Warm Hands

By moc.liame@yugraluger

Published on Sep 14, 2000



Send comments to: regularguy@email.com

It was a warm summer day and like always, I headed for my normal park where I can sit and have some peace. As I pulled in to the parking lot, I found that I was the only one there. This was very unusual, for this park is one of the many that is spread through out this city. People use these parks for everything from having picnics or hiking in the woods. As I parked, I saw a picnic table that would give me a good view of the parking lot and the surrounding area. I always came here to be by myself. Sometimes, I would just look at the various people wondering if I could find a friend; someone I could relate to. It would be my dream to find someone like me for just as a friend. I have never been involved with a male friend before. Like I said, it was a warm day and my mind was full of strange ideas.

Since I was the only one in that section of the park, and since I was feeling alone, I though about having some fun with myself. I don't usually do these things out in the public but I was feeling somewhat different. I had these baggy shorts on; you know the type that you would wear if you were going swimming and didn't care if someone was with you. Not the tight fitting ones, but the loose fitting ones. I slipped my dick and balls over to my left leg to allow room so I could finger myself through the leg opening. I pulled the left side of the shorts up and I had everything out in the air, so to speak. I looked at myself and I could see everything including the hair at the base of my little smoke stack. I pulled the skin back and forth a few times, not to make myself come, but to just to get me even hotter then I was already. Like I said before, I don't do these things but I guess today was different.

I kept my hand on my dick as I continued to scan the view in front of me. A few times, I looked over my shoulders just to be sure no one was behind me. I don't know what I would do if someone would catch me playing with myself. I told myself that I wouldn't cum, but playing was a different story. I wanted to get myself hot. How many of you out there ever did something like this. I'm sure many of you have and more than once. I was getting hot just pulling the skin back and forth. My dick became large. In front of me, the bushes were moving and as I watch, a little old man came out and walked toward me. He was still a long way off and I was sure he couldn't see what I was doing. I decided to not make a big move but to just slip my right leg over the left to hid my dick. My dick was hard and I was excited as he approached me. He was bald on top but had hair on his sides. He needed a shave and he wore glasses. His clothes were old and he had shorts on. I remember his bony legs.

He quickly walked around the picnic table to get behind me. As he came around the table, I quickly turned around and sat on the picnic table with my feet on the bench. This made me the same height as him. My dick was still in the left leg of my baggy shorts but my hands were now behind me holding me up as I leaned back. He bent down to look up my shorts. I was sure he was looking at my dick. I felt a hot feeling in my insides. I knew he was looking at me; I knew he was and I didn't care. In fact, I picked up my feet on my toes to give a better view of my private parts.

He said that he saw me playing with myself from the woods. I couldn't believe that no one could see me from that distance. That didn't change the way I was letting this old man look at me. Let me explained, I not a young kid. If fact I am married. He was still leaning over to look up my pants legs and I was enjoying it. I was letting him. This hot sensation was setting me on fire. It has been a long time since I last came. I looked around, over my shoulder, to see if any one was watching us. I was scanning the area around us. I felt this warm sensation on my dick. He had sat down on the bench beside my left leg and had placed his long thin warm hand directly on my dick. His hand was so warm it made my heart jump. I bet that hand could warm a cold house on a cold night. It happens so fast that I didn't have time to react. I heard that these old men couldn't get there own dick up, would do anything to play with someone else's dick. He just held me and I watch his arm as his hand disappeared up under my shorts. I quickly raised my self and pulled up those baggy short letting my dick and balls hang out in the sunlight. I wanted to see it also. I wanted to also see my dick. He said in broken English "nice dick, big dick, thick dick."

I was thinking that I was going to get sucked off and boy do I need to get sucked off. Oh how I wanted to get sucked off. I couldn't remember that last time I did get sucked off. Now, this is the part that I can't believe. This old man had me where he wanted me. I was hot and if he played the cards right, he would have me suck him off right then. Like I said, I was so hot. Sucking on a dick is one thing my wife doesn't do. Watching this strange hand on my dick almost made my dick come on the spot. He slowly moved my uncut skin up and down. I told him to pull the large skin all the way back. He did and the purple head shown bright in the sun as it gleamed through the overhead trees. I said to myself "take me now, I'm ready". He kept slowly move his hand back and forth on my dick and all I could do was to watch him. Every forth, or fifth time, he would pull that great skin all the way back sending ripples through out my body. He said, "I only jack." I said "what, are you going to do, leave me like this?" I wanted more; I needed more. I suggested that we walk over to a bench on the other side of the field that we were sitting besides. I said "this should give us some time alone". As we walked over to the park bench he was holding my dick through the thin material of those baggy shorts. Oh bless the baggy shorts. I'm going to wear them again when I come to this part again. I let him touch me; even hold me. To me, that warm hand made everything right.

I sat down first after I adjusted my baggy shorts letting my dick again stick out through the left leg. Again my dick was standing straight up in the air waiting for his next touch. He sat down besides me and started to stroke me with that warm hand. I watched this man slowly jack me off. I don't know haw long he played with me, it wasn't that long but it was long enough to let me enjoy his every movement on my dick. I truly enjoyed this jack off. It was the best I ever had. It was even better than my own hand. He was very gentle and he had the warmest hand I have ever known. I get hard now just thinking of him. I told him that I was coming, as he continued moving his hand on my dick very slowly. I looked around again and didn't see anyone in sight. I then made my legs stiff and straight, giving me as much pressure that I could produce, as I shot into the air. He let the juice just fall to the ground. He continued jacking my boner until I felt a second release of fluid from my dick. I took my index finger and wiped it on my pee hole to taste my own fluid. Someone was going to taste me, if not him, and then it had to be me. I looked at him; he wasn't even hard. I thought about his dick and I said to myself, I didn't care if he came or not. I just had the greatest jack off known to Man. I didn't care. We sat there a few minutes letting my dick go down to its normal size. Neither of us talked. He let me calmed down. We than slowly walked back to my car. I got in and left. The only comment I said to myself as I was driving out of the park was "I can't believe what I just did; what I just allowed to happen." I wanted a lot more but settled only for a hand job.

Let me known if something like this has ever happen to you. Email me at regularguy@email.com

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