Welcome to Nyetimber

By G Cutter

Published on May 4, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.





G. Cutter

It was the evening of my first day at Nyetimber and I was overwhelmed both with the blow job and the sixty niner in the afternoon. I'd never been so sated (is that the word?). I was exhausted and my usually cast iron cock was even feeling frazzled. Marty was good, he was loving and he was brilliant at sex. I didn't know if I was in love but I was as near as makes no difference. We'd gone down to Pagham and would you believe his dad was the Harbour Master. He had an office right on the end of a stumpy pier and accomodation (a small flat) above which he didn't use. The better news was that he allowed Marty to use it over last year's holidays and Marty and this Jerry guy had camped out there for three weeks last summer until they began to stink or starve. I never got to the bottom of that one. Marty confided in me as his bestest mate that was when he'd lost his virginity. He and Jerry had shagged each other silly for two of the three weeks. Something I didn't really want to hear but the better news was that although they were still the best of pals Jerry was now deep into a love job with this other kid called Fred and they were quite an item as Marty called it.

'What, he had you for three weeks and gave you up for someone else,' I asked amazed at Jerry's stupidity.

'It happens, lover boy,' Marty grinned and ran his finger down the side of my face. 'Broke my heart at the time but we get over things, we still have the occasional wankies.'

'Do you?' I was puzzled, confused and a little mortified. How could he entertain someone who had dumped him?

The conversation tailed off there as we were up in the flat on the harbour front at the time. We slowly cycled back home as it was so bloody hot you could have fried eggs on the road. We rode abreast just as the Highway Code says you shouldn't but I was starting to appreciate this place was really quiet, I mean dead as a doornail quiet. The traffic between Bognor and Pagham which is technically part of Bognor was busy with holidaymakers but our side, the Nyetimber side was like a ghost town. 'Fancy a swim?'

'Love a swim,' he grinned. I hope you're talking your pool rather than the Spooky Woods.'

'Yeah,' I grinned. 'This time you'll need a costume but dad says it's ready to rock and roll.'

'Excellent, I'll pick up my cossy on the way.

We were both in the pool when my mum and dad arrived and I think they were glad that I'd teamed up with Marty... I was, that was for sure. He split when his parents arrived. Oh yeah, he had told me that the third house was a holiday home owned by some of the super rich as the area was supposed to be the new Poole, the English Riviera. Sad but what can you do? The way the markets are an awful lot of people will be taking English holidays next year if they can even afford a holiday. Anyway, these rich prats had a pair of seventeen year old twins who it seemed were a bit too much above themselves to mix with the local hoi poloi.

'Seveteen,' I mused.

'Jerry chatted them up last year and thought they were a pair of upper crust twits.'

'Good for Jerry.' I said rather sourly.

'Don't be a bitch,' he laughed and I told him to keep it down. Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell we were up in my room after supper. He was supposedly helping me sort out my gear which was still all over the place. 'Betchya you fancy him when you see him.'

I shrugged. 'What about his partner or whatever?'

'We're a social and equal opportunites gang,' he remarked rather quietly.

'Needs thinking about,' I grumped. I was in love with Marty not some unseen Ron Weasley lookalike or even the others who were complete strangers.

'You wait until you see Danny and Donny, our fourteen year old twin angels. They'll get your big dick twitching.'

'It's not that big,' I remarked feeling quite pleased to be honest.

'Big enough,' he reached out and grasped it squeezing it's gently. 'You know what I want when you're ready.'

'No,' I croaked knowing quite well what he was going to say.

'Yes you do,' he teased with a grin. 'I can see it in your eyes.'


'You wanna fuck me,' he whispered and moved in. His warm lips met mine in a little kiss and then something more animal. 'You wanna fuck me,' he breathed into my mouth.

'Yeah,' I finally admitted.

'One problem there, Tommy boy.'

'Which is?'

'Mutual wanks, mutual sucks, mutual fucks.'

'I got the message,' I mumbled and I had. I wasn't getting past the playing around stage until I was prepared to put up or shut up as the saying goes. The thing was I'd already decided that this was the road to follow. Come on, I wasn't a dummy and as soon as he'd said that he'd gone turn around with Jerry I knew that I'd have to offer the same. I have said that Marty was all boy and he had needs just as much as I had. I'd also had enough SexEd classes in school to know that love was all about giving and taking although they were probably referring to different aspects of sex.

'Wanna go up Jerry's tomorrow earlyish, we'll catch him polishing cows or brushing ponies. They run a kiddy farm up there for the local schools and holidaymakers.'

'Sounds fun,' I replied less than enthusiastically.

'Come on, just to keep me happy,' he wheedled fondling my penis again.

'How can I say no, you bloody strumpet.' Loved that word by the way and we rolled around on the floor munching lips and grinding pelvises until my dad shouted up for us to keep the noise down.

I dreamt of Marty through the night and woke up in the early hours with a huge stiffy on. I'd been shagging his sweet arse and I'd just woken up as he was about to do me. I had a good wank on the strength of a lucky escape. All the same, we were going to do it once we could find some rock solid privacy. We would mate or die trying, it was in the stars.

The following day arrived with the promise of more sun and temperatures up in the eighties. There were already drought warnings but we didn't care, we were schoolies on holiday. Give it another few days and we'd be griping about the heat. Seems to be a national tradition, spend all winnter moaning about the cold and then move onto moaning about the bloody sun. Anyway, comes just before nine o'clock and the front door bell rang, I hurriedly shoved the last of my breakfast down my throat. To my surprise it wasn't Marty at the door but another kid complete with bike and he shoved a leaflet in my hand.

'Morning, Dodds the newsagents,' he babbled, gave me a grin and hopped on his bike and shot off across the road to Marty's place. I looked at the hand out and it was basically a promo for the paper shop and went on about paper deliveries. Definitely one for the elders and I returned to the kitchen to hand it over. I also arrived in time for them to leave and got the routine quicky about behaving myself and not getting into mischief. I'd had this most days for the last century and knew it off by heart the only addition was that there were loads of soft drinks in the fridge if 'my little friends' and I decided to use the pool again.

As their car drove off I saw Marty come from his house with the newspaper boy in tow. The came across and the new kid was introduced as Peter who was also a future classmate, things were looking up.The worse thing about a new school is not knowing anyone and not knowing where anything is but if you start with a couple of pals you're off and running.

'Pete's in the school swim team,' Marty babbled on and I quite believed it. The kid had a broad chest and tapering waist, you know the style, Tom Daley in a nutshell but better looking than the sainted Tom. Peter was a dish and if I hadn't been already besotted with Marty I'd have gone down like a ton of bricks with this kid. He was just as fair as I was but had his hair chopped off in what could be called the worst haircut in the world. He looked as if someone had attacked him with a set of hedgecutters, someone drunk that was. However, he seemed supremely unaware and I must admit I was more taken with his golden brown arms and legs with their dusting of fair hair. Naturally enough I wondered if some skinny dipping was on the menu for the day, I was still at the stage of follow my leader. Like all boy gangs I had to be acepted, mix in and then I got a say in things... until then I tagged along I also found out that Peter was fifteen as was Jerry and Frank so that made my Marty the youngest of our little group.

'I saw the twins on the way,' Peter informed us. 'Going down the harbour with their dad.'

'He's probably taking them out in that boat of his, he's trying to teach them sea fishing,' Marty grinned. 'They both hate it.'

'Poor little sods,' Pete laughed as we cycled. Without anything being said we'd all mounted up and were cycling along the pathway alongside the dual carriageway that ran to the B2166 which was the fast road between Bognor and Chichester. After a mile or so we diverted up a lane to the left which was signposted Cooper's Farm and below that Cooper's Children's Farm. Needless to say I'd got hold of the wrong end of the stick (for a change). Jerry's place was where they grow plots of this, that and the other and the trendies come and pick their own stuff. Organic as hell and twice as dear as buying it at Tesco's, my mum would love it. Why buy perfectly frozen and super healthy Birdseye Frozen Whatnot when you could have the scruffier and mankier version at twice the price? Beats me, I just eat what arrives on the table.

'Jerry'll be looking after the animals,' Peter panted from his point position and Marty and I puffed along behind as we cycled up the quite steep hill. He was right and as soon as I saw this barechested kids in shorts and rubber boots I knew that this was Jerry. Ron Weasley eat your heart out, I knew if I had the options of bedpartners Ron would be banished back to Severus Snape or whoever and I'd be humping this ginger haired vision chucking hay around.

To my immense relief we hit it off straight away, he came over and Marty did the quick intro bit and we were away... it was easy as that, a bit of a chat about me, then the weather, then the farm and then what was happening for the rest of the day. It seemed Jerry's father had him on a pretty tight leash especially as the young guy who normally looked after the kid's farm was on holiday but that only had a week to run. In the end the three of us, Marty, Pete and myself decided to cycle across to the other harbour, Sidlesham and have a bite to eat. After that we'd go back to 'the pool' where Jerry would meet us after lunch when he finished his stint at the farm.

All looking good I thought. I accused Marty of being a mind reader earlier on but I could read minds as well to a certain extent and I knew perfectly well both Jerry and Peter were wondering how I was going to fit into their little gang. Marty had indicated clearly enough there was a certain amount of gayness or brotherly love going on which is mincing and mashing words and phrases but you know what I mean. They were worried about me and I guess until Marty spilt the beans they're remain concerned and after that, who knew where we'd go.

I was game for a laugh, the company was good, very good as far as looks went but my main aim was mating with Marty any communal capers would be a bonus. Yeah, communal capers, I liked the sound of that.

We slowly cycled around 'the harbour' as they called it. It got called Pagham Harbour one side and Sidlesham Harbour the other, a twin harbour if you can work that lot out. In fact to my eyes it was a bay where they'd built a bloody long breakwater in the past making shelter for the fishing fleets of the day. Well, they're all gone now but kids in sail boats and more advanced yachtsmen aren't. This is not to mention the pretty expensive motor cruisers all shiny enamel and chrome with the standard buffoon in charge with a silly sailor's cap on and about as much idea as the man in the fuckin' moon. Sorry about that, I know my dad's wealthy but he does work for it and I'm a bit of a pinky socialist at heart. At that age I hated anyone who got more pocket money than I did and wished them all to Hell... unless I hankered after their body, then they were OK. I kept dropping behind all the way really suffering looking at the two beautiful bums ahead. Marty had baggy shorts on as I did, you know, the overlong beach things but Peter's were much shorter, I was surprised his bits didn't dangle free they were that short.

It was a bloody hard ride, the track and that's what it was followed the sea and was half up and down dunes or through lumpy and very bumpy dried out salt marsh. Wonderful really, I loved the place even when Peter told me on one of our breathers that people disappeared in the salt marches in wet winters. I did ask why anyone would wander around a boggy marsh in the middle of the night in the pissing rain and he mumbled something about smugglers. I took that with a pinch of salt but I was trying to peep up the leg of his shorts at the time, he had light blue briefs on by the way under his blue shorts.

'I think Tommy's trying to clock your cock,' Marty suddenly spoke to Peter much to my surprise and horror. How could he?'

'That's alright, I've been trying to see his but his shorts are too long,' Peter calmly replied. 'Never mind skinny dipping later,' he looked at me with a wide grin. 'Pervy time and more.'

'Really?' My voice broke into a falsetto squeak.

''Yeah,' Peter blithely twittered on. 'Jerry said he's horny and gave me the evil eye. I think he might be after me.' He spoke so calmly and brazenly I was shocked.

'You gonna let him?' Marty was just as laid back.

'Yeah. Damn right I am,' Peter giggled. 'I'll stand in for Frank anyday.'

I just sat there red faced and sweaty. Thank God for the sun otherwise my facial glow would have lit the place up like a lighthouse.

'We could get a sex show this afternoon,' Marty spoke to me and suddenly put his hand on my thigh just above the knee and squeezed. 'You alright with that?'

'Yeah,' I croaked as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I was convinced they were winding me up but then again...

'We'll do our first one in private all the same,' Marty calmly talked on but by then I was entering into shock.

'Grrrr...' Peter looked at me and grinned. Jesus, I had another admirer.

'Fuck off,' Marty laughed. 'He's mine.'

'Aaaw,' Peter whined.

'Don't you worry,' Marty grinned at Peter. 'He's been ogling you enough, he'll be inside your knickers inside a week.'

'Really?' Peter chortled and I just looked at them both. This whole surreal conversation had taken place as if we were in the school yard talking about the weekend football. Unreal. Totally and utterly unreal.

'Come on,' Marty got to his feet and walked off leaving us to catch up. Peter and I followed on pushing our bikes. It was just too hot for roughriding and it was hot enough for we two blondies to get burned.

We got to what they called the Spooky Woods and 'their pond' or the 'magic pond' around the midday mark and gratefully collapsed on the thick mossy grass picking the shadiest place possible. Trainers were the first to go getting slung in a heap with the bikes. T-shirts followed and served as mini pillows as we lay there recovering our breaths.

'Going swimming?' Marty asked.

'Not just yet,' Peter objected. 'You need to cool down, you could get cramp, that water's so cold.'

'Mmmmm...' I sorta agreed but I really did want to see Peter with his gear off, I'd just have to wait a little longer. That wait lasted about five minutes, he suddenly sat up and tore his shorts off and added them to his pillow. He lay there in his light blue briefs darker with sweat around the crotch.

'He's quite nice isn't he,' Marty suddenly reached out and rested his hand on Peter's lump. Peter jumped a bit but just lay there as Marty's hand squeezed and fondled his boyhood through the sweaty underwear. I justy goggled, this was my sweet and shy Marty acting like a queen slut. 'Get in the middle, Pete.'

Peter obligingly stood up and moved his little heap of clothing and settled down between us. He was obviously in the mood for fun, his perfectly visible boy cock had lengthened and was hardening up , his thin blue briefs hid exactly nothing. He turned into Marty and Marty closed in on him. 'Come on, Tommy... you're the rearguard,' he giggled as if he'd said something incredibly funny. That was it, I'd had enough of the small talk and moved in until my bare chest pressed against Peter's sweaty back and he must have felt my erection pressing against his tight bottom through our clothing.

We were on the move. Marty told me later that this was a 'meat sandwich' but not a proper one, I'd get to see one of those later. They both had each other's cocks exposed and were playing with each other and with Peter's briefs now down I got to fondle and stroke his smooth and well muscled swimmer's bottom. That session and I suppose I should call it a preliminary session remained in my mind for a long time. The quiet summer lunchtime with the lazy buzzing of insects and in the background the gentle burbling as the water made it's way down the steep slope into our pool our magic pool. It was so peaceful and the only human sounds were we three boys as we slowly stripped to naked and on Peter's instructions went between his thighs. Boy, that kid liked his cock, he had Marty fucking him from the front and me from the rear. Our cock's slipped together with sweat and precum as we simulated sex between his tightly clamped upper legs. I thought at one stage that with all the sweat and the slipperyness I might even score but clamped buttocks go with clamped thighs and I had no chance. 'Don't make me cum,' he moaned as Marty rubbed up against his belly.

'Yeah, go on,' Marty whispered.

'No, I'm saving it for Jerry,' Peter giggled.

I just fucked. I couldn't talk. Marty had hinted that his little gang were all at it and played boy games but nothing like this. This was so evil it was brilliant. I was clinging to Peter's back and imagining I was fucking Marty, the problem I was also imagining I was really inside Peter's tight little arse as well... most confusing.

'Aw, shit...' Marty moaned and I felt the warm splashes of his spunk on my cock as it rubbed against his and the action then got really messy. 'Gawd,' he clung to Peter as I redoubled my efforts to be rewarded by my own climax. They both giggled and wriggled as my sperm shot between Peter's thighs coating him and my boy friend at the same time. However it wasn't over. Marty took the lead as we lay Peter on his back and rubbed our joint cums over his balls and belly but then came the eye opener. Marty lifted Peter's legs until the blond held them back to his chest totally exposing his darker pink hole. Marty then worked two cum drenched fingers into the pliable and rubbery circle until they disappeared to the knuckles.

'Finger fucked,' Peter babbled happily as he lay there covered in cum and with two fingers moving in and out of his distended sphincter. His juiced up and still loaded penis bobbed up and down on his belly leaking streamers of cum to add to the mess but he didn't mind, he was on a different planet. 'Stop, stop,' he finally ordered. 'Where's that bloody Jerry got to?'

'Right here,' Jerry stepped into view. He was totally naked and holding his clothes. He was hard and what a handsome erection, he must have been the biggest of the bunch, very nearly six inches of pale skinned meat with a bulging crimson red head shiny with leakage. 'You are a slut, Pierre,' he grinned happily as he stared down at the three of us. 'You two as well... welcome to the Club, Tommy, by the way.'

'Thanks,' I muttered. What else was there to say after that. Marty jerked his head and drew me away and we settled with our clothing a yard or so away. I watched as Jerry knelt by Peter and placing his oozing cock's end against Peter's already lubricated portal and gently pushed in. I was amazed, I knew how these things worked in theory but I'd never seen a rigid lump of flesh that big just glide into a tight and rather small bottom like Peter's. Peter just gave a happy moan and held Jerry's hips as the ginger haired boy began to fuck.

'Wanna do it tonight in private?' Martyn whispered.

'After supper,' I croaked.

'We'll, sort something out,' Marty promised and then we were in snog mode, both covered in cum, sweat and bits of grass but happy with each other even if watching Peter getting a damn good fucking from the clearly extremely horny as hell Jerry. We did everything other than fuck, we rolled around messy and sweaty and kissed and tried between the legs again but in the end as the grunts and groans from our companions got lounder and more frantic we slipped into the cooling water. By the time we'd washed off and go to playing Peter had reversed roles and was fucking Jerry. The blond boy was flashing his creds in a manner of speaking and proving he was no bitch. Then again I was surprised to see the butch or seemingly domineering Jerry taking it with every evidence of pleasure.

'I thought he was the top dog, sorta thing,' I pressed against Marty in the water. It was cold but bearable and we splashed to the other side where there was just enough clear space for the two of us to huddle together and watch the show.

'Everyone gives and takes in our club,' Marty explained. 'Jerry's the sorta leader but only 'cos he's the biggest.'

'Oh,' I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him in tight. At least they'd dropped the word 'gang', that was for outside consumption, between themselves they were a 'club'. 'What about these little fourteen year olds?'

'Same goes for them,' Marty giggled. 'I'm still fourteen.'

'Just... and you're not a tasty little blond. A tasty little brunette,' I added before he got the hump. It wouldn't do to upset the boyfriend so near to our first get together. I held his cold meat in my hands feeling the blood flow back and it thickened as he leant into me and we shared our bodily warmth. The others had finished and slipped into the water and we joined them again. The amazing thing was and I keep coming around to this was that neither of them, seemed in the slightest embarassed in any way whatsover.

'We'll have to organise Tommy his first threesome once you've done your biz,' Jerry remarked to Marty.

'Maybe give him the twins,' Marty grinned giving me the eye to see my reaction.

'Maybe you two take one and me and Jerry take the other,' Peter suggested.

'We'll leave the multiple Tommy fuck until Frank get's back,' Jerry looked straightfaced at me.

'What?' I sat up suddenly. 'Multiple...'

'He was only joking,' Marty soothed me. He wasn't though, I could see it in Jerry's eyes, he wasn't joking at all.

'Anyone fucks me I fuck them first.' There I'd said it and from the grins all around I'd said exactly the right thing. I was just about a full member of their club, all I had to do was the spread myself around a little but I'd got past the stage of caring. I was deternined to make it with Marty, I liked Peter and I was fascinated with Jerry's big cock... who else was there? Oh, yeah. Frank and two little blonds, now, how bad is that.

We took our bikes and still naked carefully wandered down the track to the first little river where the ford was and sunbathed there. The tree covering was sparser and if anyone came it would only be other schoolies or even holidaymakers but we'd hear them first. Of course, we stayed on the inside if you want to call it that, they'd have to cross the river before they'd see us close up which would give us plenty of time to don our briefs and look respectable. I just lay there with Marty as Jerry and Peter messed around in the river.

'I'm looking forward to this summer,' Marty grinned up at the sky. 'My very own neighbourhood sex machine.'

'Gee, thanks,' I said sarcastically. 'I am a human as well.'

'Of couse you are, Big Boy,' he grasped my turgid cock. 'That's mine tonight.'

'As you say,' I laughed but it was no good. As soon as I closed my eyes his sweet lips were on me and I was lost.

At the end of a long and very satisfactory day of sun, sand and sex we split promising to meet up for ten the following morning. Peter promised to see the twins and clue them in so our foursome would be a sixsome... now that could be even more fun. At supper it turned out that Marty's father had invited my mum and dad down to the Harbour Club for drinks and to meet people. As this was the social centre of Pagham my parents were delighted to get an invitation and by the Harbour Master one of the local dignitaties if you could use that sort of word with Marty's dad. Of course during the conversation the subject of 'the boys' came up and it seemed so natural that I was offered as a babysitter and the parents between them agreed that on joint night out we should bunk together or 'sleepover' as the new phrase had it.

Now, sleepovers where young friends and relatives shared a bedroom and did whatever young boys and girls did when alone was nothing new but the phrase was, probably an import from the States as many new words were. A good example to go back to; my English class teacher was always on about the dropping of certain English words in favour of the American, a fact he bewailed constantly. 'Mandatory' arrived and 'compulsory' disappeared forever. Calling girls 'guys' arrived and bewildered even the young... that one didn't catch on but this was the age of Gay Whales and Ban the Bomb demonstrations, things were changing. We'd survived the Decline of Empire and now we were entering the Decline of England. Sorry for that but this is an old man writing memories and thinking about the long gone past. I suppose while I'm on I should apologise for the references to Ron Weasley and Tom Daley, just an anomaly here and there to test you out.

Anyway, back to the story. I was sleeping over with my beloved. I couldn't believe it, all the scheming and planning for nought, it had just happened. When we saw our parents off for the night we both knew what was going to happen, we were going to join, mate, rut or fuck each other silly depending on your point of view.

'Great,' Marty grinned as we waved them off. 'They'll be gone until midnight.'

'And then my dad will invite your mum and dad in for a nightcap,' I continued.

'But we'll be done and sleeping the sleep of the innocent,' he grinned.

'Sleeping the sleep of the shagged,' I smiled and backed him into he shaded doorway almost into blackness with nightfall upon us. 'Or not sleeping at all,' I kissed him and he kissed back gently and then more passionately as we rubbed together both finding hardness within our shorts. No surprise there then!

'Let's have a bath and er... relax,' I saw his teeth gleam in the darkness.

'No chance of them coming back?'

'No,' he fondled my hardness and I groaned. 'We can hear the car in the lane if they do.' He was right, it was so quiet you could even hear the bats chittering and a spooky owl out on it's nightime hunt.

'Come on, Marty,' I gently pushed him indoors and we turned the lights off and locked up as we'd been instructed. We were on our way.

We had the run of the house and more importantly we had the hots for each other. We stripped off very much like a pair of nervous virgins and stood there looking at each other's naked bodies. We were both fully erect and after an awkward pause shuffled into the bathroom making sure not to make bodily contact but when it came time to slip into the sudsy water it all went haywire. We grappled and giggled away like a pair of girls as all our reserves fled and we got down to it. I loved the feel of his hot stiff cock in my hands and he must have felt the same as he stroked and squeezed my hot hardness. I swear if he'd carried on I would have squirted on the spot but he was teaching me. He was particulary fussy about washing my bottom and actually started to dribble and I mean from his pee slit as he fingered me, 'cleanliness inside and out' as he muttered. I thought the finger fucking was a bit over the top but it did relax me and it was a part of him inside me. When he tried to prong me for real I span around and bent him over. I wasn't that easy and once I began prodding his little hole and fingering him I could see what had turned him on so. He was so tight, so warm and... grrrr.

We dried off together now in a rush to get to bed and to get on with it. A bit more damp kissing and we retired to the bedroom where he produced a small jar of Pond's Hand Cream. 'It makes life easy,' he muttered as we lay down in the gloom of the bedroom. We had the lights off but the light from the passageway made it's way past the slightly ajar door. We were on our nerves, we didn't anticipate any disturbance but we were trying to cover all the angles. He had done one smarty, he'd dropped the catch on the front door so that if the parents returned they wouldn't get in. Naturally enough when we'd done what we intended we'd lift the catch. We might be dirty little boys but we were organised and he clearly knew what he was doing. Probably his experieces with Jerry helped, I thought sourly.

'Nervous?' He whispered as he hugged me with his face inches from my own.

'I'm scared of cocking up,' I muttered.

'That's the idea,' he suddenly smiled.

'Don't be so bloody crude,' I giggled.

'You go first,' I'll show you how,' his voice dropped to a whisper again and I heard him uncap the Pond's. I leapt as an oily and slippery ice cold hand had grasped my red hot cock and started to massage it slowly squeezing and moving my foreskin up and over my throbbing glans. 'You ready?'

'Yeah,' I croaked.

'Let's see whatcha got then,' he lay in his back and tugged me into a kneeling position between his splayed legs. He raised them with his knees to his chest and I had a momentary vision of a dead sparrow. Jeez, what an image but he guided me down so that my hardness was touching his button. 'Slowly,' he whispered holding me steady.

Fuck it... this was too much like a gay sex instruction tape. I leant in to kiss him and just pushed in, his eyes opened wise and he gasped but into my mouth as I penetrated him and stuck. I was inside him and it was slippery enough to be easy, I felt his arse clamp on me and his legs rested lightly on my back. He smiled up at me and I knew it was alright.

'Jeeesus, Marty,' I groaned and pushed again broaching further resistance and feeling more of myself slipping into his tight heat.

'Nice,' he sighed and his arm wrapped around my neck bring my face down to his and that was it. My very first fuck. I slowly and cautiously worked my way in until he started to demand more. 'Harder, harder,' he hissed as I started to move faster feling more confident. My arms wre straight out and I pumped into his his sweet body like I was doing pushups. 'Harder, harder,' he moaned threshing around and wriggling on my rock hard spike. I couldn't keep it up I knew that. I was so hard and my balls felt like marbles as I went for broke.

Hammering and thrusting into his yielding body like a jack rabbit I drove him up the bed feeling my burning juices arising like a molten flood.

'Marty,' I gasped for the last time sheathing in him right down to my pubics I felt myself jerking and throbbing inside him and then the weirdest sensation of my cum squirting and going nowhere. It coated my cock and I was moving in and out of a flooded boy's hole. After I knew the lads a bit I got to calling it a boy fanny or a boy cunt but that came later, for now it was a hole, bum or arse or whatever else you wanted to call it, it was great. I lay on him and his legs slipped down my back to rest on my sweaty buttocks.

'You cum gallons,' he whispered dreamily. 'You cum like a fuckin' horse.' I didn't know where he got the experience of horse cum from but took it as a compliment. 'How do you feel?'

'Exhausted,' I smiled tiredly and tasted his ultra smooth and sweaty face, I couldn't get enough of him as I lapped and licked under his jaw enjoying the salty and funky taste of his perspiration.

'I'm so hard,' he whined and giggled. I knew perfectly well what he wanted and slipped free feeling my spunk slippery and wet between his cheeks. I flopped onto my back and put on my martyred face. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at me. 'Peter fancies you something rotten,' he grinned. 'I told him you might serve him after me.'

'And you were right,' I grinned back. The thought of Peter's smooth white bottom was just as exciting as Marty's sallow version. 'You first though.'

'Natch... we're boyfriends?' He looked at me with the question in his eyes.

'Damn right,' I pulled his arm causing his to fall on me. 'Fuck me,' I demanded. 'Pop my button or whatever.'

'Pop your cherry you mean,' he smirked. 'Go doggy, it's best for the first... we can go face to face later on.'

He manhandled me around so that I was crouched on all fours. I felt a bit of a wally but not as much as if I was on my back with my legs in the air. He got behind me and smoothed some of the Pond's into my crack fingering my hole until it was slick and easy.

When he took me I collapsed down onto the bed with him between my parted legs. It felt like a huge iron bar in my guts but I was determined to do well, this was a thing I needed. I needed to prove myself to my Marty and then the world was my oyster as they say. And... this is the big and, the more I thought of Peter the harder I got. Maybe a bit disloyal or even sluttish but all the time Marty fucked me I thought of fucking little blond Peter, now is that sick of what but back to Marty.

As he worked his way into me and started then to move I began to like it. The shame of it, I liked him inside me, I liked his moves and his affection as he was kissing the back of my neck or shoulders all the way through. When he finally climaxed, I nearly passed out. The swelling of his cock, the heat of his warm splashes inside me the works. I loved it, I was a convert and as we collapsed together and he told me I was as good a fuck as a fucker I grinned. I even liked the messy bit where his noodle softened and he carefully slipped from me leaving a spunky trail across my cheeks.

It's odd but as I lay there all I could think was that we'd shagged and that he was laying there with a load of my boy cum up his back end and I had a load of his in my belly. Cum, spunk, life essence, love juice... they had all these fancy names which I would find out later. It was going to be my summer of learning and I'd made a damn good start . We did a solo visit to the bathroom to get cleaned up and then lay under the bedding quite content in each other's company. We nuzzled and snuggled only splitting when we heard the cars in the lane but that was much later.

After his mum and dad had settled for the night we were going to do it all again but take our time. I didn't need any further instruction.


I would have liked to continue with this but I have far too much on the go at present. Maybe I'll return to 'Nyetimber' in the future, who knows?

I'd like to and thinking of little Peter and the twins there's ideas germinating already.


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