Vladimir the Kewl

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 23, 2008



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

I always wanted to write a vampire story and looking at Vladimir on film with his long hair and naked boyish body fresh from the pool I thought why not? None of the long, romantic and angst ridden heroes that vamps always turn out to be but just a story of a long haired layabout with 'powers' and an extra long life. He doesn't give a toss regarding what he is, he just wants to shag, sleep for a hundred years and then do it all again. I also pinched all my characters from Artur and Zhenya for the caste of this one off. Never fear, it's not gloomy and nasty, it's just a shag story worked into a fantasy. My sick mind running amok again.


Little Vanko


Igor Kutterski

'A nice night,' my companion remarked as we gazed over the bay.

'A nice night for hunting,' I looked at the full moon over the Black Sea and the scudding clouds. A wild night but not that wild, not wild enough to keep the holidaymakers from their bars and amusement arcades down in Koktabel. I shivered (which I don't often do) and drew my cloak around me, I don't feel the cold but I do feel draughts or perhaps there was a priest on the prowl... that is followed by an evil chuckle because even the undead have their humorous moments.

Woops, I knew it, I gave the game away. The idea was to write this little tale and spring the vampire bit on you at the close but as the Brits say: I've cocked that one up, pal. I'm Vladimir the dishiest and as far as I know the only vampire in circulation in what is known as Little Russia or The Ukraine to get really modern.

One time Prince of Kievan Rus, one time scourge of the northerners, southerners, the inbetweenies and many others and one time boyfriend to a long dead King of Poland but all that's history to coin a phrase. I was left for dead on the field of battle at the tender age of fourteen but was rescued by others of the undead persuasion and taking into account my rich armour, my amazing good looks and rather yummy body they 'turned' me which was their big mistake. I was a smartarse conniving Prince and I, once full recovered and a newly formed 'new man' of the undead variety wasn't going to allow scabby commoners and peasants inside my codpiece, no siree.

To cut an awfully long story short and to byepass many weary years of travel and hiding also many years of unbridled lust, love, murder and general mayhem I come to this century. The twenty first century AD (and your politically correct masters have even banned that), the twenty first century CE for those who care and I was back in my old hunting grounds in what is now called the Ukraine and my beloved Kiev is once again a capital city of an independent nation. I must admit having led a full life but it is a pain having to change identity every generation and the old thing about watching loved ones die is always painful but I have also found that life does revolve around number one and that one is I, Vladimir the Kewl as I now styled myself, Prince of Darkness, Prince of the Ukraine and Prince of Boy Love... you knew I'd get there, didn't you?

Brushing aside history which most school children do and unfortunately most politicians try to make also brings me to the here and now. I'd been living (pause for laugh) in Canada which is the home of the undead in more ways than one for many years with occasional trips into the USA, Mexico and even further south but I came back to my ancestral home. I like Europe, decadent and gloomy, cold and damp or of late very hot and sunny. By the way vampires or the undead don't have to keep out of the sun, that was Bram Stoker and Steven King, there are vampires amongst and you should keep a small mirror handy. One thing we can't do and that is cast a reflection so we keep out of barbers but then again our hair doesn't grow, we stay the same as the instance we were turned.

Sun and daylight. Yeah, we can go out but prefer not to. I can sit in the shade surveying the eye candy and 'will' one to my bed but where's the fun in that unless, of course, the said eye candy is so attractive it's eatable and then maybe a little external pressure can be used. I suppose I'd better get to the blood sucking and tearing throats out which everyone wants to know about. Not my scene, I've grown out of that, not physically as I'm still the same shape and form as when I hit the dust back in 1100 AD or whatever but my mindset has changed. Nowadays, murders or bloodied corpses bring the police and more importantly the Press, I need them like a head cold not that I can catch a cold. I cruise through the waters of life, the rivers of the living, unnoticed and at peace with myself. I have a companion, Kurt as all Vampire Lords have familiars and he's mine. He does the hoovering and tidies up the crypt when I'm out and about.

You know the old routine of bringing a delectable bit of rumpio home to a gloomy manor house or a derelict castle just isn't on... they'd run a mile screaming their heads off more so when you drop the knickers and wave a steaming hardon. Mind you, I tend to flash the old gnashers when I get aroused and that's a bit offputting I suppose. I wouldn't harm a fly though, I save them for the ever hungry Kurt. Kurt by the way was nineteen when I turned him and pretty good looking but he got boring and that's why he finished up as my familiar, he couldn't bear to leave me and I do drop him some nice leftovers now and then.

'I'm going to have a wander around,' I told him. 'I'm not all that thirsty so I might mingle.'

'We still have that traveller in the freezer,' he reminded me.

'Mmmm,' I gave him my lovely smile which I know makes him weak at the knees and flapped my arms as we do when taking off like a Harrier Jump Jet. Love it, flying I mean, really brushes the cobwebs away, by the way, I don't need to flap my arms but it feels right. I floated over Koktabel and it was heaving, still naked forms flitting around the naturist areas and the clothed milled around in the main street and touristy area. I alighted in an alley and checked myself out and this is difficult without a mirror. 'Scruffy jeans and sandals, a thick t-shirt bearing in mind the chill, baseball cap and sunshades. Extra boyish and tasty, that took a bit of the 'will' but it was my favourite role. If I did my hair in a ponytail rather than let if flow I could even look eighteen but I preferred the boy look and after all that was my 'natural' form. With what I called my 'super will' I could change completely to a bat, wolf or a swirl of mist but that left me grumpy and knackered me for days and I had no need. The 'small will' got me what I wanted.

I went into the arcade fixing a cheerful, chirpy grin on my face and cast my gaze about. I don't mean I plucked my eyeballs out and slung them, be reasonable. I did a survey and looked for anything that would suit a Prince's black satin sheets and bouncy waterbed. A shag supreme as you might say and a pureblood, a virgin, nothing boozy and nothing druggy which makes the juice taste horrible.

Oh yeah and bye the bye. I have read in most of the vampire yarns and I do read a lot believe me that vampires are pretty sexless, they seem to get their rocks off sucking people dry and making them slaves. Slaves are so passe for God's sake, anyway, they're illegal. I'm not sexless, I love sex, I love laying with beauty, I love taking my tithe of their life fluid but not enough to kill. Just a little mousey nip of the big artery down by the groin (it doesn't notice) and it's handy for sucking the other thing or things in the general area.

I went out and popped into a couple of bars but I didn't linger. I'd put my 'small will' on it really takes no effort to more or less make yourself of no interest, that's not the same as being invisible which is a strain, this one means that people's looks just slide off you, you're a lump of furniture, you're a stray kid, you're a postman or a waiter, you're a great big nothing and no one pays you any heed unless you want them to. A very handy tool for the trolling vampire kinder. Ho hum, boring. I went back to the main street and wandered down to the nudist section where a load of sunburned fatties were sitting outside getting colder and gradually either putting clothing on or wandering back to their chalets. A group of boys caught my eye and I drifted over and I do drift so well, I drift so well my feet don't even touch the ground but people aren't looking at me so I'm safe. I sat at an empty table next to them and tuned in with my over acute hearing. They were talking about their day and when they dropped their voices to whispering I was delighted to catch onto one really interesting snippet. The dirty little sods and they were kids all of around twelve or thirteen were a little shag club. They were a bunch of pervs and I settled back to listen and observe.

Three older boys and one smaller and younger probably eleven or so but fully sexually mature and as I gathered he was the group slut. Not quite my glass of vodka but the three older ones were. One similar to myself and by coincidence called Vladimir as well, one who was clearly his boyfriend with short cropped hair and a pug's face and the third was a sunburnt brown boy who could have had a touch of the Turk in is ancestry as we used to say in our jolly racially inappropriate way. I gathered that the three older boys were in the same class in the same school and were down from Lugansk on the Russian border and the smaller kid was a neighbour. Perhaps their quartet needed to become a quintet for a little while, they were all attractive and I mused which I'm good at. I've had a thousand years to practice don't forget and after such a length of time a bit of light relief is appreciated.

I got myself a drink of red wine which I don't like too much but sets the tone. I drop clues around like a paperchase and no one ever picks up on them and then relaxed my cover, they would notice me in a little while even if only because I was so like their own Vladimir. The little one, Vanko was the first and his little smile in my direction confirmed what I'd heard, he was the group lay... the slut. Nothing like the here or now, I gave an almost imperceptible jerk of my head to the side of the cafe cum bar where it was dark and inviting for one such as myself. He lifted his eyebrows questioningly and I gave a slight nod and rose ambling away as if searching for a toilet, very basic but even ones like I feel the need to drain now and then. As I entered the darkness I looked briefly over my shoulder and he was right behind me.

'Oh.' he yelped as I drew him to the rear of the short alley but then snickered as I put my hand on the back of his warm neck drawing him closer. 'Bold,' I saw his teeth flash in the dark.

'Vanko,' I tilted his face up and tasted his sweet lips.

'How do you know my name?' He croaked returning the kiss and I felt his hand at my groin. I was right, he was the slut and I felt the zip on my jeans part as his hand snaked in. I didn't answer his question just lay my hands on his shoulders and gently pressed. He subsided onto his knees in the dust without question and worked on clearing my hard flesh from it's clothing. 'Wow, that's big,' he whispered and his eyes gleamed as he looked up briefly and ducked his head.

God, he was good. His soft wetness encompassed my stiffness and he moved to and fro taking me right back into his throat as he clasped the back of my jeans.

'Faster,' I whispered. I could control time to a very small extent but didn't want him to be away from his friends for too long otherwise they would get suspicious. 'Vanko,' I gasped as I felt him massage my heavy balls and suck his little heart out.

'Oh, oh. Grugh...' He choked and spluttered as I cum a huge one flooding his mouth and splattering onto his face. He took me in again and sucked again as I blasted a further two squirts and I was done. I dragged him to his feet and lapped at his jaw and cheeks and he stood smiling lazily as eventually I knelt and did him. He had a nice boy cock, it probably shrunk to a piece of string but hard it must have been four inches plus and it was hard, hard enough for me. I dropped his shorts and caressed his smooth buttocks as I took him time after time until eventually he squirted. Before he'd even stopped I slid my needle teeth into the vein inside his thigh taking two deep slurps.

Enough, it was glorious, thick and sweet and all boy. His cum and living blood mingled in my mouth. I licked the punctures and my saliva sealed them, he'd be as right as rain in a moment but he was mine now or until I chose to release him. We had bonded and until I released him he was bound to me, figures?

I let him lead the way once he'd pulled his shorts back up obviously and stood in the shadows for a moment as he settled with his friends, I returned to my table and resumed my drinking.

''Who's the Vladimir lookalike?' I heard one of them ask.

'Dunno,' Vanko grinned. 'He's got a pretty big dick though.'

'You didn't.' This came out as a gasp from brown skinned boy.

'Yeah, he's OK.'

'Ask him over.' One of the others spoke and I was losing track of who was who but I was getting clearer in my mind. Vanko was nice but four boys are better than one and I had all the time in the world.

Vanko came over and looked down at me nervously. 'Would you like to join us... er?'

'Prince,' I stood and held my hand out.

'Wow. You a Yank or something.'

'Kievan,' I responded. 'Introduce me to your friends, little lover.'

''Yeah,' he giggled and led the way. He introduced the boys as Vladimir, the one who could have been my twin. Artur, the shorter haired blonde who was clearly Vladimir's boy friend and finally Alexis who was the brown skinned almost gypsyish looking kid. As fine a selction of teen meat as I'd seen in many a year and they were all Ukrainians. They made a change from reserved English, repressed Americans, hairy French and Italians and others I'd used over the years. I was back on home territory for quite some time.

'Hi guys, holidaying I suppose.'

'Something like that,' one of them answered. 'You local?'

'Yes, I have a place in the hills.'

'Your parents have a place, you mean,' Vladimir tried to correct me.

'No, my older brother, Kurt and I have the place. He's my guardian by the way.'

'Oh.' There was a general embarassed mumble . I'd hinted that my parents were gone and they were too polite to question me, so sweet and so childish. I truly was a wolf amongst sheep but I was a nice vampire not a nasty one. I meant them no harm. I may have been over a thousand years old but at each awakening I quite easily slip into the current time stream. Be prepared and be rich they were the keywords and having a sidekick like Kurt was essential. He was loyal to death and he protected me during my long sleeps but enough of the dreary mechanics.

'How old are you?' Vanko asked but I suspected Vanko would always be the one with the questions. I imagined his smooth small boy's bottom and determined that he would be my first love, the first of four. He might even like Kurt, Kurt might even like him.

'Sixteen,' I lied. Well, I wasn't going to say a thousand in your years human was I?

'You loook about forteen.' My lookalike and namesake looked at me and then smiled just to show he wasn't being offensive or unfriendly.

'I've always looked younger,' I smiled back tongue in cheek as they say nowadays. If only he knew.

'It must be nice to live here all year round,' the dark one spoke and gave me a calculating look. Another one after my body, I smiled in return.

'Well, my family came from Kiev in the old days but we like the sun and it's nice to have youngsters around - for the summer at least.'

'We'd better make a move,' Artur glanced possessively at Vladimir. I expect the jealous little bitch was worried that someone was going to make a move on his lover. He needn't fear. I would have them all but I would save the beautifully scruffy Vlademir for the last. In the end they would all love me and I would have loved all of them.

Oh, yes, dear readers (or reader). There is a curious concept in various books and films that vampires (or the undead, creak and groan) are sexy but sexless. What a load of old bollocks I say in my charming old world tongue. We can't breed but we can do the other, you know, the dirty, the squirting and spurting bit. I can fuck as good as a living man but I can't give you babies, well, not the girls amongst you and the natural order of things precludes the boys, I can make you sticky and slippery but not pregnant.

'Where are you staying?' I asked casually although I could follow them and find out easy enough.

'We have a chalet sort of thing, a rough old place behind the Astoria but it's cheap and cheerful.'

'Ah, right,' I smiled at my little boy, my Vanko. 'I must be off, it's getting late.'

'Will we see you again?' Vanko looked like and eager little puppy dog.

'You'll see me,' I pointed at him and flashed my teeth, the normal ones you understand not the needles, they only slide out when I want to feed or need to scare the shit out of someone.

'Right,' he giggled.

'Later,' I broadcast on my master to victim wavelength. Of course all this shit about compelling people to do what they don't want to is a load of old rubbish but you can work around it by the power of suggestion and that's all I did with little Van, he was mine anyway. I think he might get a bit wearysome on a cruise of eternity but he'd do for a summer in Krim which is what we used to call Crimea.

I sat down and watched them go and naturally as soon as they were out of sight followed. I was curious as to what they'd have to say amongst themselves and I could hear their conversation perfectly well at a short distance... long range, come on... I was Vlad the Kewl not Super-fuckin'-man.

Vanko was bubbling about me, he was over the moon as he said three or four times and the others just mildly poked fun at him. I could sense that the dark boy was interested in me and surpringly my namesake Vladimir was as well, the short stuff, Artur was jealous, I'd have to sooth him when the time came but the scent of their youthful blood was in me and I was not going to be denied. I didn't need vast quantities of blood, what I'd siphoned from Vanko was a day's worth but young blood is so heady that too much will make you drunk. Well, it would make me wobbly and I didn't want to fly into a tower block, it would be embarassing.

They got to their place and I lurked on the roof being a pretty adept lurker, I lay there in the warm night air listening to their juvenile chatter and didn't really stir myself until I felt their minds shut down into slumber.

'Vanko, Vanko, come to me, come outside.' I sent the pulse downwards and felt my little friend stir. You are right, perceptive reader. I couldn't go in without an invitation but I'd work that one out in time. I felt the boy get from his bed.

'Where you going?' his friend, Alexis mumbled sleepily.

'I need some air,' Vanko whispered. 'Sleep, I'll join you in a bit,' he chuckled and wrapped a big wolly thing around his naked form and stepped to the door.

'Hello, Van,' I grabbed him and pulled him into my arms.

'Where'd you come from,' he giggled. 'Jeez, you are strong.'

I smiled in the darkness and relaxed my grip, I didn't want to hurt him. 'I followed you, I've got the hots for your body,' I explained bluntly.

'I got the hots for yours.' he groaned and clung to me. Can you imagine Bela Lugosi getting away with that? No chance. Mind you BL thought he was a vampire but he was a sad prat who happened to make a lot of money pretending, I was the real thing.

'Come down the end,' I took him to the bottom of the small garden and bore him to the ground still wrapped in his big woolen thingy which must have been a tent, or maybe a cardigan for a Mr Big Fatso. 'Vanko, I could eat you,' I wittered on as I kissed his neck and traced my lips down his super smooth chest,

'Ooooh,' Vlad,' he sighed and reached out grasping me where it counts. 'It's so big,' he gave a little giggle and moulded and softly squeezed my aroused sex. 'Can I?' I felt his hands at my waistband and he tugged it down allowing my rigid organ to pop free into the fresh air. 'Aw, Jeez...' I felt his head drop and his warm mouth took in the end of my hardness As he did his duty I shucked back the woolen mostrosity baring his small but beautiful body and coaxed him around until his stiff stump was above my face. I prised his tight little cheeks apart and probed for his ring, he wasn't shy, he wiggled his little fanny and quite easily accepted my probing finger as he sucked me and I did the same for him. It was nearly time.

I gently rolled us onto our sides and soothed him until his head drooped and my penis slid from his mouth. 'Sleep, little one,' I breathed into his mouth and he gave a little burble. I did my jeans up and stood taking a careful look around. No way I was doing a vertical takeoff with my kit around my ankles, even the long time undead have their pride. Less than five minutes I was landing on my balcony and Kurt was waiting.

'Supper, Marthter,' he lisped and glanced at my wooly capture, he was taking the piss but I was kind as I didn't want him perving me doing my business. He liked doing Igor impersonations just to wind me up.

'Just a visitor, Kurt. Why don't you go and catch some rats or something.' Now I was being bitchy.

'I might have a wander .'

'Play it cool,' I warned him meaning not to go mad, a bit of a sex and a suck, nothing else. We had one stiff in the freezer and one was more than enough. As he left doing his own version of a fly-by-night I carried Van deep into my inner sanctum, that place of the huge waterbed, the black satin sheets and the cosy candle setup.

I slowly and gently awoke him but he was still dopey and didn't know where he was or even what planet he was on.

'Where am I?' He wriggled about feeling the cool smoothness of the satin and the movement of the bed beneath.

'In a dream,' I smiled and he smiled back. He didn't care as I was now naked and so was he, his tiny mind could only take so much and a naked Vlad was enough.

'Ooooh, Prince,' he sighed and closed his eyes as my lips met his and my tongue slid into his mouth. As I got between his legs he raised them to his chest like a good little slut. He wasn't just ready, he was eager and he wanted it and I wanted him.... seemed fair enough. I dropped my head caressing his smothness all the time and sucked on each of his little tittles and I moved down his smooth chest, his gently rounded belly pausing to lap out his navel and then took his jerking noodle into my mouth. 'Ahhhh... Princey,' he stroked my hair and pumped into my mouth raising his hips which was just what I wanted. This time there would be no fingers.

Taking hold of his hard spike I fondled it's slick mass and took his small and silken smooth scrotum into my mouth feeling the hard eggs in their soft sack as I moved them around my mouth, I was on the last leg. As he moaned and writhed around under my softly massaging hands I tongued his little pucked forcing my tongue in just a little bringing on a little sob and exposure as he lifted his legs offering his all. I grasped his beautiful little bubble butt and sucked and slobbered at his tight little hole and then returned to his tight nuts leaving the slick and saliva coated little entry behind me. He moaned even more and held my head playing with my blonde hair as I kissed his penis and started to lap up his hard and flexed belly. As I moved up my swollen glans and rigid shaft neared it's target.

As I kissed him frantically and slipped my tongue into his mouth I pushed my oozing glans against his puucker and it parted to accomodate my swollen member.

'Aaaaaaaah...' he yelled at the ceiling but no one would hear, he was at my mercy and he was mine. 'Princey, Princey...' he gabbled as I lodged within him, froze for a moment and pushed in even further and then started to slowly move. I didn't want to hurt him but I wanted him and it took every ounce of my self control not to rip into his tiny little bottom and rape him there and then. One thing I've learnt over more years than I care to count is patience and how to please a lover. He wanted me and I wanted him but without pain.

'Are you alright,' I looked down at him and did my best to beam him satisfaction and pleasure and it semed to work. I didn't want to give him the big kaboom and knock him out, that wouldn't be any fun and I knew deep in my black heart he wanted it. He wanted a big cock and now he was getting one. I's been a big boy dickwise when I died and it was the same dick believe me and in today's measurements it was eifghteen centrimentres which is a good seven inches and if I say so myself exceptional for one of my 'turning' age. It was a bit more than he got from his present clique of little chums I'll wager.

'Yeah,' he groaned and wriggled on my lance. 'It's so big.'

'It's just a dream, things are always big in dreams,' I assured him and started to move again slowly but gaining depth at each movement.

'If you say so,' he grinned wanly and gritted his teeth as I moved faster. 'Yeah, go on,' he growled gutterally. What a brave little soldier he was.

I kept it going for an hour or so before finally mashing my pubics against his soft bottom but by that time he had cum once, done a dry cum afterwards and was wrecked. Now for the finale. I started to move faster and faster. I could cum at any time but I was bottling it up and as he shuddered under me I felt my stiffness get even harder and a surge of heat from my very core. As he yelled out loud I sank my needle teeth into his jugular and drank as his eyes closed and my blessed sperm shot into his tight fanny coating it and then flooding his little passage. I drank deep of his glorous essence and then withdrew wiping my tongue over the twin marks sealing the wounds. Sheathing my needles I kissed him on the lips and continued to move in his spunk drenched hole.

'My Gawd,' he groaned and opening his eyes smiled tiredly at me. 'You cum like a donkey, I passed out for a minute.'

'So you did, my little lover.'

He giggled. He'd be washed out tomorrow or later in the day but the human beast recovers well. He'd be tired and confused. he wouldn't know if he'd dreamt of hallucinated. In fact, he wouldn't know what bloody day it was but one thing was for sure, for the moment I loved the little animal. We snogged as he called it for a while and I took him to my big sunken bath and soaped him up and cosseted him like a little girl. I would be revisiting my little Vanko but only after serving his friends. Maybe the next would be the slender dark skinned boy, Alexis.

I dried him off with a big fluffy towel and served him a dark ruby fortifying wine which would give him strength and make him sleep when he was back in his bed. He wouldn't be visiting his friend of that I was sure.

'What now?' He looked at me as I collected his big wooly garment.

'We fly, my love,' I kissed him and he fell asleep in my arms. It was over.

To be Continued.


Next Chapter 'Alexis' Yeah, I know these are the boys from 'Artur and Zhenya' but they suited. If you think it's crap please DON'T wite and tell me. I say again, famtasy is a new thing for me and I'm finding my way.


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