Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on Jun 12, 2001


Ok, here's chapter 13. If I was a superstitious person I'd be afraid of this chapter. But I'm not so fuck it. Thanks for all the e-mail I'm NOT getting. lol. hint hint (Extra strength Ultra-Thanks go to Nimm, as usual. I'd die if not for her.)

Disclaimer: I THINK we ALL know what should be said here, so just pretend I said it. Ok, solid. Enjoy!

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Thirteen

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

I climbed up into the Tahoe. Tori and Nimm shuffled into the back seat, and we were off. Nimm kept looking at her make-up and hair in the pull-down mirror, clearly nervous about her first meeting with Nick Carter. I reached into my bag and handed her my cosmetic case.

"Use whatever you want."

"Thanks." She mumbled.

Tori, on the other hand, had slathered on enough foundation, and sprayed her hair up into such a solid heap, that it would probably take the blast of a jet engine to nudge it out of place.

As we zoomed down the interstate I began to hum the melody of "Midnight At The Oasis" by Maria Muldaur. A.J. looked at me strangely,

"Isn't that that old disco song?" he asked surprised. I smiled as Tori laughed in the backseat.

"Yes it is," she informed him, "He always sings that god awful song whenever he's on the freeway." She rolled her eyes. I turned around in my seat and looked at her.

"It's a hell of a lot better than what YOU do on the freeway, Victoria dear." A.J. looked in the rearview mirror,

"What do you do Tori?"

"Never mind what I do." She replied huffily.

"Aww! Come on, tell us!" Nimm pleaded, amused. Tori rolled her eyes and picked at her mascara.

"I'll tell you what she does," I began, "She writes her car phone number on a big piece of paper that she holds up in the window when good looking guys drive by!" A.J. and Nimm both burst out laughing and I could see Tori smirking.

"Honey, we won't even get INTO some of the things YOU do!" Tori informed me. A.J.'s ears immediately perked up. He turned and looked in my eyes.

"I'd like to know." He said quietly. Tori patted his shoulder.

"We'll talk later Alex."

I rolled my eyes.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up in front of the worst attempt at modern industrial architecture I had ever seen in my life. Tori grimace as well,

"It looked better in picture." She said quietly. I nodded,

"It sure as fuck did."

Nimm and Tori began to drag their luggage out of the back of the Tahoe as A.J. and I made our way up to the front door. A.J. rang the bell and I could hear several dogs barking. He must like dogs, I thought to myself. Suddenly, the door burst open and two precarious dogs ran up to A.J, and immediately commenced licking him to within an inch of his life.

"Damn dogs." Nick huffed.

"OHHH! Panda! Bear! Ohhh hello babies! Hello!" A.J. made baby noises as he hugged his children. I smiled at this new change in A.J.'s demeanor. He was so cute! I could hear Tori making gagging noises behind me. I shot her the evil eye.

"Alex, Why were your dogs at Nick's house?" I inquired. He stood up and brushed his hands off on his jeans.

"Well I thought it would just be easier to have Nick take care of 'em while we did the record." I nodded my head,


Tori held out her hand.

"Hi Nick, I'm Victoria Weston. Call me Tori, everybody does." The many bracelets on her hand clanked as Nick took her hand and shook it.

I turned around to look for Nimm. She was hiding her five-foot frame behind her large Pullman. I waved my hand and called her over. She grabbed her bags slowly and shuffled over. She looked at me, nerves written all over her face. Nick took one look at her and smiled instantly. I took Nimm's hand and placed it in Nick's. I put my hands over theirs and said, loudly,

"Nick Carter, Nimm Nguyen. I now pronounce you friends for life!" I smiled and Nimm blushed.

We all made our way into the modern monstrosity that was Nick's house. Tori, as usual, had enough bags to stay for the rest of her life; Nimm had one. Nick offered to make me a vodka and Sprite, and I accepted. Nimm looked right at me and glared. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I'm gonna need it sister, I'm going back to Seattle." She sighed and tossed her hands up,

"Oy vey, why do I even try?" By the time I had finished my drink, I noticed that Nick and Nimm had gotten awfully chummy on the sofa. I smiled. Maybe my matchmaking scheme would actually work.

After Nimm and Tori had settled themselves in Nick's tawdry yet humble abode, A.J. and I went back out to the Tahoe.

"AARON! WAIT!" A petite voice called behind us. I turned around and saw Nimm running towards us with something in her hand. "I know it will pain you to go back to Seattle," she began, "What with Brad and all. Here, take this for good luck." She opened her hand, and I gasped at what I saw.

"Nimm, no; sweetie I can't. It's what keeps you strong!" I exclaimed. She shook her head.

"You need to go to Seattle. There is more pain there then there ever will be here. I want you to take this with you, it will protect you and keep you safe." She insisted. I looked down at the ring in her hand. It was a white gold ring that her father had given her right before he had departed on the expedition to the Amazon jungles. It was the last anyone had ever seen of him.

"But Nimm," I began again.

"But nothing! You've got a plane to catch!" She moved me in the direction of the car. "Go, get to the bottom of this mess or none of us will be able to sleep at night!" She gave me a smile to show that she was going to be all right. I took a deep breath, hugged her, and then climbed up into the SUV.

A.J. and I checked in a few minutes before the final boarding call. To say that I was extremely apprehensive would be an understatement. I rested my head on the seatback as A.J. squeezed my hand to comfort me. I sincerely hoped that I could settle things with Brad for good this time.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 14

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