Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on May 15, 2001


Well kiddies, here it is, Chapter Nine. Frankly I'm surprised I got it out this early. Some really bad shit has been going down around here lately, and I feel really bad. Anyway, I'll live........I!

Oh, and on another note, I got my very first traffic ticket today! Aren't you all proud of me?? LOL.......:) Oh, and, is it just me, or does Kevin think he's John Lennon??

Disclaimer: I DO know the Backstreet Boys, and they are all GAY GAY GAY! That's why two of them are MARRIED, and the other two have GIRLFRIENDS! If anyone thinks this story is real, then please come over to my place and I'll hit you with the reality stick.

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Nine

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

The letter came the next day. I lit a cigarette as I sorted through the mail that was being forwarded from my Seattle residence, to A.J.'s house in Florida.

The letter was addressed to "A. Macmillan". There was no return address. I cringed as I opened it. It looked like a bill. Inside was a thick piece of white paper, folded in thirds. There was only one line of text across the center of the page. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM." The bold black letters loomed up at me. Kind of creepy for my first piece of fan mail, I thought to myself. A.J. came up from the studio.

"What's that babe?" he asked curiously. I took a drag off my cigarette.

"Fan mail." I replied as I dropped it in the trash, rolling my eyes. A.J. shrugged his shoulders. I took another drag off my cigarette, inhaling deeply. A.J. came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled my hair back, and kissed the back of my neck gently. I moaned.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you do that Alex?" I purred. He laughed softly.

"I had fun last night baby." He whispered into my ear. I smiled as my eyes slipped close. He kissed my neck again and took my cig. He put it in his mouth and took a puff. He coughed. I laughed at him,

"Yes dear, those are Marb's, you aren't used to the good stuff." He grimaced as he took another puff and coughed. He handed it back to me and I ground it out in my hand. He looked at me shocked.

"Jesus Christ Aaron! Doesn't that hurt?"

"Yeah, but it's a good pain." I winked, than went up stairs to take a shower.

I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I toweled the excess water from my hair, as I looked around the bathroom for a hair dryer. Finally giving up after having searched for five minutes, I called down the stairs.

"Alex! Where the fuck is your hair dryer?" I yelled out. Silence. I tossed my wet hair as I walked back to the master bathroom. Where the hell was A.J.? I thought to myself. Just as I was entering the bathroom, two strong arms reached out and grabbed me. A hand was clamped over my mouth before I could scream. I was hauled into the bedroom and thrown onto the bed. A pair of soft lips met my own as I looked up into A.J.'s brown eyes. My features softened as I began to laugh.

"You loser!" I exclaimed as I playfully slapped at him. He smiled slyly and laughed. He pressed himself against me as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I reached down at my towel, pulling it close. "Alex I'm dripping wet!" He breathed into my ear,

"Oh well." He once again slipped his tongue into my mouth as he grabbed my ass. He spread my legs with his, and he ground his crotch into mine; He was amazingly hard. I pushed him away,

"Alex! Excuse me? Whatever happened to taking this slow?" He stopped. He looked up at me.

"I want you Aaron. Right now." He growled deep in his throat. He bent his head and flicked my nipple ring with the tip of his tongue. I had to admit: he DID make me feel very good. But still, I couldn't do it, not yet.

"Alex, look, I want my first time with you to be special. Sex has never really been something that was special for me before, and I want to do things the right way with you hun." He took me in his arms and stood me up on my feet.

"I know babe, I'm sorry." He frowned. My face lightened.

"Oh honey it's ok." I cooed. He smiled. His eyes were soft today. I was still getting used to his everyday look. The way he dressed and acted when he wasn't under public scrutiny. When he wasn't performing he was like a different person: caring, quiet (at least somewhat) and not quite as wild as he was in public. I knew that this was a side not many people saw of him. I still couldn't quite believe I was seeing it myself.

A.J. pressed his lips against mine once more as he ran his fingers through my hair. We made out for another thirty minutes.

I lay on the bed, my feet dangling over the side, smoking another cigarette. I traced my fingers over A.J.'s tattoos as I listened to him talk.

"So," he concluded finally, "You wanna go out tonight?" My eyes widened.

"Sure," I answered, "Where?" He smiled and sat up.

"Well, I was thinking about going out to dinner." I re-arranged myself so that I was sitting in his lap, facing him-my legs around his waist.

"Sure." I kissed him.

He suddenly withdrew his mouth from mine.

"Is it just me," he began, "Or are your lips getting flatter?" I burst out laughing.

"It's not just you, it's the collagen: it's being reabsorbed. I need to go see a plastic surgeon tomorrow." A.J. frowned,

"You get collagen injections?" I hesitated,

"Well…yeah. Why?"

"Aaron." He asked still frowning, "Have you had any other cosmetic procedures done?"


"What else?" he asked

"Well," I began, counting off a list on my fingers, "I've had rhinoplasty, I've had lypo on my neck, my jaw line, and my thighs. I've also had some scars lasered off." A.J. took my hand in his,


I sighed. I could feel the tears start to flow.

"Well, because I was ugly the way I looked before."

"Do you like yourself any better now?" He asked softly. A tear rolled down my cheek.


"Oh Aaron." He said softly as he drew me into a hug, "I don't give a fuck what you look like, I like you just the same."

I cried softly for a long time.

That night we went out to dinner. A.J. had seen me putting on lipstick and eyeliner, and had asked me to do the same to him.

"Oh, how Goth! Do me too!" He had asked. I laughed,

"Sure thing babe."

I had put on the black lipstick, which was quiet the chore because he kept moving his mouth. I finally got it on and decided to forego the lip liner because he was not going to hold that still. Next I moved to the eyeliner.

"Now you have GOT to hold still Alex, or I'll get this in your eye." I dug around in my bag until I found the pencil. There was no way I was going to try to put liquid liner on him.

Just as I pulled his eyelid taught, and was beginning to apply a thick line under his lashes, he blinked. I deftly poked him in the eye as he did so.

"Fuck Aaron! That hurt!" I rolled my eyes,

"Well you have GOT to hold still Alex!" I grabbed his head and held it still. I started on the other eye. "You make one move and this goes in your eye." I said flatly.

"Jesus, yes sir!" he exclaimed through his teeth, barely moving his mouth. It was an extremely comical expression. I laughed, smearing the eyeliner and poking him in the eye once more.

"Fuck!" he yelled again. I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Alex, but you looked like George W. Bush doing an impression of a turtle! It was fucking hilarious!" I laughed loudly as he glared at me.

"I'm glad you find my pain amusing." He growled. I laughed harder.

"I'm sorry!" I giggled. A smile crept to his lips.

"You know, I'm glad you're laughing. I want you to be happy." He said as I wiped off the liner to start over. I smiled,

"Why thank you."

As soon as we were done, A.J. took my hand in his, and we proceeded out to the garage to leave for the restaurant. I sighed contentedly for the first time in months as I gazed at the palm trees that rolled past us.

To Be Continued.......

(I have a love affair with commas)

Next: Chapter 10

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