Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on Jun 8, 2001


Chapter 12.........I'm on a ROLL BABY! :) Another extra special thanks to Nimmy for her help with this chapter (I don't know what I'd do without you babe)

I've decided to extend this story. I am not ready to say goodbye to Aaron in only 3 more chapters. As with all stories, you start out with characters that have a certain personality, but then they begin to develop on their own, and what you have after that you completely fall in love with. Aaron needs a happy ending, and I am going to give him that. Thank you for all your support. There is much more of WYWM to come, I love you all!

Disclaimer: This story isn't true. Well DUH! eye roll If A.J. Mclean is reading this, I want my leaf blower back! Steal or copy this story and I will decapitate you and sell your head to Ertha Kit!

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Twelve

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

I woke up the next morning to the beauty and splendor of the new dawn. The warmth of A.J.'s arms around my body brought a smile to my lips. He looked so utterly peaceful when he was sleeping. Bliss. I could not imagine anywhere else in the world as perfect then being here right now.

The second fax machine on the desk in the bedroom rang once. A page began buzzing out slowly. I sighed heavily and slid out of A.J.'s arms. I walked over to the fax not wanting to see what was on the page. The same bold black font looked up at me ominously. "DIE you fucking faggot! A.J. is NOT meant for you! HE IS MINE! MINE!"

I dropped the paper as a heavy dark force shifted its way into my mind. I felt A.J.'s arms around me and I knew he was awake. His comforting voice spoke,

"Aaron, what's wrong?" I pointed to the fax now resting on the floor at my feet.

"That." I breathed out scared. A terrible, all too familiar numbness washed over me. I closed my eyes. A.J. growled angrily at the page as he tore it up.

"Aaron, don't be upset ok? It's just a fan trying to scare you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive babe." Only fools are positive, I thought to myself. A.J. kissed me softly and held me close. "It's gonna be ok, now how about a smile?" I plastered on a fake smile to reassure him. "I'm gonna go shower," he continued, "By the way, Nimm called last night to say that she would be down today sometime this afternoon to get started on the shots for the album."

I nodded sadly. He tipped my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Hun you know this. Every boyfriend or girlfriend any Backstreet member has ever had has been harassed. I need you to stick with me through this, ok?" He looked down. "I don't want to be alone again." He admitted quietly. I threw my arms around him and held him tightly. I squeezed him as if to rid our lives of all bad memories. We both stood there for a long time, Alex holding me close as we rocked to and fro gently. I finally broke the silence.

"Sweetie you need your shower; I can't have a stinky boyfriend now can I?" I smirked. He laughed and kissed me quickly before heading into the bathroom.

Nimm arrived shortly after noon. I answered the door just as she was about to knock. She glared at me humorously.

"One of these days McMillan, one of these days." She laughed and we went into the kitchen to begin discussing shoots for the album liner notes and promotion. Nimm was to be my official photographer. No other pictures were aloud to be taken of me for any publication unless she, herself, had taken them.

"Well, I'm of to the grocery story you two, want anything?" A.J. asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, how 'bout some whipped cream and chocolate syrup?" I asked nonchalantly. A.J. spit out his coffee as Nimm cracked up laughing. I laughed smugly at A.J.'s embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry hun. You don't have to if you don't want to." His expression changed from shy to seductive in about 2 seconds flat.

"I love how you think." He whispered into my ear. His breathe tickling my skin. I shivered. Damn it. "So I see Aaron is a little kinky huh?" He breathed again. I shivered a second time. "Anyway, gimme an upside down kiss before I roll." I bent my head back and directed my lips to his in a noisy smack.

As soon as A.J. was gone, Nimm and I began to discus plans for the photo shoot. We argued somewhat on various ideas, but we compromised and solved them quickly. Nimm tipped her head back and sighed. Then, her head immediately snapped up.

"Phone call in 3...2...1..." My cell phone rang. I laughed and dug into my bag to answer it.


"Listen to me you goddamned bastard! You STAY AWAY from ALEXANDER! Do you hear me? If you don't, I SWEAR TO GOD someone CLOSE to you will DIE! Be careful, I'm watching you Aaron."


The line went dead. I quickly pressed the 'clear' button and then looked at the caller ID. To my utter surprise it was the number of my townhouse in Seattle. Everything suddenly clicked into place.


I dropped the phone.

"Hey Aaron, everything ok?" Nimm asked worriedly. "Aaron?" She noticed my catatonic-like state. She gently slapped my face. I looked up at her. "Who was it?" she inquired.

"St-Stalker." I stuttered out.

"What? A stalker? Are you serious?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah." My throat was dry. Nimm poured me a glass of cool water and I drank it gratefully. "Oh my god, what am I gonna tell A.J.?" I asked Nimm worriedly.

"You'll tell him that you're being harassed and that it has got to stop!" A voice from the doorway bellowed out. It was A.J. His arms were full of grocery bags. He deposited them on the kitchen table, and then walked over to the phone. "I'm calling the cops right now." He rumbled angrily.

"No!" I shouted, "It's just my ex, Brad. I know it." I paused for a moment.

"I'm going to Seattle as soon as I can to settle this with him once and for all." I looked at Nimm. "Hun, I'm sorry but can I postpone that shoot?"

"Sure; but what will keep me from thinking about Boomer?" She asked, looking me squarely in the eye. Boomer was her fiancé, but he had left her at the alter. I knew that Nimm was lonely, and that she was hurting, but she didn't like to show it. She had been that way ever since I could remember. She threw herself into her work with fury hoping to cover up the pain she was going through. She needed someone. Whenever I had tried to set her up, she would just shake her head and inform me that she didn't need someone interfering in her work.

"Um..." I did not have an answer to her question. "You could work on your dolls?"

"Aaron, I've finished everything. I don't know how much longer I can hold out, but you are the first one on my list." She sighed. "Alright, go, but I can't stay here knowing some crazed lunatic is on the loose!" I shook my head,

"Totally. I don't think you or Tori should stay here alone." I looked to A.J. for help.

"Well, you could go stay with Nick, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Plus the rest of the guys are out of the country at the moment." A.J. looked at me. I understood perfectly.

"Yeah, Nick's would be perfect. I'll go tell Tori." I said relieved as I made my way up the stairs to Tori's room.

To Be Continued

e-mail: web site: AIM s/n: iFoundASock

Next: Chapter 13

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