Waiting for Santa

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 15, 2017



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Waiting for Santa

It was Saturday, a week before Christmas. The outside air was crisp and chilly, but it was very warm in the department store. Most of the shoppers had removed their coats, and were carrying them on their arms.

The store was overloaded with humanity. Apparently not everyone shopped on line now-a-days. There were long queues at every checkout counter, but the longest one of all was the one waiting to see Santa. Every little kid wanted to sit on his lap, and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. The adults with them had no choice but to oblige. Most of the elders had no desire to be standing on such a long, slow moving line. Two of the malcontents were standing one behind the other.

Matthew Dahl was standing in front of Karl Cameron. Matt was holding the hand of his six year old niece, Mandy, who was also his Godchild. Karl was holding tight to his seven year old nephew, Tyler, who was also his Godchild. Neither of these guys was a happy camper. Santa was spending way too much time with each kid on his lap.

As they inched farther to the front of the line, the sitting Santa was suddenly replaced by another Santa. The kids saw the change, and Mandy yelled, "I don't want him. I want the real Santa."

Matt thought quickly. "Mandy, honey," he said. "This is the real Santa. The other one was just filling in so Santa could go potty."

"Thank goodness," Tyler said. Then he looked at Mandy and asked, "Watchya gonna ask Santa for?"

"Lotsa things. Watchya gonna ask for?"

That broke the ice for the kids, at least. They started chattering away like a couple of magpies. The adults could not help it now. They introduced each other, and started chatting also. They were both very attracted to each other, and their gaydar told them that they played for the same team. Still, each had a child, so they assumed the other to be married and straight.

The men began to chat, and offered information about themselves. Each was relieved to learn that the children were nephew and niece, and not their own kids. They were both single, and neither was in a relationship. Now each was wondering how to find out if the other was gay.

"I'm an architect," Karl said. "What's your line?"

"I'm an English teacher at City College."

For the remaining time that they stood on line, they learned a great deal about each other. They both lived in Manhattan; they were both twenty-nine, and they could see that they were about the same height and build. Matt's hair was sandy blond and his eyes were blue. Karl's hair was reddish, and he had hazel eyes. Both men were very attracted to each other, but neither knew how to find out what the other's sexual orientation was.

When Matt was second in line, Mandy started bugging him to have lunch in a restaurant. He reluctantly agreed, and Karl got up his courage. "Can Tyler and I join you?"

As an English teacher, Matthew's first impulse was to correct Karl's grammar, but he was gay, and very attracted to Karl, so of course, he didn't say a word about it. He said instead, "Sure, it'll be my pleasure."

At lunch, Matt and Karl each became a little bit more aggressive and proactive in pursuing the sexual identity of the other. "It's Saturday," Matt said, "play night for singles. What are your plans for tonight?"

Karl had no plans, but he said, "I was planning on a couple of beers at Bruno's." He added nothing further. Bruno's was a popular gay bar in Greenwich Village. Karl figured that if Matt was gay, he would know of the bar. If he was straight, he would ask where it was.

Matt broke out into such a big grin, that it threatened to crack his face. "It's also one of my favorite places to spend a couple of sociable hours," he said. "Would you mind if I join you there tonight? I'd like to get to know you better." His innuendo was not lost on Karl, who put his hand on Matt's. He quickly withdrew it so the kids wouldn't notice.

"I'd love it," Karl said. I'll be there about nine."

Bruno's was as crowded as the department store. It was Saturday night after all. Karl was already there, and when Matt walked in, he panicked. How would he ever find Karl in this crowd? It was not a problem. Karl was keeping his eye on the entrance, and he spotted Matt the moment he came in. He waved to Matt, who came running over to him. They hugged each other, and then Karl got really bold. He kissed Matt on the lips. It was a closed mouth kiss, but it was a beginning.

Two guys got up and left the bar. Matt and Karl grabbed their seats. They were enjoying their first beers, and chattering away. Each knew that they would have sex tonight, and each prayed that their relationship would evolve beyond a one night stand.

Suddenly, they each felt an arm on one of their shoulders, and a voice said, "Hi guys, remember me?"

They turned around and both shook their heads.

"I'm the Santa you brought your kids to see at the store." He looked nothing like the costumed man in the department store.

"Oh, they aren't ours," Matt corrected him. "The little girl is my niece, and the little boy is Karl's nephew."

"Too bad," Santa said. "I thought you were a gay couple raising two kids. I admire that, and I'm a little disappointed."

He stuck out his hand, and introduced himself. "I'm Kris," he said.

"Matt took his hand and said, "I'm Matt, and this is my buddy, Karl." Kris shook both their hands, and Karl was pleased that Matt introduced him as his buddy.

"May I join you?" Kris asked. Matt was pleased that Santa used good grammar. Neither wanted him to butt in, but what could they say? Kris stood between them, and started to laugh.

"The kids told me what they want for Christmas. What about you two guys? Do you want to tell me what you want?"

"Don't we have to sit on your lap or something?" Karl asked.

"That would be nice. Anytime you want to lap dance me, be my guest. But it isn't necessary. Just whisper your wish list into my ear." Kris broke out laughing in what sounded an awful lot like, ho, ho, ho.

Matt decided to go along with this crazy guy, so he whispered in his left ear, "Kris, I really like this guy. In fact, I'm starting to realize I'm falling in love with him. I don't want tonight to be a one night stand. I want it be the start of forever."

When Matt seemed to be finished, Karl whispered in Kris's ear. "I've fallen in love with this guy, Santa. Please make him love me back."

When he was finished, Kris looked at both of them. His face was serious, and there was no hint of joviality. "Look," he said, "I can bring gifts to the kids who have been nice, but I can't dictate what's in a man's heart."

Karl and Matt had the same thought. Kris really took his job seriously.

All at once, they all heard a booming noise coming from the front entrance, and they turned to look. None of them saw anything out of the ordinary, and they resumed doing what they were doing.

After Matt and Karl looked back at each other, Matt asked, "Where did Kris go?"

"I don't know. I never saw him leave."

Just then the bartender walked by, and Karl asked him if he had seen the man they were talking to.

"What man?" The bartender looked at Karl strangely. "I never saw anybody talking to you, except your friend here."

Karl shrugged his shoulders, and resumed prattling non-stop with Matt. They both ordered a second beer.

The old adage, out of sight, out of mind, was proving to be true. Kris was out of sight and out of their minds, at least for the moment.

Suddenly, Matt could stand it no longer. He took Karl's hand in his, and stared into Karl's eyes. "Please come home with me," he pleaded. "I live very close by."

Karl smiled and planted a chaste kiss on Matt's lips. They put their half full bottles of beer on the bar, and ran to Matt's apartment.

The moment they entered the apartment, they stripped rapidly, dropping their clothes on the foyer floor. They were both cut, and about the same size. Matt grabbed Karl's hand and led him to the bathroom. He started the shower, and Karl was smiling like a Cheshire Cat. The shower became a vast universe of discovery. Neither one of them left a square inch of the other's body unkissed or untouched. That included cocks and assholes. Miraculously they were both able to delay cumming.

They dried up, and got into bed. Matt was about to assume a sixty-nine position, but Karl was way ahead of him. Before Matt could say his name, Karl was down on him, sucking gently and sensuously. Matt wasn't going to let him get away with it. He twisted around and took Karl's cock into his mouth, licking up and down Karl's shaft with a delicate tongue.

Once again, they stopped short before either one of them came. They concluded their first time together by rimming and fucking until they reached Nirvana. They used plenty of lube, but it didn't even occur to them to use condoms. Although they had not said anything out loud, they were committed to each other, and way beyond the need or desire for protective devices.

Afterward, they lay in bed for almost an hour, fondling, kissing, and apologizing to each other. Each one apologized to the other for falling in love so fast, and prayed that the other felt the same way. They assured each other over and over again that they did indeed love each other for a lifetime.

Matt got out of bed and announced that he was going to make coffee, and he had some apple pie to go with it. They sat at the kitchen table sipping their coffee, and nibbling at the apple pie, when Karl observed, "Your apartment is no more decorated for Christmas than mine. How come?"

"I'm alone. Why should I bother? How come your place isn't decorated?"

"For the same reason, I guess. Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you move in with me, and we'll spend Christmas together, and do a little decorating."

"Why am I moving in with you? Why don't you move in with me?"

"Because my place is twice as big as yours, and I have an extra bedroom," Karl said.

"Aren't we going to use only one bedroom?" Matt asked, slightly upset.

"Sure, but the spare bedroom will be an office/ guest room/ library/ den."

"You had me at `office.' Let's do it." They kissed, and fell asleep holding each other's cocks gently in their hands.

Matt could not completely move out of his apartment for a couple of months, but he moved his basic necessities to Karl's place the next day. The two men decorated their apartment lavishly, not finishing until two days before Christmas. They celebrated that night by having a couple of drinks at Bruno's. It was a work day, and Bruno's was not nearly as crowded as it had been on the previous Saturday night. They easily found two seats together at the bar.

As they took the first sip of their beers, they heard a familiar voice behind them. They turned to see Kris grinning at them.

"Join us," Matt said jovially.

"Thank you, but I can't stay. I just wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas, and express my hope that you guys get whatever you wished for."

"We did," Karl assured Kris. Then they heard that boom again. Involuntarily, they turned to the sound, and when they turned back, Kris was gone.

On Christmas morning, Matt took Karl to deliver gifts, and to meet his brother, sister-in-law, and their one year old son Timothy. He already knew Mandy. Mandy grabbed Matt's hand. "Uncle Matt," she screamed. "Come see. Santa got me everything I asked for when you took me to see him." Karl and Matt looked at each other and smiled.

They stayed for a polite amount of time, and then Karl took Matt to meet his sister, brother-in-law, and their three year old daughter, Meghan, and to give them gifts. Matt already knew Tyler.

Tyler grabbed Karl's hand. "Uncle Karl," he screeched, "Come see what Santa got me. I got everything I asked for when you brought me to meet him." Karl and Matt smiled at each other again.

The following year, on Christmas Eve, before going to bed, Karl and Matt looked at their gaily decorated apartment with much satisfaction. To make room for the tree, they had to move the living room coffee table to the middle of the room. They placed a drinking glass, a tray of cookies, and a pitcher of milk on the table for Kris (just in case), and shut all the lights.

In the morning, they found a dirty glass, a partially depleted pitcher of milk, and a handful of cookies gone. There was a little note on the table which read, Thank you guys. Merry Christmas. Kris.

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