Wexford Ladies Panty Club

By Frilly Panties

Published on Nov 15, 2011



November 14th, 2011 Comments etc: fpanties@gmail.com Subject: TV, Crossdressing, panties

Author - Frilly Lover Part - 01 This is really only suitable for lovers of panties. If you have no interest in lady's panties - read something else: however, if panties turn you on, then you may enjoy this story.. DISCLAIMER: This text file contains material of an adult and explicit, sexual nature. If you are uncomfortable reading material of this kind, please delete this file immediately. Under no circumstances is this file to be read or possessed by persons under 21 years of age. Chapter-01 Paul Telford had a dark secret, an embarrassing aspect to his otherwise 'normal' personality - Paul was a panty freak. For as long as he could remember his panties fetish was something he had lived with, but at times had tried desperately to eradicate. His interest in ladies panties had grown from mere curiosity to an overwhelming sexual obsession that had culminated into him wearing panties when at home and gathering a huge collection of panties for use during his daily masturbation sessions. Women's magazines, newspapers even letterbox f with was so overwhelming that he was unable to even look at a newspaper advert for lingerie without feeling a familiar twinge in his groin. Before the advent of the Internet, Paul used to think that he had an individual mental problem that he dared not admit to even his closest friends. When he bought his first computer and joined the Web he was astonished to discover that millions of men shared his panties perversion. Not only did they admit to being panty freaks, they even posted pictures of themselves wearing their favourite panties. Paul's panty obsession became even stronger and he spent many happy evenings sitting at his computer masturbating over the photos of bulging cock-filled panties. The outline of a hard erect cock proudly jutting out a pair of silky frilly panties caused many ejaculations and soon he was actually buying panties from those specialised underwear vendors who encouraged their male customer's panty habits. The apparent anonymity of bulletin boards gave Paul an idea. He would post a message looking for a another panty freak who shared his interest. After several revisions he finally posted his message. "25 year old bisexual transvestite. Slim built, smoker, UK resident. Seeking a panties loving person for fun times. Age immaterial. - Phone (979) 2235 7655 or email <pantyfun@hotmail.com> No commercial propositions." The weeks went by but no response. Paul was beginning to think no one was interested - then 4 days later he finally got his only reply. "Dearest Pantyfun We are a mature aged couple in our early 40;s with a small family. My partner is a worthless sissy girly panty slave who no longer satisfies me. If interested we have a spare room and would welcome visitors. Please phone 8865 4432 for further details. (South Kent region) Kisses Panty Anne" That very same evening he telephoned. A friendly voice answers *Hello, Anne speaking" "Panty Anne this is 'pantyfun'. Thanks for responding to my advert" The voice softens "You got my note darling. I'm so pleased our age didn't detract you. What should I call you?" "I'm Paul. It's nice to contact you. I was getting concerned that nobody was interested" "We are both panty lovers and love meeting others who share a similar interest Your accent sounds like the West County?" "Yes, I'm in Appleford near Taunton" Her voice turned sultry as she asked "So darling, - are we to understand that you swing both ways?" Paul became somewhat concerned that he was talking to a virtual stranger about his most secret hidden desires but after only a moments hesitation he blurted out "Yes any orifice gives me pleasure. Panty Anne I really love wearing ladies panties" "That's what we like to hear. Darling. I'm going to call you Paula if that's ok with you" Paul started getting excited as he heard his favourite 'femme' name being used. "Tell me sweetie - are you wearing panties as we speak?" Paul's cock started to swell. "A pair of Warner's white satin panties with cream coloured frilly lace edging" "They sound divine... darling are you hard? I bet you are rubbing it right at this moment. I'm wearing a pair of old fashioned pink nylon panty briefs and full cup underwired lace bra." "Uuugh panty Anne you sound so sexy. I always get very aroused talking about panties" "That wasn't the question - I want you to tell me if your cock has a hardon?" "Darling my panty covered penis is fully erect and I'm playing with it" "Mmm... I'm visualising you rubbing your panty bulge. We can't wait to meet you" "Panty Paula I have lots and lots of panties that you could try on. My sissy husband, Celia, does all the household chores so I have lots of spare time on my hands. We need a special type of person that can 'give and take' - if you get my drift.. You sound ideal. What size waist are you?" Paul was somewhat surprised by the question but answered "I'm about a 34 and 5' 8" with dark blonde hair" "You sound so yummy - my pathetic husband only has a 4" cock... hang on a minute..." The phone was placed on a table and Paul heard Anne shouting "Celia you sissy slut - come and talk to Panty Paula". Paul heard the phone being picked up then a high pitched effeminate voice simpered in his ear "Hello Panty Paula, I'm Sissy Celia - Panty Anne's husband. I'm told that you might be visiting us soon. It will be lovely having another panties lover. Anne can be very demanding and what she wants, she usually gets" "Sissy Celia it's so thrilling for me to be able to openly discuss the pleasures of panties. My panty fetish has had to be kept secret for so long" "Sweetie darling we are all panty freaks in this house and all of us have no secrets or inhibitions. I can't wait to meet you in person. Now, I'll give the phone back to panty Anne" "Paula sweetie let's organise a weekend and see how we go from there" "I'd love that. The first week next month would be perfect for me. It will probably take me about 4 hours drive. How does that suit you?" "Sound's like real fun - I'll email our address and the instructions for getting here. We're only about 5 miles from Wexford village." When Paul hung up the phone he was amazed at how stiff his erection had become. That was the first time he had ever spoken openly about his secret panties perversion and he found it extremely stimulating. He kept thinking about the woman and her sissy husband and his arousal culminated in a sticky dark stain on the front of his nice clean panties. Chapter-02 Paul worked for one of the major Insurance companies as a claims assessor. Although the work was rather boring at least he didn't have to confront irate customers. His was a back office job that demanded logical thought and concentration. The building had a number of pretty secretaries but he was more captivated by the girl's underwear rather than her personality. He was entranced by the girls who wore white nylon blouses because the thin fabric often showed an outline of their bra. He liked the view of tight skirts with panty lines or a lacy slip hem that sometimes peeked out beneath a dress.. Few women wore slips but some of the more mature workers remained locked in the fashion of yesteryear. Paul was uncertain if his co-workers suspected he was gay because he seldom flirted and kept very much to himself. His slim build and clean shaven face had a slightly effeminate look. The older women were married and the younger ones preferred the more rugged looking masculine men. Paul didn't really mind what the other's thought of him. Every night he returned home alone and for fear of unexpected visitors, he always waited until after 8 PM before transforming into his alter ego. Once dressed up, he revelled in the sensual feel of the soft silky underwear and flouncy petticoats. After dinner Paula could always be found glued to his computer screen, rubbing his panties and masturbating over photos of other transvestites.. A few days after his phone call he received an email with the promised instructions and address. The message had a couple of photos attached. Paul eyes widened as he looked at the first picture. It showed a somewhat chic looking woman a friendly smile wearing a tight red satin dress. He was surprised and pleased to notice that her breasts were small compared to other mature women. She sat with legs crossed and he noticed a hint of the stocking tops . Anne obviously had a penchant for make-up and used lots of lipstick, eye-shadow and mascara. Her best years may have passed but she certainly held her age well. Paul always felt more comfortable with mature women. Young girls frightened him by their directness and probing questions. The other picture showed a mature man dressed up in a schoolgirl tunic complete with white ankle socks and a pigtail wig. Just like his wife, sissy Celia's face was almost obscured by the heavy make-up. Celia stood facing the camera with a coquettish grin holding up the front of his pleated school tunic and displaying his black lace garter belt, seamed nylon stockings and white ruffled satin panties. The prominent bulge in the crotch of his panties was proof positive that he was enjoying being photographed. Rather than early 40's Paul guessed both were more likely to be in their mid to late 40's but this factor didn't detract from the excitement he felt from looking at their pictures and the anticipation of actually meeting them both. After a formal request, Paul's boss had allowed him a week's leave in part compensation for all the extra overtime he'd put in when they were short staffed during Baxter's absence. Reliability and a compliant attitude had always served him well The night before he was due leave for Wexford the phone rang rather late at night. It was Anne "Darling - just checking that everything is going as we planned?" "Panty Anne I loved your photo darling - really sexy!! Your husband looked so alluring in his schoolgirl outfit. I liked the panty bulge. Everything is going as arranged - no problems. I should get to your place around 11, unless the traffic is really bad." "We are both looking forward to meeting you in person - remember, there's no need to bring anything special... Celia has been out shopping for you and now we're all organised." A slight pause then she added "You could bring a few extra bottles of wine - it might be thirsty work and I hope we won't have any time for shopping" "Will do... white or red?" "A few of each." Then a another pause and she added with a smile "I do hope everything fits. I'm sure you'll find everything pleasantly pleasing" "This is so thrilling for me - I can hardly believe my luck at finding such a nice understanding couple who shares my special interest" "Panty Paula I can hardly wait to see you in your new panties. I get so horny watching grown men being transformed into screaming sissy transvestite panty sluts." "You're making me hard again. I'll see you both tomorrow - bye bye for now" Next morning Paul opened his car's boot and loaded his suitcase. His car was less than 5 years old but last week he had had it serviced. The last thing he wanted was a breakdown en route. This was Paul's first break for more than a year. A few last minute checks that his house was secure and he was ready to go. The engine roared into life, he donned his sunglasses and switched on some music. It was early summer, the weather was perfect and the roads were free of the really heavy traffic so he made good time. A few miles from his final destination he remembered to pick up a half case of mixed wine and a spare carton of cigarettes. As the car drew closer to the address Paul couldn't stop thinking about the actual meeting and just how easy it had be to meet such perfect partners. The house was larger than he expected. It was a double storey brick building with several rooms that looked like later extensions. He guessed that it couldn't be more than 10 years old. The garden was tidy, a large lawn surrounded by flowering shrubs. The double garage doors were fronted by a gravel expanse large enough for several vehicles. Overall it looked no different to the other homes visible in the distance. As his car slowed to a stop a side door opened and Anne appeared with her arms wide open. Anne looked very sexy in full face make-up and wearing a dark grey wool skirt, dark orange silk blouse, black stockings with grey high heeled sling backs was absolutely stunning. Chapter-03 They greeted each other with a tight lengthy embrace. "Sweetie darling you do indeed look absolutely yummy. C'mon Paula let's go inside and get you changed into something more suitable" Anne grasped Paul's hand and led him inside. "Give Celia your car keys and he'll get your things and organise your room" Celia was attired in a frilly French Maid outfit - A long grey wig and black silk dress complete with ruffled petticoat, fishnet nylons and a crisp white frilly apron. He teetered in his black patent leather heels and simpered "welcome panty darling". Celia leaned forward and planted a long lingering kiss. Paul could taste his lipstick and smell his fragrant perfume. He handed over his keys and Celia minced out to the car. The room was furnished with two leather sofas, a large bookcase and flat screen television mounted on the wall. Several comfortable looking chairs and a large oak coffee table gave an air of muted opulence - expensive without being extravagant. Soft classical music played in the background and the warm afternoon sunshine filtered into the room. Anne poured two glasses of wine from a bottle in an ice bucket on the table. She sat down and lit a cigarette and motioned Paul to the chair opposite. "Sit down panty Paula - you don't mind me calling you that? Paul is such a masculine name". "Darling panty Anne it makes me so excited when you use the 'panty or 'panties' word". "Talking of panties - what do think?" and with that she spread her knees apart in a most un-ladylike manner. Paul couldn't avert his eyes from Anne's crotch and lemon yellow satin panties. He kept staring at her stocking tops and the upskirt view of her panties. Anne smiled "Nice eh??" "Lovely!! I'm thrilled that you're so comfortable showing your panties. Most women are embarrassed to even mention their underwear, especially when talking to a man." "Darling... be honest now - you're not a 'real' man, you're simply another girly little sissy panty freak just like my sissy slut husband. While we're waiting for Celia you can tell me more about your panties fetish. How long have you been dressing up?. How did it all start?" The memories flooded back and Paul felt relieved to finally explain his fetish to another person. For to long he had been silent and the words rushed out. "Like so many other transvestites I started very young. When I was still at school I always remember the day when I was walking home and I found a pair of panties on the roadside. It was obvious that they had been tossed out of a passing car, probably stolen by a bunch of teenagers. I don't know why, but I picked the panties up and put them in my pocket When I got home a note from my Mum said she had gone shopping and as usual my dad was still at work. He was an electrical engineer and often worked abroad I must have been about 14 years old. Anyway... I went up to my room then I remembered the panties. I changed out of my school clothes and lay on the bed holding up the panties to examine them. They were a cream coloured and somewhat dirty from lying in the road but I will always remember how smooth and silky they felt..." Anne was listening intently and he noticed her hand had slipped between her legs. "Don't mind me darling... go on with the story. It's so exciting" "... although I'd seen panties in the shops, this was the first time I had ever touched them and the more that I fondled the panties the more excited it made me. Soon I was lying with the panties covering my face and I was jerking off my stiff little weenie. When I'm horny my brain seems to go to sleep and it never occurred to me that they could be covered in germs or disease, anyway, I pulled the panties over my head so that the panty gusset covered my nose and mouth. There was a faint smell and when I licked the cotton gusset it made me spurt my cum like a fountain. That was the most powerful ejaculation I'd ever had. A few days later I washed the panties and used them many times during masturbation. I even tried them on. After that experience I was hooked." Anne stood up then came over to where Paul was sitting. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a long passionate open-mouth kiss. As their tongues entwined he could feel her soft hand gently massaging his rampant dick, then she cupped his swollen ball sac and as she gently squeezed he heard a throaty voice whisper in his ear "darling, your lovely panty story really turned me on. I do hope you enjoyed staring at my frilly knickers. Celia gets really excited looking up my dress. He says that the upskirt panty view is even more stimulating than actually wearing the panties" "Panty Anne your panties looked absolutely gorgeous. I would love to kiss your panties?" "Oh darling we're going to have lots of panty fun together but first you will have to look more like a sissy slut. Celia will help you to get dressed." Once again Anne takes my hand and leads me to the stairs. She climbs the stairs ensuring that I can look right up her skirt. Not only was she wearing satin panties but also a nice white corset. By the time they reached the room, his cock felt like a steel rod. Anne opens a door and tells me "Celia will take care of you now". In this room, a large queen sized bed was covered in various items of underwear; slips, camisoles, several bras and he noticed a lovely peach camisole. Celia, still dressed in his frilly French maid outfit, was bending over a chest of drawers transferring the contents of Paul's suitcase into the drawers. Celia's pantied bottom was a mass of frilly white lace framed by his gorgeous chiffon layered petticoat and lacy white suspender belt. "Paula, I hope you approve of my choice of undies. Some of them are new and some are ours. I'm sure you find something nice to wear" Paul is so horny that he walks over to Celia and rubs his hand over Celia's frilly ass. Celia sighs with pleasure and starts wiggling his soft round ass cheeks. Paul pushes the petticoat further up and admires the soft feminine looking hips, exposing the most delicate alluring pink panties that he had ever seen. Paul noticed the panties covered an exquisitely feminine lace garter belt holding soft black, lace top, fishnet stockings. Celia turns around, grina, them asks, "Aren't they pretty? I adore wearing frilly knickers" Paul could only nod as he suddenly found himself in a trance, staring at the pretty feminine bulge growing in Celia's panties Smiling broadly Celia pulled down the front of his panties to reveal a tiny boyish sized erection devoid of all pubic hair Grinning lasciviously he giggles "It's not very big is it?" "ir's just so sweet" then added "... and so deliciously sissy" Paul's hand automatically reached out to fondle the little stiff penis half covered by the panties. Celia again sighed with pleasure and started thrusting his hips forward. Then abruptly stops and pulla up his panties saying "This won't do, Anne will be angry if we are late - now let's get you undressed. Choose one of the bras and a pair of panties then I'll fix up your face." Paul peeled off all his clothes. Unconcerned by his nudity and his bobbing penis, he selected a delicate pair of lime green silk French knickers and matching satin underwired bra. He popped a pair of silicone breast forms into the bra cups and immediately he felt the exquisite sensation of his bra straps digging into his shoulders. Celia gazed longingly at Paul's burgeoning panty tent. "Paula darling - good choice sweetie!! Come and sit over here at the dressing table". On goes the foundation followed by painted nails and powder then the eyelashes, eyebrows and finally the lips - bright red creamy lipstick generously applied. "How do you like your hair - blonde brunette or we have some Anima coloured wigs." "Lets go with that long hair wig with the fringe" It had taken almost 30 minutes but he we almost ready. A white nylon half-slip, black lace suspender belt hooked to dark tan nylons and a pair of white stiletto heels. He tried on a couple of dresses and opted for a black and white pattern square neck dress with a wide belt. The final touch was the jewellery - dangly ear-rings and a string of pearls followed by a generous spray of perfume. Chapter-04 Celia simpers "let me look at you darling... mmm Anne is sure to be pleased... turn around" Paula swivels around and then unexpectedly he feels Celia's arms encircling his waist. Celia moves closer and presses his stiff little cock against the cleft of Paula's buttocks. He coos "Oh sweetie you look so beautiful!" Paul is overwhelmed by emotion. At last he can be himself - his real self. Already hard as rock from the silky feel of his new undies, Paula turns around and deliberately hikes up his skirt and half-slip. Paula flutters his eyelashes and smiles "Oooh yes my love... let me feel your hardness. I adore your little girly cock" With skirts slip and petticoat rucked up, both men crush their swollen panty bulges together so that only their frilly silky panties separate their erections. Celia's hot little cock seductively slides up and down Paula's throbbing hard prick. Paula sighs "Mmm... sweetie this is so much better than wanking off by myself" Celia simpers "I really love cock especially a panty covered cock" Paula's hands are groping the frilly ruffles covering Celia's pretty panty clad bottom while Celia is fondling Paula's lacy silk bra cups as their steel hard cocks twitch around inside their frilly panties. Both men are gyrating their hips and squashing their erections together. The excitement of wearing such lovely undies and the erotic feel of Celia's little boyish penis and frilly lace petticoat is like a dream come true. Suddenly he hears Celia squeal "I'm cumming darling", his little sissy cock spurts out a load of cream making a wet stain in his panties. Unable to hold back Paula's cock stiffens then erupts. He squirts out huge gobs of spunk that not only wets his own panties but soaks into Celia's panties. "Uuugh I'm sorry sweetie but I just couldn't stop" "Sweetie we must change our panties - please don't tell Anne. She wanted to milk you first." Paula kissed Celia "My lips are sealed" Both men remove their soiled panties ensuring their softening cocks have no tell-tale drips. Paula loves the erotic sensation of pulling the panties up his nylon clad legs and then the exquisite pleasure as snuggles his genitals into the silky fabric. "I'm ready now. Let's go" Celia puts his arm around Paula's waist and they head back downstairs. The clatter of dishes and cutlery can be heard above the music.. A voice calls out "I'm in the kitchen. What took you so long? Celia you little slut get in here and do your job" Celia sighs, raises his eyebrows the swishes out to the kitchen just moments before Anne appears. She feasts her eyes on Paula's outfit "now that looks much better. I like the make-up and wig. Was that your efforts or Celia's handiwork?" "I haven't had much experience with make-up so Celia did most of the work" "Yes, he can be quite useful. C'mon you sissy little faggot, we have time for a few drinks before my other guests arrive" "Other guests??" "Yes darling, I've invited a few select lady friends to our monthly meeting of 'The Wexford Ladies Panty Club' we take turns using each other's homes. This is my month. My lady friends are so looking forward introducing themselves to my newest panty slave. Panty Celia will show you what to do later" Paula was puzzled by the word 'newest', which would indicate that he is not their first weekend guest. Anne is lounging on the sofa and pats the space beside her. "sit yourself down and I'll explain about or special little club." Paula seats himself in the soft leather sofa. "don't be so demure, let your panties breathe" and with that she lifts her leg and drapes it over Paula's knee pulling it open. Their nylon stockings whisper as nylon glides against nylon. Anne slips her hand over Paula's panty bulge and caresses his panty-covered cock. "you are so naughty for making me so excited." They both light a cigarette and pour a glass of wine "The club was started some time ago. The high cost of membership and a monthly fee for those who attend a meeting ensures we have a very small but select group who share our mutual interest. Due to our seating arrangements there is a maximum of 7 guests per meeting and the meeting organiser is sadly ineligible to compete. We play a game called 'Panty Prelude' and the prize is 24 hours with you as their willing and compliant little sissy panty slave. Whatever they desire or demand you will be forced to comply.... " Paula was astonished "Forced?? Me?? You must be joking. What happens if I refuse?" "Now darling, don't be like that. Did I forget to mention that Celia may have misplaced your car keys and your street clothes. I really don't think you want to go home dressed like that and even if you found some cash, public transport in this area is unreliable at best." Almost sobbing he wails "That's blackmail and kidnapping!" "Don't be silly precious. You arrived here by your own volition and you are perfectly free to walk out the door any time you please. .. but if you stay, I'm almost certain that Celia's memory will return." Despite his sense of being tricked, Anne's constant stroking had produced another raging erection and when all said and one he wasn't exactly unhappy about becoming a panty slave for a day. Anne's leg slid up from knee to upper thigh. Her red nail varnished fingers danced the length of his erect prick. She pulled his panties waistband down exposing the head of Paula's throbbing penis. It was obvious that practice makes perfect and he was certain that Anne expert wanker. "Panty Anne I'm sorry darling. I'm such a namby-pamby - I should never have complained. I trust you to know what's best for me" Anne smiled and continued "That's more like it. You're my sweet little panty darling... now don't you worry your little head, you'll enjoy it - I promise and I'm sure that you'll do me proud". Chapter-05 A clock chimes and Anne glances at her watch "Goodness me how time flies. My guests are due to arrive in less than 30 minutes. I'll get Celia to show you what to do" Then she whispers in Paula's ear "Sorry to leave you like this" as she gives a final squeeze on his rampant cock. As sissy Celia teeters back into the room, he hears a car coming up the driveway. Celia takes his hand and leads him down the hallway into a n expansive back room with French doors that lead out into the back garden. The room had a fitted plush wool carpet but was rather sparsely furnished, a bar with a couple of stools, a small cupboard and a very large rectangular oak dining table surrounded by 8 straight backed chairs. Celia covered the table with a lace tablecloth that hung down to chair seat level then he placed little brass plaques engraved with the numbers 1 to 8 in front of each chair. As Celia explained, the rule were simple and easy to remember. "When they start their game you are not allowed to speak apart from saying 'correct' or incorrect'. Your task is to make one of the ladies climax because whoever squirts first is your 24 hour date. Now get under the table and stay there until the meeting ends. Take these" - he hands Paula an assortment of sex toys, a small torch and a bottle of iced water. "You won't meet any of the guests until the game ends - and only those who choose to remain. Some guests prefer privacy. Paula crawls under the table and immediately notices that each chair has a number attached to the inside edge of the table. Despite the lace tablecloth it was quite light and the soft carpet had a thick underlay which made his knees sink into the plush pile. He hears a chatter of voices and the sound of orchestral music mainly violins, then as the guests are seated he is surrounded by a sea of knees, stockings and heels. The music volume is turned down and he listens to Anne addressing the group. "Ladies... our mystery guest tonight is a virile young 25 year old sissy panty freak who has agreed to service the winner for 24 hours. For the benefit of any new members, 'Panty Prelude' is a simple game where our mystery guest attempts to pleasure one of you into a climax - whoever erupts first - wins. The alternate way to win is by correctly guessing 3 times who is currently being serviced but you cannot nominate yourself and as organiser, I'm excluded. You can only take a guess when you are holding the deck of cards. A wrong answer gets a black mark and 3 black marks removes you from the game as does peeking under the table. Sissy Celia will keep score - can you all see the board?". Celia stands beside a whiteboard with the numbers 2 to 8 with 6 horizontal boxes for right or wrong answers. "When you get the cards cut them once then flip the top card. If it is the joker, Sissy Celia will happily give you lots of extra stimulation until such time as the cards comes round again. Any questions before we begin?" a slight silent pause then Anne continues" Okay ladies charge your glasses, if you need a refill, just raise your hand. Let the 'Panty Prelude' game begin - good luck! Chapter-06 Under the table Paula hears glasses chinking and the music volume increase. He is astonished to see all the legs being spread open revealing a cornucopia of various coloured panties, slips and stocking tops. The guests were spaced far enough apart so that their knees never touched their neighbour's. Paula's cock almost explodes on the spot. He thought he was in Panty Paradise. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine seeing such an orgy of panties in real life... but his pleasure increased dramatically when on closer inspection he discovered some of the panties had the familiar bulge of cock. Eager to get started he selected number 5 who was wearing a dainty lacy white frilled pair of panties. Crawling between the splayed legs he started kissing the panties and felt a cock start to stir. His hands fondled the stockings as his lipsticked lips encircled the now throbbing cock. He sucked it greedily licking his tongue over the glans and bobbing his head up and down the shaft. The guests were smoking, chattering and sipping their wine as the deck of cards moved around the table. Number 7 has been looking intently at the other guests and after cutting the card takes a guess "I think it is Number 3" "Paula is that correct?" "incorrect" Celia marks the first black mark against number 7. Meanwhile Paula moves over to number 7 to reward her for trying. He finds a lovely little sissy sized cock and is pleased to see how wildly it throbs as he wanks the shaft. Popping it in his mouth he opens his blouse and rub his lacy bra cups against number 7's black seamed nylons. Number 3 has a hairless moist cunt. After licking and sucking her clit he slides one of the vibrators inside and listens to the soft purr. He grabs her foot and rubs it against his horny hard cock then he removes a stocking and starts licking and sucking her toes... then he moves to Number 8's cock and for more wanking and sucking. As the afternoon progresses, the wine has the desired affect and the guesses become wilder and wilder until number 4 is evicted and half an hour later is followed by number 3. Number 7 finds the Joker and Paula can see Celia's feet next to the chair. At the moment number 7 is sucking on Ceiia's little girly cock as he coos with delight. Paula has no idea how long she has been under the table but her panties are covered in gooey white spunk from 2 ejaculations. She takes a mouthful of cool water then sticks another cock between her lips. Gobbling and wanking the 4 remaining dicks, inwardly, he's hoping that he can make at least one cock spurt. Cunt sucking and fucking comes 2nd behind the pleasure of a pantied cock. Although he is becoming tired his efforts increase. The laughter and giggling makes it almost impossible for the remaining guests to pick out who is being pleasured. Two them only need one more correct guess and one has a single wrong guess before they join the 3 other in the lounge room. He hears a squeal as another joker is fond. When Celia's feet moves to that chair, Paula is delighted that it is one of the cock guesta and although he has no idea what Celia was doing he stuffs the rock hard cock deep in mouth then uses one of the vibrators against the balls. He rubs his fingers up and down the veined cock shaft. Number 5 is busily gobbling on Celia's little dick and Paula is sucking his cock like crazy... suddenly he feels his mouth being filled with hot creamy white cum. Number 5 squeals with delight "I won!! I've won...!! I've spurted my cum" Anne asks "Paula is that correct?" "Correct" Anne stands up and in a slightly slurred voice "I declare Number 5 to be the winner of this month's 'Panty Prelude'. Paula, you may come out now and once you've changed I'll introduce you to your new owner" Paula crawls out from underneath the table with a mix of relief and regret that panty paradise will now be just another memory. Panty Anne claps her hands and the others join in the applause. "Well Done panty Paula!! That was an amazing performance Now pop upstairs and get changed." Paula was indeed a right mess. Her dress was all rumpled and stained, her face smeared with lipstick, her mascara had run and the once coiffured wig looked like a bird's nest. As the guests retire to the main living room, Paula runs upstairs for a shower and change of clothes. Feeling drained but happy with past events, he pads into the shower and lets the warm water wash away his tiredness. Once clean and dried spray his more intimate areas with Eau De Cologne After careful thought, he decides to opt for Celia's 'schoolgirl' look as his 'going away' outfit. First he searches for a wide white satin suspender belt. As he straps it around his waist notices the delicate satin bow in the middle. Next, he discovers a lovely pink & white satin lace full length pair of panty briefs. He likes feeling the panties covering his entire bottom and the higher waist makes for a more comfortable fit. A nice frilly satin bra is filled with the silicone breast forms then he attaches a pair of black seamed stockings. Although not as adept as Celia, he applies his make-up, eyeliner and lots of ruby red lipstick. Holding his hands up, he checks the nail varnish for any chips. A long sleeved white nylon blouse and a striped school tie goes perfectly with the pretty navy blue pleated miniskirt. A pigtailed wig with large satin bows, knee length white cotton socks and shiny high heeled black patent leather hoes completes the outfit. As he stares at his girly reflection his sexual vigour returns with a vengeance. A few drops of perfume and he is ready to meet his new owner. As he enters the main room all the club members, including his hosts, are in the midst of a sexual orgy. Lying half-naked on the floor, two guests are giving each other a 69'r. Other couples are jerking each other off or busily fucking the few real women in the group. Half-empty wineglasses are balanced on empty chairs, clothes and underwear are scattered around the room. Anne is bent over a sofa with a large cock pumping her arsehole and her naked breasts wobbling with each thrust. Unsure whether to join in, Paula lights a cigarette and fills a glass with wine. No sooner has he took a sip than his skirt is pulled up and he feels a hand rubbing his cock filled panty bulge. A laughing voice remarks "You're a naughty little girl. Schoolgirls are not permitted to smoke. It may stunt their growth" Paula turns around and sees a hazel green eyes with black rimmed round spectacles gazing into his eyes. "Hello. I'm Kandy Apple but you may know me better as Number 7. Yes sweetie. meet your new owner." Kandy's fingers delve into his panty gusset then back to his hard shaft. He is wearing a flared pinafore dress with a long blonde hair "Panty precious... uugh you feel good, Obviously smoking hasn't stunted your growth. Seriously though, we can leave very shortly - all the group members cannot leave until they have all been milked bone dry. I'll just say goodbye to Anne and let her know we're off. This is my 1st win for over 8 months. It will be fun" The End (for now) To Be continued... Part 2 ('24 Hour Panty Slave') work in progress Comments etc: fpanties@gmail.com

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