
By Alain Mahy

Published on Nov 20, 2020


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We decided to take some time to think things over and reach a thorough and well thought conclusion. In a way, in my mind, things were clear and obvious. What I had with Filip was what I always wanted. I wanted to love and be loved and I wanted to be honest with myself and with Filip and that was exactly what occurred. It was very soon to say the L-word, but deep inside of my heart I knew I loved him and from what he told me, he was pretty sure about his feelings as well. Ok, we didn't know each other very well yet and we still had a long way to reach that point. What I realized was that the basic foundations were there. It is sometimes strange how we just know things, like a snap of a finger. What we had to do was to WANT to see these things. I tried desperately to analyze everything with a rational mind, but that was impossible as the emotional side was there as well and much stronger. Nonetheless, I just saw that what was needed to build a solid relationship, was there. I had no doubts about that.

In the past, I had always said that my husband would have to be my best friend first. The fine line that determined the limits between friendship and love was so easily crossed, but also so easy to misinterpret. For me it was obvious that we both had what was needed to have a great friendship. The most important point was that we could talk about any and everything without being judged or condemned. Sometimes people forget how important that is. With what happened with Frank and telling Filip about it in all honesty, had shown me the mutual trust we had in each other. Filip had apparently left the door open for an open relationship. That was not what I was looking for. Call me a kid or an adolescent by dreaming of the perfect relationship and even marriage. THAT was what I longed for, what I craved.

Was it a utopia to want to have someone at my side and being at the side of that same person? Was it really a dream to wish that trust and respect would be the basic foundation of what we were building? Let's face it. It is what ninety percent of the people are looking for, being straight or gay and yes, I wanted it... I wanted it with Filip. My major problem was that I had to know how to resist urges like I had had with Frank. I was still wondering what had happened and I didn't want it to happen again. As a general rule, I hated it to lose control and with Frank I had. I didn't know why and it bothered me. As I wanted exclusivity with Filip, I had to be able to return it as well. I was not ready to share him with someone else. No, I am not jealous. I just want my man for me and that's it. I go by the rule of not asking anything that I can't give or don't do to others what I don't want them to do to me. Nice sentence it is and even nicer principle, but you have to live up to it. I mentioned it to Filip.

-I understand what you say, he answered, but as you know, the mind is strong but the flesh is weak. As far as I am concerned, I know what I want and I am exclusively with you. I can understand that in some special occasions we can make mistakes. We are humans after all. It is only when we repeat the mistake that it becomes a real problem. I would say that then it is not a mistake anymore, but a real flaw. I won't hold it against you what happened with Frank and anyway, we had not had any discussion about the exclusivity then. If and when we decide that are together, for better and for worse, I would appreciate it that it doesn't happen again.

As always, he was right. I had to think about the fact to keep my cock in my pants, except with him.

-The only exception we can make on this rule is when we would eventually decide to have someone joining US in a sexual activity. Mind you, I don't look for it. I just want to point out that it would then be a mutual agreement, something we both would enjoy and that it would be sex for sex, without any feelings involved. It could be considered as a security valve in case of high sexual pressure, but it shouldn't have any consequences in our daily life.

It was obvious Filip had thoroughly thought about it and I appreciated that. He was showing me what he wanted and was putting our feelings and our love in the first place. That was very important to me. Just at that time, my phone rang. It was an unknown number again so I took the call. As soon as I heard it was Frank's voice, I switched on the speaker so that Filip could follow the conversation. He apologized for the way he almost ran away and of course asked if we could have a repeat session.

-Frank, listen! The last time we didn't get to the point of talking. You have to know I am in a relationship and what happened was an error...

-I am in a relationship as well, but our partners don't have to know about it.

-I am sorry, but that's not the way my relationship works. Ours is based on Love, Respect and Trust and we tell each other everything. As a matter of fact, I told him what happened when you came over. My partner understood that it was something extraordinary, but that it wouldn't repeat itself.

-Come on Al, don't do that to me... Didn't we have a good time together?

-Yes, we have Frank, and I think once is more than enough...

-I want you! I don't know what it is, but you make me complete. You gave me a sexual satisfaction no one ever gave me. I want you again and again...

-I'm afraid that is not going to happen again Frank. I love my husband very much and so that you know it, I have switched on the speaker and he is listening to us...

At that moment, Frank shut off the connection and the line went dead. Filip looked at me with a bright smile.

-You really mean it for us to be together in a committed relationship, don't you? I liked it very much when you said: "I love my husband very much..." Is that how you see me?

-Yes, Filip, that's how I want to see you from now on.

Filip took me by the hand and dragged me to the bedroom. Before I could do anything, he pushed me on my back one the bed. We were both still fully clothed. Filip fell on me and kissed me deep. It was a kiss full of love and undeniable passion. His body glided off of me without breaking the kiss. I could feel he was fumbling with the buttons of my shirt and one by one he opened them, exposing my naked flesh. His kisses went from my mouth to my collarbone to then follow a way down and softly biting my nipples till they were fully erect. His hand travelled even more down, pulling my shirt out of my trousers. He straddled my hips and pulled me up as to take my shirt completely off. Meanwhile, I had kicked off my shoes and tried desperately to take off my socks without using my hands. Have you ever tried that? It was not an easy task, but I succeeded. When that was done, I pulled Filip's shirt out of his pants as well and tried to be as teasingly slow as he had been. However, my hormones were already in overload and my desperation to feel his naked skin, made me rip his shirt off of him.

Inside our jeans and underwear, our hard-ons were screaming for release. Don't they say that everything that's alive needs air? Our cocks were suffocating in their confinement. Filip knew it, but didn't lose his patience. I tried to unbuckle my belt and open my jeans. Filip pushed my hands away. He had decided to kill me softly with his teasing. When I tried to open his trousers he once again pushed my hands away. I surrendered and let him do the job. He pulled my jeans off, leaving me with obscenely tented briefs, leaving a big wet spot where the tip of my cock was. Before going on, he smelled my briefs, inhaling deeply as if he wanted to be intoxicated by my natural fragrance. With his nose he pressed on the underside of my shaft, pushing even more precum out of my pis slit, increasing the size of the wet spot on my briefs.

Filip got up and pulled his jeans off, keeping his sexy mini briefs on and laying back on me. The rubbing of our cocks through the fabric of our underwear caused a very pleasant friction that excited me almost more than if I was naked. That excitement made me sweat which was a natural lubrication for our bodies. That evening Filip had a way to express his feelings that reached my heart immediately. No, it was not sex, it was pure lovemaking. His teasingly slow action had me almost on the verge of cumming and he knew it. It was his purpose. When he sensed I was about to ejaculate my juices, he travelled down my body again, stimulating my hard-on through my briefs, munching on my cock-head. I was crying out loud. It was pure ecstasy and I felt my balls retract in my nether regions. Filip's mouth was on the wet spot that was now enormous. He added spit so that my briefs became transparent. His hot breath was a delicious feeling and I couldn't control myself. I climaxed. He must have known what was going on as he tried to suck my seed through the fabric and even succeeded partly. That was so erotic.

The seed he had collected in his mouth was soon shared in my own mouth. I was used to that as Filip did it almost every time. As usual, after cumming, I wanted more. He had anticipated that as he uncovered my ass. His abundant precum with a little more spit and some of my cum, were soon on my ass and Filip positioned himself between my legs that he raised high in the air and over his shoulders. He fished his cock out of his briefs and entered me so gently that there was no pain at all. Sure, Filip knew the perfect angle of penetration to give me a maximum of pleasure. His cock entered inch by inch, rubbing all the right places. Just before he reached my prostate, he thrusted forward a bit more forcefully, pushing my joy-button hard. The effect was that he pushed the air out of my lungs as well. His mouth quickly covered mine and he blew air into me. That was a weird feeling and a very thoughtful gesture.

His in and out movements were steady, not slow, not fast and reaching spots I didn't remember I had. I could feel his cock getting harder and, if possible, even bigger, stretching my hole to its maximum. The increase of speed and strength told me we was going to climax very soon and so he did while shouting out loud that he loved me. It was the first time we ended our lovemaking and still had our briefs on. But more than that: he had pronounced the L-word, even if it was caused by the excitement of the moment.

We caught our breaths laying in each other's arms. We cherished those moments of quiet after glorious lovemaking. I was so aware that he had said that he loved me and deep in my heart I knew I loved hime as well, although I was afraid to say it. It was like if I said it, the feeling would vanish... fade away. That was stupid of course as feelings don't disappear in an eye blink. I felt so comfortable in his arms. I couldn't avoid to think I was on the right spot with the right person at the right moment. Wasn't that what they call "luck"? If it was, I had to be the luckiest man on the planet. We didn't need to use words to express our feelings. It felt all so natural.

I looked at Filip and his beautiful eyes met mine. He had a wonderful smile on his face. The feelings he could express without saying a word overwhelmed me to the point that I had a happy tear rolling down my cheeks. He wiped it off with his thumb and brought it to his lips.

-I guess that is a happy tear? Filip asked.

-Yes, it is. You make me so happy and I don't mean it sexually, although that as well is making me happy. What I mean is that I feel so comfortable with you. Just the sound of your voice transports me to a place I have never been before. Your hands on my skin give me energy. Your kisses make me vibrate from head to toe and finally, you spontaneously said you love me...

-I said it because I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I said it with my whole being. I want to spend the rest of my life making us happy, because when you are happy, I am, too. I don't care that it is early to say so. The feeling came from deep inside of me and it had to come out. I love you Al!

I was getting very emotional with his words and more tears of happiness rolled down on my face. I was still feeling guilty with what I did with Frank and said so.

-You were right, Filip said, his voice is really sexy and enticing. I can understand you had a weak moment.

-You are so understandable and forgiving. I think I should have resisted him.

-Maybe... but look at the positive side of things. If you had indeed resisted him, you would never have known what it is to be with him and maybe you would have wondered your whole life what it could have been. Now, you had him and it woke up feelings that were there. You even could put a name on them. Would you have been able to do so if nothing had happened with Frank?

Where on earth did he get his wisdom from? He didn't stop to amaze me. I even started to wonder if I deserved him. I had never met someone like him in my life. It made me think I had to seriously adapt my points of view or the way I was looking at people. Maybe I was too radical. Maybe I was too much in putting labels on people before I knew them really well.

Filip squeezed me in his arms again. You know? One of these hugs that tell you that everything is going to be all right. I loved these hugs and even more when we were naked. The skin to skin contact was amplifying the meaning of the hug. It also made me feel the vibrations we had more intensely. It didn't come as a surprise that we both got hard again. I pulled down Filip's wet briefs and then took off mine as well. I kissed every square inch of skin I met till I reached his crotch. His hard-on was throbbing and I opened my mouth wide to engulf it to the root. The velvety smooth skin of his shaft was warm and glided between my lips. I had learned to control my gag-reflex as to be able to swallow him in my throat. I started to master my throat muscles to provide a maximum of pleasure. I knew his cock-head was sensitive and I did all I could to make him know I was there for him. As soon as his whole shaft was wet with my spit and easily gliding in and out of my mouth, I started to hum. The vibration of my vocal cords send a whole bunch of sensations directly into his pulsating cock. Filip's hands were in my hair, keeping my head where it was and urging me to go on. That was a request I gladly obliged. The banal humming was soon replaced by one of a song, with highs and lows. Filip was writhing below me, grabbing my hair till his knuckles were white... as white as the cream he shot in my mouth. To return the favor properly, I kept it in my mouth and quickly went up to meet his lips and share his juices.

Kissing always made me hard and if it was while sharing his or my juice, it got even harder. I quickly went down again, lifted his legs in the air and applied some lube to make my entry easier. I had to hurry as I was so close to orgasming. I invaded his furnace of an ass and it took me only a few thrusts before I deposited my load in his bowels. I know, it was far too quick to fully enjoy it, but Filip made me so hot and my desire for him increased every single day. He hooked his ankles at my lower back, preventing me to leave his hole and even trying to push me even deeper in him. We recovered from our sexual height and my cock left his ass as nature followed its course. Only then, Filip let his legs down. We were both in an urgent need of a warm shower. We had both climaxed twice before we let the water cascade over us. I didn't think we could get hard again so soon. That was underestimating my lover's desire. With the use of abundant soap he was soon in me again till the wet hairs of his pubes tickled my buttocks. He then stayed still and started to wash me and giving me a head massage while washing my hair. That was so erotic and sensual. He washed my complete front, paying quite some attention to my genitals, all the while thrusting in and out of me. With my body I pushed him with his back against the shower wall, imposing my own rhythm of my ass on his cock. His hands adapted to that rhythm on my own manhood. I reached my third orgasm of the evening in no time and, of course, it triggered his. As the warmth of the water was decreasing, we rapidly rinsed off the soap and stepped out of the shower. With each a fluffy towel, we dried the other.

Once we were back in bed, we cuddled and kissed. We couldn't get enough of each other. I was laying there, with my head on Filip's chest. He had an arm over my shoulder. My hand was softly playing with his hairs on his belly. We didn't need words and soon we drifted to dreamland.

In the morning we were both standing at the huge window overlooking nature in front of us, with each a steaming mug of coffee in our hands. With one finger I touched Filip's chin, obliging him to look at me. When his eyes met mine, I couldn't help myself.

-Filip... I love you.

It was Filip's turn to have a happy tear rolling down his cheek.

-I've been waiting so long for you to say it. You make me so happy.

We kissed passionately pressed together. Filip was hard and had an immediate and spontaneous ejaculation. I had never seen this before. From sipping coffee, to kissing passionately... having a hard-on and an orgasm, all in less than a minute, was close to a miracle. I didn't even have the time to have an erection!

-Now you have the living proof of the effect you have on me, Filip said.

I was awestruck. Yes, I knew I had a kind of effect on him, but I had never seen anything like that before.

-Are you going to ejaculate every time I tell you I love you?

We both burst out laughing out loud.

-No, my love, I won't. It's just that I hoped to hear it and I knew you would eventually say it, but you did it in a very unexpected manner... You took me by surprise and saying it while we were pressed together was too much for me.

My pubes were full of his cream and there was still some drops coming out of his piss split. We showered and got dressed as our work day was about to begin. I was almost finished with the latest work on my agenda. I guessed my client was going to be happy as after reading my work over, I realized I was far ahead on my schedule. That would allow my client to get it earlier to the printing company and get his translated book on the market about a month earlier. I had a maximum of one or two days left before I could consider my work finished.

Nonetheless, I felt I was distracted thinking about Frank's, Floren's and certainly Filip's voices. I could understand why Frank had a job like his, phoning clients and be able to communicate in a natural voice what was probably a pre-written script. When I heard him on the phone the first time, I remembered I had thought he had a sexy voice and that made me listen to him even if what he was saying was not my thing. I found pleasure in listening to him and I was even captivated. Floren, on the contrary, had probably not the slightest clue that his voice was appealing and meeting him after the phone contact, it was obvious he didn't care less about how he appeared or sounded. Filip was a totally different story. He had what I could call an "educated" voice and he had made his job out of it. Being a speech therapist he had probably learned quite a lot about how to sound natural, sound demanding (as a kind of teacher) or sound sexy like he did with me most of the time. I knew that when he whispered something in my ear, I had the sensation he used another voice so to speak.

It made me think about my job. Working as a translator I was most of the time in total silence as to concentrate on what I was doing. It was good for me that Filip and I met everyday. Before I knew him I was in silence ninety-five percent of my time, except for the occasional phone call or watching television. Apart from that, my penthouse was silent... deadly silent. While translating I couldn't even put on some music as it distracted me. Was a human being made to live in such a silence? I didn't think so. Ok, my job provided quite a good income of money although I always had to wait for a client to call me. Fortunately my editor gave my name to quite a few authors and there was a publicity agency that needed most of their spots in various languages. I realized I had all my eggs in the same basket ! It was time to find some diversification in my professional life. It would be a good thing to talk it over with Filip. After all, he became my friend, my confidant and yes, someone someone whose opinion I high-valued.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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