What a Carrot Can Do

By Michael100 banks

Published on May 10, 2004


This story includes adult languages, and gay sex. If you find this offensive please do not continue. However, if you enjoy this kind of stuff, feel free to do anything you like as you read this story. Email me about your comments at sxmachine@hotmail.com

Years have passed and the memory of what I did has been slowly erased out of my mind. Not entirely of course, I mean I could never forget such experience............not even if I wanted to. However, all fears that had been invading my thoughts since it happened have been totally swept away.

Seeing Bert and his friend doing their fucking session underneath the mango tree was the last arousing scene I've ever seen for the last two years (not including porn videos of course). I know it's quite impossible to believe but it is true. I can't also deny the fact that Bert has been asking me for the past years to do the thing I did or maybe go even further (meaning... do more than just a blowjob), but somehow, I kept saying "NO" every single time he ask. I myself didn't know why, maybe I was afraid or just simply not ready to do a thing like that again........ I don't know, but at that time for one reason or the other I didn't want to have sex with him. Well at least not until last week.

It was a rainy Sunday night, when my parents and uncle went to attend a homeowners party at the clubhouse. I was left in the house all alone and there's nothing good on TV so I just decided to hit the bed early, 9:00 o'clock to be exact.

After a few minutes, I heard somebody knocking at door. "Who is it" I asked. Then a familiar voice answered, "It's us" It was Bert and my cousin Mark. I opened the door and saw the two then soaking wet in the rain. "Geezzz what are you guys doing here..." I exclaimed. Both of the came inside without saying a thing, and Mark took off his shirt exposing his wonderful perfect body. "Hey Mikeeyy...guess what" Mark said. "What" I asked. "We rented this hot porn on the video store and since you're the only one who's got a DVD player.....ahhh maybe we could watch it here" He answered. "Yeah Mike, it's gonna be great" Bert added. I was hesitant about the idea at first but then I realized that these two guys have gone all the way to the video store with the rain pouring like rocks just to rent this porn...so I just said "Ok...let's watch it in my room"

Mark and Bert sat down on my bed as I played the DVD, then the two of them started talking about some other porn they've seen. "It really blows me off when two women are doing one man" says Bert." "That's not really as exciting as two women pleasuring each other" Mark commented.

As the video starts to play, Bert took off his wet shirt and threw it on the floor. My heart was pounding fast with the thought that Bert might tell my cousin about what happened between him and me.

When the first part of the video was shown...there was a total silence in the room. All I could hear was the pouring rain outside and heavy breathing of these two gorgeous, shirtless hunks on my bed. While both of them were pretty busy watching the porn, I myself was little busy checking their bodies. They didn't notice since I was sitting behind them. Bert still got his amazing hot smooth body and Mark has this perfect abs that any girl or guy would die for.

Then, after a few seconds, Mark started playing with his nipples with his left hand and squeezing the bulge under his pant with the other. "yeah.....suck that mans cock" Mark said while watching the girl sucking the guys dick. I also notice I big bulge on Bert's pants but he didn't touch, he was just simply rubbing he's body with his hands and pinch his nipple once in a while.

When the next scene of the video was shown where there were three girls taking a bath and licking each other's pussies. "Oh yeahhh baby" Bert muttered with excitement, then gently rubbed his bulge. Mark on the other hand was taking it inside his pants... stroking his cock slowly inside those tight jeans.

I was in heaven while watching them playing with themselves, but tried to control not to make some obvious movement that could somehow make them suspect that I wanted them to fuck me.

Then about half way of the video, a scene where there is a line of men stroking their hard monstrous waiting for their turn be sucked by the a slut looking girl...blew my mind away!!!! I move in closer behind Bert and then rubbed his abs with my right hand. "hey...what yah doing back there?" he said with a very horny voice. I didn't even care if my cousin was there. Mark just looked at me and smiled. I was relieved, I thought he was gonna go ballistic but he simply smiled. Then without a doubt, I slid my hand under Bert's pants and took hold of his huge hard dick. "ahhhh yeahhh" He moaned. He leaned his back against me and rested his head on my left shoulder giving me full access under his pants. I licked chin and slowly moved down his neck as my right hand keeps stroking this huge mantool. "huuuuhhhhhh hhuuu dammnnnnn thissss isss greatttt" He said enjoying every moment.

"Hey you come you guys.....that's not fair...." Mark complained. He then unzipped his pants and his huge 8 inches dick popped free. He then moved closer to us and grabbed my left hand and guided it to his huge member. I took hold of it and stroked it slowly "ohhhhh yeahhhh that's it man" he moaned. As I keep stroking both dicks Bert suddenly whispered to my ear "Wanna take it in your mouth?". I wasn't sure, I didn't want to do it again... My intension was just to jerk them off until they blow their loads off. But a strong strange tempting urge flow into my veins telling me to do it. So I said "oh yes please"

Bert then stood up, and asked me to lie down on my back. So I did while still holding Marks cock. Bert slowly crawls over me and kneeled just right above me face, with his balls touching my chin. I licked it for a few times and he moaned also for few times. Then he grab his cock and aimed it towards my mouth. Then started pumping slowly "mmmmmhhmmmm" I moaned as the Berts dick touched my tongue, then pumps faster... then slows down again.....and faster.....he kept doing this routine for quite a while. Then suddenly while I was sucking my masturbating fantasy...Mark stood up and lifted my legs on the air, exposing my ass for him... I was really scared since I've never experienced having a dick inside my ass. But I didn't say anything...coz at that moment I was willing to take my cousins huge tool on my ass. He put my legs on his shoulder and moved his crotch closer to my crack. "mmmmhhhh hhuhhhhh" I moaned when I felt Marks cockhead on the opening of my ass. He pushed a little... "mmmmhhhhh hhhuuu" was all I could say. "Hey...I don't think I could get this in without hurting you mike" he said.... I stopped sucking Bert for a sec and said "Just go slow man" I told Mark and went back to suck Bert's cock. "Do you have lubricant or anything, it could ease up the pain a bit" He asked. "there's a lotion on drawer" I answered.

As soon as Mark got the lotion, he went back to his position and put some lube in his hand and rubbed it to hid huge cock. He also applied some lotions on my ass. "ahhhhh" I moaned as his fingers touched my ass. And again he positioned his monstrous dick back on my ass and slowly pushed a bit further. It hurts like hell...but I couldn't say a thing since Bert is fucking my little mouth very hard with his huge amazing cock. "Yeahhhhhh huuuhhhh suck it hard man" Bert said enjoying his every thrust on my mouth. "huh...Bert you should try this sometime man...this ass is tight...yeahhh huuuu" Mark muttered as he tries to pushed all of him inside. "ohhhhhh shittttt this tight" He exclaimed. As he got it all in...he pulled a little about half of his cock and then push it back in, he keeps doing the same thing slowly for a few seconds and started to go faster and faster. "ohhhhh yeeehhhh oohhhh shittttttt" he moaned. Soon the pain subsides and pleasure takes over. Marks every thrust felt really really good. "mmmmhhhhhmmmmmm mmhhhhhuuuuuhhhhh awwwwhhhhhewwwww" I kept moaning while these two guys are fucking me. Bert's thrust is getting farter and harder... I can feel that he's close....."yahhh yehhwwww hmmmjhhhh" he moaned getting closer to his climax. Then as I expected "ohhhhhhh shitttttt" "huuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh shhiiiiitttttttt ohhhhhhhhhhh" Bert blew his wad all inside my mouth...I felt a strong jet of cum burst in my throats.... then he pulled it of and jerked with hand and cum keeps spurting and went on my face "Yeahhhh ohhhhhh yeahhhhh" "huuuuhhhhhhh" I took back his cock on my mouth and sucked the few remaining juice off... Then not a moment to soon another man was yelling of excitement "yeahhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh...." Mark yelled wanting to blow his load. He then pulled his cock out of my ass and started jerking on in....then "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiittttttttt" He shouted as his juice flowed out of his monster dick and jet by jet it came out landed on my stomach and some even reached Bert's back!

Then both men crashed on my bed "Wow....I never thought fucking a guy's ass could be so fucking great" Mark exclaimed. "See I told you so" Bert added. "yeah right..... hey it's getting late, we should go now" Mark insisted.

After we have out clothes back on...I walked the guys to the door. "Hey Mike, thanks for letting us watch this DVD" Mark said. "Yeah...and also for the...ahhhmmm... you know" Bert added and I just smiled!

So what do you think of Part 3? Was it better? Please email your comments or suggestion for the next chapter to sxmachine@hotmail.com

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