Wannabe Gangsta

By Fluval Fluval

Published on Nov 30, 2022


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Dwayne arrives at the private school he attends as an 18-year-old senior, he parks his expensive brand-new black Lamborghini aventador. The white wannabe gangsta's five foot, five-inch frame, with massive muscles and big bouncy pecs is squeezed in the driver's seat. Dwayne checks himself in the mirror, a black do-rag tied tightly on his white head, the tight black wife-beater stretch to bursting over his huge pectorals, his eight-pack abs normally seen thru the tight fabric are missing, his stomach swollen from the sexual assault earlier. His thick ass under tight black boxers resting on the warm leather seats, his baggy oversized dark blue jeans around his muscular thighs, his black air force 1s on the car pedals. Dwayne exits the expensive car, grabbing the black blazer all students must wear, draping it overs his wide muscular shoulders. Dwayne adjust his belt, keeping his oversized jeans held up around his thighs, shining the large silver buckle reading "gangsta". The wannabe gangsta pulls the long silver chain around his neck, making the large silver cross hang straight down, resting on his inflated stomach. Dwayne strolls into his new school, his big muscled posterior swaying from side to side, one hand grabbing his crotch, walking with confidence.

"Dwayne!" he hears behind him, turning he sees the school principal, Mr. Walken, an overweight middle-aged black man, walking towards the white thug. "Late on your first day of school and out of dress code, Dwayne." Principal Walken says. "Yo, I got my jacket," Dwayne starts, both hands grabbing his sagging pants, taking his best gangsta stance. "Dwayne, pull your pants up and take the do-rag off, those are not dress code." Principal Walken says dryly, having a similar conversation with new students before, looking at Dwayne's oversized jeans revealing almost all of the tight black boxers and noticing the thug's bulging stomach. "What is that?" Principal Walken ask, pointing at Dwayne's stomach. "Nothin', yo," Dwayne grumbles, his handsome face reddening, his massive arms covering his swollen gut. "I think you should come with me, Dwayne, and have a talk," Principal Walken says, turning and walking away from Dwayne. Dwayne glares at Principal Walken, who doesn't look back, then follows after the fat man.

Dwayne follows after the overweight principal, who leads him into his office. Dwayne sits down on the principal's large brown leather couch, watching as the principal takes a seat behind his large walnut desk. "Listen, Dwayne," Principal Walken says, "I understand you might be a little angry and you might have some issues to work out, but you need to remember you are in a new place. You are the new kid, so act like it. Don't embarrass the school, or yourself," Walken says. "Do you understand?" "Yo" Dwayne starts in protest, "I ain't do nothin'" the wannabe gangsta says. "Just act like a gentleman," Walken says. "If you're going to be part of this school, you need to understand that you are a member of the student body, and you need to act like one,now, turn in any drugs you brought" Principal Walken says sternly "We have a no tolerance policy for drugs." "I don't have shit," Dwayne taunts. "Now standup and put your hands on the desk." Principal Walken commands, strength in his deep voice. Dwayne stops smirking, "yo, your jokin?" he asks dumbly. "Stand up, now" Walken repeats. Dwayne does as he's told, standing up and placing his hands on the mahogany desk. Principal Walken, putting on a pair of gloves, stands behind the wannabe gangsta, he removes Dwayne's school blazer, the Dwayne's massive arms tense as he flexes, his swollen stomach stretching from under the tight black wife-beater, the oversized jeans slowly slipping downwards.

"Let's see," Principal Walken says, putting his hands on Dwayne's shoulders, grabbing his bulging biceps. Principal Walken reaches into Dwayne's jeans pockets, pulling out a brand-new cellphone and a wad of cash, tossing them on the desk. "Open your mouth," Walken says, pushing Dwayne's head to the side. Dwayne opens his mouth, displaying his two rows of bright white teeth. Principal Walken sticks a finger in the thug's open mouth, causing Dwayne to cough and cross his blue eyes. Dwayne's baggy pants have slipped so far he has to spread his muscular legs to keep them up. Principal Walken pulls at Dwayne's wife-beater, causing Dwayne to say "Yo, don't..." and grab the fabric to keep it covering his stomach. "Show me what you're hiding!" Principal Walken commands, ripping Dwayne's hand off the wife-beater and returning the muscular arm to the desk. Principal Walken then pulls the wife-beater up, just pass Dwayne's huge pecs, jiggling now that they're free from the tight fabric. Principal Walken rubs the puffy pecs, sliding his hand in-between the round muscles. Dwayne's massive arms flex, his biceps bulging, his triceps clearly defined. The wannabe gangsta growls, crossing his eyes. "Don't do that," Dwayne begs, tears in his eyes as Principal Walken rubs Dwayne's inflated stomach. "What is this..." Principal Walken ask, confused, poking Dwayne's gut, causing the wannabe thug to wince. Principal Walken slides a hand over Dwayne's thick ass, feeling the large bandage over Dwayne's asshole. "Is this... is this a..." Principal Walken asks. "Bandage? What are you..." Principal Walken pulls down Dwayne's tight boxers revealing the thick, round ass, causing Dwayne to pull the front up enough to cover his tiny one-inch dick. Principal Walken pushes Dwayne's upper-body down further on the desk with one hand, the other hand pulling the wet bandage off, causing Dwayne to let out a high-pitch scream. Principal Walken looks at the leaking ass, pulling the thick cheeks out of the way, he notices the paper towel Dwayne shoved inside and pulls the wad lose, now drenched in old dog cum, dripping out the red, puffy hole. "What the fuck..." Principal Walken says, looking at the embarrassed muscular thug on his desk. Principal Walken pokes a chubby finger into the thug's muscular asshole, sliding in easily as cum continues to leak out. Dwayne tenses, his muscles bulging, trying to clinch his ass closed as Principal Walken continues to poke around. "Stop... yo..." Dwayne tries, his handsome face contorted in pain, tears in his eye. Principal Walken removes his finger with a sickening 'pop'.

"No drugs in there," Principal Walken states, "but...it's full of cum? Were you attacked?" Dwayne quickly turns, not pulling up his boxers, to face the chubby black man, the wannabe thug's face red with anger and embarrassment. "Nah, yo, I'd bust a cap in anyone who tries!" Dwayne says, forcing strength into his voice. "So you're gay then? This is a dangerous way to finish sex." Principal Walken says, concerned. Dwayne grabs the front of the black man's shirt. "I ain't gay, nigga!" the white wannabe gangsta yells loudly. A dark shadow crosses Principal Walken's face, he pushes Dwayne backwards, the oversized jeans falling around the thugs nike air force shoes, causing Dwayne to fall onto the desk, his thick bare white ass on the wood. Principal Walken grabs Dwayne's neck, pushing his back down on the desk, Dwayne's legs in the air. "Don't ever use that word," Principal Walken growls, venom in his deep voice, he pushes Dwayne's legs against the thug's wide muscular chest, "hold them there," Principal Walken commands. Dwayne obeys, terrified, pulling his legs, his knees pushing on his bouncing pectorals. Principal Walken takes the wad of soiled paper towels, shoving them into Dwayne's mouth, Dwayne's eyes crossing at the sour taste. Placing a wastebasket under the wannabe gangsta, Principal Walken then pushes hard on Dwayne's swollen stomach, causing cum to shoot out of the thug's thick ass, causing Dwayne to let out a muffled yell. Principal Walken continues to push on Dwayne's muscular stomach with both hands, Dwayne, tears streaming down his face, continues to yell as cum sprays from his irritated ass. After a few minutes Principal Walken stops looking down at Dwayne, the half-conscious thug's guts empty, Dwayne's 8-pack abs visible against, his handsome face covered in covered in tears, sweat and drool, the paper towels falling out of his mouth. Dwayne's boxers had slipped down further, his one-inch dick on display. Principal Walken pulls out a handkerchief wiping Dwayne's leaking asshole, like changing a baby; Principal Walken thinks, chuckling softly, he slaps the wannabe thug in the face softly a few times, waking Dwayne up. "Stop... yo... please..." Dwayne begs thru his sobs.

"Use that bathroom to clean yourself up," Principal Walken says flatly, pointing to a room connected to his office, "then get to class." Dwayne moves slowly towards the bathroom, his asshole burning with each movement, he cleans himself, splashing cold water into his puffy, red asshole. The wannabe thug fixes his clothes, the black wife-beater now tight against his abs, showing off his defined 8-pack, the silver cross hanging low from his neck, bouncing off the washboard abs. The oversized jeans pulled up, his thick ass still on display. The white gangsta pulls the black blazer on, the fabric stretching to cover the massive muscles. He keeps the tight black do-rag on his head. Dwayne exits the bathroom, Principal Walken gone, all traces of the mess gone. Dwayne puts one hand on his crotch and sets off to class.

Next: Chapter 5

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