Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on Apr 14, 2001


Helloooooo? taps mic where is everyone? I know you're out there, I can hear you breathing. MAIL ME! I've still got the whip people, don't make me use it! smirk OMG Nimm! you sweetie! Thanks for plugging my story! :)

Thanks to Nimm for believing my lit doesn't suck. (ur secret is safe with me girl) (Did anyone see that interview with A.J. in the January Stone? Who hit him with the asshole stick?! Anyway, it's my story so I'm making him

Disclaimer: None of this happened; it is all a figment of my poor, poor deranged psyche. This story is not meant to imply anything about anyone, and it is for entertainment purposes only. This story is copywritten by me

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Three

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

The sleek black Mercedes S500 Guard pulled up to the front entrance of the hotel like a great black cat. The driver opened the door for Tori and I, and we climbed in happily. Tori pressed the button on the console to close the partition between the driver and us; and we talked of what the future had to hold as we made our way through the city.

Jaycee was already there, as well as A.J. I felt like a louse for being the last person to arrive. I sat down.

"Sorry we're late you guys, the driver didn't arrive at the hotel until-" A.J. held up his hand and stopped me mid sentence,

"That's fine, no need to apologize." He smiled and I felt relieved. Jaycee coughed under her breath as I looked over at her.

"Oh my god, Jaycee!" I got up and went around the table to hug her. "I missed you!" She embraced me tightly and I sighed contentedly.

"Alex and I," Jaycee began, "Go way back." I raised an eyebrow.

"How is it that everyone knows A.J but me?" They all laughed. A.J. grinned,

"That's because we were saving you for last." He winked. I smirked.

"Well, and what a pleasant surprise it was!" Tori laughed her deep rumbling laugh again. I looked in her direction. Tori had on the loveliest cocktail dress I had ever laid eyes on. I'm sure it was probably a bit less elegant than I thought it was, but Tori was such an exotic Balinese beauty that she made any dress she flung on look absolutely stunning.

A.J. handed two rather large packages of papers over to Jaycee. She took one, and handed the other one across the table to me. I saw that it was the contract, and immediately stuffed it into my messenger bag. Jaycee quietly slid hers into her briefcase and we began the evening.

Tori nudged my elbow and whispered into my ear.

"Did you notice the way Alex has been looking at you this entire time?" I nodded my head as I ingested my pasta. Tori winked at me, and I blushed. Tori had known I was gay since we had met. I had walked into the design firm my first day on the job and said hello to Tori. She took one look at me and said,

"You're gay aren't you?" I had laughed a surprised laugh and had nodded my head.

"Yep, and proud of it." She smiled, said "cool" and that was that. I was lucky to have such a wonderful person as my best friend.

When it was time for the check to arrive, A.J. snatched it from the waiter's hands before anyone else had the chance to.

"Company pays for this one." I looked at him,

"Such a gentleman; considering you ARE the company." He smiled and shrugged. Tori nudged me again and pointed over to Jaycee. I followed her gaze. Jaycee was scrutinizing A.J. as if he were a celestial enigma. I could practically see gears turning in her head. I wondered what she was thinking. I leaned over and whispered in Tori's ear,

"What's that all about?" Tori shrugged. A.J. broke in,

"Hey, no secrets you two!" I laughed and Tori rolled here eyes,

"Yes, but Alex dear, me and Aaron can't shut up for five seconds when we're together, we have to talk constantly." I fake-slapped her as she giggled to herself. A.J. just looked at us confusedly.

When we were on our way out, A.J. pulled me in the direction of his car.

"You're riding with me, and Tori can ride with Jay-assuming that's alright with y'all." Tori looked in my eyes, then we both nodded. Tori and Jaycee got into her Jag, and I climbed up into A.J.'s Chevy Tahoe.

"Need any help there, man?" he laughed as I tried to hoist my 5'11'' self up into the automobile.

"Yeah," I replied, "How about one of those rope ladders like they drop down from helicopters in the movies?" I replied sarcastically under my breath.

"Here," he said as he offered me his hand. I put my hand in his. It was warm and soft. He pulled me up into my seat, and I plopped down.

"Jesus A.J., ever hear of running boards?" We laughed.

We pulled up in front of the hotel, and the valet reached for the drivers side door handle, yanking it open. A.J. whipped his head around at the valet and scowled.

"Fuck off" he said as he slammed the door closed again. He turned to me. "Hey, thanks for coming to dinner." I smiled,

"Well thank you for inviting me and for paying."

"With all the money you're gonna bring in, it was the least I could do." I blushed, then downplayed my talents,

"Well, if its strangled cats mating that they want, then strangled cat's they'll get!" He chuckled, then got serious

"You're sarcastic humor will take you far in this business Aaron." I looked him right in the eyes.

"I hope so A.J., I hope so." "By the way." I went on, "Nice hands." I smirked then went on inside the Hotel.

To Be Continued.....

(never buy N.Y.C. liquid liner)

Next: Chapter 4

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