
By Alain Mahy

Published on Nov 30, 2020


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It was during the recording of the third episode of the documentary that I got the confirmation Flint and Fernando were an item. It seemed that Flint was more and more present during the recordings and when he was, Fernando was always joyful and happy. But that was not what confirmed their being together.

I had started the recording and I knew the effect my voice had on them. None of them ever hid it. I was halfway through my text when through the window of my cubicle I saw them passionately kissing. It distracted me completely and I had to stop. Even though they were kissing, Fernando had kept his headphones on. As I suddenly stopped talking, he heard the silence and looked towards me. He regained his composure and stopped the recording with a quizzical look on his face.

-Is something going wrong? he asked.

I laughed out loud.

-What do you think Fernando? Do you really expect me to keep concentrated when the two of you are giving me almost a porno show?

He sheepishly looked at Flint

-I can't help it, he said, I love him so much.

-Please, try to hold your feelings till I finish my work. Otherwise I won't be able to do what you are expecting from me.

-Oh my... Al, you know the effect your voice has on us and you want us to stay like statues? You cause us to have ragging hard-ons and you expect us to stay like marble? Try to understand us!

-OK... I'll go and have a coffee. Try to finish the job at hand before I am back so that we can finish this.

I left my cubicle and went to the little café around the corner, giving them the necessary time to reach their climaxes and then cool down. I really took my time to sip my coffee before going back. When I entered the studio they were tucking their shirts in their trousers. Perfect timing! We resumed the recording without any further incident. I came out of my sound-proof box and joined them.

-Don't say a word, Fernando said, it is all your doing!

-My doing?

-Yes, your doing! You OBLIGED us to sleep together that night at your place.

-Are you going to hold it against me?

-No! ... I won't do that... Since that night I have been quite happy I must say.

I saw that Flint's arm went around Fernando's shoulders while Fernando was holding Flint by the waist.

-Everything has gone so fast since that night and we are even thinking about living together.

-Oh my... I am so happy for you guys. You both deserve it.

On my way back home I thought about them and the fact they had plans for living under the same roof. Filip and I were almost a year together and we hadn't even mentioned it to live together on a permanent basis. Half my clothes were at Filip's place and half his were at my place. We lived equally in both places and it came to my mind that it was a waste of energy. The problem was that we both owned our living space. I loved my penthouse and Filip was very happy with the house he had. Ok, it was a little bit big even for the two of us whereas my penthouse was a little small in the same aspect, but both places were comfortable enough. Filip on top of that rented a ground floor space for his practice as speech therapist.

I brought up the topic that same night when he arrived home. He agreed that going from one place to another was sometimes a burden, certainly when he wanted to wear something that was at the other place. I had to ask him what he thought about living together a hundred percent.

-You ruined the surprise I had for you!

He went to his backpack and got hold of a little box. I immediately knew what it was. He went down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was still a surprise though. I accepted, of course. I loved him so much. He slipped a beautiful ring on my finger and had a second one, identical to the first, that he slipped on his. It lacked a bit of romanticism but the final goal was the same. He had planned to ask me to marry him on another date in a more romantic decor, but the subject of our housing came first.

We passionately kissed to seal the deal. We were getting married. We opened a bottle of Champagne to celebrate. We didn't forget how it all came to that, meaning our housing arrangements. We couldn't agree a hundred percent on his or my place. His was big and sometimes difficult to warm up during the winter months. Mine was more practical but had community costs. His was bigger and thus asked for more work for the cleaning and so on. Mine didn't offer the necessary space to move in things Filip wanted to keep. We were in a dead-end street. Both places had advantages and inconveniences.

-Why don't we look for a house that would offer only advantages? We could both sell our place, or rent it out and choose a house were I could have my practice as well and so save the rent I am paying for it.

It was not a bad idea, but the requirements of the new house were numerous. We wanted to stay in the same neighborhood we were living in and where Filip's practice was. He didn't want to lose patients and clients by moving too far away. It had to have a two-car garage. As my penthouse was having fantastic views and we both loved them, we had to look for equally nice views. Whereas my apartment was hyper-modern, Filip's house was a lot more classic. Both styles appealed to us. With both our jobs, we wanted to have enough space to install a sound-proof room with next to it a technical room and recording devices. It was imperative to have a kind of office and we both wanted a full equipped kitchen with all the latest appliances. En suite bathrooms were an obvious requirement.

Maybe we were too demanding with our wishlist. We would have to contact various real-estate agencies and see what they came up with, but we doubted that we would find everything under one roof. On the spot, we wrote an email and sent it to about five agencies. We would have to wait if any of them would answer in the first place and what they would have to offer. One thing was sure: the sound-proof room would have to be installed as there was really very few chances to find a house that would already have it.

Meanwhile I had started with the translations for National Geographic. It was hard work as there was a real technical terminology to be respected. Flint came by on a regular basis to see how I was progressing. If he had been impressed with my voice, he was even more impressed when he saw me working on the translations, with all my dictionaries spread around me. It was then that he realized how meticulous I was and that it was a good thing he had accepted Filip's condition in the contract to let me translate what I would have to read for the foreign documentaries.

The friendship we developed with Flint got stronger by mutual admiration of our professional skills. It often happened that he dropped by to know how far I had reached a certain job and that we started to talk... and talk... and talk, till Filip came home and that we were still in deep conversation. Flint was a very erudite person and there was no subject he couldn't talk about. More then once we started on a particular subject and if we didn't know everything, together, we would go on the Internet and search for the information we were missing. Filip and Fernando sometimes got lost and couldn't follow us. They would then have a separate conversation on topics they knew, meaning voices and recording devices. Filip turned to Fernando for useful information about a sound-proof room in the house we hoped to find. Fernando was a bit worried that he would lose part of his income if we had a sound-proof room, but realized it was not so when Filip explained he needed such a room for professional purposes when working with his patients. From there on, Fernando was very useful. But we still hadn't found the appropriate house yet.

We had a genuine parade of representatives of several real-estate agencies. Some of them were not even close to what we were looking for and we almost immediately discarded those. There was one guy, Frederic, who showed a real interest in what we were looking for. The first few houses didn't meet the requirements we had sent him, but bit by bit he got closer and closer, till the day he called us, very excited, about a house that had just come on the market. Except for the sound-proof room (something we knew) all the check-boxes were ticked. Frederic wanted to show us that house as fast as possible because his intuition was that it wouldn't be on the market for very long. He was that excited that he stuttered. The current owners didn't want to give him an exclusivity and that meant that house was for sale in various agencies. The owners wanted a quick sale and the price was a little bit over our budget but fair, Frederic said.

The very next morning we met in front of that house. From the outside it was beautiful. It was an old Victorian house that had been well maintained. We went in and visited thoroughly, from basement to attic. There were a few things that, with time, we would probably change. Filip and I fell in love with that house. Yes, it was a little over our budget and we knew we could manage it. Frederic was beaming during that visit as he probably knew he had done a damned good job. We asked to have an option to buy for twenty-four hours and Frederic talked with the seller who accepted on the condition that we wouldn't try to lower the price.

That night, Filip and I talked about that house for hours. It was obvious we wanted it because what we talked about were the things we wanted to adapt to our needs. With the income of the rent of Filip's house and my penthouse, we could easily afford the small mortgage we would have to take to buy the house. We had agreed with Frederic to meet in a café close by to the new house. We were a little early for our appointment, but Frederic was already there. He was eager to know our answer. For us it was obvious we would buy the house and giving him our answer triggered an unexpected reaction: he gave Filip and me a peck on the lips. It made us smile.

I won't give you all the details about the paperwork, the refurbishing of a few things, the move and finding tenants for Fillip's house and my penthouse. In short, it was exactly seven weeks after seeing the house for the first time, that we were settled in it. Just the sound-proof room was not finished a hundred percent due to a delay in delivery of a few things that were necessary. I was on cloud nine with the kitchen that was super modern and with all the latest appliances of very high quality. It was an open kitchen and we had open spaces almost everywhere and that was a kind of contradiction with the outside of the house that looked as it it was from the beginning of the previous century.

The house-warming party was a blast with a majority of gay guests. Frederic seemed to be quite an attraction to them. Yes, he was a very handsome man and more than one bachelor was chasing him. Flint and Fernando monopolized him big part of the evening as they too wanted to find an appropriate house. I was only half surprised when I saw them leaving together. I had a bad feeling about that when I saw how Fernando looked at Frederic. Flint was totally oblivious to it. It was none of my business what they did together. I strongly suspected that there would be a threesome that night. Was Flint's and Fernando's relationship strong enough for that? I doubted about it, but as I said, it was none of my business.

Around 2am all guests were gone. We would do the clean-up in the morning as we were exhausted. Once in bed I mentioned my gut-feeling about Frederic, Flint and Fernando. Filip had been too busy to notice anything.

-If we discard his professional skills, Fernando is in fact a big child who wants everything immediately. It doesn't really matter to him if he harms people on the way. You probably remembered his reactions when we told him we didn't want any threesome anymore... I just cross my fingers that he doesn't hurt anybody on his way to his goal, whatever that is.

-You shouldn't worry about that Al. As you said, it is none of our business. They are all supposed to be adults and knowing what they do. We've quickly put a stop to any threat on what we have. They should realize that it is what they have to do, too. If they don't, we can't do anything about it. The only thing we can do for now, is ...

And with that unfinished sentence he kissed me and his hands started to room over my body. I was actually too exhausted for extensive lovemaking. I'd rather prefer to keep it for when we recuperated some strength after a good night sleep. On the other hand, I didn't want to refuse Filip the pleasure he was looking for. We kissed and kissed, but neither of us really got hard. It was obvious we were too tired and we fell asleep while fondling each other.

As we woke-up with serious morning-wood, it was only natural to give each other the satisfaction of early lovemaking. We quickly turned into a 69 position and it was pure delight to feel Filip's cock in my mouth while he was sucking me. Was it the pent-up frustration of unfinished business the night before? I didn't know but we quite quickly reached orgasm and drank each other's semen. Under the warm water of the shower, we continued and ended up penetrating each other till the water turned cold, to fast. I made a mental note to add changing the water-heater as soon as possible by a bigger one.

We put on shorts and T-shirts and went to the kitchen for our first coffee. It was then, in bright daylight that we saw we would have quite some work to get the living room back to its original state. Having that much people coming over all at the same time, left traces. As the previous owners were of another religion, we had two ovens, two fridges and two dishwashers in the kitchen. After such a party we saw the use of the two dishwashers and the two fridges had come in handy to keep all the drinks cool. That party also gave us an idea of what our wedding banquet was going to be.

There were no recordings planned for the next ten days. I was a little surprised we had heard nothing from Flint and Fernando. Just as I was thinking about them, I got a call from Flint, asking if he could drop by that evening. I was not used of him to call before he came. Normally seen, he just dropped by around the time he knew I was working. Even though I was self-employed, I had my schedules. His voice over the phone was not really like usual and I immediately suspected that there was something wrong. I didn't want to talk about it over the phone and told him to drop by whenever it suited him. He arrived at the same time Filip came back from his practice. His eyes were red and puffy. It was obvious he had been crying. I feared that the conversation I had with Filip the night of the party was going to be true.

Flint sat down and hesitate to begin talking. He was a nervous wreck. I followed my intuition that almost never failed me.

-Fernando left you?

The tears rolled down his face and turned into full sobbing and crying. He couldn't get a word out of his mouth and just nodded as to answer my question. I looked at Filip. I didn't say anything. I just made Filip understand what I thought. "I told you!".

-He left with Frederic?

Again, Flint nodded.

-You knew? You heard of him?

-No Flint, I haven't heard a thing. I just saw how these two were looking at each other at our housewarming party. I had a strong suspicion and you just confirmed it to me...

-Were they that obvious?

-Maybe not for the majority of people, but to me they were indeed.

-But he said he loved me!

-He did and probably meant every word of it, but that was before he met Frederic. What happened after you left the party?

Flint tried to recompose himself. He blew his nose, dried his tears and breathed deeply a few times.

-Well... we went to my place with Frederic in tow. As soon as we were in my house, they started to kiss like mad. Frederic tried to be considerate and included me in the kiss. You can imagine that we were soon naked and in our bed. I have to say that the threesome was not my idea. I am the man of one man, but apparently Fernando is not. I admit that the sex was great and lasted for hours. Nonetheless I had the feeling I was the fifth wheel of the carriage. I didn't feel included although Frederic tried to include me... Fernando was not. In the early hours we fell asleep. When I woke-up, I was alone in my bed. They had both gone. I tried to call Fernando on his cellphone, but he didn't answer. I tried hundreds of times till I got the automatic message that his phone was switched off or out of reach. I didn't understand...

Tears were welling up again and Flint couldn't talk for a few minutes. Filip and I stayed silent as we knew there had to be more and wanted to give Flint as much time as he needed. A deep sigh later, he continued.

-I went over to Fernando's place and rang the doorbell. No one answered. I couldn't see his car in its usual spot. The most crazy ideas went through my head such as an accident or even a kidnapping, but deep inside I knew it was something else. I didn't want to believe it, but I had to face reality and it became obvious that they had run away together. I waited till the Monday morning and went over to Fernando's recording studio. I met a man who said he was replacing Fernando as Fernando had suddenly left without any explanation. I tried to call him again and at one point he finally answered his phone, telling me to leave him alone and to not call anymore. He had an angry voice. I was stunned when I received his answer that confirmed what I had not been willing to see from the start. He didn't give me any explanation but it was an undeniable truth. I tried to call him despite him saying not to. It was when the automatic answer of "restricted incoming calls" made me realize he had just blocked me as unwanted caller. I called sick at my job... I really am...

We were feeling so sad for Flint. Filip took his cellphone and called Fernando who answered almost immediately. Filip tried to be his joyful self, asking for a time to drop by with a patient. I could see on his face that he received an answer he didn't like.

-He just told me that as I was installing a sound-proof room and recording devices and that I didn't need him anymore. He then said to not call him back and hung up.

While Filip called Fernando, I tried to reach Frederic at his office because I thought he couldn't avoid taking a call from a client. I was stunned to hear that Frederic had resigned and didn't work for the agency anymore.

My God! What on earth went on in their heads? Or was it in their pants? We were left without any explanation or answer. The coincidence of Fernando saying we didn't need him anymore and Frederic resigning his job, was too obvious that indeed they had left together. We didn't understand. The Fernando we knew was not like that at all. He had always been considerate and well educated, polite and never refusing any job. We didn't know Frederic that well yet and couldn't say what was his usual way of acting. What we knew was that we had a devastated Flint crying like a baby about his loss.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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