What a Great Life

By John Nail

Published on Aug 15, 2017


I would love to hear more comments at jjohnnail18@yahoo.com

I woke up the next morning to the scent of coffee eggs sausage and pancakes and I looked at my watch and it was 5:15 am. I walked in to see what was going on and I saw Jody at the stove and then I went got a coffee cup and got some coffee.

Jody smiled and said," I couldn't sleep anymore and I had to get up. Oh, you might want to get dressed or I will have to tell you to make love to me. Your body is arousing me."

I look at myself and noticed I was still in my boxers and laughed.

I whispered in his ear," You keep cooking like this I might have to make you wife."

He said," Promises, Promises."

I went into my bedroom with my coffee and got dressed in another pair of Wranglers, a work shirt, my work boots and put the belt on,

I was drinking my coffee and notice how good it is.

I walked in and he said," You are making me feel so comfortable since finding me."

I said," Well, I don't know how gay guys supposed to be, I just know you were in trouble and I also know you can stay as long as you want as long as you are willing to help. And you what you do that in spades."

I watched Jody cook and really cherished the new friendship that was budding and what other feelings that were stirring I didn't know. Could it be love?

Jody smiled and said," Breakfast is ready."

I got a plate and said," I think this plate is yours."

Jody said," Thank you so much."

I put the plate at Jody's place at the table after he fills it.

I took mine and he fills my plate and I put my plate at my place.

After refilling my cup Jody and I sat down at the table.

Jody asked," Do you really think we can get that job done by Wednesday or Thursday?"

I said," Yesterday, we are able to get more work done than I ever could get done on my own. That is with getting a late start Today, we should be able to get started by 7 and as fast as you took to this I decided that you have earned half of the pay by the time we get done. I wasn't going to tell you I was just going to give you half."

Jody was stunned and said," I never had this happen before."

I said," Look, I need you as a friend and work partner When we get done I will introduce you to Jim as my partner. The reason why I didn't isn't because you are gay but because Jim doesn't warm to new people fast but when he sees you that you have proven yourself well he will respect you."

Jody teared up and said," I never thought that I would be treated like this especially in a town this small."

We got done and I helped him clear the table and clean the kitchen and I saw it was 6:30 and said it was time to go.

In the pickup, Jody said," Allan my ex-boyfriend did the best favor he could have done since he left me on that road to the campground."

I laughed and said," Allan did a hell of a favor for me leaving you and thank goodness you made it to the blacktop."

We got to the ranch and I got that spool of wire ready to be strung out.

Jim came out and said," Shit, you weren't messing around yesterday."

I motioned for Jody to come beside me and he walked up beside me.

I said," Jim, Jody here is a big reason why I got as far as I did yesterday."

Jim looked at Jody and said," I don't remember us meeting before."

Jody said," I am new in this town but John saved me."

I quickly told him the story the predicament I found Jody was in beside the state highway.

Jim said," Assholes come in all stripes don't they well Jody you keep doing this well you will always be welcome to visit my ranch."

As Jim left I said," Well, there you go and Jim doesn't invite many people on his ranch like that."

We got to work I was able to string out close to 100 acres and within 2 hours we were able to string up the first strand and stapled to the posts. I met him half way up the line then got the last post stapled and sat down and took a swig of water and gave it to Jody.

I said," Shoot we get those last 2 strands done will be almost halfway done."

He said," How far do you think you would be without me?"

I said," I don't think I would have 180 acres done that is for sure. We already almost have 180 acres done we get those 2 strands done we will have 180 acres."

We started on the second strand and by lunch time we had 2 strands done and I looked and was shaking my head in disbelief.

We sat on my tailgate eating lunch and I said," What a great partnership you and I will be able to do so much together." I saw a pickup driving up to us and saw it was Randy and he said," How are you boys doing?" I said," Doing great we have already repaired 180 acres of fencing." Randy asked," Would you 2 like another job after this?" I said," Sure we would." He said," My barn needs repairs after you are done here why don't you boys come and take a look." I said," We would be more than happy to." As he left I ran over and hugged him and said," You are the best gift I have had. We are definitely going to stay busy because of you." Jody tears up and says," John, please don't reject me and I hope this friendship can continue but I think I am falling in love with you. You have treated me as an equal and not somebody to take advantage of sexually."

I looked at him and said," To be honest with you I have feelings for you that I am not sure what they are. Why don't we keep this between ourselves for now. We just go on as really good close friends like I said I am not sure what these new feelings are." Jody said," I will be happy with that I had to tell you my feelings with the danger of you rejecting me."

We finished up the last 2 strands and I was still surprised at how many acres we have done.

On the way back to the trailer I broke the silence by saying," Arron and I went through school together and grew up together. We did a lot of stuff together and I thought he was my best friend he is still a true friend and we would do anything for each other. But I think you are becoming my best friend and maybe more and we will probably find out."

He asked," When you say maybe more, are you saying lovers?"

I said," I don't know this is a totally new territory for me so let's just see where this goes. Now, rest assured no matter where our friendship goes I will never ever kick you out and I will never want you to leave."

Jody said," That is so wonderful. I thought because I was gay I would never be able to be just friends with another man. I am still new accepting who I am and you showed me I can be just friends with another man. Now, I think I am falling in love with you."

After dinner, we cleaned up and there was a knock at the door and I opened it, and it was Arron.

He said," Hi John and hi Jody."

I said," Sit down."

He produced two six packs of beer and said," What you guys doing?"

I said," We just got done with dinner."

He said," I think I may have news for you. Peggy said she wants to move in with me and she got herself tested and she is negative on any venereal diseases."

I said," Really, what makes you think she will be faithful to you? I do hope it works for you but I don't think it will."

He said," I thought I was going to get your support and you say that."

I said," Arron you know you are my best friend and if the roles were reversed you would be saying the same thing. If this works I will be the first to celebrate with you but if it doesn't you will always have me as your friend."

Arron calmed down and said," You know I understand your concern but I am sure you will find that it will work out between us."

As Arron left I just shook my head in concern and sadness.

Jody said," You don't think it will work between Arron and Peggy do you?"

I said," I hope it does but I don't think so. She will move in with a guy and within a couple of months would take advantage of the house and bed to be able to have sexual parties and that is what she called them." Jody said," Orgies."

I replied," Sometimes just one guy at a time and occasionally as many as 10 at a time so ya occasionally orgies."

He said," Sounds like she has problems."

I said," Yes, but I don't think problems he is equipped to deal with."

Jody got up to go use the restroom and I watch him go and couldn't believe how things are going and so quickly. I saw him on the side of the road just 3 days ago and now we are really good friends and getting closer. Are we heading down the road towards lovers? All I know is I am getting feelings for him that I never felt before.

He came out of the bathroom and I noticed a confidence that he didn't have even as late as last night but he deserves that air of confidence. Whatever he has to learn he picks up quickly and dang is a worker sure he is small but you can say he is agile.

I said," I don't know where our friendship will lead but I will be happy to see where it takes us." Jody leaned over and kissed me on my cheek and I was stunned but I kind of liked it.

We watched t.v. and just relaxed with each other loving this moment together as friends.

Jody said," I will be as patient as I need to be with this relationship even though I am falling in love with you."

I said," Thank you, all I know is I am confused about the feelings I have for you. I keep asking myself is it right or is it wrong but I do know I don't want to lose this friendship. I don't have many really, true friends, I do have a lot of fair weather friends and I accepted that." Jody said," I will always be a true friend because you have been my first friend since I accepted myself as gay." I said," So are you saying you have to accept what is it your sexual preference?" He said," Yes, now some will have many sex partners to come to terms to their sexual preference I think. Not me maybe it is partially the fear of that disease AIDS but I think for me I don't have that desire. My desire is to give my virginity to that one special man. Now, I do get horny at thought of having that cock inside me but I am willing to hold out for that man. Is that special man you, you and I don't know that yet do we but, I do cherish our close relationship. I am feeling an intimacy with you and I am not talking intimacy I think it is more like the intimacy of Arron and you. Intimacy I have found comes in many forms and what we have is the type where we feel comfortable enough with each other to where we don't always have to talk to each other. I think we have met each other at the right time. I am still learning about myself and you never came in contact with somebody with my sexual preference and so as you are slowly learning and understanding I am still growing also."

I sat there stunned and I guess you can say a new respect for him I guess what he expressed about himself and our friendship. I saw that no matter what after our conversation our friendship was going to evolve and little did I know how quickly our friendship would evolve into a much deeper bond and relationship especially after that one special night together.

I looked at my watch and saw it was time to go to bed and as I passed by his room he hugged me and to my surprise I hugged him back telling myself this was the same type affection that brothers might have.

As we were hugging he said," I don't want to make you feel pressured since I know there are feelings that you are working through but I just have to tell you I am in love with you John and I will always be here waiting for you and no I don't want to move from this home you have decided to share with me."

As he went into his room I stood there stunned mulling over in my mind what he just said and wondering if he could be my boyfriend and if so what next? Until I found him on that fateful night I never thought of being attracted to another guy and now I wondering if I could have that kind of relationship with another guy. Also, I had feelings for him that I never experienced for anybody and I am finding myself attracted to him and feeling so comfortable with him.

I shook my head at what was happening and walked into my bedroom and looked at my queen sized bed as I was undressing and caught myself wondering what it would be like sharing my bed with Jody.

As I undressed I said John you know that kind of relationship would be too much for this small town and as I was falling asleep what I didn't know was this would be a relationship that I and the town would have to adjust to.

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