
By Alain Mahy

Published on Nov 28, 2020


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The conversation with Fernando didn't go as well as we wished. We met at a little café around the corner of the studio. He was clearly frustrated that we didn't want to have more sex with him. No, he was not angry. The look on his face was a sad one. At one point I even thought he was going to sob and cry, but he didn't. He had only a one word question: "Why?".

Filip tried to explain to him that we were a couple, a committed one and monogamous. He admitted freely that we had enjoyed the threesome and that is was pure sex with no feelings involved.

-Speak for yourself Filip, Fernando answered almost angrily.

I somewhere suspected that although I had not spoken it out loud. Filip was too stunned to answer and God knows that was not something easy to achieve. Filip had always answers. I knew I was clumsy with words and nonetheless wanted to give it a try. I took Fernando's hands in mine and looked him square in the face.

-Listen Fernando. You knew from the start that we are an item, isn't it? Maybe you had some hopes on something more and I am really sorry it doesn't work out the way you expected. You are a good man and with everything you already did, I can even say you became a good friend. It is no secret that friendship and sex are not always the best combination. What we want is to have you as a friend and that sex wouldn't spoil that friendship. We probably made a mistake to accept the threesome, but that was because we didn't know you have feelings for me or Filip, because that is what I understand from your last remark. If we had known, we would never have let it come that far.

-But you did! And now I am here and I have to pay the bill...

-Sex is not everything, I continued. You are a bright young man and quite attractive. You will find your soulmate, don't ever doubt about that. If I was not with Filip and vice versa, there maybe was a chance that your love would be responded, but it is not the case. Please, let us be your friends because with friendship we'll reach places that as lovers we probably would not have reached. We want you to be part of our lives because we like you and we appreciate you. I am sure there are hundreds of guys out there who would give their right arm to be your boyfriend. Don't close any door Fernando.

He calmed down a bit. The sadness on his faces slowly faded away. Of course, he would have a few rough days ahead of him and a lot to think about. Yes, he was disappointed by not receiving what he craved. Filip recovered from his stupor and tried to find the appropriate words to relax Fernando. It was not easy. It seemed that because Filip had started the conversation, he had to take all the blame. Jeez, how do you find the proper words to reject somebody. It was impossible. I went around the table to take Fernando in my arms, but when he saw my intentions, he asked me not to.

-Do you realize that the slightest touch of you puts me in an impossible position? Just hearing your voice, I am hard again. It is painful Al and even more that I know that I don't stand the slightest chance with you.

-Tell me Fernando, what would you prefer? To have sex with me knowing I don't have any real feelings for you, except the ones of friendship? Or would you prefer to have me around, knowing you can count on me for whatever you need?

-Do you have the slightest clue about my needs Al?

-If you tell me, I will know, but for the moment you're right. I don't. On the other hand it is easy to sense them. You need someone to love, but a reciprocal love. I am far too much in love with Filip to offer you what you want or need. Please, forgive us that threesome...

The conversation went on and on and I could understand that Filip felt excluded from it as it was Fernando and I that had the dialogue. I did my very best to put myself in his shoes. I also knew I would never succeed a hundred percent. Nevertheless, I tried very hard. I was feeling bad for him. It all confirmed what I had been thinking before, that he was a lonely guy and threw himself in his job to forget his loneliness. I knew I had done the same mistake before I met Filip. I explained to him what I was doing before meeting Filip and he could obviously relate to it as he nodded all the time.

It took some more time and I finally reached the point that I wanted: Fernando was not angry at us and the sad face he showed at the start had completely disappeared. He even started to smile. I released the breath I had been holding in my mind. It was not that I had won the battle. At least when we each went our own way, we said goodbye as friends without any rancor. The second part of my strategy was to make Fernando and Flint see that they could have something together. They were both approximatively the same age and both were attractive guys. My intuition told me that they were both lonely and that was why they were both workaholics. Filip asked me how I was going to manage to make them meet outside the recording studio.

-I think I have an idea, but you will have to help me, I said.

My idea was in fact quite simple. I would invite them both for a dinner so they could meet on neutral ground. I thought about what Filip had told me about my voice and he had to help me recording an invitation with the sexiest voice possible, because he had also said they both had hard-ons during my first recording. It still had to be "neutral" as I had not received any confirmation that Flint was gay although I was pretty sure about it and trusted my gaydar. We would try out several different texts and Filip was going to coach me for the perfect voice. It took a bit of time and a lot of positive energy to have the wanted invitation for dinner. Once we had it, Filip recorded it on my cellphone and I sent it to both of them.

It took less than five minutes to receive messages from Flint and Fernando, both accepting graciously the dinner invitation. The first part of my plan was a success. I fished in my recipe book to find the best food to prepare. My choice went out to a Boeuf Bourguignon with roast potatoes in the oven and some fresh vegetables. Surreptitiously I would add some alcohol in the sauce. I didn't want them to get drunk. I just wanted them to have enough alcohol in their blood so that they wouldn't drive home after the dinner. Filip and I then prepared our guest room to make it as cosy as possible.

They both arrived on time and we first had an aperitif which contained some alcohol as well. With the meal we served some good wine and of course offered liquor with the coffee. Close to midnight they were thinking about leaving and I casually mentioned it was maybe a bad idea with the alcohol they had in their bodies. Being good hosts, we offered them to stay the night if they didn't mind sharing the same room. I insisted that the room had a kingsize bed and that they could each sleep on their side of the bed. They showed quite some hesitation at first. Wicked Filip mentioned the numerous road controls that were being held. As they still didn't show any decision, I refilled their liquor glasses saying the night was still young. They finally surrendered, accepting our offer to not drive in their state.

Around 1am they were caught up in an animated conversation and I winked to Filip, saying we were going to bed and that they could stay up all night if they wanted. We retired to our bedroom. I was too nervous to sleep because I wanted to know if they would indeed share the bed we had prepared. I had left the door of our bedroom ajar, but switching off the light. We had our fingers crossed, hoping that our little plan worked out for them. We heard them going to their bedroom after switching off the lights in the living room. They closed their door completely. I said a silent prayer that they would seize the chance of their proximity in the same bed. I tried to stay awake, hoping to hear any action but I had had some alcohol as well and fell asleep in Filip's arms.

The next morning I woke up by Filip rubbing my genitals and trying to penetrate me. I relaxed to let him in and enjoyed to the fullest that morning lovemaking. After our shower, I went to the kitchen to make some coffee, only dressed with skimpy shorts. Soon enough, Fernando and Flint came out of their bedroom, both with only a towel around their waist. It was obvious they had nothing on under the towels. What they had, was a bright smile on their faces and they genuinely looked happy. They greeted us and sat at the kitchen island a lot closer to each other than was suitable for just "friends". I didn't need a lot of persuading to say they had had a good night although they didn't mention it. After breakfast they went, together, to their bedroom to dress. I happily noticed they took quite some time to do so and my wild guess was that they first took care of each other. When they left, they thanked us profusely and Flint whispered "Matchmaker" in my ear and then kissed us goodbye. Fernando just whispered a discrete thank you.

Once we were alone, Filip took me in his arms and looked me deep in the eyes and had a bright smile on his face.

-You did it!

I was beaming. We didn't know for sure what Flint and Fernando had done, or not, but I was sure that at least I had planted a seed. It was now up to them to take care of that seed and making it grow to a beautiful plant or tree. For my part, I wrapped my arms around Filip's neck while he held me around my waist. Our early lovemaking apparently had not given Filip the satisfaction he needed, because he kissed me with passion and leading me to our bedroom. We resumed what we had started earlier and the kiss evolved into a lot more. I returned the kisses, of course and my hands started to roam over his naked torso, softly pinching his nipples, giving him full permission to do with me whatever he wanted. Our wake-up lovemaking had been quick, too quick. Now that we were alone, we would enjoy the mutual pleasure of kissing, caressing and softly biting our bodies.

Since our first lovemaking when we met, we knew which were the right buttons to push. Kissing was of course our favorite thing to do and we didn't skimp on it. Filip knew that munching on my ears would bring me to the highest level of excitement and I knew his weakest spot was the tender flesh on his neck. Filip knew that the mere fact of kissing my entire body from mouth to crotch, got me so horny that I would be writhing with pleasure. He would use any trick to make me moan, groan and even growl before he even touched my genitals. His soft hands would travel over my body and wake-up all my nerve endings to the point that my cock was so hard, it was aching. I loved that aching feeling. It made me feel so alive under his touch. He would also tease me to no end by kissing and licking my bellybutton and then slowly get down even more, kissing each square inch of skin but avoiding my cock. That morning he first went for my balls, taking them first one by one in his mouth and then opening wide to have them both at the same time between his lips, allowing his tongue to twirl around them and softly closing his mouth to pull on them.

I automatically opened my legs wide to give him the best access possible. He lavished my nether regions, letting go of my balls and munching on my taint. That made me go even wilder than I already was, anticipating that he would go even further and that I would feel his warm and wet mouth on my hole. I wanted him! I craved him. I flipped over on to my stomach pushing my ass in the air. His tongue licked my crack from taint to the top. He then gently blew on it. The warm air caressed my hole. He grabbed my ass-cheeks to spread them and I squeezed my ass-muscles as if my rosebud was winking at him. He took that as an invitation to go in and in fact that was exactly what I wanted. He ate out my ass for the longest time, licking, munching, kissing... whatever was necessary to give me an enormous amount of pleasure. My hole was wet and slippery and he started to add first one finger, then two and even three, stretching my hole to a maximum. I moaned and let him know he was doing a fantastic job. His fingers wriggled inside of me, rubbing my prostate, causing a steady flow of precum to ooze out of my cock-head.

Filip pulled my cock backwards between my legs and sucked the precum. Oh yes, he loved it and I was certainly not complaining. He sucked my cock as if he wanted to suck my life out of it. He saved big part of my precum in his mouth and returned to my ass, coating it with my own juice. His fingers easily slipped in and out of me. My heartbeat and my breathing increased. I grabbed the bedsheets as if it would help me in any way. My knuckles were white and Filip went on and on and on. He took me to heaven and back and to heaven again. I felt him move. I was on all fours and as he came between my knees, he spread them even further apart. With his cock-head he anointed the precum and the spit over my rosebud. I couldn't stay still. He slapped my butt-cheeks to calm me down. The sudden sting of his hands on my ass drove me wild again. He gave them even more strength and slapped again and again till my ass-cheeks were red. I was surprised because it was the first time he slapped it so hard and loved it nonetheless. He bent down and licked my buttocks, soothing the stings. My ass had to be shinning with his spit in the early morning sunlight that came through the window. I needed him in me. I couldn't wait any longer and I told him to fuck my brains out. His slippery cock-head met my entrance. I am not in for heavy pain but cried out loud for him to shove it in, in one forceful thrust. I knew the pain would temporarily be excruciating. I didn't care. I needed the feeling to belong to him and to do what he wanted with me.

He obliged and pushed the air out of my lungs with a powerful thrust that embedded his cock to the root in my bowels. He showed no mercy and immediately started the in and out movements, making the pleasurable pain sustain a bit longer. He pulled on my hair and brought my head backwards enough for him to kiss me and even biting my earlobes. He alternated long and deep thrusts in my hole with rapid small ones. With the first he rubbed my prostate even more and with the small ones he stretched and opened my entrance. He was in total control and I loved it.

Suddenly his cock left my hole. In a swift and powerful movement, he flipped me over on my back, grabbing my ankles and opening my legs as far as they could go. He was so hard that he didn't need his hands to guide his cock back into me. In this position he could get even deeper in me and he touched places inside that I had forgotten I had. The moans and groans switched to deep guttural sounds that I didn't know I could produce. I had my eyes wide open and looked into his. The almost animalistic look on his face excited me even more. His fuck-speed increased and he was jackhammering my hole like never before. I knew that at that rhythm he would soon deposit his juices in me and I encouraged him to do so. I wanted all of his seed, I wanted all of his baby-makers in my bowels.

We were both sweating profusely. With each movement of his head, he sprayed his sweat over my face and chest. I tried to grab his ass-cheeks and kneaded them, pulling him in me even more if that was possible. Filip's stamina was incredible and when he threw his head back and that his eyes almost disappeared in his head, I knew he was going to fill me up with his sperm and indeed he did. I concentrated to use my ass-muscles and squeeze his cock that was deep in me in unison with his orgasmic spasms. With his last shot, he let go of my ankles and I hooked them at his lower back. I wanted to keep him in me for as long as I could. Filip collapsed on me and our mouths met in a deep and passionate kiss. He came up and sat on his heels, pulling me with him so that his cock would not leave my ass. He bent over and took the tip of my cock in his mouth and I gasped. He sucked my cock into his mouth and with his hand he grabbed my balls. I was so close and I could feel his still hard cock twitching in my ass. That was the trigger and I came forcefully in his mouth. After the last spurt he came back up to me and, as usual, shared my juices with a deep-throat kiss.

It was only then that I released my grip of my legs around his hips. We were panting and it took us quite some time to recover our breathing. Filip's cock plopped out of my ass and I had that feeling of emptiness that I didn't like. It was inevitable. Filip glided from my body and laid next to me. His hands and arms didn't leave my body and my hands were playing with his sweaty wet hair.

-I am sorry I slapped your butt so hard...

-Did you hear me complain in anyway?

-No, but I should keep control over these things...

-For me you can lose control that way as much as you want. I loved it. My butt will hurt for a bit, but I love that pleasurable pain just like your powerful thrust in my ass.

-Ok ... you'll have to do it to me so I now what it feels like. You seemed indeed to enjoy it very much.

We showered after that and it seemed we were both still horny. It was a fact that the more we were making love, the more we wanted to do it, repeat it. It also downed on me that we really didn't need a third party in our bed to reach total satisfaction. Our lovemaking was getting better by the day. It was sometimes, like that morning, exhausting, but it was a healthy exhaustion. In the shower I soaped my lover from head to toe, paying special attention to his mid-section and of course I could see it showing its appreciation of the work of my hands on it. Reaching his hairy buttocks, I couldn't help myself to kneel down, spreading his cheeks and eating him out. Filip automatically bent forward, pushing his ass back into my face. I added more soap to my hands and cleaned his ass thoroughly and that caused my cock to get hard as steel. He winked a few times with his rosebud and that was a clear sign for me. I stood up and slowly and teasingly entered him till my cock was buried in him. I was so horny that I couldn't be patient. I moved in and out while stroking his hard cock. Under the cascading water of the shower, Filip always reached his orgasm very fast and even more if he felt my cock in his ass. That morning was no exception and we both orgasmed before the water was turning cold. We didn't abandon our ritual to dry each other off. As it was weekend, we didn't bother to dress which told me that we would make love more than once during the day.

To be continued ... ?

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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