Wee Colin

By Bill Jonners

Published on Dec 19, 2019



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This story is part fact and part fiction. If you any comments please write to colin4men@gmail.com and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill


Gay sex was illegal in Scotland in the 1970's and Bill was not the sort of person to break the law. He had travelled south to London a few times, gone to a couple of gay bars and bought some gay magazines as wank fodder. However at 23 years old he was still a virgin. One night stands were not for him but he didn't know how he would get to meet and fall in love with someone living near him.

It was March 1976 when he was introduced to Colin. It happened at work and it was a moment he would never forget. "This is Colin, the new trainee," his boss had told him. "He has been on the induction course but you will have to teach him the job."

In front of them stood Colin. Time seemed to stand still for Bill as he gazed at the handsome teenager who smiled as he held out his hand. Bill would soon learn that Colin was 17 years old. He was 5ft 5in (165 cm) tall, soon earning him the nickname "Wee Colin" from his colleagues. He had big brown eyes with long eye lashes and curly black hair but it was the smile which held Bill's attention. It seemed so warm and genuine.

"Pleased to meet," Colin said as he shook Bill's hand.

"It's good to meet you, Colin. Come and I will introduce you to the rest of the team." Bill led Colin from the manager's room and out into the big open-plan office. "There are seven others working for me, most just a year or two older than you."

As the team-leader, Bill was kept busy all day. He gave help and advice to the others while spending most of his time getting Colin settled in. He was pleased to see Colin interacting well with other members of the team, most of whom were still trainees too. Colin was a quick learner and was soon doing some tasks unassisted.

That night Bill thought about Colin as he lay in bed. Bill had always been attracted to guys his own age or older but now he was aroused thinking about someone almost 6 years younger. He played with himself as he recalled Colin's slim body, the prominent nipples poking through his shirt and the small but nicely rounded bum. Most of all he thought about Colin's handsome face and his smile. He imagined sliding his cock between Colin's lips and soon erupted. In Bill's mind, Colin swallowed every drop and then spent time licking his cock clean.

As the weeks passed, Bill's fascination with, and attraction to, Colin grew. He loved how Colin would twirl a finger in the hair above his forehead when deep in thought. Colin would sometimes sit beside Bill during tea breaks so he shared the fact that he had a younger sister and that his father was a policeman. He said that he loved to swim and that he enjoyed rock music. Bill would go home each night and invariably jerk off thinking about Colin. He had noticed the dark brown circles around Colin's nipples that often showed through his white shirts. He had been close enough to Colin to see that there was never any hint of stubble on his face and concluded that Colin hadn't started shaving. Bill dreamt of exploring every inch of Colin's body but told himself it would never happen.

Bill really missed Colin when he went off on two weeks holiday with his family but he was delighted when Colin gave him a huge smile and sat on his desk for a chat as soon as he arrived back in the office. Bill was also pleased when Colin produced some holiday photos during the morning tea-break. It was lucky that Bill was sitting behind his desk when he saw the photos of Colin on the beach wearing nothing but maroon-coloured speedos because he sprung an immediate hard-on. His eyes went immediately to the prominent nipples on the smooth, nicely defined pecs. He noticed the shapely legs and of course he focused on the speedos. "Not much of a bulge," he thought.

"Let the rest of us see the photos," one of the girls in the team called out and Bill reluctantly handed them on. However the sight of Wee Colin in his speedos was etched into his memory and he spunked off twice that night thinking about him and what lay under the speedos.

A few weeks later when Bill told Colin a little about his long weekend in London, Colin said, "I'd love to come with you to London some time." Bill just smiled, thinking that Colin wasn't serious.

Bill tried not to have favourites but he couldn't help thinking that Colin was one of his best workers. He would do some research on his own rather than simply ask Bill what to do like most of the other trainees and he would help out others when they were under pressure without having to be asked. He could also be quite outspoken but he was careful not to cause offence.

Shortly after Colin's eighteenth birthday, he started to talk about a girlfriend. Apparently, she was blonde and very pretty. "Lucky bitch," Bill thought. "I wonder if Colin is screwing her."

December arrived and the tea-break discussion turned to the office party. "They are always great nights," the boys told Colin. "You'll love it."

"I don't think I will come," said Colin. "I'd have to leave early to get the last train home."

"Oh, you must come, Colin," said one of the girls. "I'm sure Bill can put you up for the night."

Bill was surprised by the suggestion but said to Colin, "Well, I only have a one bedroom flat but there is a huge sofa in the living room. You're welcome to sleep on it."

"Could I? That would be great," smiled Colin. Bill didn't know that Colin had some fantasies about him.

The evening before the office party found Bill cleaning and polishing every part of his apartment. He wanted it to took its best for Colin. Bed clothes and towels were set out for Colin to use and then Bill looked out his camera. "I'll take it to the party and get some photos of Colin," he thought.

Bill danced with lots of girls at the party but of course he followed Colin's movements. He took quite a lot of photos, including several of Colin. "He might be fully dressed in these photos but at least I will have something to look at when I'm fantasising about him," he said to himself.

It was after midnight when the party ended and Bill found a taxi for the journey home. "Welcome to my home," he said as he ushered Colin into his flat.

"You've got a nice place," Colin said as looked around the living room.

"I like it," said Bill. "Fancy a nightcap?"

"Yeah, why not? I'll have a vodka and coke if you have any," replied Colin.

"I have some," smiled Bill. He had previously ascertained what Colin liked to drink other than beer. He poured a large one for Colin and one with less vodka for himself.

They chatted about the party for a bit and then Colin said, "You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

"No. I'm happy being single." Bill tried to change the subject by offering Colin a refill.

Colin accepted another drink and said, "I have seen you looking at me quite often in the office. Do you fancy me?"

Bill blushed and forced a smile as he said, "Don't be silly."

"It's okay. I don't mind," said Colin.

"Your girlfriend might not be too happy," responded Bill

Colin snorted. "I don't care what she thinks. I only started going out with her because all my mates had girlfriends and I was expected to follow."

"So it's not serious between you and her? I got the impression it was from what you've said in the office," said Bill.

Colin shrugged. "You know how it is. The other guys assumed I'm shagging her so I went along with it. I've never done more than kiss her...and that does nothing for me."

"Oh!" Bill didn't know what to say.

"I'm not into girls and I don't think you are either." Colin looked into Bill's eyes as he spoke.

Bill gulped. "I have never admitted this to anyone else before but you're right. I'm not."

Colin smiled. "You're attracted to me though." Bill opened his mouth but said nothing. He wanted to deny it but couldn't. "It's okay. I like you," said Colin. "I like you a lot."

"You do? I'm nothing special but you're gorgeous," said Bill. "You could have anyone you wanted."

Colin laughed. "Don't put yourself down. I know that you're quite shy but you're a really nice person. Why do you think I often come and chat with you during tea breaks and at lunchtime? I enjoy being with you."

"I enjoy being with you too and I'd be very happy if we were friends as well as colleagues," said Bill.

Colin frowned. "I thought we were already friends."

"Yes, but I meant outside of work," explained Bill.

"I'd like us to be closer friends and spend time together away from the office," said Colin.

"Seriously?" Bill couldn't believe it.

Colin smiled. "Seriously. I know that you are a little bit older than me but I really like you. You are usually very serious at work but you change when we chat about music or you talk about your travels. I have tried to tell you how I feel. Do you remember me telling you that I'd like to go to London with you? You didn't respond to that." Colin paused for a moment and then added, "I also find you attractive...sexually attractive."

Bill made a face. "Maybe you have had too much to drink." Colin just stared at Bill. "Sorry, Colin. I just find it hard to believe that you are interested in me that way."

Colin took hold of Bill's hand. "I want you to kiss me."

Bill took Colin in his arms and cautiously kissed him on the lips. Colin kissed back with more pressure and before long tongues were duelling for position. Both of them smiled sheepishly when they pulled apart.

"Was that okay?" Bill asked.

"What do you think?" Colin nodded towards the tent in his trousers. "A kiss has never caused that before."

Bill smiled and squeezed his own crotch. "I'm pretty turned on too. Do you want to share my bed rather than sleep on the sofa?"

"Definitely!" replied Colin.

Bill took Colin's hand and led him towards the bedroom. "Shall we shower first?"

Colin shook his head. "I love the way you smell right now. Let's shower in the morning."

"Suits me." Bill smiled and then asked, "May I undress you?"

"You can do whatever you want with me," replied Colin. "You're my boss."

Bill started to unbutton Colin's shirt. "You have the most amazing nipples," he said as the younger man's chest was revealed.

"You think so? I've always been a bit embarrassed by them," said Colin.

Bill smiled. "You wouldn't believe the number of times I've wanked off thinking about kissing and sucking them."

That caused Colin to grin. "I sometimes play with them when I'm having a wank. I'd love to have you sucking them...maybe biting them too."

"They are going to get a lot of attention, I promise you," said Bill. He was now kneeling in front of Colin. He had removed Colin's socks and his hands were moving towards the belt around Colin's slim waist.

When Bill started to unzip the trousers, Colin put a hand on top of Bill's and said, "Erm...I should warn you that I'm not very big down there. I hope that won't put you off."

Bill smiled up at Colin. "I'm not concerned by its size but I'm sure it's beautiful."

The trousers came down and Colin stepped out of them. He was wearing pale blue bikini briefs and Bill noticed a small damp patch where the cockhead stretched the material. Bill licked his lips and then eased the briefs over the erection and part way down Colin's smooth thighs.

"It is beautiful," Bill said in a soft voice as he gazed as the uncut 4 inch (10 cm) long cock. "It might not be very long but it seems thicker than average." He smiled up at Colin and said, "Not that I'm an expert. I've seen quite a lot of erections in magazines but very few in real life." Turning his attention back to what was directly in front of him, Bill noticed that Colin had released another bead of pre-cum. He pushed the briefs down to Colin's ankles and then licked at the cockhead. "I want to suck a load of cum from your balls," he told Colin before giving the cockhead a quick suck.

"It's not too small?" smiled Colin.

"No, Wee Colin. I love it," grinned Bill.

"Well, I want to see you naked now," Colin said as he stepped out of his briefs.

Bill's body wasn't as defined but Colin liked how the taller man looked. Colin was very impressed by Bill's 7 inch (almost 18 cm) cock and large hairy balls. "Wow!" he said before getting on his knees for a closer look. He ran his fingers through the ginger pubic hair then took hold of the cock, smiled up at Bill and then kissed it. He smiled up at Bill again and took the cock between his lips, taking it deeper until he started to gag.

"Hey! Don't rush it," Bill said, tapping Colin's shoulders. Colin sat back and Bill said, "Let's get on the bed."

The pair lay side by side on the bed for a moment and then Bill moved on top of Colin and looked into his eyes. "I remember the first time I saw you. I wanted you then," he said before kissing Colin's nose and then his lips.

"Really?" smiled Colin.

"Yes. I jerked off twice that night thinking about you," said Bill. "I never imagined you'd ever end up in my bed."

"Well, I'm here now and I'm all yours," Colin said.

Bill smiled and moved down a little, licking his lips as he looked at Colin's big nipples. He kissed, licked and sucked the left nipple, bringing moans of pleasure from Colin. Then he moved on to the right nipple and gave it similar attention before nibbling it gently. That brought little whimpers from Colin.

Bill kissed his way down Colin's body, over the flat stomach, around the throbbing cock and the small patch of dark pubic hair to the hairless balls. He spread the silky smooth thighs wider and then bent down to lick Colin's balls. He sucked then one at a time into his mouth and watched Colin's cock throb in response.

Colin's cock had leaked a copious amount of pre-cum when Bill returned to it. Bill licked at the pre-cum and then explored the cock with the tip of his cock, pulling the foreskin fully back and holding the cock upright. Colin moaned loudly when Bill took the cock into his mouth and sucked, gradually taking more and more into his mouth until it was all inside.

Colin whimpered and then pushed at Bill. "I'm very close but I don't want to cum just yet. Let me suck your cock for a bit...please."

"I have dreamt many times of doing that to you," Bill said with a smile as he moved off Colin and lay down. "But I want to taste your cum very soon."

"You will," said Colin as he moved to kneel between Bill's legs. He put his fingers through the wiry pubic hair. "You are hairier than me down here. I like it," he said. He fondled Bill's hairy balls and then took hold of the cock. "I love this big cock," he said as he bent down towards it. He kissed his way from the base to the cockhead before taking it into his mouth and sucking it.

When Colin began to take more of the cock into his mouth, Bill said, "Go slowly and don't take more than is comfortable. You don't have to take it all." Colin took the advice and was soon bobbing up and down on the top half of Bill's cock. Bill gasped and moaned as he watched Colin do what he had fantasised about many times. "I'm going to cum very soon if you don't stop," he warned.

Colin didn't stop. He fondled Bill's balls as he sucked the cock harder. Bill cried out as he started spunking off. He whimpered as he had the best orgasm of his life, firing blast after blast of cum into Colin's mouth.

Colin did his best to swallow it all but cum was dribbling down his chin when he finally sat up and grinned at Bill. "That was amazing," he said. "I loved that and I want to do it again."

Bill laughed. "I loved it too but I don't think we can do it again tonight. Come here," he said, using his hand to signal Colin closer.

Colin bent forward with his lips pouted for a kiss. Bill gave him a quick kiss and then licked the cum from Colin's face. "I've tasted my cum but I want to taste yours. Sit on my chest and let me suck you off."

Colin straddled Bill and edged forward until his cock was close to Bill's mouth. "I love the fact that you produce lots of pre-cum," Bill said before taking the juicy cock into his mouth. He sucked and licked as he slid his hands up and down Colin's thighs and was rewarded with even more pre-cum. Colin moaned and got onto his knees to thrust his cock deeper into Bill's mouth. Bill took the opportunity to grasp Colin's buttocks. He squeezed them, pulled them apart and squeezed them again. Suddenly Colin groaned and began shooting off. Bill pushed him back a little so that he could taste the creamy cum before he swallowed it. "Nectar!" Bill thought. "I could live off this."

"That's probably the biggest load I've ever produced," Colin said when he sat back down in Bill's chest.

"Every drop was delicious," Bill said and then bent his head forward to lick Colin's cock clean. He smiled up at Colin when he lay back. "I want lots more of that," he said with a smile.

Colin laughed and climbed off Bill. Bill pulled back the bedsheets and the pair got cosy. They kissed a few times and then spooned together, both feeling very happy.

Bill was awake first the next morning. "I'm glad it's Saturday," he thought. "It would have been horrible having to get up early and rush to work." He smiled as he looked at Colin. "It really did happen. I hope he has no regrets." He lay in comfortable silence for a while but soon nature called and he had to go to the bathroom. He decided to shave and then shower rather than go back to bed. He was in the shower when Colin hurried into the bathroom.

"Sorry. Can't wait any longer," Colin said as he stood in front of the toilet bowl. A moment later he released a steady stream of piss while Bill looked on in fascination. Eventually the flow ended and Colin flushed the toilet. Then he opened the shower door and stepped inside. "Can I shower with you?" he asked.

"It's a bit late to say no. You're already half wet," smiled Bill.

"And you're stiff," Colin responded with a smile. "Nice!" Suddenly he was on his knees taking Bill's cock into his mouth.

"You really like cock, don't you?" Bill said.

Colin pulled off just long enough to say, "I love your cock."

Bill watched Colin for a few moments then took hold of his head and pushed his cock deeper, fucking Colin's mouth but being careful not to go too deep. Colin steadied himself by holding on to Bill's thighs but happily allowed Bill to take charge.

Feeling that he was getting close, Bill pulled his cock out and then grabbed Colin's arms. "Kiss me," he said as he pulled Colin to his feet.

Colin wrapped his arms around Bill and the pair kissed a few times. Then Colin dropped back down and said, "Feed me your cum...please!" He then took Bill's cock back into his mouth and waited for Bill to face-fuck him.

Bill gave Colin what he wanted. It only took a few minutes before he spunked off and let Colin swallow his morning load.

"Mmmm, lovely." Colin licked his lips as he stood up. "Thanks, Bill."

"I hope you are ready to give me yours now," Bill said. He gave Colin a quick kiss on the lips and then crouched down in front of the younger man.

Colin gasped as his rock-hard cock disappeared into Bill's mouth. He loved the feel of the warm, wet mouth and the rough tongue working on his cock. He also loved the feel of Bill's hands on his bum. The hands kneaded his buttocks while the tongue teased his cock. Colin took hold of his own nipples and pinched them to add to his pleasure. Then he felt one of Bill's fingers caressing his arse crack and he moaned. When the fingertip pressed against the entrance to his arsehole, Colin cried out and sent the first of several blasts of cum down Bill's waiting throat. The finger went in as far as the first knuckle and stayed there until Colin had finished. Bill then licked the cock and stood up to kiss Colin.

"Was that okay?" Bill smiled at Colin.

"More than okay. It was fantastic," replied Colin. He smiled and said, "I liked it when you touched my hole. Would you like to...you know...fuck me?"

"I'd love to, if you will allow me that privilege," replied Bill. "We would need some lube though so it won't happen today."

"I think I'd like to try it," said Colin. "My mates say fucking is a hundred times better than wanking."

"We can think about it but I'm happy with blowjobs right now." Bill grinned. "I think we should finish showering and have breakfast."

After breakfast, Colin sighed and said, "I suppose I'd better head home now. My parents will be expecting me."

"I suppose," agreed Bill. There was silence for a minute or two and then he asked, "Would you like to come back here sometime...maybe stay overnight again?"

Colin grinned. "I'd love to! Would it be okay if I came back tomorrow and stayed overnight? We could travel into work together on Monday morning."

"Really? Of course that would be okay...but only if you're sure," said Bill.

"I'm sure," said Colin. "And maybe you could buy some lube today so that we can take things further."

Bill grinned. "I think I can remember to do that when I go shopping later."

Bill walked with Colin to the railway station and was surprised but pleased when Colin gave him a hug when they said goodbye. "See you about 5pm," were Colin's final words.

"You're early." Bill smiled when Colin turned up on his doorstep just after 3pm on Sunday.

"I couldn't wait any longer. I hope you don't mind," Colin said as he entered the apartment and dropped his bag.

"Of course I don't mind!" Bill gave Colin a big hug and then a kiss. "I have been thinking about you all day."

"Me too...thinking about you, I mean," grinned Colin. "I had to hide a stiffy on the train."

Bill smiled and said, "I have been stiff a few times too. Would you like a cup of tea or something?"

"No, I just want your cock," replied Colin.

Bill laughed. "It's good that we can tell each other exactly what we want."

Colin nodded. "Get it out then. I want to suck it."

"Right now? I thought after dinner...." Bill was interrupted.

"Now and after dinner," said Colin. Bill took Colin's hand and took him into the bedroom. "Did you buy some lube?" Colin asked.

"Yes, I bought a tube of KY jelly," replied Bill.

"Good! You can fuck me after dinner but I want to eat your cum now," Colin said.

"So you're the boss now?" Bill asked with a smile as they both started to undress.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to take charge," said Colin. "I was thinking about what I'd like to happen all the way on the train but you're older and more experienced. You should be in control."

"I've not had much experience but I'd never to anything to hurt you," said Bill. "It's probably best that you let me know what you want. We wouldn't have done anything the other night if you hadn't made the first move."

Colin smiled. "I probably wouldn't have said anything either if I hadn't had quite a few drinks." They were both pulling off their trousers and looking at each other's bulges as Colin went on. "I thought I could suck you off and then you could finger my hole while sucking me off. Then later you could finger my hole again before fucking me."

"Sounds perfect to me," smiled Bill. "Except I want to give your cock a little suck first."

Colin pulled his briefs off and thrust his crotch forward. "Go ahead," he said.

Bill pulled his briefs off, knelt in front of Colin and took the stiff cock into his mouth. "Hmm, you have yummy pre-cum," he said when he sat back. "Would you like to fuck me later?"

Colin opened his eyes wide. "I've never thought about fucking anyone. Do you want me to? I have only imagined sucking your cock and having you fuck me."

"I don't want you to do anything you're not keen on," Bill said as he stood up. "I will be in heaven sucking you off and being able to fuck you."

"Okay, that's settled then. You're the fucker and I'm the...the fuckee." He grinned, dropped to his knees and hooked a finger around the base of Bill's cock.

Bill couldn't help grinning as he watched Colin kiss, lick and suck his cock. "I never thought this would really happen but he is as keen to have sex as me. Maybe even more keen," he said to himself. It didn't long before Colin brought him to the edge. "I'm going to cum soon," he warned. This spurred Colin on and his tongue rubbed the underside of Bill's cock as he sucked. "Here it comes...aaghhh!"

Colin had to swallow fast to take all of Bill's load and he was pleased with himself for not spilling any. "I loved that," he said with a grin when he stood up.

"I loved it too." Bill kissed Colin and then said, "It's my turn now" as he pushed him onto the bed. Colin's stiff cock was wet with pre-cum and Bill slurped it up before taking the cock into his mouth. He sucked and licked the cock, teased the glans and the piss-slit with the tip of his tongue and then took it back into his mouth again. Colin was making whimpering noises nearly the whole time.

Bill then sat back and said, "Turn on to your front," he said while reaching for the KY jelly lying on the bedside cabinet. Colin smiled when he saw Bill holding the blue tube and lay face down with his legs spread. Bill put the tube on the floor and caressed the rounded buttocks in front of him. He planted a number of kisses on them too before spreading Colin's arse cheeks to gaze at the hairless arsecrack and the pink puckered hole for the first time. "Beautiful," he said in a soft voice and then bent forward to kiss the little rosebud.

Colin jerked his head around in response. "What are you doing?" he asked when he saw Bill's face squashed up against his arse.

"Making love to you," was all Bill said before moving back down and planting another kiss. Colin moaned when Bill started licking his arsecrack and let out a loud gasp when Bill's tongue began to probe his hole.

"You're going to make me cum doing that," Colin said moments later.

Bill pulled back. "It might be fun to try that sometime but I want your cum in my mouth now." He flipped Colin onto his back and took the stiff little cock between his lips once more. Within a few seconds Colin was spurting his cream into Bill's mouth. Bill swallowed it all and then moved up to kiss Colin passionately.

Colin was sure he could taste his cum on Bill's tongue as he wrapped his arms and legs around Bill's torso.

"That was amazing," Colin said when they finally moved apart.

"It was...and I didn't even get to put a finger in your hole before you spunked off," said Bill.

"Sorry about that but your tongue...wow! What a feeling!" Colin smiled.

"I think it's fair to say you like having your hole played with," smiled Bill. "You should enjoy having my cock inside you."

"I hope so. Can't wait to try it!" grinned Colin.

Bill kissed Colin again and then pulled him to his feet. "Come on. You can help me prepare dinner."

"Can I stay naked?" Colin asked.

"Of course you can! I love looking at your sexy body," replied Bill.

As he followed Bill through to the kitchen he said, "My girlfriend is now my ex-girlfriend. I saw her yesterday afternoon and told her it was over. I said I had met someone special at the Christmas party and that we'd had great sex."

"What did she say to that?" Bill asked.

"She just said it was my loss and stormed off. No big deal," replied Colin. "I don't want to waste my time on her when I have you."

"Oh, you're so sweet." Bill gave Colin another kiss.

Colin enjoyed dinner and complimented Bill on his cooking. They watched some tv afterwards and then Bill said, "I think it's time for the big event."

Colin sat up and smiled. "At last! I have been wanting to go back to bed for ages but didn't want to be the boss again."

Bill laughed. "Good things are worth waiting for."

They walked hand in hand to the bedroom and kissed. Then Colin jumped on the bed, lay face down and said, "Take me. I'm yours."

Bill sat down on the bed and gave Colin's bum a gentle spank. "You have a really lovely bum," he said.

"Are you going to lick it again?" Colin asked hopefully.

"I'm going to lick it, stick a finger or two up it and then shove my cock up it," replied Bill.

"I want to feel your cum inside me," smiled Colin.

Bill smiled back and said, "Spread your legs." Colin did as he was told and Bill slid a hand under him to pull his erection into view. "I want to see this cock while I'm playing with your hole," Bill told Colin.

Colin sighed with pleasure when Bill started running a finger up and down his arse crack. He began to whimper when Bill's tongue replaced the finger. Bill licked the hairless crack and Colin's rosebud before moving down to lick the pre-cum from Colin's cockhead. He rimmed Colin again, pushing his tongue deeper than before. "Yes, yes...so good," moaned Colin.

"We need to take our time," Bill said. He licked at the fresh pre-cum and then picked up the KY jelly. He squirted some onto his fingers to warm it a little and then rubbed it onto the pink pucker. Colin moaned softly when Bill slowly pushed one finger into his hole. "How does that feel?" Bill asked.

"Strange but good," said Colin.

Bill finger-fucked Colin for a few minutes and then pulled out. "Aw," said Colin. "I was enjoying that."

"I need to apply more lube before using a second finger," said Bill. "I need to stretch your hole a bit more before using my cock."

Colin moaned when two fingers were inserted but it wasn't long before he was asking for more. "That feels lovely. Try another finger...or just put your cock in now."

Bill was desperate to fuck Colin so he greased up his cock and placed his cockhead against the twitching hole. "Push out as I push in. I've read that it goes in easier that way," said Bill.

Colin pushed out when he felt Bill apply pressure but he couldn't help crying out when the cock burst through his sphincter. "Hold on a minute," he begged.

Bill waited until Colin asked him to carry on and then slowly sank his cock into the tight hole. "It's all inside you now," he said when he bottomed in Colin's arse.

"Hmm, I feel stuffed...in a good way," said Colin.

Bill waited until he thought Colin had grown accustomed to being stretched and then began to move in and out with short, slow movements. Gradually he speeded up and took longer thrusts. "It feels good now," said Colin after a few minutes.

"I'm glad," said Bill. He fucked Colin a little more and then pulled out.

"Why did you stop? I was enjoying that," Colin complained.

"To change position. I want to see your handsome face when I cum inside you," said Bill. "Turn onto your back and pull your legs up."

Soon Bill was pushing his cock back into Colin's hole. "That feels good and I like seeing your face too," smiled Colin.

Bill got back into a rhythm and was really enjoying fucking the boy he had lusted after for so long. "I think I'm going to cum," Colin said. "And without touching my cock too. Fuck me harder, Bill. Fuck the cum out of me!"

Bill's thrusts became harder and faster. Colin's whimpers became louder and louder. Then Colin cried, "I'm cumming!" and shuddered as he began spunking off.

Seeing this and feeling Colin's arse muscles clamping and unclamping around his cock took Bill over the edge. "I'm cumming too!" he cried and then sent volley after volley of cum deep into Colin's arse.

Bill collapsed on top of Colin and the pair held each other tightly. After a few minutes Bill lifted his head and smiled. "That was wonderful. Thank you, Colin."

"I loved it and want you to do it again and again," smiled Colin.

Bill laughed. "I'll need to rest a bit first." He kissed Colin passionately and then said, "We're covered in your cum. Let me lick your body clean."

"And then I'll lick yours," smiled Colin.

They cleaned each other, with Colin sighing when Bill's softening cock slid from his hole. Then they cuddled together.

"I'm no longer a virgin," Colin announced.

"That's right and I'm the very lucky man who had the honour of taking your virginity," said Bill.

They smiled and kissed again before enjoying each other's company in silence. Eventually Bill spoke. "You said earlier that you had dumped your girlfriend. Would you be my boyfriend?"

Colin smiled at Bill. "I thought I was your boyfriend after what we did on Friday night. We can't tell people at work but I hope we will be a couple for a very long time."

"Me too." Bill smiled and kissed Colin. There was another period of silence. "Would you consider moving in with me? You might need time to think about it but..."

"Yes! I don't need time to think. I've loved you for a while and now we're officially a couple," said Colin. "I will save hours commuting to work and we can have sex every day."

"You love me?" Bill was stunned.

"Of course I love you. Didn't you know that?" Colin asked.

"I knew that you liked me...I fell in love with you on the first day I saw you." There were tears in Bill's eyes. "Sorry. I'm not usually so emotional. You...you...."

"I love you. Is that so hard to believe?" Colin smiled.

Bill just smiled and pulled Colin closer.


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