What a Great Life

By John Nail

Published on Aug 11, 2017


I welcome comments from any bottoms at johnnail18@yahoo.com

I was driving my old Ford F250 back to my trailer outside of Central City Colorado I saw a figure on the side of the old blacktop and as I got closer I saw it was human a washed in my headlights. I stepped out of my pickup and walked to him.

As I checked for a heart beat he stirred and what I saw was a small guy and I was amazed he was full grown yet was probably no bigger then 5'4" and probably didn't weigh more than 125 lbs soaking wet. I picked him up and put him in my truck and started it up. He looked at me in fear then relief as if I am his hero.

I said," My name is John Mills and thank goodness I came when I did you are liable to freeze to death."

He said," My name is Jody Mills and I came out with my boyfriend and he wanted me here for a gangbang with his friends. I think they were going to pay and I am not that kind of man. I only give myself to one man. When he saw I wasn't going to allow myself to be used like that him and his friends left me out on that dirt road. I probably walked for 10 miles before I collapsed beside the highway."

I said," Well, your boyfriend is an idiot to come out at this time of year. We can have our first snowfall of the year at any time. Was he driving a pickup or a car?"

Jody said," He was driving an old Toyota Celica."

I whistled and said," He better get to safe roads in a hurry."

About 3 minutes later the wind picked up and it started snowing as if on cue.

I said," We are now seeing our first snow fall, once saw the first snow fall 6" in one October."

We drove for about another 20 minutes and I turned down a dirt road and drove for about another mile and turned on my dirt driveway and pulled in front of my old mobile home.

I said," Well, home sweet home not much but it is warm inside."

We walked in and I said," I should have asked if you wanted to go somewhere else."

Jody said," I don't have anywhere to go, my boyfriend, doesn't want me anymore and both of my parents are dead."

I asked," So are you gay?"

He said," Yes, I am and if you want me to leave I will understand."

I said," No, you are free to stay here as long as you are willing to contribute here."

I turned and started the fire in the wood stove and closed the wood door on the stove.

I said," It doesn't bother me that you prefer guys. I believe in to each his own and nobody deserves to be treated like that.

He smiled and said," I appreciate that and all I want is a man who will love me."

I said," Well, looks like you will need some clothes especially since your ex-boyfriend left you with just the clothes on your back. I can take you into town and I can spare a few bucks for you and don't worry your contribution will pay me back and there is a second-hand store in town where we can get clothes. The clothes may not be in style but they are clean and in good shape and we can get you some underwear and socks at a discount store."

Jody smiled and said," Thank you, sir."

I laughed and said," The last thing I am is sir and just call me John."

He laughed and said," I feared guys like you because so many of guys like you hated guys like me you know gay."

I said," I don't decide whether I like you or dislike you until after I know you a little bit."

He cooked dinner hamburger and beans and a salad.

I said," Well, you cook good and I know what I have is simple."

We stayed up for about an hour and a half longer talking getting to know a little more and he went into one bedroom and I went into mine.

I thought about him, thinking what a weird little guy but nice enough and I thought about him for a couple of minutes and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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