Welcome to the Family

By moc.loa@PCJSHTB

Published on Mar 30, 1999



DISCLAIMER: This is a story about consensual sex between two adult men. This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a story about incest. It is pure fiction. Any resemblance between anyone, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.

Now sit back and enjoy the ride.

Welcome to the Family

My sister, Marie, was getting married and the family was ecstatic. Finally, they would have grandchildren. I came out two years ago, when I was 16, so they knew I would not fulfill this dream. They were cool with it, but I know they were disappointed. We are Puerto Rican and my parents believe in having a large family. I have five older brothers and my sister, Marie.

Her fiance, Anthony, is a hot Italian guy I would have loved to bag. He is a 6'2" gym rat with a beautiful body. He is not one of those Venice Beach studs with gigantic muscles, just nicely developed with a lot of body hair, all over. I know; he works out at the same gym as me. Marie met him when she came to pick me up one day. That was a year ago, and now they are getting married. She is one lucky woman.

I don't mind admitting that I was jealous at first. I hoped that he liked boys, and was disappointed, but if I couldn't have him, I was glad my sister got him.

A week before the wedding, Tony's family came to stay with us. They were from California and we agreed to put them up. I was supposed to share my room with Tony's younger brother who's supposed to be my age. I hate sharing my personal space with anyone.

They were very nice people and we took to them immediately. They were a traditional Italian family. The parents had cool accents that I loved listening to. The mother insisted on preparing dinner every night, and we had no objections; she is a great cook. I could see why her husband was such a big guy with a barrel chest and belly.

Tony's brother, Victor, arrived two days after his parents because he had finals. I went to meet him at Penn Station, in New York, and when I set eyes on him, my heart literally skipped a beat. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was almost as tall as his brother, similar build, shoulder length curly black hair, and a face that would make most heterosexual men take a second look. He has thick eyebrows over large beautiful brown eyes with long, curled lashes any woman would die for, a prominent Roman nose that was not too big, and full lips that appeared to be perpetually moist. I wasn't keen on the idea of sharing my room with a stranger at first, but that changed instantly.

I took him up to my room where I have two twin beds, so he could get settled in. It turned out that we were both heavy metal fans who had an affinity for the older groups, like Sabbath, Deep Purple, Rainbow, AC/DC and old Iron Maiden. He admired the posters I had all over the room and asked if we could play some of my CDs. I was happy to oblige. I could not take my eyes off of him. When he asked if I minded him changing into something more comfortable, my mouth went dry with anticipation.

I cleared my throat and said, "Of course not!"

I pretended to read a magazine while he took off his shirt and revealed the most beautiful torso I have ever seen. His pecs were two nicely developed mounds with fine, black hair winged out across them, leaving a trail of hair down to his pants. His brown nipples were plump and juicy; my mouth watered as I thought about sucking on them. His abs had the hint of a six pack without being too prominent, the way I like it. His shoulders were broad and led to two strong arms with hairy forearms.

He folded his shirt before putting it in one of his bags and put on a loose white tee shirt. The way the shirt fell over his pecs and outlined his nipples turned me on almost as much as seeing him bare.

He then removed his shoes and socks. I noticed that he had a little bit of hair on the tops of his feet, but did not linger on it long, because I knew the pants were coming off. I crossed my legs to hide my hard on. He turned his back to me, exposing the hair in the small of his back, and pulled down his pants. I was almost at the point of drooling when I saw that beautiful bubble butt of his in the white jockey briefs. They were two perfect globes I wanted to reach out and grab. I couldn't help but think of the Spinal Tap song:

The bigger the cushion/The deeper the pushin'/You know what I mean.

Out of the briefs extended two masterfully sculptured legs. They were truly magnificent. They were shaped like the legs of soccer players, and covered with hair. I am a leg and chest man, so I was in heaven when he put out a pair of knee length shorts and a pair of sneakers without socks.

After he put his pants on a hanger, we listened to some music. We played air guitar and sang along with the music while thrashing our hair around like two maniacs. It was so cool. We laughed and joked like we were old friends. We talked about college and our majors. He is a computer science major with a minor in business administration; I major in English Literature, with a minor in computer science. It turns out that we also shared an affinity for video games, so I pulled out my Nintendo64 and we played for about two hours. At one point, our parents called us downstairs for dinner. We did not know where the time had gone.

When we finished dinner, he asked my parents if he could use the phone to call his girlfriend back in California. I was heartbroken. He stayed on the phone for an hour with her (he used his phone card, so no one cared about the time). I returned to my room and played MarioWorld alone. When he returned, he asked where the bathroom was so he could take a shower. I showed him that I had my own bathroom and he went in.

I continued playing video games to distract my attention from the thought of his nude body being in my bathroom, with only my mirror to see. I was fighting woody as I battled my evil foes on the television screen.

Victor came out after drying off, with nothing but a towel around his waist. He forgot to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom with him. I told him that it was not a problem because I was heading in anyway. I needed a cold shower to help me through the night.

When I got into the bathroom, I quickly disrobed and jumped in the shower. It felt good. My mind started to wander to the fact that Victor was just in here a few minutes before and I got hard instantly. I pinched my nipple with one hand, while I soaped up the other and jerked on my dick.

With the water running, I got out of the shower to get the dildo I keep hidden in the cabinet under my sink, way in the back. Before going back in the shower, I took a moment to look at my reflection in the full length mirror I have on the back of the bath room door.

Not bad, I thought to myself. I have a handsome Latino face with big puppy dog eyes, straight, but not long nose and full lips. I am built very similar to those real cute Olympic gymnasts, but a little softer.

I got back into the shower and soaped up the dildo. When I soaped it up enough, I bent over with my firm bubble butt away from the water and slowly pushed in the dildo. When I got used to it being in my ass, I pushed it in and out while I jerked off. It may not be as good as the real thing, but it felt so good.

When I let myself pretend it was Victor, I couldn't hold back any longer. I instantly shot a load that made an audible splat on the tiled wall of the shower. It took me a minute to recuperate, before cleaning up the mess I made and finishing my shower.

When I finished, I toweled off and remembered that I too, forgot to bring a change of clothes with me. Since I have my own bathroom, I almost never do, but I had a guest.

I stepped out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me and found Victor wearing nothing but his briefs, sprawled out on his back on his bed, with his eyes closed. I gasped and stepped back a moment as I drank in the sight.

He opened his eyes and said, "I hope you don't mind, but this is how I sleep."

"Not at all," I smiled as I headed toward my dresser.

"Tony told me that you're gay. Is it true?"

I have my back to him as I fish out a pair of shorts and tee shirt to wear to bed. "Why?"

"No reason. Just asking. I never personally met a homosexual before, that's all."

"You probably have," I say as I close the drawer and face him, "but don't know."

He sat up on the bed and said, "It's possible."

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all. Actually, I'm a little intrigued," he said as he got up and walked over to me. "I've never been with a guy before, and I want to try it out."

He put his hands on my shoulders and lightly kissed my lips. My knees buckled, but he supported me.

"Do you like me?" he asked.

"Uh huh," was all I could muster. I was frozen to my spot.

"Good," Victor said as he pulled my towel loose and let it drop to the floor.

He kissed me again, this time he put his arms around me. His tongue played with my lips and I opened them slightly. He pressed our bodies together and stuck his tongue into my mouth. It danced in my mouth with my tongue and tried to go deeper. My knees got weak again, but I stood strong and hugged him close to me. The skin on his back felt so smooth, so nice. His hands were slightly rough and felt good on me. When he grabbed my ass with both hands, I pressed my hard cock into his crotch, still covered by his white briefs and came again from the excitement.

He held me at arm's length and laughed.

"I never got a reaction like that before!"

Embarrassed, I apologized.

"What for?" he asked with a smile that made me melt.

He ran into the bathroom and returned with my washcloth. He wiped the cum off our bodies and pulled off his now soiled briefs. I jumped when I saw his huge, hard, fat cock. It was almost as thick as a soup can and had to be at least nine inches long.

"Don't worry," he said. "We will only go as far as you want."

That smile and those beautiful eyes made me feel all gooey inside, but I was afraid of his massive rod, I have to admit.

He led me to my bed and laid me down on my back. He got on top of me and began kissing me again as he rubbed his crotch against mine. He raised up on his arms and began humping my crotch with that anaconda of his as he moaned. I reached up with both hands and squeezed those hot pecs of his. He humped faster and harder. With a final hump, he arched his back and spewed a gusher, hitting both our chests, my face, and the wall behind the bed.

He collapsed on me and started kissing me again. I could not believe that he was hard again, already. I got up and wiped the cum off my body. He reached for the washcloth, but I threw it in a corner and pushed him on his back. I then proceeded to lick the cum off his body. He submitted quickly and laid back. Unfortunately, none of his seed landed on his nipples, but that was fine with me. Those sweet mounds of flesh were now mine.

I licked around his right nipple while I allowed my right hand to roam his torso and arm. I sucked the nipple into my mouth and teased it with my tongue as he sighed. I kept this up for a little before sucking on it harder. He gasped at first then relaxed, allowing the pain to translate into pleasure. I bit at the nipple and squeezed the other pec in my hand, as he moaned in titillation. As I continued chowing down on his nipple, he gyrated his hips on my stomach. I didn't want him to cum too quickly, so I climbed off him, onto the floor on my knees and attacked the same nipple again. When I was done, I licked my way to his armpit.

"That feels so good," he giggled. "No one ever did that to me before."

"You ain't seen nothing yet," I said.

I got up and laid on him again as I did the same thing to his other nipple. He did started humping my stomach again, so I laid on the edge of the bed and sucked on his nipple like a starving baby. When I looked at his dick, it stood straight up in the air, in all its glory.

"Turn over."

With a troubled look on his face, he asked me, "Why?"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to rape you or anything. Our parents are right down the hall."

"Okay," he said as he rolled over, onto his stomach.

I admired the view for a moment, before reaching down to knead those firm buttocks. He tensed them up at first, then relaxed and enjoyed the pleasure. I laid myself on his back, placing my legs along the length of his, with my hard 7" dick across the crack of his ass like a giant hot dog. He tensed his ass again, but quickly relaxed it. I brushed his long, curly dark hair aside and kissed him in the crook of his neck.

"Mmmmmm," he said. "That's nice."

I reached under him and cupped his pecs, as I licked his neck. I slowly began sucking on it, harder and harder, while I squeezed his pecs. He was moving his hips again, humping the bed, until he realized that his motions were easing my cock deeper into his crack. He stopped and just laid there.

Not wanting to scare him, I raised myself slightly and kissed my way to the top of his spine. When I got there, I sat on the back of his manly legs and licked the length of his spine. He shuttered at this, but clearly enjoyed it. Whenever I got to that patch of hair at the small of his back, I grabbed hold of those globes of glory and squeezed them for all they were worth. Victor squealed with delight as I fondled his fleshy mounds.

I turned him back over and had him lay cross-wise over the bed, so that his legs dangled on the side.

"Oh yeah, man. Suck my dick, please?"

I smiled and parted his legs before going to my knees between them. Instead of going to his crotch, I kissed the inside of his thigh as my hands fondled his leg. I slowly kissed my way down to the sensitive skin behind the knees. I knew from his surprised gasp that he was never kissed in that sensitive place before. I lifted his leg straight up to gain better position and caught a glimpse of his hairy ass that made my cock ooze with precum. I kissed down his calf as I slowly lowered his leg as I continued to pay homage to this lovely specimen.

I licked at his heel and looked at him. He was leaning back on his elbows with his head thrown back. His hot, full lips were parted as he breathed in a shallow rhythm, between light gasps. I knew I could make him do anything I wanted at that time, but right then, my attention was focused on pleasuring him in ways he never imagined.

I lick his entire heel with the broad part of his tongue, smelling the soap from his recent shower. I tickled his foot with the tip of my tongue below his arch, before licking the ball of his foot. I then took each toe into my mouth and sucked briefly on them, like little fleshy lollipops as I held his perfectly shaped foot in my hands. His feet were not too big, putting an end to the myth that small feet = small cock. I sucked his big toe into my mouth like it was his dick. My tongue caressed the underside of the toe while I sucked on it, increasing the pressure.

"You're a little freak, aren't you?"

I smiled in reply and continued sucking. When I was through, I put his foot down and went back to his crotch. I quickly licked at the balls, then up the shaft of his huge cock, using the broad part of my tongue. Victor shuddered at first and watched me as I used the tip of my tongue on the sensitive underside of his cock head and worked my way to the slit. His face took on a look of inebriation before he closed his eyes and laid back.

I licked around the head of he cock and up and down the shaft, like a popsicle. It was the most magnificent cock I ever saw. I slowly took the head in and worked my way down, as far as I could go without gagging. Victor's fingers were in my hair as my head went up and down on him. He began pumping my mouth and used his hands to force my head down. Noises, not quite groans or moans, escaped his mouth as he was getting what had to be the blowjob of his life. I reached up with my left hand and grabbed a handful of pectoral, and used the other hand to twist his opposite nipple. He froze and exploded a stream of cum that felt more like a geyser than an ejaculation. I got most of it in my mouth, but some dripped down the sides of my mouth. I swallowed all I had in my mouth.

Victor collapsed on the bed with his pretty eyes glossed over.

"That was incredible," he said.

"You ain't seen nothing yet. I'm not done with you, but you can rest a moment."

With a sly grin, "There's more?"

"Oh yeah."

"Then let's take care of business!"

Without hesitation, I took his flaccid dick back in my mouth. Even soft, he was still big. I swirled it around my tongue a little before I let it plop out of my mouth. I pushed his legs up onto the bed so they were bent, exposing his ass hole.

I licked at the outer ring, and was greeted with a simultaneous gasp and shudder. Encouraged, I continued to lick that outer rim as I watched his dick grow hard again. I reached up and grabbed a handful of one of his pecs again, squeezing it as I stuck my tongue into his ass. Victor thrashed his head about on the bed and was clutching the sheets so hard that his knuckles were white. The only sounds out of his mouth were gasps and "Ahhs."

While I continued to munch on his ass, I slipped in a finger and moved it around in his hole. He froze at first and looked like he was about to protest, but I found his prostate and pressed it. He fell back on the bed and let out a long, low, guttural moan, like a dog howling at the moon. I sucked in one of his testicles then the other, while squeezing his pecs alternately.

I heard him mumble something, but could not believe what I heard. His ass was off the bed as he humped the air with that big pipe of his.

"I want you to fuck me," I heard clearly this time. I stopped, leaving my finger in his ass when I looked up at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Just do it before I change my mind!"

I reached in my night table and took out some lube and a condom. I ripped open the condom and was about to put it on when he reached for me. He grabbed my cock and licked the head, making me sigh. He licked the shaft while on his fours on the bed and me standing in front of him. He reached up and pinched my nipple when sucked the head of my cock into his mouth. I almost fell backward. I put my hands on his head and ruffled his curls while he proceeded to blow me. I could tell this was his first time, because his teeth got in the way a little, but I wasn't about to stop him.

I pushed him off so I could lie on my back and I motioned him to go in a 69 position. While he sucked on my cock, I put some lube on my fingers and inserted one, then two in his ass. With each insertion, he stiffened up a bit, clutching my fingers with his sphincter, but soon relaxed. He continued sucking me whiled I loosened him up with my hand, finally inserting the third finger. He was already getting used to it, so he was more relaxed at this point. I told him that he was ready and he stopped. He began putting the condom on my dick while I fondled his glorious, hairy globes, stretching them apart so I could stick my tongue all the way in. He wiggled his approval.

When he finished sheathing my cock with the plastic shield, he was about to go on all fours.

"No. Why don't I lie on my back and you sit on it. This way, you take it as you please."

"Okay," he said as he got up.

As I hoped, he faced me as he straddled my body. He leaned back and held my right leg as he positioned my cock at his hole. He worked the head into his hole, then pushed some more. When he had about a third of my cock in, he leaned forward and grabbed my pecs, one in each hand, and slowly sat on my cock. He had that mixed expression of pain and pleasure as he took more and more of me in. Finally, he I was completely inserted and he sat there a moment, letting a whistle escape his full lips. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him deeply, while I remained embedded with him, raping both his mouth and bottom simultaneously.

When I released him from our kiss, he sat up and wiggled his ass on my dick. I could tell he enjoyed it as much as I did, because he had a look of satisfaction on his face. His virgin ass enveloped my hard tool as if the two were made exclusively for one another. He rubbed my smooth chest as he moved around, pinching my nipples.

Finally, he placed his hands flat against my pecs, with his feet flat on the bed, and raised himself off my penis. I rubbed his hairy legs as he raised himself until only the head of my cock remained before he slid down again. His jaw went slack and his eyes rolled inside his head as he slid down, feeling my cock massage his prostate. I licked a finger and outlined one of his plump nipples as he gradually picked up the pace. I grabbed his nipple between my forefinger and thumb with one hand and grabbed his massive cock with the other. He was biting his lower lip to keep from moaning out loud as he continued to impale himself on my 7.5 inch cock. When he began bouncing on my dick, I twisted his nipple and squeezed his dick harder as I jerked him off. I was getting close, and so was he, as I began meeting his downward thrusts with up thrusts from my hips. We were both panting heavily. He grabbed my nipple and twisted it hard, sending me completely over the edge. I shot my load so hard, I actually thought I would blow through the condom. Right after my gusher went off, so did his. It was not as powerful as the first one, but still produced a good deal of semen, hitting me on my chest and face.

He collapsed on me in exhaustion.

"That was incredible," he whispered in my ear.

"Yes it was. You are an incredibly handsome dude."

"Me? No. You are the beautiful one. Besides, I would never have let you fuck me if you didn't do all those awesome things to me. I figured I had to return the favor."

"Return the favor?! You're my fucking fantasy, man. I enjoyed every part of you. In fact, to return the favor to you, I will try to fit that baseball bat you're trying to pass off as a dick into my ass later, after we've had a chance to recuperate."

He smiled that dazzling smile at me again when he asked, "Really?"

"Yes," I said. "Well, Christen, this the 'Welcome to the family' night!"

"Hell yeah!"

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