
By Alain Mahy

Published on Dec 7, 2020


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Filip was furious about his brother's attitude. We were all three sitting on the sofa after dinner and, once again, the subject of Ferdinand was the center of the conversation.

-I am afraid your brother becomes an obsession for you Filip, Flint said. You say it is not a vengeance, but it starts to look like one.

Filip stayed calm although he hadn't expected that comment. In a certain way I had to say Flint was probably right. I couldn't blame Filip after hearing the recorded conversation over the phone. The venom and hatred Ferdinand was expressing was really annoying and upsetting and it was not the first time Filip had to hear all the insults and even dead threats.

-I can't say Flint is wrong, Filip, I said. Can't we think it all over carefully and maybe try to find a way to make him see that all that hatred is not necessary, that what you do in the intimacy of your bedroom is your business and not his ?

-The only way to get rid of him, Filip said, is to sign the papers and let him have it his way. Sorry guys, I won't make it that easy for him. My main concern is not Ferdinand, but Clara and the kids. They deserve a better life than what my brother is giving them. I dare not imagine what would happen if one of the kids would have to say he is gay. That kid would be thrown out like I have been.

-We do agree with you. The thing is that you crumbled down and it is obvious that the cause is your brother. We can agree that you are not inclined to sign the papers and you know the consequences of that. You even want him to have a prohibition of living in your mother's house... and that's what starts to look like vengeance.

-Do you think he deserves it ?

-That's not what I am saying. For my part he can rot in hell. What I mean is that you don't need your mothers house and you don't have any happy memories there. So, what does it matter to you who lives in it ? And you know you can't sell it without your brother's agreement. Don't forget that the most important thing is that your heart is at peace and that you don't let yourself down to his low level.

Flint had a point there. It was not because Ferdinand was a scumbag that Filip had to be one as well. It was pointless.

-Do you think Ferdinand will be able to change his point of view regarding gay people?

My question startled Filip a bit and he asked me why.

-Because it would be the ideal solution to all your problems. If he can accept gay people, he has no more reasons to lie or make up stories to justify his attitude. You could demand for him to see a psychologist before you sign the papers...

That idea appealed to Filip. It would indeed smoothen the whole situation. It could even save Clara's and Ferdinand's marriage. Ferdinand had clearly some issues that he couldn't solve by himself. Among our friends we had a psychologist and a psychiatrist who were both gays. That way we would have a decent follow-up of Ferdinand's evolution. The Sword of Damocles above his head (losing his house and probably his marriage) should be enough motivation for him to go to the sessions Filip imposed on him. After all, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. With Clara's help, it had to be possible to convince him.

The first step would be to have the two brothers being face to face. Our first idea was to arrange a meeting in a public place, hoping Ferdinand would not burst out again, but as the possibility was existent, Filip didn't want to have a public show of his brother's behavior. The only remaining solution was to invite Ferdinand and Clara over to the house. We could invite Felix, our psychologist friend, to temper it all.

The following morning Filip called Felix and explained the whole situation and asked for some advice. Felix had dealt with such situations in the past and thought he could be of help. Then Filip called his brother who was, apparently, relaxed and polite. When he said he invited him and his wife to the house, there was a huge silence at the other side of the line. Filip had to ask several times if he was still there. When Ferdinand answered again, it was very short.

-I'll call you back.

And the line went dead. At least it had not been a radical "no". There was some hope left. It was Clara who called back about an hour later with Ferdinand's cell phone. It was obvious Ferdinand was next to her as she presented herself as if we had never met.

-My husband and I are delighted to accept your invitation, she said. Just tell us when and where and we will be there.

There was no reason to postpone the meeting and Filip told Clara we were expecting them the same evening around 7pm. She thanked him and said she was glad to finally meet Ferdinand's brother. She was quite an actress. She called back yet another hour later with her own cellphone to say she had to threaten him with divorce if he didn't accept the invitation because at first he radically refused it. She said she hoped that we knew what we were doing.

During the afternoon Fabio installed an ultra sensitive microphone in our living room, well hidden of course, and connected to a recording device in the office. The plan was to have Felix listen to the conversation in the office to give a professional advice afterwards. Fabio volunteered to sit at his technical desk to make some adjustments if necessary.

At seven sharp the doorbell rang. We heard Clara and Filip introducing themselves, but not a sound from Ferdinand. Once in the living room further presentation were made and we all sat down. Filip's first question to his brother was why he hated him so much.

-I don't hate you...

I could see Filip was getting angry under his calm appearance. It was obvious Ferdinand was not going to admit it and keep up appearances by being the polite and respectful man he thought he was.

-I am glad to hear that, Filip answered, but can you then explain to me why you insulted me ten years ago and repeated it a few days ago over the phone, even threatening me with death ?

-I never did that !

That was too much for Filip. He took his cellphone out of his pocket and played the conversation over again, switching on the loudspeaker so that everybody could hear it, even Felix in the office.

Ferdinand became livid, white as a ghost when he heard the recording. He had never expected to hear himself again. The color in his face went from white to red, clearly under the influence of a deep and intense anger. Ferdinand stood up.

-You shitty bastard !

And then he ran out the living room, ran down the stairs and left the house. In his hurry he forgot to take his keys and his cellphone on the coffee table. I said out loud that he had left and so invited Felix to come up. Flint updated Clara with what our initial idea was and why Felix was here.

-After all he did to you, you still wanted to give him a second chance ? Clara asked.

-Yes Clara ! I hope you understand we are not the bad people in this movie. Everybody deserves a second chance, whatever happened. Ferdinand clearly doesn't want to accept this second chance...

At that moment Ferdinand's phone rang. Clara saw that it was unknown number and answered. As expected it was Ferdinand, probably calling from a public phone, ordering her to come out. Her answer couldn't be more obvious.

-NO !

And she hung up. We were worried about her kids.

-Don't worry about them, they are at my parents who I already updated about the latest events. I gave them clear instructions to not let Ferdinand in and take the children. Anyway, as you can see, he left his keys here and doesn't have a way to reach my parents place. My father is a specialist in martial arts and Ferdinand is actually afraid of him. He won't risk to do anything.

Felix wanted to hear the recording again. In his professional opinion Ferdinand was a very complicated case, with a lot of frustrations and pent-up angers, someone that couldn't accept that he was wrong in any way and if pushed in a corner, could be suicidal rather than admitting an error. Clara listened attentively and had to admit Felix was probably right. She didn't think he could be suicidal, but all the rest, she agreed on.

Around 10pm she left saying that there was no way she could ever be with Ferdinand again. She would contact a lawyer to file for divorce. We offered her the services of our lawyer if she wanted and assured her she didn't have to worry about finances. She thanked us profusely.

-I married the wrong brother, she said with a smile. Anyway, now that my parents know about this issue, I receive total support from them. They even admitted they suspected that Ferdinand was not as clean as he wanted to appear.

Around midnight, she sent us a message.

"He still isn't home"

At 7am : "He didn't come home at all"

At 10am : "His boss called to say he was not at his work"

At 1pm : "Starting to worry, still no news at all"

At 5pm : "Called the police who said they couldn't do anything before 24 hours has passed"

At 7pm : "He is now officially filed as disappeared"

At 10pm she called us. She was worried as she still had no news at all. She mentioned what Felix had said, that he could be suicidal.

-I know I want to divorce him, but that doesn't mean I want him dead. He's been a good father to our children and apart from a few issues, he has been a good husband, too.

She was distraught, not knowing what to do or what to think and neither did we. Filip started to feel guilty about confronting Ferdinand with the recording. Clara felt guilty that she hadn't left our house when Ferdinand asked her to. Everybody felt bad whereas it was Ferdinand that had caused all the distress.

At 8am, she called again. The police had called her to say they had found a corpse that matched Ferdinand's description. She wanted to have Filip going with her to the morgue to identify a body that could be Ferdinand's although there was no certainty. Filip went to pick her up. Not even an hour later, Filip called me.

-It is Ferdinand indeed. The problem is that there is a bullet in his head and several in his chest. He has been murdered. I'll tell you everything I know when I get home, but I don't know at what time it will be. The police is interrogating Clara...

Several hours later Filip came home.

-It seems to be that Ferdinand was well known by the police, although they didn't know what he looked like. He was in contact with quite a lot of thugs and they think they made him pay with his life, whatever he did. We didn't receive a lot of details as the case is still open since about a year. I dropped Clara off at her parents. She has been told to not leave the county. I called Ralph, our lawyer, to help her in anything he can and that I would cover the costs.

I was worried sick that Filip would lose conscious again as the first time it was due to stress. All the events were probably too much for him.

-I won't faint my love... the reason of my stress is gone. There are a lot of things that have to be done now, but they are merely administrative things. I can handle that. I also told Ralph to contact Ferdinand's lawyer about the heritage of my parents and see how it can be settled now that Clara and the kids are heirs after Ferdinand's death. I will sign whatever he tells me is OK. What I need now, is one of your special hugs...

I smiled at him. I knew what he was aiming for. He took a quick shower and threw all of his clothes in the laundry basket as he had the feeling the odors of the morgue clung to him. I joined him under the warm water and used abundant soap to scrub his whole body and just leave the fragrance of the soap mixed with his natural scent. After we dried off, we laid on the bed. I hugged him like he had asked, spooning him and of course, my cock had woken-up and nestled itself in the crack of his ass. I rubbed my manhood in his crack without penetrating him and he softly moaned. My hands were on his chest. His moans turned into ... soft snoring. He had fallen asleep, something that I could understand after a stressful morning, but I was wide awake. I quietly pulled him on his back without waking him up and laid down with my head on his chest. His arm went on autopilot over my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. I caressed him as far as my hands would reach and that included his chest, nipples, belly and genitals. I loved his fine hairs gliding through my fingers. I could never have enough of it.

His snoring went on and he must have had a naughty dream as his cock grew, slowly but with determination. His foreskin retracted as his cock-head pushed out and it was only seconds later that I saw the first drop of precum oozing out, shinning in the dim light of the room. It would have been a sin to let it go to waste. I quietly lowered myself till the tip of my tongue could reach his cock-head and lick his delicious precum. I was addicted to it. Just his taste made me more and more horny. I couldn't prevent myself to lower a bit more till I had his cock between my lips that I wrapped around his shaft. I could even feel his heartbeat in his magnificent organ. I dedicated my time and concentration on it. Licking it and sucking softly to get more precum out of it. I grabbed his scrotum and balls in my hands, pulling softly. Each pull caused him to get even harder... while he kept on softly snoring.

All the time, I tried to push his legs further apart to have better access. He naturally opened them in his unconscious state. I lowered myself more till I was laying on my stomach between his open legs. I had full access to his cock, his balls and his taint. Even in his sleepy state, he must have felt it as his dick was steel-hard and the precum oozed out. Was he really asleep ? Because I felt his hands on my head, pushing me into his groin. His hands gave me silent instructions to what he wanted. I obliged. His hips started an upwards movement and his cock reached my throat. I controlled my gag-reflex and let him in till my nose was buried in his pubes. It was difficult to breath, but I held my breath and put up with what he wanted. When he released the pressure on my head, I came up for air and got back to work to please him, lavishing cock and balls. I munched on his taints, knowing that it would increase his desires.

Yes, I felt submissive at that moment, placing his pleasure above mine. We had never taken roles so to speak. There were moments where we were submissive or dominant, top or bottom and in fact we were truly versatile. We had no limits (except pain and blood) in our sexual activities. Our goals were always the same : pleasuring the other to a maximum, in whatever position we were. Flint as well had the same philosophy about it and that was also why making love with two or three, was always very satisfying.

Meanwhile, Filip had woken up. He grabbed me under my armpits, pulled me up and flipped me on my back while pushing his body between my legs that he opened as wide as possible. He spit a few times in his hand and then wet my ass, introducing first one and then two fingers in my hole. Filip knew what angle he had to use to penetrate me without hurting me. He was well endowed and it was normal that passing my sphincter always caused a kind of discomfort, but nothing really painful. He always waited a bit before thrusting in completely. He knew what it was when Flint's or my cock entered him and what he felt. He was considerate enough to give us what he wanted to feel when we made love to him. Since we started to make love, more than a year ago, he had discovered which were my most sensitive buttons and he never forgot to push them, taking me on that marvelous journey that would end in an orgasm. That afternoon, he kissed me, pinched my nipples and rubbed my prostate, all at the same time. He took me on that super-speed elevator that went from earth to heaven and back, several times in a row. He wanted a nap and ended up doing all the work to make me feel special. I gladly returned the favor.

As I had my legs wrapped around his lower back, I used my heels to push on his buttocks, indicating him I wanted him deeper in me. He lowered his in and out speed, but increased the strength of them. In that position my cock was pressed between our bellies and the friction was intense. I didn't want to cum yet. The feelings were too good. I wanted it to go on and on, but Filip was so good at that that I felt my balls retract in my lower belly and preparing themselves to ejaculate forcefully. The incredible and intense feeling in my nether regions told me I was going to shoot in a question of seconds. I kissed him passionately and with my heels I pulled him in me, trying to keep him as deep as he could go. As I thought, I started to empty my balls between us. Spasm after spasm I lubricated our bellies with my hot cream. My spasms made my ass-muscles contract and so pushing Filip over the edge. I felt his pulsating cock between my ass-cheeks and in my love tunnel.

With the last spurt, he collapsed on me and we both tried to recover our breaths. It had been so intense and, as usual, so satisfying. Filip glided off of my body and within seconds, he was softly snoring again. I could afford a little nap, too. I closed my eyes while hugging the love of my life.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 16

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