Week with Ben

By ethan coleman

Published on Feb 19, 2002


This story is purely fictional, intended for adult readers. It describes sexual relations between minor boys and between boys and older men. If this is not what you want to be reading, then you've been warned!

Part 1

I put on my innocent face that was sure to convince my mother. She looked at me exasperatedly and sighed, "okay, you can stay" she said. It worked! We were supposed to be going to see my aunt who had just had a baby, I hated going there, and besides I told my mum that I had a lot of schoolwork to get through, which was a lie. The real reason I wanted to stay was my best friend Ben, whose parents were out of the country and he was being looked after by his granddad.

Ben and I were both fifteen and had been friends since we were kids. But it went beyond friendship, we had become so close that we shared everything with each other, we jerked off together and each other many times a day. Ben got himself a girlfriend, but he had never kissed anyone before, he suggested we should practise together, and we did. Even after he kissed Lucy and they became an item, Ben and I would spend hours kissing in my bedroom.

The time when Lucy and Ben broke up, he came to my room and sat on my bed, cursing and swearing at her. I tried to kiss him but he wouldn't let me, instead he asked me to suck him. I wouldn't agree at first, it sounded dirty, I was only fourteen, I couldn't imagine doing that with him. Even though I was refusing, he began undressing himself and he didn't even care that the door was not locked; I got up and locked the door. He came up behind me and started kissing my neck, I was really surprised because even though we had jerked each other off and even kissed many times, it was all a bit of fun, but this seemed serious. He had slid his hands down my body and into my shorts, stroking me.

I guessed he was only trying to convince me to blow him, but suddenly I was willing to do it, and as he lay back on me bed, with his legs spread and eyes closed, I sucked and licked his cock making him cum, a lot quicker than he used to when I jacked him off. I lay next to him, but didn't say anything, I didn't have to, and he moved down my body and returned the favour, sucking my dick like it was a lollipop. After that instead of jacking each other off every day, we sucked each other off.

But getting back to the story, Ben told me that his granddad wouldn't mind looking after both of us (although neither of us needed it). So I tired to convince my parents to let me stay back at Ben's house, and finally my mom had agreed!

Ben lived a few doors down the street, and during the next few days I took bits and bats of the stuff I'd need to his house, at the same time I wanted to thank his granddad for agreeing to look after me, my parents would be away for a week and it was a pretty long time.

Ben's granddad was sixty, he was old but he had a full head of hair and he wasn't overweight. He was called Harry but I always called him Mr Lucas, he was very hairy, he mostly wore shorts and t-shirts and his legs and arms seemed really hairy, which was unusual because of his age and because Ben's dad was not hairy at all.

That Saturday my parents drive off for a week to see my aunt and her baby. As I waved them off I headed down to Ben's house, really looking forward to seven days of fun with him, and of course catching up with schoolwork (wink).

As I got in the house, I saw Mr Lucas lounging in front of the telly, he was only in his shorts, I glanced at his chest and like his legs and arms, it was covered in greying hair, lots of it too. I said 'hello' to him and ran upstairs to Ben's room. Ben was asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him, so I went downstairs to watch the telly with Mr Lucas. Mr Lucas mustn't have heard me come down, because when I sat down on the couch to the side of him, he jumped out of his skin, I noticed him quickly pull his hands out from in his shorts. I felt embarrassed; I tried not to look at him, pretending that I hadn't noticed.

Mr Lucas asked me what I wanted to watch, and we flicked through the channels and settled on football. The silence was somewhat peculiar, he didn't say much and I had nothing to say either, after a while I glanced over at him and noticed that his hand was in his shorts again.... I felt my face grow red, It just felt strange seeing an old man like him, doing that without realising or caring that I was there. I got up and went back upstairs.

I opened the door to the room very slowly, from fear of waking him, but when I opened it I saw that he was already awake. I went onto the bed and asked him what we were going to do. He reached out his hand and touched my crotch; he felt me through my shorts and made me hard. We began undressing and when we were both naked, he lay down and I lay on top of him, kissing him. He slid his hands down my back and stroked my butt; our tongues were dancing together in his mouth, our leaking dicks, pressed firmly together.

I finally broke the kiss and grinded my crotch against his. He asked me if I wanted to try fucking? I told him it was scary, but he just laughed, he told me that he wanted to fuck me, because he loved me. I thought he was just fooling around but he kissed me real hard and said, "I want to do it for the first time with you"

He went out of the room and I lay there, my mind filled with random thoughts, and my heart beating wildly, I was apprehensive but sure that it would be good. Ben came back a few seconds later with a bottle of baby oil, he looked at me and smiled, I asked him if it will hurt? He said he would be careful because he wanted me to like it.

I closed my eyes and lay down on my stomach. I felt his hands spread my legs further and then his wet fingers were rubbing over my hole, I shivered at the contact and felt him kiss my back, his fingers soon slid in, it didn't feel so bad, his fingers were thin and he used a lot of oil, he asked me if it was okay, I nodded and felt another finger, this time I grunted, because my hole was being opened wider. "Wow" he muttered, I asked him what he meant, but he told me to relax.

I felt his fingers slide out of my hole and the little plop sound made me want to laugh. I could hear ragged and heavy breathing, was it me or was it Ben? I was wondering what Ben was doing when suddenly I felt his cock head press against my hole and as he pressed harder it entered. It started stinging straight away and it seemed to throb with the pain, "it hurts, Ben" I groaned, but Ben didn't pull out, he just held it in and said, it will go away, and it did. But when he thrust forward once more, it started stinging again, but this time he said he was all the way in, my face was screwed up, and I realised that I was sweating. Ben lay down on top of me and I felt his tongue glide up and down my neck, as he thrust his hips to fuck me.

I could here his moaning close to my ear, I licked my lips and started groaning too, as I got used to the pain and the thought that Ben was inside me, was making my little dick grow under me. Ben's hand gripped mine above my head as he fucked me nice and slow, he kept whispering, "I love you"

I felt his breath on the back of my neck, I held onto is hand tighter and kissed them. He was pumping into me faster now, and I felt urgency in his voice every time he cried "yesss". I opened my eyes and caught a movement through the corner of my eye. I moved my head slowly and started at the door. The door was slightly ajar, and Mr Lucas was standing naked, on the other side, watching us...

Part 2

Mr Lucas rushed away when he noticed that I'd seen him. Ben began thrusting faster and harder; he flicked my ear lobe with his tongue, grunting. His sweaty body writhed over mine as he fucked me, getting closer and closer till he let out a gasp and I felt his cock throb as he came inside me. He bit my neck and collapsed on me like a heap while his cock began to shrink.

After a while he pulled out, and got up. I turned around and we both watched his soft dick, It had some blood on it, I looked up at him, horrified. He smiled and reassured me that this was the only time that would happen. I wondered how he knew so much, but I trusted him.

After we both cleaned ourselves we went downstairs for dinner. I became apprehensive, wondering and worrying about what Mr Lucas would say. But he didn't say anything about that, I was relieved but still found the idea of him watching us a little unusual, I was unsure of whether to tell Ben. During dinner Mr Lucas and Ben talked about something or the other, I quickly ate up and then told them that I was tired and would go to bed, Ben shot me a questioning look.

I climbed the stairs carefully because suddenly my ass hole was sore, I had problems sitting down at dinner and when I got into the room, I lay on my stomach and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. After a few minutes I heard the door open, I turned around expecting Ben, but instead Mr Lucas was standing in the doorway, he was grinning.

I turned around and sat up as he walked over to the bed. He came and sat down by my feet. I felt my heart thump in my chest, I wondered what on earth he was there for, he didn't say anything and it was getting awkward. I asked him where Ben was, and he said he was downstairs watching telly. I looked up at him, but he wasn't looking at me, his eyes were on my crotch. I became uneasy, a glance at his crotch told me that he was stiff.

He reached out and felt me through the shorts. "Mr Lucas..." I began, but his hand outlined my dick and got me hard. He slid his hand up the leg and started stroking my balls; I moaned despite myself and closed my eyes. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? He gripped my ankles and pulled my legs down, his curled his fingers around my waistband and swiftly pulled my shorts down, exposing my stiff 6" hairless cock.

His hands jerked it a few times before he stood up and slid his own shorts down his immensely hairy legs. I stared at his cock, thinking of something to stay to stop this. His dick was a lot bigger than I had seen, it was a lot thicker than mine was too, and his loose balls were covered in hair. He tugged them and his cock bounced. He sat back down on the bed and lowered his head, I felt his tongue slide along my hairless thighs, his hands stroked my balls and my cock.

I kept my on his monster dick, as it began leaking precum onto his hairy thigh. He squeezed it with his spare hand as I felt his lips curl around the head of my cock, I gasped and trembled as Mr Lucas began sucking my cock inch by inch till my balls whacked his chin. I was close so soon, I grunted and tried to hold back but my cock exploded and I started shooting, he swallowed it all. His cock throbbed, as he tasted me. He continued to suck me till I softened in his mouth, then he got up, pulled his shorts up, his hard cock instantly soaked the front with precum, he left without saying a word. I quickly got up and pulled my shorts back on, just in case Ben came in, I lay back down and fell asleep.

When I awoke the following morning, Ben was lying beside me fast asleep, I lifted the duvet slightly to see that he was naked. My ass still felt a little sore as I took a shower and got dressed. I didn't want to go down to breakfast on my own, so I waited for Ben to wake up. Breakfast was rushed because Ben wanted us to go up to the river while it was still nice and warm. Mr Lucas winked at me, everytime I looked up at him, so I stopped looking up and quickly downed my cereal and Ben and I headed out.

The riverbank was deserted when we got there, Ben and I took off our clothes and went skinny-dipping. There was no danger of getting caught because this was one of the more secluded spots. We swam around in the warm water for ages, chasing each other, hiding and just messing about. Suddenly Ben came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist "wanna fuck me?" he whispered into my ear. "Here?" I asked and he pointed at a clearing in the trees on the other side of the river.

We raced there; he beat me, but only just. As we straddled over to the clearing, our bodies dripping, Ben reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a jar, I read the label, Lubrication. I looked at him questioningly, where had he got that?, he told me he had found it in his granddad's cupboard. My heart skipped a beat, as I remembered what happened the previous night. I was surprised that Ben didn't think it curious that his granddad kept lube in his cupboard.

Ben leaned up against a tree and handed me the jar, I dug my fingers in it and started fingering his ass like he had done with me the day before. I eased them in and out of his ass hole, which to me didn't seem to seem as tight as mine. After a while he told me he was ready and I put some of the lube on my dick and spread his ass cheeks with my hand, I pointed my dick towards his hole and slid it in. I didn't hear him utter a sound as I moaned His warm hole engulfed my cock and almost sucked it in, and I began thrusting and built in a steady rhythmic fuck. He started groaning soon enough and I knew I was doing it right.

I kissed his neck and shoulders as my body pressed up against his, he arched his butt back and I fucked it harder. When I was getting close I grabbed hold of his hips and began thrusting hard and fast, he urged me on and I started cumming, My dick throbbed and then I hung inside him till it was soft enough to slide out. When I pulled out, a rush of my cum came flowing out with it. I looked at my cock expecting to see some blood but there was none...

To be continued... Comments: ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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