Waiting for Vince

By Damian

Published on Feb 11, 2012



Who would have thought a week ago that I'd be sitting here in Vince's house while he was laid up in a coma in the hospital? Or that a young man like Trevor would have walked into my life like he had? I considered it such a privilege to be able to look after him for a few days and help him get his normal life back. He was filling a void in my life, but I knew God was only loaning him to me for a while to take care of. Would I be able to "set him free" with no regrets when the time came for him to leave? Somehow I doubted it.

I looked in on him, and he was sleeping peacefully. I took my evening shower and crawled into my own bed, missing Vince more than ever.


After having gotten used to quiet nights and mornings in Vince's house alone, I was awakened on Wednesday morning by the sound of Trevor pissing in the bathroom we shared. He must not have gotten up all night because it sounded like Niagara Falls in there. He had closed my door to the bathroom, as I had requested, and then he reopened it after washing up and peered in to see if I was awake.

"Good morning, Trev. Are you okay?" I said.

"Morning, Drew. I'm fine -- slept like a rock. It's a lot quieter here than in the hospital, for sure."

"Yes, and the food is better, too, isn't it?" I said, fishing for a compliment.

"Uh huh, and the nurse is cuter, too."

"Thanks -- flattery will get you everywhere. Do you think you could walk down to the kitchen and flip on the coffeemaker for us while I get dressed? It's part of your exercise regimen."

"No problem."

Even though I knew Trevor would see me naked eventually, I hadn't quite been ready for that yet this morning. At least he had some briefs on. I threw on some clothes before he got back. He came back wide-eyed.

"Drew! There's a shirtless hunk out in the garden -- come see."

That was Jimmy, obviously. I didn't know what day to expect him.

"Why don't we get you dressed before you distract him from his work?" I teased.

When we were both dressed, we walked to the kitchen together and mutually admired the view of Jimmy working on Vince's flower garden in just tight faded jeans, socks, and shoes. He hadn't noticed us yet.

"Maybe you'd better stay here in the kitchen and let me introduce myself first."

"Must I?" he said with a pout.

"You'll get your turn. Wait here."

As I walked out to the garden, Jimmy turned and looked at me with evident surprise and confusion.

"You must be Jimmy, right?"

"Umm, yes. Where's Mr. Paulson?"

"Mr. Paulson is in the hospital. He was in a bad car accident last Thursday. I'm his friend Drew Mitchell, and I'm living here temporarily."

I offered my hand, and he shook it somewhat warily. He was a gorgeous early twenties hunk with dark curly hair and olive skin. Beads of sweat trickled down his well-toned, slightly hairy torso from the early morning heat. Where had Vince found this number?

"How did you know my name?"

"Mr. Paulson's son Adam told me about you. He said I should keep an eye out for you and pay you whatever you're used to getting from his dad."

"I wondered why no one was here on Sunday. That's usually the day that Mr. Paulson pays me."

Just then Jimmy spotted Trevor looking out the patio sliders from the kitchen with considerable interest, I thought, on both their parts.

"Who's he?"

"Well, that's kind of a long story. How about sitting down at the patio table and having a cup of coffee with us before you go back to work?"

"I guess I could do that. Thanks," he said, pulling on a snug, well-worn tank top.

Trevor was way ahead of me and already had three coffee mugs pulled from the cabinet, along with some milk and sugar, and I helped him bring them out. I introduced Jimmy to Trevor, who looked like he was about to swoon. They looked each other up and down after they shook hands.

"Trevor was Mr. Paulson's hospital roommate, Jimmy. He just finished his freshman year at Huntingdon. He had to have an appendectomy on Sunday and didn't have anywhere locally to go afterward, so I'm letting him stay here with me until he feels up to his bus trip home to Virginia for the summer."

Jimmy just stared at the two of us, apparently trying to understand why a middle-aged man would take in an 18-year-old he'd just met.

Never at a loss for words, Trevor kept up a stream of conversation about his circumstances while Jimmy and I drank our coffee. I was finally able to ask Jimmy what we owed him. He told me, and I went inside to get my wallet, leaving the two young men to continue talking. Actually it was more like Trevor talking and Jimmy listening.

Finally, Jimmy said he needed to get back to work because he had another job to go to. He thanked me for the money and said he'd be back on Sunday morning. As I had assumed, he was a part-time student and was working nearly seven days a week to make ends meet.

"Nice to meet you gentlemen. Thanks for the coffee. Get well quick, Trevor."

For the first time since I had met him, Trevor was speechless as he watched Jimmy walk back to the garden he was working in while stripping off his tank top seductively. I brought out some cereal and milk and a couple of bowls and refilled our coffee cups as Jimmy continued to stare. I stared, too, but tried to appear more discreet.

"Kinda cute, huh?" I teased.

Trevor just looked back at me and rolled his eyes.

"You could say that -- yeah."

After we ate our cereal, we carried everything back in the kitchen and tidied up. Trevor looked out the window again.

"Ready for your sponge bath, Trev?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's do it."

I didn't think I'd be as nervous about bathing Trevor as I was, but I tried not to show it. It was just a slightly smelly body. Yeah, right -- and about the cutest one I'd ever seen.

"Do you want to do this in bed? I think it might be easier in the bathroom with you standing at the sink. Then we'd have easier access to soap and water."

"What's this `we' stuff? I thought you were going to do all the work."

"You're not that incapacitated, my friend. I'll do the parts you can't reach, like your back, but if you think I'm going to wash your private parts, think again."

"Whatever -- just don't leave me alone. I could fall, you know."

"Let's get your clothes off for starters. Then we need to take off your bandage and change that."

He raised his arms, and I pulled his shirt off. Then while he put one hand on my shoulder to steady himself, I pulled his shorts, briefs, and socks off. His perfect cock and balls swung heavily in front of me as I sat down on the closed toilet seat to get his bandage off.

"Suck it up, fella -- this is probably going to sting a little."

"OUCH!!" he yelled as I pulled it off quickly. No need to prolong the agony, I thought, but I did feel a little sorry for him as he danced in front of me in pain.

I ran a sink full of warm water while he stood there in his birthday suit. I dampened a washcloth and put a little soap on it and washed his back from neck to butt. I offered to do his legs and he let me. But as I was washing the inside of his thighs the inevitable happened.

"Oooh, sorry. Couldn't help it," he said, as his cock quickly plumped up and out. I had forgotten how quickly boys in their prime could get an erection.

I rinsed and dried the parts I'd washed and told Trevor he'd better take things from there. I wasn't used to washing naked 18-year-old boys, and I was having trouble not getting aroused myself. I sat back down on the toilet seat and watched as he washed the rest of his body.

"I wasn't allowed to keep my foreskin like you were. You're lucky."

"Yes, but it's a little more trouble to keep clean."

"How do you do it?" I asked, with all the innocence I could muster.

"You just pull it back and expose the head like this and get it all clean."

To my amazement, he demonstrated it "up close and personal" with no sign of hesitancy.

"Did your mother teach you that?"

"No, Daddy did."

That comment stopped me cold.

"I thought you said he left."

"He did, but not until I was almost 10."

"Was he good to you?"

"Not really. Sometimes he'd pay attention to me, but it was usually negative attention. Most of the time he was out with his buddies. He and Mama didn't get along too well, so it was tense whenever he was home. I cried when she kicked him out for good, but I got over it when I saw how much better off we were without him."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject."

"That's okay. It just makes me appreciate you all that much more. You've already paid more good attention to me in three days than he did in a year. He wasn't a very nice man."

"Well, let's get this over with now so you can get dressed for the day. Why don't you empty the basin and then wash your face and I'll dress your incision and put a fresh bandage on it."

He did as I suggested and then turned around to face me again.

"How can I get to your incision with your hard-on in the way?" I teased.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"You could go back to your room long enough to take care of matters."

"I don't think I'm feeling quite ready for that yet. Maybe it'll go down if you stop staring at it."

"Don't be impudent. Just hold it out of the way while I put this goo on your incision that Patty gave me. We don't want you to get an infection."

I dressed his incision and placed a clean bandage back over it. By then his erection had subsided, but mine hadn't. Good thing I'd kept a towel over my lap, but I think he noticed.

"We forgot to bring in some clean clothes for you to put on."

"I could stay naked," he said, grinning.

"You don't have a modest bone in your body, do you?

I slapped him on the ass to get him going toward his bedroom and helped him put on some clean clothes.

"I need to go to the hospital to see Vince. Can you fend for yourself for a while? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine. I don't need anything else right now. I'll just hang out here and try calling Mama and Nathan. Then maybe take a nap. Seems like I'm always tired."

"That's what happens when they open up your abdomen -- it takes time to get your strength back. I'll be back around 12:30 to fix us some lunch. I need to talk to Adam when he shows up around noon. Don't try to go out without me. I'll take you for a walk after dinner tonight."

As I got in my car for the short ride to the hospital, I realized that I was putting Vince's house -- with his son's complete approval -- in the hands of a young teenager who had been a complete stranger to all three of us just four short days ago. And yet my gut told me that we weren't making a mistake. I wanted to believe he could be trusted completely.

I sat with Vince for over an hour before Adam arrived for his daily lunchtime visit. We both looked for any sign of improvement each day but always came away disappointed.

"How are you and Trevor getting along?" he asked me.

"No problems so far. He's been sleeping a lot, and when he's awake he's either eating or talking."

Adam laughed. It was good to see him laugh after all that had happened recently.

"Have you seen Jimmy the gardener again?"

"He was there this morning -- I paid him for last week. He's due back on Sunday, and I'll pay him then for this week. He's doing a heck of a job in this hot weather. The back yard looks great."

"Do you need any money from me for anything?"

"No, I've got it covered. I'll settle up with your dad eventually. What has the doctor been saying about him this week?"

"He thinks he's doing okay. His vital signs are good, but he thinks he'll be in this coma for a while yet. It's the best thing to protect his brain right now, so I'm trying to take a long-term approach to this, as tough as it is to be patient."

"I think on some level he knows we're here for him, Adam."

"I hope you're right. I talk to him every time I come here."

"So do I. It's got to be getting through, don't you think?"

Adam just smiled weakly at me.

"Well, I'd better get home. Trevor will be raiding the refrigerator pretty soon if I'm not there to feed him."

"You've taken on a lot, Drew. Don't forget to take some time for yourself, too. You can't give all the time without recharging your own batteries."

"I'll remember that. The real test will come when Trevor stops needing so many naps."

"Don't let him run you ragged."

I smiled as I took my leave. Adam and I were more and more on the same page. I hoped it would continue as time went on.

I made it home by 12:30, but Trevor was sound asleep in his bed. The clothes he'd been wearing were on the floor. As I was preparing some sandwiches for lunch, he came out in the kitchen in just his briefs.

"Trevor, were you raised in a nudist colony?"

"Oh, sorry. You did tell me. I was just so used to going like this in my room with Nathan that I forget I'm not there anymore."

"No you're not, and I don't want any neighbors to come to the door or see you through the windows when you're like that. Vince wouldn't be too pleased about explaining that to them. No lunch until you put some more clothes on, young man." I grinned at him, but I was serious.

"You play hardball. I'll be right back."

"Did you call your mother?" I asked, after we were sitting down to lunch.

"Yes. She was glad to hear from me, and she said to thank you again for your trouble."

"How's she doing after her accident?"

"Pretty well -- but still stiff and sore. She was lucky it wasn't worse."

"I'll say. I'm sure she's anxious to get you back home."

"I don't want to think about that yet. That long bus ride's gonna be a killer in my condition."

"Well, your condition is going to get better day by day."

"But how are you going to get along without me after I leave?" he said with a grin.

His question caught me off guard, and it actually made me sad, but I stayed in the bantering mode we'd established and simply replied, "I supposed I'll get a lot more rest, won't I?"

"Yes, I suppose so. Really, Drew, what are you getting out of this?"

"Two words -- eye candy." I winked at him.

"Is that all I am to you?" he pouted.

"You know better. You take my mind off Vince's coma for one thing. Besides, I enjoy looking after you. But don't push it -- I do have my limits."

I told him after lunch that I had to run some errands -- we needed more groceries, and his bandage supply would be running out in a few days. I also needed to find an ATM so I could pay Jimmy again on Sunday.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"That mac and cheese dish was good last night, but I'm a carnivore and I need my meat. I don't care what kind, but pork chops sound good -- or maybe some fried chicken."

"I was thinking along the lines of something out of the freezer case, my lad. Hate to break it to you, but I'm not a great cook."

"Yeah, I got an inkling of that last night," he replied, ducking as I threw a dish towel at him.

"Okay, you win. I'll see if I can burn us some pork chops tonight, but don't expect such royal treatment every night."

"Can we have pizza some night soon?"

"Yeah, when you're well enough to make it yourself."

"I was thinking of the delivered kind. Some of those delivery guys are pretty cute, you know."

"Not most of the ones I've seen, but you've got a good idea there. We'll order one sometime this weekend."

"Yea!" he said, pumping his fist in the air. I felt 20 years younger around this kid.

The rest of the week went pretty much the same way -- brief hospital visits with Vince, cooking, cleaning, laundry, sponge baths and bandages, impertinent remarks, walks around the block in the evening, nagging the boy to put more clothes on... By Saturday night I was as eager for delivered pizza as Trevor was.

"Can we have beer with it?" he pleaded. "Pretty please?"

"I'm not serving beer to a minor, so don't go there."

"Mama let me drink a beer. Once -- the night I graduated high school."

"Well, I'm sorry. Not gonna happen here. Besides, you're still recovering from surgery."

"Mean ol' man," he pouted. "I am a college student, you know."

I wanted a beer myself, but I'd decided I would not drink around Trevor -- unless I knew he was asleep, that is.

"Not when I'm responsible for you. Ask me again in three years."

"Just two -- I'll be 19 in July."

"Yes, I remember."

That was our first tense moment together, but it passed without further comment. I think it unnerved both of us that we couldn't agree about everything.

We watched a little TV and then Trevor decided he was tired and wanted to go to bed. By this time he no longer needed help undressing or getting ready for bed.

"Good night, Trev."

"Good night. See you in the morning."

I decided to call it a night myself and went to my own room and got undressed for my shower. I was washing myself when I suddenly realized that I wasn't alone in the room. Trevor was peeing into the toilet right next to me. I had managed to go four days without being naked around him, but there wasn't much I could do about it now.

He was naked, too. He looked up and our eyes met.

"Sorry, Drew. I forgot to do this before I went to bed."

His eyes trailed down the length of my body. I was facing mostly away from him. I was now fully soaped up, so I rinsed myself off while he watched out of the corner of his eye. He seemed transfixed.

"As long as you're in here, you can make yourself useful and hand me that towel over there," I said as he flushed the toilet and I turned my shower off. He stayed in the room while I dried my body, and I pretended to be cool with it. I certainly wasn't going to make an issue of it.

"Drew, I just want you to know I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't have given you any trouble about the beer thing. I didn't have a right to ask you for that under the circumstances. This isn't my house after all, and I know you're trying to do the right thing. Are you mad at me?"

"No, of course not. It would take a lot more than that for you to make me mad. But we do have to have some understandings," I said as I hung my towel up on the rod.

"I know. I won't ask again."

I normally brush my teeth naked after my shower, so I decided to just do it. He'd seen me this way now, and it would probably happen again.

"Haven't you had a long enough look at me?" I said, suddenly feeling rather vulnerable.

"You see me naked all the time, so it's only fair I get to see you, too."

"Well, you've seen it all now -- why don't you go back to bed?"

"I could use a hug first."

"I can't hug you naked."

"Why not?"

I couldn't think of a good enough reason, so I just turned to him and held out my arms.

"This nude hugging isn't going to be a regular thing," I said as I gave him a quick hug around the shoulders, avoiding cock to cock touching.

"Too bad. I like it."

"I do, too, but that's the whole point. You know the rules."

"Yes, sir," he said as he turned to leave by the hallway door, giving me a last fleeting look. I went to my own bed through the other door. Sleep didn't come easily.

When Trevor came out to the kitchen the next morning, later than usual, I'd never seen him looking better. He was dressed in a nice tank top and shorts and had already shaved and combed his hair. Usually he looked like something the cat dragged in this early in the day.

"Got a date today?" I asked as I looked him over and smiled. I tried not to think about hugging him naked only a few hours ago.

"Umm, no, not exactly."

His eyes focused on the back yard instead of me, so I turned around.

"You devil," I chided, seeing Jimmy pulling off his shirt to go to work on the flower gardens.

"Oh, is this Jimmy's day to work?" he asked, as innocently as he could.

"That's all you've been thinking about since Wednesday, isn't it? Well, I just happened to make some extra coffee this morning, so why don't you go see if he wants some?"

"Some what?" he said with a grin.

"Coffee -- coffee! You must be getting your libido back."

"It's about time."

Trevor had just started talking to Jimmy, who smiled at him broadly, when my cell phone went off. It was Adam.

"Drew, can you come to the hospital?" He sounded like he'd been crying.

"Dad just woke up a few minutes ago. He wants to see you."

(To be continued)

If you would like to be notified each time I post a new chapter to this or any other story of mine, please let me know and I'll gladly do that. All others on my mailing list will get announcements of only the first chapter of a new story.

Please don't reproduce any part of this story without permission, but do write to me if you're so moved. I answer every e-mail, but I don't accept invitations to link to social networking sites. Please put "Vince" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam. Mention your location, if you don't mind. Thank you.

To see a clickable list of my other Nifty stories, please click on the "Authors" tab on the Nifty site. Then scroll down and click on "Damian" (but note that "Damian Chandler," just below my name, is a different author). I encourage you to make a donation to Nifty to support the work they do to make these stories available.

Damian nvtahoeus@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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