Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on May 6, 2001


Well, I'm over the bump in this story, I think it's gonna go better from now on. Lots of thanks to Nimm and Derek (ok, WHICH story is yours?). Oh, and guess what? There is a sex scene coming up in my story soon. Solid........Anyway, see ya later......Oh, no actually, PLEASE go read Nimm's latest story "Through Anothers Eyes". She is completely heartbroken that no one has read it. I would hate to have to get out the whip again people! wink wink.....

Disclaimer: This story is true. It's all going on as we speak. A.J.'s asleep in bed and I got up to type this thing out and send it in. Yeah, right, and Holly's married to Nick Carter eye roll

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Seven

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

The next day we started production. I had awoken that morning and popped two Valium. A drug such as Valium was the last thing an addict needed. I am constantly being reminded why I despise doctors so much. They have no clue what they're doing; nor do they care.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Nimm was standing by the sink squeezing fresh orange juice. I looked at her curiously. She caught my eye.

"Orange juice binds the free-radicals in your blood stream and disables them." She explained over the electric whir of the juicer.

"And that is good how?" I asked, not getting her point. She sighed,

"Darling, free-radicals are created from stress, and they cause you to feel positively disgusting." I nodded my head in understanding.

"I feel positively disgusting all day long everyday, but pour me a glass, I might as well."

"Wow, a vegetarian like yourself, I would have thought you were gulping fruit juice everyday." I whirled around, having been startled by the voice directly behind me. It was A.J.

"God fucking damn it A.J.! Freak me out why don't you!" He laughed,

"Sorry about that, and please, call me Alex." I nodded.

"And getting back to the fruit juice topic," I went on, "I prefer vodka." Nimm snorted.

"No more vodka. No more vodka, no more alcohol, no more pills, no more drugs, in fact, no more substances of any kind unless they are prescribed by your doctor." I narrowed my eyes in her direction.

"My doctor can kiss my fat ass." I grumbled into the refrigerator. "And don't you have any fucking Dr. Pepper around here ALEX?" I asked rather snottily. He frowned,

"Well someone was hit with the bitch-stick this morning!" Nimm laughed. He continued, "And I didn't know you liked Dr. Pepper." I closed my eyes and drank down the glass of orange juice Nimm had thrust under my nose.

The recording studio in the basement of the house was amazing. It was wood paneled with acoustic spikes in the vocal-recording booth. Because A.J. and I had both agreed that a "live" sound was more appropriate for the music, all of the vocals would be recorded at the same time, along with the piano which I would be playing; and the cello and backing vocals, which were Tori's department.

Tori and I both donned headphones, and A.J. went into the producers' booth. Tori stepped up to the microphone, clearing her voice. I sat down at the Bösendorfer and adjusted the mic. A.J.'s voice came booming through the speakers.

"Y'all ready?" We nodded our heads. "We're rollin'." I flexed my fingers, and began to play. My hands traveled nimbly over the black and white keys as my voice, combined with Tori's, rose above the rich timbre of the piano. The particular song we we're singing was the only cover I had opted to record on the entire album. It was "Cloud On My Tongue" by Tori Amos. The goddess herself had graciously given A.J. permission for me to cover her material. My only regret was that she wasn't here herself to play the piano as I sang. My skills at the piano were more than sufficient, however, and would do fine.

As I neared the end of the song, Tori's voice rose to a crescendo so close to my own that it was almost indistinguishable, her soprano ringing with the keys of the Bösendorfer. Finally, the song came to an end. A.J. rewound the open-reel as Tori let out a high-pitched scream, and ran over to hug me.

"Oh my god Aaron! That was great! The best you have ever done on that song!" I smiled. A.J. wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug as I beamed, surprised.

"Well Mr. Alex, thank you very much!" I laughed as A.J. did a mock-bow.

"Well babe I think that was enough production for one day." I agreed.

"Yep, it went really good and I wouldn't want to jinx myself or anything."

"Wanna hear playback?" A.J. asked us. I shook my head,

"Naw, let's wait 'till Nimm gets back from the grocery store." We walked back upstairs, and I walked out onto the terrace, lighting a cigarette. I didn't care what Nimm said; there was no way I was giving up my cigs. A.J. came outside, lighting his own cigarette.

"So..." He stated. I inhaled deeply. Nicotine felt so nice.

"So." I answered back, exhaling a cloud of smoke. He turned to look at me.

"You did really good today, this album is gonna rock. I didn't know you possessed such a talent. Even listening to your demo, it didn't express your abilities at all." I smiled shyly.

"Thanks Alex." I inhaled again. A.J. took a step closer.

"You know," he began, "I think things are going to go really well from here on out." I exhaled noisily, closing my eyes.

"I really hope so..." He took another step, closing the gap between us to an extremely close proximity. I could feel myself getting hotter. Suddenly, his lips were touching mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing himself against me. His tongue rubbed gently along my lips. I opened my mouth. His tongue rubbed along mine, rubbed along the roof of my mouth, my teeth, my gums. I could feel him growing hard against my thigh as he explored my mouth. I dropped my cigarette as Alex gripped my ass in his large hands. Nothing existed in this moment except for the pressure of his body-the sensation of his lips on mine, his tongue in my mouth. The door to the house slid open suddenly and Nimm stepped out. Her eyes fell on us immediately.

"Well!" She exclaimed, rather surprised, "I knew THIS was going to happen, but I had no idea it would happen so soon! Isn't this a delight?" I blushed as I ran my fingers over my mouth. Alex smiled slyly and went back inside the house. Nimm grinned widely. "So was he any good?" I laughed

"Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick Nimm, you have NO idea!" Nimm laughed as we walked back inside.

To Be Continued.........wink

Next: Chapter 8

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