Weekend with Chas

By John Charles

Published on Aug 30, 2009


Copyright 2009 by John Charles

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for strictly personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at Johncharles2001@earthlink.net

This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between adult males. As such, it is homoerotic fiction designed for the personal enjoyment of legal, hopefully mature, adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, if those in power and/or those whom you trust - treat it as illegal, or if it would create irresolvable moral dilemmas in your life, please leave. Finally, remember that maturity generally demands safe sex.

Weekend with Chas -- Chapter 3

Chas was still a bit frightened by my sudden domination of his beautiful body. He just laid there waiting for something to happen. "You said you wanted a strong, dominating lover, didn't you?" I said.

He asked me to let his hands go. Once free, he rubbed his wrists a bit, then proceeded to beat my back, sides, and ass with both hands. "Don't ever do that to me again. Yes, I want a strong, dominating lover, but not a pric who thinks he can pin me down and take whatever he wants."

At first I was horrified, thinking that I really did scare the wits out of him. Then his hitting slowed and he smiled. "I will tell you that I was totally freaked out. I thought you turned into Mr. Hyde and was going to rape me. You did say you wanted to fuck my brains out and I thought you were about to do that."

He brought his head up to meet mine and kissed me hard. He grabbed my head and pulled it down so our bodies were, again, almost one. Rubbing his hands all over my back and ass as if he couldn't get enough of me. "I want you in me. But please don't fuck me, make love to me. I really need you to make love to me -- PLEASE!"

So I started my routine all over again. I pulled his hands over his head and held them with one of mine. I kissed his lips as I worked my other hand down to his nipples. I knew he was freaking out again, so I moved my lips to his other nipple, still holding his hands and still working the other nipple with my free hand. My legs were still between his, so I kicked out and moved his legs into a wide V.

My cock was so hard I thought it was going to break. Chas was gasping and groaning. His cock was pouring pre onto his 6 pack. His body was now trembling. I moved my cock down between his legs so it rubbed the area between his balls and his ass. This drove him deeper into his lust filled state. I gathered that no one had ever taken him to this level of sexual excitement.

Sliding down his body, I purposely licked his 6 pack to taste the pre he was depositing there. Oh it was good and I wanted to drink it right from the faucet, but I knew he couldn't hold out if I did. So I moved further down to his thighs and licked and ran my finger nails along his inner thighs. This made his body bounce off the bed. His ass was in the air the entire time I worked his thighs.

I took advantage of his raised ass and picked up his splayed legs, pushing them back over his chest so his ass was high in the air. He was panting and his body was out of control by this point. Yeah, I had him right where I wanted him. I blew directly into his hole. My lips moved down and engulfed his ass hole in one motion. I licked and fucked him with my tongue. Before I could really get into that action, he screamed, his body racked violently and he came so hard I thought he would pass out from the experience.

I kept his legs held up high and refused to stop my ass attack. He was begging me to let him calm down, but I had other ideas. While I ate his hole, I rolled a condom on my cock ever so gently, to prevent me from blowing. I reached under the pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube and poured in directly into his hole and onto my covered cock. He was still in heat, panting, shaking and dribbling the remnants of his climax from his cock.

I moved up and in one continuous motion I push all the way into him. Now, I'm not a big guy. No I don't have a ten inch cock and no I'm not as big around as a beer can. But I do have a good 6 and a half inches that is about 4.5 inches around. So having my cock make it all the way into his ass in one move definitely got his attention.

He stopped gasping, his eyes opened wide, his mouth opened wider and he let out a long OOOOHHHH sound. I moved myself down and licked cum off his face then shared it with him as I started to move my cock in his ass. He pushed my arms away and moved his legs around my body. He was so limber and strong that he was able to cross his ankles behind my back and pull me into him with his legs. It became a war between my thrusting and his legs pulling me deeper into him. He was one fantastic fuck, for sure. I've never been in anything like this before.

He was hard again or maybe he never got soft and his cock was pouring his pre out more now than before, if that was possible. Every time I slammed into his ass, his cock bounced and deposited more pre into the puddles on his abs. I made every attempt to lick his abs clean, but I couldn't keep up with the amount he deposited.

Just as I was reaching my high point, he pulled his legs tight, squeezed his ass muscles tight and had another mind blowing climax. That was all it took. My cock was in a vice, my mind was in another world, and my body trembled, shook, and violently threw me into the most outrageous orgasm of my life.

We untangled and I moved to the bed next to him while we both came back down to earth. Chas was literally covered with cum. His body was sweaty, too, so both fluids made him shine under the lamp light in the room. He turned his head, barely able to smile and said, "Wow, no one has ever done anything like that to me -- ever."

I pulled him into a kiss, wrapped my arms around his slimy body and we both fell into a deep sleep.

I woke around 2:30 in the morning feeling very cold. It was then that I realized that we were sleeping with no covers and the house heating system had gone into the night mode. I gently untangled myself and managed to pull the covers out from under our bodies, turned off the lamps, and covered us. That felt much better. Chas didn't even stir. As I moved into him again, he moaned, and moved his body back into mine. My cock was immediately hard and managed to move between his legs, so it was logged right under his balls. I fell back to a very comfortable sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the light was streaming in from the windows and Chas was looking into my eyes. "Good Morning, I slept so wonderfully in your arms. I never want to leave -- ever." He whispered. Then he kissed my eyes, my nose and my lips. I wanted more, but I knew morning breath would be a deal breaker. We just laid there looking into each other's eyes for a few minutes. Then the phone rang, dumping us back into the depths of reality.

I climbed over Chas and answered the phone. It was a friend of mine inviting me to join his partner and him for breakfast. I declined saying I had other plans and just couldn't break them. We said our good byes and hung up.

Chas was giggling. "What now?" I asked.

"You could have said yes and introduced me as you new boy friend." He said.

I jumped onto his body and started tickling him. He howled and begged me to stop, but I kept going till he really did start to pee himself. We had to change the sheets anyway so it was not big deal, but he was mortified. The look of fear or embarrassment was worth the time spent tickling him.

I slapped his ass and told him to get up and get into the shower. I pushed him along till we got into the master bathroom. I had a good sized walk in shower with multiple jets and spray heads. It was one of my fantasies and luxuries. Our shower took way too long. Although we didn't have "real sex" we damn near came close to it.

"I really need a shave." I told him.

"Let me do it." He said looking at me with a half assed grin.

"Sure, you give me a shave and slit my throat in the process. Just remember I didn't even know you when I wrote my will." I said.

He took the can of shave cream and put a good sized mound in the palm of his hand. He spread it around my face and neck with the other hand, till I was more than covered. Then he took my razor and began a very sensuous shave. I've never been shaved by anyone till now and I must tell you it is a very sexually stimulating event. My cock was at full attention during the entire time he was performing his latest trick.

When he finished, he took a wash cloth and cleaned the residue from my face then toweled me dry. By this point my cock was dripping and had made quite a puddle on the floor.

"Looks like you really enjoyed this." He said. And before I had the chance to respond, he was on his knees with my cock in his mouth. This time it was just sex. He wanted to get me off and he did. I came, he swallowed, I groaned, he smiled and we moved into the bedroom.

Toweled dry, we removed the bed linens and made our way into the kitchen for breakfast. Like me, Chas is a coffeehaulic. My automatic brewer had a fresh pot ready for us. We sipped our morning brews while we cooked up some cheese omelets and toast. Of course we stayed naked. I gave him an apron to cover his important parts. It was funny trying to grab his cock or balls while his apron covered his front. His ass was free for the taking though and I took advantage of it, rubbing and prodding him at every opportunity I had.

We took our plates and cups to the kitchen table and sat opposite each other. As we were eating, I felt something between my legs. His bare foot was in my lap, rubbing my cock and balls. He had smile on his face and he giggled between bites of breakfast. I was hard and dripping once again.

I did manage to get up and refill our coffee mugs. "What do you want to do today?" I asked, assuming he would want to stay in and play.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll just go home and do some laundry." He said with a shit faced smile.

"Well, OK then. Let's finish breakfast and you can get going." I said with a totally serious face and tone of voice. He looked mortified, almost as if I wanted him to really leave.

At that point, I got up and started to clear the table of our plates and mugs. He just sat there bewildered. Then I pounced on him, tickling him with no mercy, again. "No, stop. Please I don't want to pee myself again. Please stop!" He yelled at me.

I stopped tickling him and held him as his breathing came back to normal. He was so ticklish, more than anyone I know. "I don't want you to go home. I want to spend the day with you. So, let's get this place cleaned up and figure out what we want to do today." I said. "Oh, and I really want to stay naked till you leave

After cleaning up the kitchen, we went into the family room and sat on the love seat. I turned to face him and said, "We could spend this entire weekend in bed, but I think we'd be dead by Monday. So how about we go out back and enjoy the morning before the sun moves away from my back yard?"

We went outside and both started to laugh when we realized just how cold it was outside. I must have my head examined for this suggestion. I pulled his hand into mine and walked around my yard for a few minutes. He was cold, so I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back, moving my hands down to his ass in the process. He moaned into my shoulder and mimicked my movements on my back and ass.

"Are you a total top or do you like to bottom, too?" He asked while his hands rested in the crack of my ass.

"I am more versatile than most guys. I like to receive for the right guy." I told him.

He smiled, played with my ass and asked, "Am I the right guy?"

Again I was taken back a step. I figured him to be a total bottom and never thought to ask if he wanted to reverse the rolls. "You, my friend, are exactly the right guy. I would absolutely love to let you make love to me. Did you want to or were you just curious?"

"A little of both. I mostly like to bottom, but I do like to sink my cock into a hot ass now and then. And this ass of yours is just hot enough for me to want to try it with you." He answered back. Then he said, "Let's go inside before my cock gets so cold it cannot be revived."

I had a different idea. So I walked him over to the hot tub, opened it up and helped him into the hot water. His face showed the relief and gratitude for the warmth. We both had goose bumps and the water almost felt too hot.

We just sat on the lounger in each other's arms for about a half hour. "We better get out of here before we turn into prunes." He said as he pulled me up and pushed me out. We had no towels this time, so we closed and locked the cover and walked into the family room. I quickly got us towels and we dried each other. The day was really becoming wonderful.

We found ourselves back on the love seat watching a re-run of The Matrix, something we both thoroughly enjoyed. My stomach was growling when the movie was finished. I suggested we order pizza, to which he agreed. "Are we going to put some clothes on to answer the door or shall we scare the pants off the delivery guy?" He asked. We didn't want a visit by the police so we settled for a pair of shorts for the both of us. After the delivery Girl left, we laughed and brought the box to the coffee table. I brought out some beers and sat on the floor next to Chas to enjoy our lunch together.

We were just finishing our pizza and beers when my door bell rang. I had no idea who it would be as I wasn't expecting anyone. I quickly grabbed my shorts, threw the other pair to Chas and answered the door. "Hey JC, we just wanted to stop buy and say hello after brunch. You said you could join us so we decided to come visit you instead" said Aaron, my friend who called this morning. He then realized I was only in shorts and didn't open the door fully. "Ah, am I interrupting anything JC?" He asked with a hesitant tone to his voice.

"No not really" came the voice from behind me. I was busted and I knew it. Chas walked up to the door, pulled it open and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" My face was a dead give away. Everyone looked at each other, then at me, and started to laugh or giggle. I threw open the door and invited Aaron and his partner Jeff inside.

As they were taking off their coats, I ran into the bedroom and got us a couple of shirts. I threw one to Chas and made the introductions. Since the pizza was finished and they had just had brunch, we were not into food. We got a few beers and sat down to chat.

I was apprehensive, but figured I could live this one down if it turned out wrong. Boy was I wrong again. Chas was not only charming, he managed to hold onto the conversation with a maturity that most guys twice his age failed to possess. My friends were taken back and enjoyed being here with us. The time flew by and before we knew it, it was 5:30.

Aaron invited us to dinner at their house, but I deflected the invite with one of my own. "Since you are already here, suppose we just gather some food and continue." I suggested. Everyone agreed.

It was a fun meal. Chas and Jeff made the salad and set the table while Aaron and I grilled some steaks that I defrosted in the microwave. We even nuked some potatoes to add to the plates.

As Aaron and I were outside, he asked me about Chas. So I told him the story and re- iterated that it was only for the weekend. That on Monday it would all end.

He didn't agree with my sentiments. He was smitten with Chas and wanted me to have a real lover, partner again. I told him that I would not change my mind on this one and asked him not to push the issue with Chas or me. He sadly agreed to my request.

Dinner was great. We chatted and enjoyed ice cream and frozen strawberries for dessert. This time Chas kept his dessert to himself, but I knew he wanted to share it with my body, again.

It was after 10 when we had the place all cleaned up and our guests left. "I'm bushed." I said. "How about we just hit the sack?"

Chas was really tired after our sex marathon of the day before. We stripped, showered with very little play and then looked at the naked bed. We forgot to make it up from this morning. "Damn, he said to me. I could just lay down on the mattress, I'm so tired."

We managed to make the bed and crawled in. I pulled him into my arms and promptly fell asleep.

Sunday was hot and Monday was really bad. Want to hear what happened?

Next: Chapter 4

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