What a Wonderful Lady

By John Nail

Published on Nov 23, 2013


I love your feedbacks especially from the non-genetic ladies at johnnail18@yahoo.com

I have been living with Amy now for a couple of months and we are settling into a nice routine now. I have borrowed a 2 and a 1/2 ton flatbed truck from a friend of mine and since I helped him get firewood he was now helping me.

Jim said," So how are you and Amy getting along?"

I was eating my sandwich and said," A lot further along relationship wise than I was expecting. What can I say she is one beautiful lady."

Joe who is the only one who knows she isn't biological female laughingly said," She is beautiful and she is one woman who can tap that ass of yours."

I laughed and said," Yeah but I don't know she loves me for me and she is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. You know what we can talk for hours and never get bored."

He said," That is one lady you can finally woo with that Ella Fitzgerald collection."

I laughed," That is important."

We finished up lunch and got back to work we still had about 1 1/2 cords of wood to cut down and buck for the truck.

We got done with the last firewood and we chained them down and bound down slack in the chain and we drove back to the house.

He said," I know Jennifer and Amy are good friends they seem to be together a lot."

I said," Yes, I have noticed that well we are almost there we can unload the wood after we get there."

I got to what is now our house and started backing the truck up beside the house.

Amy came out and we kissed each other for a couple of minutes.

Amy exclaimed," That looks like a lot of wood."

I said," That my dear is 3 1/2 cords of wood that should do us the entire length of winter."

Amy said," Joe I talked to Jennifer and you and her are going to eat over here tonight."

I looked at Joe and he just shrugged his shoulders because he knew there wasn't any point in arguing.

I put my arm around Amy's waist and the three of us walked into the house.

Joe said," You and John look like you two are doing well with each other."

Amy smiled and said," Yes, I think I just about have him trained properly."

Than we heard a female entering and it was Jennifer and she said," Hi all so did Joe and John bring enough firewood?"

Amy said." I think they did actually I think they said 3 1/2 cords of wood."

Jennifer said," That sounds about right Joe and John brought that much to our place."

Jennifer went into the kitchen with Amy and I brought out a beer to


Joe asked," So, tell me how are things going between you and Amy?"

I said," You know it is progressing beyond any of my wildest dreams with any lady, you know what I mean?"

He said," Yeah, I understand that. I know you two are definetely together a lot."

I said," I feel comfortable with her. We can talk for hours and I don't care she isn't biologically a woman. Look how classy she is with me living my life in Wranglers."

He said," Yeah now that is unbelievable."

They called us in for dinner and we walked into the dining room. I went over to Amy and pulled her chair out and she sat down and I helped her with her chair.

Jennifer said," I heard Amy tell me how sweet of a guy you are."

I blushed and said," I didn't think I would find a woman this remarkable."

Joe said," I know how you feel I am still surprised at how Jennifer still wants me."

We all ate and talked and laughed over our dinner and Jennifer helped Amy in the kitchen cleaning up. Joe said he had to leave and Jennifer drove the car out and Joe took the 2 1/2 ton truck out.

Amy looked at me and said," You have definetely brought in a lot more wood than I was expecting. I love looking out the bay window snuggled under a blanket looking at the snow while fire is burning in the fireplace."

We looked at the clock and was surprised at how late it was and it was 12:00 and we decided to go to bed.

While we were in bed we kissed and talked and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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