Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 20, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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These two whiteys are walking under the watchful eye of the black guard from the slave frozen hoses water where the slaves are cleaned to the area to the auction center reception hall, the two whiteys before were enslaved by the blacks used to be slave dealers, therefore their master has summoned them into the meeting room because a black customer wants to buy several whiteys that fulfill his expectation, and their knowledge might be very useful due that they live and have a close contact with the other slaves, and their suggestion will be heard and considered.

However the slaves know if the customer complains because their advises didn't give the expected results or wasn`t what he was expecting doesn't matter that his complains didn't have a sustain then they're going to be harshly punished, but now they are helpless since as slaves they don't have any right and now their lives depend on their black masters' whims, and now they yearn for wear clothes, can have sex in a private place, and don't be exhibited as animals, even they have fucked females in public, and the white pups births are in public, so even the black scholar free boys can go to see the pups births, although these two slaves secretly love each other and every time that they are forced to fuck in public each other by their master order although they feel ashamed they enjoy it, since they don't have the freedom to fuck each other when they want although nobody is watching them, because the security cams could recorded what they are doing and be merciless punished.

But they better than anyone know as slaves they dont have anything for sure and in any given moment they could be separated and never see each other again so they have to take advantage of all the opportunities that they have to fuck each other but they are nor many and show the love that they feel for each other, even though for them having sex with other males was something that they practiced constantly because having been slave dealers they could fuck their own slaves and even the slaves that were taken by their masters to be sold there and that they werent virginals, and even they did it in front of other slaves or their closest collaborators without being ashamed, but now that the things had changed all was very different.

Since the blacks had taken the control the white race begun to live in poverty, since their bank accounts were immediately confiscated and their business as well and that made that was difficult for them could flee from the country, and although for a while they were working as employees in those that once were their own business even performing executives jobs, over time they were dismissed for their jobs and by not having a source of incomes or they looked for a job doesn`t matter what kind of job or they were committing crimes stealing thing specially from the supermarkets to be able to eat, and as always they were watched when leaving the establishment they were checked and finding them something were taken to face a judge to be for life enslaved for shoplifting crime, and not having money the whites had to abandon their luxury houses to go to live to houses made of wood or cardboard in special places where the blacks had built those place to live for them with many lacking of the things that they were used to have and live, and even the black authorities establish special places where now the whites had to go to buy all what they needed that was restricted to the most basic and how their money was special only in those places was accepted, and when they went to the supermarkets was well known why they were there and although the blacks allowed them go in when the whites went out was when they were stopped and when they found them the stolen merchandise they were enslaved.

However this two slave dealers were immediately enslaved as soon as the blacks took the power without the need to even be processed for the nature of the work they had, and even though most of the slaves that they had sold until the moment they were arrested had been whites that had been sold to the middle east sheiks and princes to be part of their exotic animals collection, also they had sold to very rich people or corporations blacks to be used as burden beasts and that made that they had been found guilty of crimes against the black race, and even to make the things worst for them when the blacks arrived to confiscate their business and enslave them they found several naked blacks servicing as their slaves so for that fact their fate had been decided, and in that same place they were enslaved and stripped in addition that they were considered as part of the white slaves that were in that place waiting to be sold or servicing, while all the black slaves were released.

Now these tow twenty two years old dark brown haired white slaves with excellent bodies due to all the work that they have to perform for their new black master, went through the outrageous process to be cleaned with cold water and cheap detergent so their body odor didn`t offend neither their black master or his customer, and when walking through the places forbidden to the slaves they are closely watched by a black guard that is shirtless because the day has been very hot, they remembered whit melancholic the time when their fathers had been the owners of that place and they were who were dressed, and even they recalled how in that place both of them had lost their virginity when they fucked the slaves that were going to serve them as their fathers' gifts because they have awakened to life and being capable of produce cum, and how since then they went there to learn about the business to be a slave dealer and at the end they would inherit, not knowing that storm clouds were forming in the sky and that soon they would be slaves servicing in that place.

Now the only thing that they can wear are the collars that identify them as slaves, their bodies are completely depilated and only they have been allowed to keep the head hair for esthetic reasons and highlight how handsome they are, their buttocks are meaty and rounded and they are a delight to the sight and the black guard that is his first day working in that business is already thinking about enjoy those white animals' bodies that for a strange reason the place owner has allowed them keep the tan lines in their buttocks and thighs , but definitely is a delight look at them because in this way they stand out making more visible their nakedness and definitely is an excellent idea to humiliate them, and despite that for the most of the master prefer keep the bodies of their withes slaves completely tanned, definitely until a certain point is logic that these two naked animals' owner prefers the tan lines, because they highlight the slaves nakedness and is much more humiliating for them because this caught the attention of the free citizens and it's a reminder for the still free whites that try hard to keep their tan lines in their private parts to fell that they are free, that also they are used to humiliate the slaves although for the free people the tan lines in their private parts is a prove of their freedom and decency since all the time they are dressed, and for these slaves can keep the tan lines they put each night into a tan bed and their private parts are covered while they are tanning.

Now the slaves are walking in a forbidden part for them where there are furniture, stones, sand, and in addition plants, and they know that very soon they are going to be working to remove the plants and that place is in optimal conditions for the black overseer can enjoy that place that will be a recreational area for them, the place where they are out of the building is full of vegetation and they know that soon they will have to be there working to remove the vegetation and only live the plants that might be attractive, and this is going to be a very hard work and that only the two of them are the ones that are working in that place since the black master doesnt have many slave that are servicing him, since hes most interested in buying and sell them that having them servicing him and this is the reason why these slaves are there to advise his master and customer about the slaves that they want to buy, and clean the place that once belonged to them including the slaves cages that are there to be sold, but very soon these two white animals are going to be screaming in pain when this black overseer thick and large cock is going into their bodies by their anuses and expand them to the maximum, but the pain is going to be intense because this black overseer doesn`t like use lubricant so simply he's going to enjoy the execrating pain that are going to feel these two slave while he put into their bodies his huge cock, and then force them give homage to his cock and they made the comparison between the black's huge balls and cock and their small balls and tinny white cocks, and the payback time has arrived and is being very sweet.

Next: Chapter 689: El Concurso Millonario 47

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