these two wretched rich boys

an eighteen years old blond boy and the other a twenty years old red

haired and the father that is forty years old and black haired, for the

master these three whites fallen in disgrace are an excellent addition

as his property and he already had thought what to do with them to take

the maximum advantage of these slaves, but not only he kept them naked

and waiting until he wants call them to his presence thing that they are

not used because they were who always made wait the others both free

people or their slaves, but in addition while the now despicable

slaves are waiting he`s fucking the enslaved father former wife and

stepmother of the enslaved and spoiled brats who thought that they were

going to inherit their father's business and that now not only they

lost that but also their freedom, an how nice is to know that these

three has to wait without can move from the place that he told them to

wait from him while he enjoys of which today is his wife and at the same

time both are enjoying a slave's services, however the woman wanted

that her former husband and now a slave was the slave that was with them

on the bed to humiliate him, although the master emphatically refused to

do that despite that it was a good idea he didn`t want to spoilt that

moment of victory and revenge besides that there would be many more

opportunities to do it

The eighteen years old blond enslaved son was celebrating with a group

of his friends both boys and girls the end of the scholar years in his

school, and although he couldn`t be considered as an students of

excellence he was a very good students and his teachers thought that he

was going to have an excellent future, but as he was considered a good

looking boy beside that he was rich many girls wanted to be his

girlfriends and no many of them belonged to his social class since that

type of girls being rich also were very conceited like him, and

definitely because of his wealth he had decided married with a girl

which family wasn`t as rich as him and the only requirements that the

girl had to fulfill was that she was a pretty girl and well educated but

above all submissive and she made all that he wanted , but this boy

since his body began to produce cum had been sexually very active since

firstly he began to fuck the male slaves and then all the free girl

interested to hang with him that he could, and obviously that brought

several problems that his father had to resolve and even though he never

knew how he did he never saw again the girl that was causing him

problems, he loved be serviced by male slaves and at least he had three

slave that were servicing only him and of course every time that he

wanted he forced them to give him sexual pleasure , so the life for him

was very good in addition that he kept happy his father because his

school grades were very good and like that was his only obligation his

father gave him all what he wanted, but while he was celebrating with

his friends both male and girls the end of the scholar year party

arrived at his school the Slave Police (SP) agents and while he was

surrounded by several of his friends and even his girlfriend was

there, one of the PE agent told him that he had been enslaved and to

get naked immediately and that made that all the young people that was

around him walked away immediately as if he had a contagious disease,

the boy was confused and in a defiant and proud tone requested an

explanation to the SP agents telling them that he was going sue them

because they had dared to call him slave, but the only thing that he

received as an answer was a very hard slap on his face and a very loud

scream from the SP agents telling him that a slave didn`t have the

right to demand anything or challenge a free citizen order and much less

threating him and taking advantage of the boy bewilderment , the agent

kicked him very hard on his buttocks while the attendees saw with

disbelief what was happening and then as was usual make fun of the boy

fallen in disgrace, while the boy didn`t have more option but get naked

I front of his friends and schoolmates to avoid be punished again.

So all the attendees saw how he took off his expensive clothes and only

he left on his undies that was a green bikini that leave exposed the

part where the buttocks joined with the legs and in the top part the ass

crack as well, and the taunts didn't wait since the fashion between

young males of his own age was use boxers as undies and he disliked that

because he considered that were grandfathers underwear and he was

convinced that a boy had to use speedos as a swimsuit and small undies

since what a boy needed was show his body as much as he could, but in

those moment he realized that he had made a great mistake since everyone

was making fun of him for the clothes that he was wearing and that

caused him great shame, even though in his state of confusion he didn`t

realize that this was the less important since in few moments more he

was going to be completely naked in front of the attendees, because a

SP agent hold him by his hairs and in brutal way making him scream in

pain and the other one kicked him again on his buttocks while without

mercy put down his undies so everyone could see both his buttocks and

family jewels exposed, and the boy instinctively tried to cover his cock

and balls despite that an agent had him by the hair in a painful way,

but the other SP agent hit him on his balls and that made that the boy

screamed in pain and felt to the floor in the fetal position protecting

the most sensitive part of his body, while the other could see his

exposed buttocks, and without giving him time to recover he was put on

his feet and forced to put his hands on the back of his head and walk

around the place so everyone could see his nakedness and at the same

time they were witness of his fall down, and the shame was indescribable

but he was powerless to stop it, so for him was a relief when he was

taken to the transport and was put into a cage while the attendees to

the party were observing, and despite that his body was to the sight of

the passers-by and being in full fours all the students and teachers

could see his cock and balls hanging between his legs and his buttocks

and the exposed anus as well, and for him was a blessing be in the

transport and be taken to the Slaves Processing Center (SPC) where he

would lose his freedom irremediable and he would be a slave for life

unless his father did something that is what he was expecting.

The twenty years old read head son was the most bad of all and truly a

conceited one which though that all had to move around him and nothing

could be done without his authorization, but the only limit that he had

was his father which in one way or other he had him controlled and

despite about how he was he had a good relationship with his brother,

he was the administrator of one of this father less important business

considering that despite that this business wasn`t very important it

made him feel as he was the most important man, although that in reality

one employee was who administrated the business and he was the

responsible of the business success that sale manure to the farms, and

the product wasn`t other thing that a combination of animal and human

manure and other chemical products to make this mixture a good product,

but that business in particular despite that had good sales its product

only was bought by the nearby farms and the sales were acceptable for

the amount of manure that the farms needed for their plantations, and

his closest friends were boys and girls like him children of rich people

that never had done something to help to increase the family wealth and

they live of that, and this was an aspect that had the father worried

because his son didn`t show be very intelligent and he perfectly knew

that was the employee who keep the business working, but the fall down

of this conceited boy was when he was in a entrepreneurs meeting while

they were discussing the new taxes law in a very luxury auditorium,

several SP agent were in that place and they were undercover as

entrepreneurs and business owners and they stood up from their chairs

and they walked to the place where the boy was seated, that was in the

stage in front of the others attendees and immediately they went where

the wretched read head boy was and simply they told him to stand up and

get naked since now he was a slave, he unlike his brother knew that

was useless try to defend or discus with the SP because already in

several times he had seen them in action and he knew that any try to

protest would end up in a harsh punishment, also he knew that would be

useless ask them that allow him get naked in a private place since

precisely the slavery was established to humiliate the free citizen

fallen in disgrace in public, because this was the slavery point a

warning to the free citizens about what could happen to them if they

felt in disgrace being enslaved so despite that he was a conceited boy

he showed be enough wise for at least avoid the punishment, so he began

to get naked in front of the attendees which many of them saw with

rejoice the fall down of the unbearable brat that he thought that was an

important young man when only he was the administrator of a business

that they considered stinky, however for this slave was awaiting him a

humiliation that he never imagined since one of the SP agents hate him,

and that was that in full fours he had to kiss the feet of each of the

attendees that were seated on the stage, whit his legs wide opened and

as his brother the attendees could see his exposed anus and his balls

and cocks hanging between his legs, and then he was put in the transport

in one of the cages and exhibited as other caged animal, for life

ironies he was taken to the SPC in the same transport that his brother

was although the young brother without knowing saw his brother's naked

buttocks while he was taken to one of the cages that was more deep on

the same side where he was.

The forty years old dark brown haired fall wasn`t as public or seen as

that of his sons, since he was in his house when the SP agents arrived

to enslave him beside that already he was naked because he was taking a

shower, and the only witness that saw how he lost his freedom was his

own slaves since his wife was shopping as was her habit wasting his

money, for his good luck that day he hadn't go to the office because

he had decided go to buy a slave that had professional experience and he

can help him to administrate his business since he didn`t want to pay

such high salaries to his free employees, and he knew that the slaves

could do even a better job that the free employees but find a slave like

this required time because he had to be sure that the slave had the

required skills and knowledge, and the SP agents when went into the room

realized that he was taking a shower and already was naked so they

decided do nothing in that moment until he came out of the bathroom ,

and when the father was out he was surprised to see the SP agents in his

room which were looking his nakedness while the slave that had showered

him was drying the bathroom, and instinctively he tried to cover his

balls and cock from the agents as any free citizen with modesty would,

but one of the agents simply told him that he put his hands on the back

of his head and follow them, the father on those moments knew what was

happening and with desperation turned to look at the phone to try to

call his lawyer, but he knew to do something like that without the SP

agents authorization only would bring him pain because he would be

brutally punished, he also knew that this would be a waste of time

because his lawyer wouldn`t stoop to defending a slave since that would

mean a loss of prestige for him since when the SP arrested someone was

because a judge had signed an enslavement order, and therefore that

wretched slave having not right anymore couldn't ask for an

explanation and much less that someone that defended him since he needed

that a free citizen did this for him and in the house there wasn`t any

free citizen, and once being out of the house he was uploaded to the

transport and there wouldn`t be no one that was interested in defending

him, and in his case only the neighbors and his slaves realized of his

fall down, he was waiting that the SP also took his slaves since they

didnt have a master anymore but for his surprise that didnt happen and

as his sons he was put in an outer cage , where every passers-by could

see his exposed anus, as his balls and cock were hanging between his

legs while was on full fours without can change position.

At the SPC the situation was very humiliating and maddening for these

three slaves that were used to have a life of luxury and comfort, since

they had to wait several hours squatting with their hand on the back of

their heads and with their legs as separated as possible, to have their

turn to be processed, any of the brothers and father saw each other in

that moment because they were in different places but constantly they

felt disgusted to be naked together with people that they didn`t

consider of their social class, because in their minds they couldn`t

understand that they didn't below to the high society anymore but of

the lowest, and the fatigue to be in that position brought them as

consequence several lashes on their backs because they tried to put down

their arms or move without have received authorization from the SP

agents, and once their turn arrived to be taken inside the building

because they had to wait outside in the slaves reception area, they had

to be in other endless line but now standing with their legs as separate

as possible and with their hands on the back of their heads, while

their turn to be the first of the lines arrived, but with horror they

saw that the second line was for the slaves to piss and shit in a hole

that was on the floor while the free citizen that were in the

observation deck that was very comfortable were observing them and they

were protected by a thick glasses, when the turn of each of them arrived

they had to squat again with the legs as a part as possible so their

buttocks get down almost touching the ground and the flaccid cock was

pointing out to the hole, and when they were told by a SP guard they

had to ask permission for shit and pee and when they were granted the

piss and turds were expelled from the body, but for the shame of these

three slaves that still they felt that were rich and that was a mistake

that they were there they farted as many other slaves, causing the laugh

of the spectators since there were microphones so they could listen all

what was happening but such was their need to eliminate all that their

bodies no longer needed that unlike of many slaves that weren`t as rich

as them, that for the shame of being exhibited in public doing something

so intimate in front of others they took a long time to shit and piss

and when at least they could do it they did their business very fast

even farting very loud causing that the free citizens mocking of them,

and then have to clean their butts and cocks with a hose and then they

were taken in front of an agent who scanned their fingerprints and with

that he canceled their free citizen register and they received their

Slave Identification Number (SIN), and without any explanation they were

taken again to the slaves reception area where they had to wait several

hours more to be taken to their master's house and was there where

they meet, but they couldn`t talk because they were being closely

watched by the SP guards, when they arrived to their masters' house

they realized that was the house that until that morning they had lived,

and they were received by the slave that was in charge of the other

slaves and they had to sleep with the other slaves on the floor although

for their relief none of them put attention to them, but for the

surprise of the other slaves the new arrivals weren`t wearing yet the

collars that identify them as slaves though they still were naked, and

very early in the morning the slaves' overseer took them to the

kitchen so they could cook their new master breakfast and they were the

waiters and was there that they realized with incredulity who was him,

and now they are waiting in the place that their master told them

without doing anything and can`t speak until their master wants to see


What the father never saw coming was that his wife's best friend had

as a target put the man that has stolen the love of his life and his

descendants in the situation that they are now as slaves, the master

will keep the slaves working on the corporation that once was theirs,

but now they'll be naked and anyone will have the authority to give

them orders and use them as they want, in few hours more their new

master will take them to the corporation where in front of all their

former workers he will put on their necks the collars showing up

everybody that they are not more than an owned merchandise, and the

blond son that had not very attractive buttocks is going to be named by

him snotty and even on weekends he is going to lend the snooty brat to

the exclusive sport club of which he was a member when he was free to

serve those that once were his friends and now are his betters and

constantly they are going to fuck him, the conceited red-haired son who

was no more than a boastful who was useless he is going to name him fart

in reference to the place where he was working as administrator and he

will keep him working there but now carrying the shit that is inside the

sacks, and he'll allow that his former friends take him to their

parties so he can serve them and do to him what he hate at most, had to

drink piss, rimming while his betters are farting, lick balls and suck

cocks and be fucked for those that once were his equals and

acquaintances and the two boys' bodies are going to be depilated

permanently only allowing them to keep the head hair and an stylist will

decide what is the best hair style for them, and the father will be

allowed to keep the body hair since for his master it looks very

attractive and is going to name him turd since this is how he considers

him and he will take him as his assessor to the banquettes and business

meetings completely naked to exhibit him, in addition that in all the

public events where the slaves are exhibited they will be present, but

also these three slaves are going to be constantly tormented and

sexually molested by the other slaves that being stronger than them are

going to dominate them, and all this happened because the father

committed the foolishness to fall in love with the girlfriend of a

vengeful man and marry her.

Next: Chapter 686: The Millionaire Contest 47

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