Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Sep 21, 2012


Disclaimer: I hope you know what you're doing!

The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story without expressed permission from the author. Thanks :)

Author's note:

Wow, I am really pleased at the response I got for the first chapter. A huge thanks to everyone who wrote to me. I cherish your emails! Also a big thanks to those who gave suggestions and pointed out spelling errors. I know most of you are looking forward to the sexy parts. Don't you worry, they're coming! But not until the next chapter (sorry!). You might find that this chapter sort of runs in the opposite direction (life's a bit like that sometimes), but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Wet shame, wet fun

Chapter 2

It was a few months after the incident at the hall party and we continued to be lab partners, academically hacking away at our first semester together. My own keenness for Jake only strengthened. There was no doubt in my own mind that I had developed a rather healthy infatuation to this delightful boy. While we never touched on the subject of sexual preferences or our sexual histories, we shared a silent relationship of seemingly platonic touching. I had nearly lost all concept of personal space when it came to Jake, much to his chagrin (or not).

"Wanna try some?" I held out my bottle of Vanilla Coke. He eyed it carefully before taking it in his hands and having a sip.

"Tastes just like normal Coke," he concluded. I stuck my tongue out at him and took my drink back. "Do you want a bite of this? It's sort of nice," Jake gave a half shrug as he handed his sub sandwich over.

I savoured the flavours of teriyaki chicken and mayo. "Hmm, not bad. Might get that next time".

One evening I was over in Jake's room watching a movie with him. A comedy, if I recall correctly. The laptop was set up opposite the bed where we had settled on. The bed itself was pushed up against the corner of the room and Jake was closest to the wall. I was lying on my back, head tilted to the side to see the laptop, and Jake was lying next to me with this head resting on my chest. He placed his hand on my chest near his head, feeling my chest rise and fall with each breath. He gave a satisfied sigh.

The movie was actually quite a good one. Well, according to Jake. I was mostly paying attention to my cute buddy who had his head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and absorbed his gentle warmth. I ran a hand up Jake's side and he laughed, his body shaking against me. I did it again and he laughed again. I pressed a finger into his side and he jerked before giggling.

"Hey stop it, Theo," in a tone most amused. I wiggled my eyebrows at him when he looked up at me and dug another finger into his side. He jerked again and buried his head into my chest giving a groan of playful frustration. He knew this wasn't going to be good for him.

"Ticklish, are we?" I asked devilishly. He shook his head feverishly not wanting to give me any ideas. I wiggled my fingers against his ribs. He jumped and almost landed on top of me with a squeal.

He slapped my chest as a laugh escaped his sweet mouth. "Theo!" he complained again. I wanted him to say my name again. I flipped our places so that he was lying on his back and I was on top of him. His eyes went wide as he predicted what was going to happen next. His arms flailed in front of him hoping to avoid the inevitable, but it wasn't enough. I dove into him with my hands and tickled his ribs and tummy with great enthusiasm. The most wonderful male squeal came out of Jake as he tried to fight off my hands, his body shaking in laughter. "Theo please!" he repeated in a breathless voice. I repeatedly jabbed at his ribs. His expression changed suddenly, "Stop, Theo!" his voice had a tinge of annoyance. When I didn't stop tickling him he finally shouted out my name again with a tone of frustrated urgency. He forcefully pushed me off and bolted for the door. I ran to the door and looked for him.

I called after him but he didn't stop running and turned the corner to where the communal toilets were. I noticed a small trail of liquid along the concrete floor that followed Jake's path. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I went looking for him. When I entered the toilet area I saw that one stall was engaged in an otherwise empty room.


Nobody replied.

I stepped out of the room and peered down the hallway to see in case Jake was making his way back to his room. "Jake?" I said again into the near empty bathroom. I heard a sniffle and gentle whine coming from the stall. I walked up to the stall and gave the door a few light knocks. "Jake?" I asked with an even more questioning tone.

"Go away, Theo." I stared back at the stall door. I closed my eyes in frustration at myself. Curse me.

"I'm really sorry, buddy." Sniffle and then silence. "I didn't mean to-" I paused. Didn't mean to, what? Make him cry? Annoy him? I needed to sort myself out.

Was he okay?

"Jake, you okay in there?" I could almost hear him shake his head to himself. I wanted to break into the stall and give him a hug.

After a further moment of silence, Jake spoke, "I'm fine. Just leave me alone." My heart sank. "Please?" he added. I didn't say anything else and walked away.

Jake avoided me for the rest of the weekend. I could hear him leave and enter his room as I sat in mine next door, but I never approached him. I had to give him space. I might have ruined our friendship. I spent the weekend lying on my bed, sulking to myself. A couple of my classmates invited me out to a party on Saturday night. I declined.

Monday morning rolled around and I was facing a dilemma. Jake and I usually went to breakfast together (as with any other meal) in the dining hall. I stood outside his door trying to decide whether I should knock on it or whether he still needed more time alone. I knocked on it.

No answer. I knocked again. I don't know why I expected an answer. Metaphorical grey storm clouds appeared over my head. Today was not going to be a good day.

I arrived at the dining room to find a few of my classmates already having breakfast. I grabbed my usual toast, muesli and yoghurt, and headed for the usual spot I shared with Jake. I stopped as I saw Jake sitting there alone. He was nibbling away at his toast. Second dilemma of the day – do I sit by him or just find another spot? Before I knew what I was doing, I had walked over to where Jake was sitting.

"Umm, is anyone sitting here?" I nodded to the seat opposite him. He looked up at me and then glanced sideways down the empty table. `Obviously not,' his face expressed. I smirked. He could be such a smart arse. I settled my food down and took a seat. I saw that he didn't have his usual bowl of yoghurt like how I did.

"Hey you didn't grab any yoghurt. Want some of mine?" I lifted my spoon up for him.

"No, I'm good." Jake shook his head and continued on his toast. He didn't even look at me. I put my spoon down and started on my own breakfast. We ate in silence. After he finished off his muesli, he stood up, picked up his tray and pushed his chair in. "I'll see you in class," he mumbled and walked towards the kitchen to put his dishes away for cleaning. I looked down at my half-finished yoghurt. I didn't feel that hungry anymore.

It was Tuesday and I was surfing through Facebook on my laptop when I heard a knock on my door. I was surprised to see Jake when I opened the door.

"Hey Jake. What's up?" I tried to ignore the fact that he'd had been avoiding me all this time. Jake looked down at his shoes, then up to me, then back to his shoes, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Umm, hey Theo." He took a breath and began to say something but then paused. He let out the breath. "I'm sorry I'd been ignoring you..." His eyes were back to his feet. He looked back up to me with the biggest, most adorable brown puppy eyes you could imagine. His eyes said it all. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer.

"Come here you." I grabbed onto his shoulders, yanked him towards and pulled him into a hug. He landed into me with a `umf'. His arms wrapped around me and we just stood there in each other's arms.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaayyyy," a guy call out as he walked past our room. I gave a laugh and let Jake go, his face began to turn red.

"So umm, I need some help," Jake admitted. I knew he had another reason for finally talking to me! Jake stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. I walked back to my bed and laid down, my hands behind my head.


Jake walked over and sat down beside me. He placed a hand on my tummy, feeling the material of my shirt. It was like nothing bad had ever happened. "I need help picking a gift. It's my mum's birthday soon." I gave him a look that told him that I wasn't quite the right person to go to for this.

"What do you usually get her? What did you get her last year?"

He shrugged and gave my shirt a tug, "I usually just bake something for her."

I sat up. "You bake? Like what? Cakes? Muffins? Pies?" The possibilities flowed through my head – if only I could taste some of Jake's great (I presumed) baking. I licked my lips and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not baking for you, Theo, so don't even think about it." I pouted. "I thought I might just buy something and send it away to her. That sounds okay, right?" he furrowed his brow as if maybe buying her something wasn't good enough.

We spent the next hour going through ideas of what Jake could get his mother.

"How about a tea pot? Do people still use those?"

"What about a keychain? Wait, you only get those if you go on holiday to somewhere exotic, right?"

"Maybe I can send her some baking? Can you post baking?"

"God, I could go for some cake right now."

"Theo, I'm not baking for you! I already told you that."

We ended up heading to the mall to check out if that could give us any better ideas.

*** The local mall had recently been rebuilt and the outside looked brand spanking new. We walked in and our eyes swept shop to shop. They had changed everything around just when I was getting used to where everything was! I noticed Jake was craning his neck, scouring for something in the mall.

"So, where do you wanna start?" I looked towards the woman's clothing store and then over to an electronics store. I spied the new range of shiny laptops in the electronics store and made my way towards it.

"Hey, Theo. Come on!" I heard Jake yell from behind me. "Don't do this. Let's find a gift and then leave." He gave a frustrated huff and followed me into the store.

"Hey look at this one," I pointed to a green Sony laptop. "It's so green." I ran my hands over the smooth, shiny plastic. "Greeeeeeeeeeeen", I repeated. "Why don't you get this for her?" I didn't even have to look at his face. "Okay if not her, what about for me?" I grinned at him. He rolled his eyes at me again and walked away from the laptops.

I continued to make my way around each laptop, inspecting their specs and design. When I looked up, I saw Jake standing next to the audio equipment looking at a radio shower that was shaped like a penguin. Hey that looks pretty neat. I was making my way across the store towards him when he started to hop from one foot to the other. He put the penguin radio down and walked quickly out of the store. He had his shirt tugged down in front of his pants. As soon as his foot was out the door, he started running back towards the entrance we came in. I ran after him. My mind raced back to the various moments where Jake would just up and run somewhere. What was up with that? I thought back to when I was a child. I used to have an aunt who would run out of the room like that. She suffered from an anxiety disorder. If this was Jake, then I really wanted to be there for him.

I watched as he ran into the nearest men's restroom and I chased his steps. I found Jake, his hands still holding his shirt over his crotch area. I noticed a darkness spreading across his pants heading down the legs of his pants. Jake's eyes were wet and he was muttering something under his breath. He shook his head. All the stalls except the disabled toilet were occupied and Jake stood in the middle of the room, dancing from one foot to the other. His visible distress ripped through me.

"Jake," I gripped his elbow and led him into the spacious disabled toilet stall and closed the door. When I turned to face Jake I found him sitting on the toilet but with his pants still on. I heard the trickle of urine as it leaked from his pants and into the toilet bowl. He had let his bladder go in his pants. He had his face buried in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. A despairing sob escaped and he began breaking down in front of me. His whole body heaved as he openly bawled into his hands, the sound of dripping urine mocking his dignity.

Okay, maybe this isn't panic disorder. Well, not like the one I remembered. I took a step towards Jake but stopped. What the hell do I do? My heart ached for him, for his soul. I walked over and knelt down next to him.

"Jake?" I whispered in an unsure tone. I ran a hand up and down his back. "Jake buddy. It's okay. Hey, it's okay," I kept my tone low and reassuring. He continued to sob.

There was a knock on our door and a man's voice came through, "Hey, is everything okay in there?"

"Uhh, yeah! We're okay. Just stubbed a toe! Everything's okay!" I hoped that's all the explanation the guy wanted. I heard Jake snort among his sobs. I didn't hear a reply so I assumed the guy left.

I scooted myself in front of Jake and I took his hands away from his face. He hung his head and kept his eyes closed. His face was all wet.

"Oh Jake." I wiped his face with my hand. I then held both his hands in mine, rubbing circles in his palms with my thumbs. Tears continued to fall. A few of them may have been mine. I knelt there, sitting on my legs folded beneath me. I waited and waited until he stopped crying. The smell of urine floated around but it didn't bother me. I held his hands still.

When he finally stopped, he slowly opened his eyes but didn't look at me. He couldn't, his shame didn't allow him. He wiped his face with the back of one hand and looked down at his pants. They were completely soiled. He took his other hand out of my hand and gripped at his pants like as if he could rip them off. He had the most miserable grimace on his face. I placed a hand on his wet thigh and gave it a squeeze, making the point that I didn't mind the piss. Jake looked up at me in surprise. His bottom lip trembled.

I straightened up to get closer to him. "Jake. You're still my buddy. You know that, right?" He sniffled loudly before he closed his eyes again, squeezing out a few more tears. He shook his head in disbelief and rested his head on my shoulder as he began sobbing again. This time, more lightly. I placed my hand (the one I didn't use to touch his thigh) gently around his neck and stroked his soft skin. "It's okay." He stayed in that position for a few minutes before lifting himself off of me. I reached up to wipe away the new tears.

I placed my hand back onto his wet thigh and gave another squeeze. "I'm going to run back into Kmart and buy a pair of shorts, okay?" Jake just nodded, not looking me in the eye. After washing my hands, I exited the stall, shutting the door behind me. I made it to Kmart, bought a pair of cheap pants on clearance and raced back to Jake in record time.

I knocked on the stall door and announced my presence. He unlocked and let me in. He stood in the middle of the stall, back to pulling his shirt down in front of his wet crotch.

"Hey look at what I got," I took the pants out of the plastic bag and held them up. "Fancy, huh?" I looked at the plain black material. Jake didn't react. At all. Okay, now's not the time for jokes. I asked him to step out of wet pants and underwear and to chuck them in the plastic bag. I waited for him to get moving but he didn't. His eyes still glued to the floor. "D-Do you need some help?" I offered gingerly. Jake shook his head but still didn't move. I sighed, but not in frustration with Jake. Jake was scared, embarrassed, ashamed. I had to let him know that I was there to help him.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and he visibly winced and tensed at the contact. "Jake," and when he didn't look up, I repeated, "Jake." I took his face into my hands and forced him gently to look up at me. His eyes were pools of regret and anguish. I wish I could just kiss it all away. "Hey, let's get cleaned up and go home, okay? We can curl up and watch a movie, okay?" I stroked his cheek with my thumb. He nodded gently and I pulled him into my arms. He let go of his shirt and threw his arms around me, clinging to me. Burying his head into my neck, Jake let out the most vulnerable whimper. More tears would have fallen if he wasn't all cried out. I rubbed his back while I whispered words of reassurance to him. It really was like taking care of a baby animal.

When he let go of me, he gasped when he saw that his own pants had wetted mine. I told him not to worry about it. "Come on, buddy. Get out of those wet clothes," I handed him the pants and turned around to face the wall. As close as we were, I don't think he was ready for me to see him like that. I heard him undo his belt and slip his pants off. "Remember to take off the underwear too," I reminded him. I heard the rustle of plastic as he shoved his wet clothes in it.

After he was presentable, we walked out of the restroom. I watched Jake carefully for any reaction. He seemed to be quite apprehensive. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and gave a squeeze. I led him out of the mall and our way back to campus. He kept his head down the whole time. When we got back to our rooms I asked him for his keys and unlocked his door.

"In you go," and ushered him inside. "Okay, you have a shower and I'll get changed. Send me a txt when you're done and I'll come back over. That alright?" I waited for his reply. He slumped down on his bed and curled up, facing the wall. I walked over, sat down and rubbed his back. He huffed and curled up tighter. I laid myself down behind him and pulled his back against my chest. I heard Jake gasp and hold his breath. I rested my chin on his shoulder, breathing against his ear. I gently rubbed his belly. He relaxed into me and uncurled himself slightly. Nobody said anything for a while.

"Thanks," Jake whispered. I tightened my arm around him.

"No problem, Jake."

He placed his hand on top of mine and threaded his fingers through my own. I dipped in my nose into his hair and inhaled.

"I'm sorry I keep freaking out." He removed his hand from mine. "I'm sorry."

I exhaled deeply into his neck and I felt Jake shudder. The faint odour of urine was coming off his crotch. Now was not the time to get stiff.

"Jake, turn around." He shifted himself so that he was facing me, but he kept his eyes on my chest. I grasped one of his hands. I liked his hands. They're so soft. I wonder what his fingers feel like in my mouth; what they taste like. "Jake, buddy." He gave a pleasant sigh and closed his eyes at the mention of his name. A slight smile appeared on his face. His adorable face. It was the most peaceful look I'd seen since the mall and I knew that I had helped.

I was going to do it. I couldn't deny it any further. It had to be now. This was going to break or make our friendship.

"Jake." The next words came out in the smallest of whispers, "you're so special to me." Before he opened his eyes, I leaned in and placed my lips on his. I felt Jake's breath hitch and his hands tighten around mine. So soft. His lips were so soft, just how I had imagined. I suppressed the slightest moan and pulled back. His face had the most surprised expression. Not bad surprised.

"What was that last bit?" he was barely able to whisper back.

"You're so special to me." When it finally sunk into Jake what I had said, he gave the most genuine smile I had seen in a long time.

"Oh Theo," and he pushed his lips back onto mine with much enthusiasm. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into me. His hands came up to my face and pulled me deeper into the kiss. What was that? Oh, his tongue. Ooh, his tongue. I opened my mouth and sucked his tongue in. He whimpered into my mouth. I felt his hardness pushing against my thigh. I pushed back against it and he gave a low needy moan. "Please, Theo."

I pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him. I looked down to his beautiful brown eyes and innocent smile. I slowly leaned down to give him a light kiss, but before my lips touched his, I whispered to him again.

"You're so special to me."


I repeat, the sexy times are coming. Don't despair!

As I've mentioned to some of you, I'm wrapping up my last semester and will be moving cities for my new job. I won't be updating within the next month as I have my final (very final) exams in a month. I apologise for the wait (damn you, real life), but I hope that you'll continue to enjoy future chapters :)

Also, a very helpful reader suggested that I should keep a readers mailing list so I can email you all when a new chapter is available. So, if you wish to have your place on this mailing list, send me an email telling me so. Woop.

Thanks guys ;)

Next: Chapter 3

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