What a Great Life

By John Nail

Published on Aug 14, 2017


I would love to hear comments, especially from you bottoms at johnnail18@yahoo.com

I woke up around 6 to the smell of sausage eggs coffee and I stumbled out to see Jody at the stove and I was shocked. I went over got a coffee cup and filled it with coffee and drank half of it and grinned.

I chuckled and said," You would make some man a good wife."

Jody said," I thought I would start contributing by cooking breakfast."

I said," Oh, don't worry you will be contributing especially when you help me with the fence repair today."

He laughed and said," So when we will be doing that fence repair?"

I said," When we get you some clothes for you we will start that around 9 and it will be hard work."

We sat down and ate breakfast and as everything was being cleaned up I called Jim Parsons.

I said," Ya, Jim is it ok I can get to that fence at 9 this morning? I have to pick up a few things."

After I got off the phone Jody asked," Is it ok?"

I said," Yes, it is fine."

So we got to town by 8 and we got Jody some shirts and jeans and a pair of boots at the second-hand store which cost about $30 and then at the discount store we got underwear and socks.

We got back to the trailer and he changed and came back out and was smiling.

I got into the cab and he jumped into the cab with an extra bounce in his step.

I said," Shit, overnight and wow a big improvement."

He smiled and said," Well, you took me back to a warm mobile home and I got to eat and rest." At 9 am we got to the ranch and I saw Jim and I stopped and he said," Hi, John are you ready?"

I said," Yes, I am ready got all the tools and do you have the wire?" I went to his pickup and we took over 2 spools of barbed wire from his truck and he handed me 2 boxes of 100 fence staples.

I said," Between what you gave me and what I have there are plenty of staples to get the job done."

He laughed and said," Good good."

I carried in the 2 boxes of staples and put them with what I already had.

We got to the area that needed repair and I stopped my truck.

After getting out the barbed wire I handed Jody a pair of leather work gloves.

I hitched the to the back of my truck and then stapled it to the first post and then I started rolling it out and then got to the corner about 40 acres down and I walked back and gave Jody another fencing hammer.

I showed Jody how to hammer the staples and I was right in front of him and we went down the 40 acres and got that done then we did the other 2 strands and by then it was lunch time.

I said," Wow, why don't we go to the cafe in town. Got more done than I was expecting you learn fast and damn you are a hard working little guy. Shit, if you find another boyfriend you 2 might have to stay at my place."

He asked," Why is that John?"

I laughed and said," You are too hard of a worker for me to let you go."

We got to the cafe and walked in and I saw my friend Arron and I took the inside by the wall since I was left handed.

I said," Jody this is my friend Arron and Arron this is my new friend Jody."

They said," Hi and great to meet you."

I said," Jody sometimes I wonder why we are friends but we went to school together."

Arron said," Ok, so how did you 2 meet?"

I said," Jody was collapsed by the shoulder of the road."

Jody said," My boyfriend left me at the old road going to the campground."

Arron said," You are gay?"

He said," Yes, I am I am a virgin and he wanted to pimp me out and it was supposed to be a special time between us."

Arron said," Ok, so how long is he staying with you?"

I said," The way he works I don't think I am going to let him move out. We are repairing the fences at Jim Basset's ranch and because of his help we already did 40 acres that was starting at 9 this morning."

Arron laughed and said," Jody, that wasn't real smart you do that good and John won't let you move out. There is a get together down at my friends Randy's place tonight are you interested?"

I said," I don't know."

Arron said," Peggy will be there."

I laughed and said," She has probably opened those legs for every man in 2 counties twice."

Arron said," Well you fucked her."

I said," Ya in jr. high and she was nicely putting it experienced. I bet she has every venereal disease known to man. "

He said," I would pop it."

I said," Then wear an industrial strength rubber to protect yourself."

He said," Ronny Jacobs will be there."

I said," I haven't seen him since high school we can see what he has been doing."

Arron went to the bathroom and Jody looked sad.

I said," Whats wrong?"

He said," You probably won't want to take me."

I looked at him and said," Relax, if I go you go it is just a party where guys get together shoot the bull and unfortunately you always have the local slut showing up and that is Peggy. Believe me, I am not tempted by her."

He said," Will I be accepted or will the guys want to hurt me?"

I said," You being a friend of mine they will accept you."

He got back and said," So what is the answer."

I said," If we do come we won't be staying long still have that job to do tomorrow."

He said," Ok."

I laughed and said," Who wants to watch you fuck that slut?"

He said," Wow, you are crude about that lady. Anyway, I think you and Jody will have fun."

I said," If she was a lady I wouldn't be this crude and I haven't had a beer in a while sure we can drop by for a little bit."

We ate our lunches and I paid for Jody's and my lunches and we headed out to my pickup.

After I started up my truck and started backing out Jody said," My boyfriend would hardly take me anywhere."

I said," Probably because he was cheating on you."

He said," How do you know?"

I said," There is this sleazebag who did that to that to his ex-girlfriend so I just suspect it." Jody said," You are probably right I just never wanted to think he would do that to me."

I said," I understand but you know what your ex-boyfriend is an idiot."

We got back to the ranch and I pull my truck to the next fence post and Jody started putting up the barbed wire against that fence post when I started walking back to the fence Jody was shaking his head.

He said," Get back in that pickup of yours and start reeling out the wire."

I stepped back and saw how well he stapled the barbed wire and shook my head.

I got down the 40 acres and got to the corner post and I started stapling it to the fence post and started working my way up and met Jody half way up and he was smiling from ear to ear.

We worked on the final 2 strands and I looked at it and was amazed and I said," Jim gave me til Saturday to get it done and shoot might have it done by Wednesday or Thursday we got 80 acres done."

Jody ran over and hugged me and that was strange for me.

I asked," What was that about?"

Jody said," You have made me feel so good."

I looked at him and said," You are more man than your ex-boyfriend."

He teared up and said," Thank you."

I looked at the time and saw it was 6:00 and said," Shoot, 80 acres done by 6 we can knock off for the day not a bad start and I bet we get more than 80 acres done tomorrow."

We jumped into the truck and Jody said," I think I can live here I mean I feel so good and at peace here."

We stopped by a McDonalds and ate dinner and I know I will give Jody probably half of the pay because he will have earned it.

As we were eating Jody said," So what goes on at this party?"

I said." Well, we drink beer lie about different things and there is always one or 2 guys who are complete idiots." We got to the trailer and changed clothes and he came back out with slightly faded Wranglers a clean shirt and his boots on.

I looked at him and laughed and said," Maybe, we should take a picture of you and send it to your ex-boyfriend so he can see what an idiot he really is."

Jody laughed and said," You think or maybe now I am too much man for him."

I came up and put on an extra John Deere cap on his head and said," This is what men around here wear on their heads. The way you worked today you are a man." We drove for about 15 minutes and got to Randy Edward's place and pulled to the barn and as we got out Randy came and said," Is that you John?"

I said," Yes it is."

He said," Who is he?"

I said," This little man is a hell of a hand. I found him on the side of the road and you can say his ex-boyfriend left me a gift. We started the fence repair at Jim Parson's ranch and by 6 we got 80 acres done and we didn't start until 9 this morning. He is a natural at fence work he took to it like a duck to water." Randy said," Shit, so maybe you will become a cowboy around here huh you deserve a beer."

Randy came back with 2 Budweisers and he was smiling a big white smile.

As he Randy left Jody said," I would be killed by guys like you, Arron and Randy."

I said," Sounds like to me he wanted to own you and no we are like anybody else and around here if you are a good worker and neighborly than you will make friends. You will become a part of this town before you know it."

We were standing by a bon fire talking and laughing and by now most of the guys knew about Jody. One of them said," Jody, John here will work you to death if you aren't careful." Next thing we knew 2 guys started fighting by the bonfire and the guys gathered around them and broke it up and started escorting them out.

Randy said," Those assholes aren't welcome here anymore and why were they here?"

Mike said," Jody, if you need a ride to town or anything else just give me a call you are one cool guy."

I said," Jody it is time to go home we got work ahead of us."

As we got in Jody said," Wow, am I really a part of this town?"

I laughed and said," Maybe, not the high-class part of town. To be friends with Mike that is an accomplishment he usually doesn't make friends with anybody new."

We got back to the trailer and we went in and as Jody walked into his room he looked at me and said goodnight.

I stripped down to my boxers and as I was laying in my bed I couldn't believe this little bitty guy named Jody and how he was more man than his stature would show you.

What I didn't realize as I was falling asleep was how our friendship was going to evolve into a relationship I never pictured.

Next: Chapter 3

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