
By Alain Mahy

Published on Dec 1, 2020


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The mystery about Fernando and Frederic's disappearance was complete. They were not seen anywhere and even the recording studio of Fernando was closed. That put Flint in an awkward situation as he had a lot of videos that needed the voice over. That was actually the point where Filip decided to invest seriously in recording devices as our sound-proof room was ready. Flint immediately saw the potential of having a new studio in town and helped Filip. With the team of National Geographic they found the necessary provider.

It was expensive as it was all very professional equipment. Filip made sure he had what it took to get National Geographic as a client. Flint made sure his bosses gave him the green light to contract our new recording studio. Filip couldn't leave his clients completely and I had not the slightest clue as recording technician. It was once again Flint that found a young technician who seemed to be very capable of doing the job. Fabio was a bright young man and we contracted him after doing some tests with him. He was fabulous with the equipment the studio. I was doing the voice-over while Flint asked him various effects and so on. He did well without the slightest hesitation.

Filip was happy with the first contract we made with National Geographic and the word spread fast that Fernando had closed his studio and that brought us more and more work. We reached quickly the point that there was a waiting list to use the studio. We couldn't be happier and Flint recuperated his joy of life. It had been hard for him, but life went on. He stayed the night more than once as that was his biggest problem to face: being alone in the house he had shared with Fernando, although it was only a few months.

On one of the night Flint stayed at our place, he had a nightmare. It had to be a very ugly one as he screamed out very loud, enough to wake me up. I went to the guest room and he was sitting up in his bed and tears were rolling down his cheeks. I took him in my arms to comfort him and bit by bit he calmed down and that meant that he fell asleep again. When I wanted to get up to return to bed with Filip, he grabbed my arm so strongly that I couldn't move. As Filip saw that I was not coming back, he came to see where I was. I showed him how Flint held me in a forceful grip. Filip didn't hesitate and went around the bed, getting in and pushing his body against Flint's. In his sleep, Flint let go of my arm and hugged Filip from behind with the result that now he couldn't go. So, I slipped into bed with them and spooned Flint, pressing my body to his back. We soon were back to sleep.

It was in the morning that it was a bit awkward as Flint didn't recall his nightmare and what had happened after that. The only thing he knew was that he was pressed against Filip and that I was pressed against him. As we were waking up slowly, it was undeniable that we all had morning wood. Mine was pressed against Flint's buttocks and I didn't doubt for a second that Flint's was pressed against Filip's. Filip was not fully awake yet but sensed a hard-on close to his butt. In his state between sleep and being totally woken up, he didn't realize at first that we were not in our room and so assumed it was my cock that was seeking permission to enter him. He took Flint's cock in his hand and stroked it a few times till it was rock-hard. He used his own spit as lubricant and made his hole wet and slippery and then led Flint's cock to his ass, pushing his butt backwards till he felt Flint's pubes tickling his ass-cheeks. Noticing what was happening, I got very excited, too. We had said that we didn't need any third party in our sexual activities, yes, but this was too hot. The fact being that Filip already had a cock in his ass, I couldn't refrain myself to put a lot of spit on my cock and Flint's ass before penetrating him as well.

Flint sensed he was in a sandwich and started to move his hips. It was now obvious we were all three awake. Realizing what was really happening, Flint started to apologize, but I put my hand on his mouth to impose silence. He resumed his movements and it was quite enjoyable. After a few minutes of this, Filip turned around and dove under the duvet and took Flint's cock in his mouth. Flint tried to grab Filip's cock and they ended up in a 69 position while I still was pumping in Flint's ass. The moans of pleasure got louder, even more when I felt that Flint was a master in controlling his ass-muscles, clenching them around my shaft. It was a delicious feeling that was bringing me dangerously close to my orgasm. I heard Filip's typical guttural sound when he was releasing his load in Flint's mouth. Flint swallowed the load eagerly and accelerated his hip movements, sending me over the edge. He could feel the spasms of my cock in his ass and that was enough for him to unload in Filip's mouth. As usual Filip kept the load in his mouth and bent over to kiss me and share Flint's semen with me. The taste was different, of course, but I liked it and Filip did as well as he kissed me and forced his tongue in my throat. We ended up in a heap of arms, legs and other body parts. After recovering our breaths, Flint started to apologize again, saying it was not his intention but that he couldn't help it once things were on their way. Once again I imposed him silence. This time I did it with a kiss, an open-mouth one where our tongues danced in our mouths.

I really had to change the water-heater for the shower. Ok, we saved water showering all three together, but we loved warm water and sometimes also lukewarm water, but cold water was not our cup of tea. We dried and dressed and gathered in the kitchen for much needed coffee. Flint couldn't accept what had happened and was apologizing once again.

-Flint, do you hear us complaining about anything?

-No, I don't, but Fernando told me about what happened and that you said you were exclusive to each other.

-Indeed we are. It's just because of the circumstances that happened during the night that we landed in your bed and we are men, that means that we have morning woods and one thing led to another. That's all ! If we didn't want it to happen, I can assure you it wouldn't have.

-OK ! One question though. Are you going to tell me in a few days that you don't want it anymore and that it was a mistake? Because that is what you said to Fernando and I am not sure I can cope with such a brutal rejection for the moment. One is more than enough.

I could understand his point of view and more so after what Fernando had done to him. It was no already a few weeks and Flint was getting better. It was normal that he had questions about what could happen in the future.

-We'll be honest with you Flint. We can't promise it will happen again and we are not looking for a throuple either. If it happens again, but that you are not comfortable with it, just tell us. OK ? We don't want to force anything. Do we agree to go with the flow?

Flint said he could live with that.

-And... if we ever invite you to join us in our bed, you'll know what will happen...

He nodded again, with a smile. Then he looked at his watch and said he had to be on his way. That conversation was legitimate and we accepted it. What we knew was that with Flint it had been totally different from with Fernando. How do I explain it? The circumstances were different and the friendship we had with Flint was far more stronger than what we ever had with Fernando. In a certain way, I would even say I was surprised it didn't happen earlier. Flint showed so much respect towards us and our couple. He never imposed on us. Fernando had not imposed sex on us, but had used excuses to reach that point. Flint hadn't. We still had some time before Filip started to see his patients and we agreed that we wouldn't mind if we ever had sex again with Flint. We didn't need to have sex with him, our sexual activity didn't need it. It was just that we wanted it.

Filip commented something I had said to Flint, being that we were not looking for a throuple. I was not really surprised when he said that he wouldn't mind it. From the start we liked Flint a lot and we only wanted to see him happy. We knew that we would never introduce him to anybody anymore seeing the disaster that happened with Fernando, but at the same time we wanted to see him happy. From the few comments he made it was obvious that he had liked our little intercourse and we agreed there certainly was a potential to explore. What happened that morning had been sex for sex, that was sure, but we already had quite some feelings for Flint. For the moment it was just friendship and Filip admitted that the fine line between friendship and love could be crossed at any moment. For my part, being honest, I had to say Filip was right. My question to him was if we would try to find out before or after our wedding.

-WOW! Filip said. You suddenly put quite some speed behind that topic. I can see what you mean. I also think that we can't force any kind of feeling. Does our wedding really has anything to do with it? I mean, there was not even a mention about it before today whereas our wedding is already planned for weeks now. I don't think that there is any possibility to have a throuple marriage. The law accepts us to get married as a gay couple, but I don't think that polygamy is accepted by any law and polygamy it would be with a third person...

.Filip, what I meant is not to have a three-way marriage. What I mean is... Are we ready to express our feelings in such a way and include him hundred percent in our lives? When we go on our honeymoon, do we include him? A honeymoon is something very special and never before have I heard that a married couple took a friend with them on such a travel. This gets a bit complicated if you ask me. I think we both have to look in our hearts and know exactly what we feel for Flint. He said it quite clearly that he couldn't face another rejection. For me it means HE is ready for it. Are we ?

For the second time in my life I was planting a seed and both times it concerned Flint. I wondered if my need to see him happy was not already a form of love. I had always said that my partner in life, my husband and lover, had to be my best friend first. Someone I could talk to about any and everything, without being judged or condemned. I realized Flint met the requirements in that aspect. I asked Filip if it was the same for him.

-I can't say I had as much conversations with Flint as you have. The ones I had, I never had the sensation that he judged me, at all, and whatever we talked about, I never wanted to judge him. So, I guess that we meet the requirements for me as well. It is even more : it happened frequently that we ended each other's sentences when we spoke and that is something I had only with you before. I think we are all three on the same wave-length. What bothers me a bit is that we have this conversation in his absence. He should be included, don't you think? The other thing is that we talk about it all in a rational way although it is an emotional equation. Rationality and emotions are seldom going the same way. I love you Al, with all of my heart and I know it is reciprocal. The question is to know if our hearts are big enough to love a third person on a daily basis.

He was right of course, once again. I could trust him to analyze things properly and his analyze was really rational, which was in contradiction (or not?) with our feelings and our emotions.

-You know what, Al ? Call him and invite him for dinner tonight and we can have this conversation over with him. Jeez, if we are going for a throuple we NEED his input as well.

Oh my... What were we doing? I tried to be as rational as Filip, analyzing the complete image with all the pros and contras. I was thinking about all this when I realized it all came down to only one question : Did we love him enough ? It was totally superfluous to ask if I could do anything productive that day, because it was impossible. The only thing where I surprised myself was that I didn't think at all about having to share Filip with Flint in the sense that by sharing I would lose part of Filip's love or that I would love Filip less. No, that was not it at all. On the contrary, I was convinced that Flint would be complementary and enhance the love we already had. That was the point where I became conscious that my feelings for Flint were more than friendship. It was love.

I forgot the translation I was working on and went to the kitchen. Cooking always relaxed me and helped me to clear my mind, although this time I didn't need to clear it, but confirm it. I started a recipe I had already done and that Flint had appreciated so much. Once everything was on the stove, I dressed the table nicely. No, we wouldn't eat at the kitchen island like we normally did. This needed a better setting, a more romantic one. I placed candles everywhere in living and dinning room and would switch off all electrical lights. I knew the effect that had on Filip and I hoped it would have the same on Flint. Not one moment did it occur to me that Flint would say no. We had never discussed such a subject and I was quite a good judge of characters. I crossed my fingers that it wold all turn out for the best, the best for all three of us.

To prove to Flint that we were serious about it all, I also rearranged some space in our closet in the bedroom. Maybe it was a little forward from me, but it gave me peace and happiness to do so. As usual, Flint arrived at 7pm sharp. I had put a bottle of Champagne in an ice-bucket and he asked what we were celebrating. I counted on Filip to give him a detailed analysis of what we were talking about that same morning and that was exactly what he did. While he was talking, I observed Flint very closely. Bit by bit tears formed in his eyes when it downed on him what we were expecting. I dared hoping it were happy tears. When Filip was finished, Flint looked at me and smiled back at him.

-In lesser words, what Filip tells you, is that we love you and want you in our lives.

-But... this morning you said you were not looking for a throuple...

-... and I was wrong! We love you more than we can say and hope the feelings are mutual.

Flint didn't say anything but first came over to me and gave me a very passionate kiss. Then he went over to Filip and did just the same.

-Does that answer your question?

He smiled through the tears that rolled down his face.

-You don't have any idea how happy you make me.

That feeling goes both ways... sorry, it goes three ways.

Dinner was delicious and we talked about our feelings, openly and without restrictions. When I asked if anybody wanted coffee, it was Flint who said he wanted something else, something that would not be served on a table and in cups, but directly from the natural faucets. I didn't have to think twice and neither did Filip, We didn't have to worry about the candles as they were T-lights and would extinguish by themselves. We almost hurried to the bathroom and had a quick but thorough shower (damned water heater). We fell on our Kingsize bed and we kissed and grabbed and sucked it a frenzy that you can't imagine. It was a new beginning and we were so excited that it took us less than ten minutes before we all three orgasmed and exploded.

Once the excitement of that first orgasm was over, we could go for round two, more relaxed and a lot more romantic. We discovered the immense pleasure of three-way kisses where our faces were pressed together and our tongues danced with the two others. It was a new sensation that we loved and we couldn't get enough of it. We kissed for the longest time while rubbing our bodies together, enjoying what was called frottage. We naturally found the best positions to feel the others. Our cocks were steel-hard although we had already climaxed once. I was sure that before we would fall asleep we were going to spill more juices in all directions.

We quickly found the perfect way to suck each other. I was eager to have Flint's cock in my mouth whereas Flint went for Filip's. It was more than logic that Filip went for mine. I knew the sensations Filip was giving me when my cock was in his mouth and I loved it, so, I tried as much as possible to mimic his actions on Flint. I must have done something good as he moaned quite loud. That made his vocal cords vibrate and send the vibrations in Filip's manhood. That made Filip increase his efforts on my organ and so on. There were quite some chain reactions. I had my eyes closed but was at full alert to the slightest movement on the bed. That was something new as well. When we were only two on the bed, we knew exactly what the other was doing. With three men we could feel something was going on without knowing exactly what.

I needed to feel Flint even more than what I was doing. I momentarily let go of his cock and softly attacked his balls that seemed to still be so full. Flint shaved his balls and his scrotum was so soft in my mouth. I let his balls roll over my tongue. I closed my lips and pulled on them. Yet another moan came out of Flint's throat and incited me to double my efforts and make him enjoy the whole experience to the fullest. To give me better access he opened his legs wide open and that gave me a free ticket to his taint and hole. I pulled up a bit till my tongue could reach his rosebud. The chain reaction being what they were, I also opened my legs and Filip got the hint. He didn't spend much time on my balls as he was hungry for my ass that he rimmed expertly. Feeling Flint move, I knew he was going to eat out Filip's ass.

It was just amazing how the sensations were so much more intense. I guess I could talk for all three us saying that our genitals and asses were bathed in spit. We just couldn't get enough of it. My tongue was deeply buried between Flint's ass-cheeks and I soon added fingers to my tongue-work. Flint was relaxed and my fingers slipped inside of him without efforts. I immediately went to search for his prostate and rubbed it, maybe a little too brutally but the effect was rewarding in this sense that his whole body writhed under my ministrations and that I received a new load of precum on my chest. I cupped some up with my free hand that I brought to my mouth and it was a lot sweeter than Filip's. I loved it.

I had the urge to bury my cock in that sweet ass of Flint. I maneuvered myself as to have my body between Flint's legs and he willingly turned onto his stomach. Filip saw what I was doing and just lifted himself up to a sitting position. Flint didn't let go of his cock that he continued sucking like a mad man. With all the spit and precum, there was no real need of any artificial lubrication. I pointed my cock-head right on target and let my body do the work of gravity, meaning I entered him inch by inch. Just like the last time, I found a burning furnace inside of his ass and as soon as I was completely embedded in him, I laid down on his body. My head was next to his and he generously pulled Filip's cock out of his mouth, offering it to me. I didn't need any supplementary invitation and swallowed Filip's cock while I was deeply buried into Flint.

My hips had a mind of their own and started moving in and out of that furnace, slowly at first but going really deep, discovering once again the cavern of Flint's ass. I had the feeling my cock had found a new home and I knew I would be coming home often. Flint was in sync with my going in and out of his ass, bobbing up and down on Filip's cock. Even when I increased the speed, Flint followed suit. I knew that at that rhythm I would reach orgasm soon and I didn't want to, just not yet. What Flint did with his ass-muscles was to good to be true and I couldn't help it to shoot my load in his bowels. Filip saw the expression on my face and knew what had happened. He winked at me and we switches places. Flint's ass was wide open and Filip could enter him very easily as his cock was wet for being in Flint's mouth. He had done it quite a lot of times with me, I mean alternating long deep thrusts with short rapid ones and that was what he did to Flint who seemed to like it very much.

Flint urged me to turn around so he could eat my ass out while Filip thrusted in him. Who was I to refuse such a sweet request? Filip had lifted Flint's hips so that he was on all four. I put myself on all four as well and Flint didn't hesitate a moment to dive into my ass with his tongue. He was literally French kissing my hole. There was no mistake possible: Flint loved the sexual activity and even if I strongly suspected it then, I assumed our sex-life would be enriched with Flint in our lives. Filip was grunting and accelerated his pumping in Flint's ass till he as well went over the edge and deposited a huge load in Flint. Nonetheless, he continued his movements till his cock started to soften a little and plopped out of the warm ass he was in.

As soon as Filip was out of that burning ass, Flint got on his knees and smeared his precum on my rosebud. His excitement was at top level and the tip of his cock was on target. I was so relaxed that he didn't need to do a lot of efforts to breach my sphincter and that I could feel him invade my bowels. He entered teasingly slow, but with determination, not stopping before his pubes were plastered on my butt-cheeks. With all the excitement and activity, I guessed that he wouldn't last long and I was right. Filip told me afterwards that Flint had thrown his head back and with a powerful thrust had come to a stop and was clearly emptying his balls in me. I could feel the spasms of his cock in my love tunnel. After his last squirt of semen, he collapsed on my back and I could feel that Filip was laying on his. My arms and knees were to weak to support them both and I fell flat on my stomach on the bed.

We slowly recovered breath and heartbeat, being in total bliss of the afterglow of fantastic lovemaking. Filip laid on his back with Flint at one side of him and me on the other. I kissed Filip passionately and Flint followed my example just after that. I laid my head on Filip's chest and soon Flint did the same. We kissed. The physical exhaustion made us fall asleep.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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