What Are Friends For?

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on May 21, 2005


All rights reserved. You may not sell or post to another site or copy without the permission of the Author. You must be of legal age to read. contains Male on Male unprotected sex which may lead to the loss of a cum load. I am not a professional writer so there will be spelling mistakes if this bothers you stop reading no need to tell me of it. Support Nifty.org with a few bucks and see home page to learn how to do that. Thanks to the more then 1,000 men who have written me this year on my stories. These are all in fun so just enjoy Them. I try to have a load in each chapter. to write the author Kevin Kelly Irishmeninmontreal@yahoo.ca. Love Kevin Kelly Montreal Quebec.

Doug Miller and I had been next door neighbors for more then 25 years during that time our two lives seemed to run pretty close to each other. Both worked at the nearby Defense plant. Both had two boys who were friends growing up and both were married to two real bitches of wife's. The surprise was that Doug and I were not closer Friends from all that. Fact is We hardly talked for no real reason just busy in our own worlds I guess? My two Boys like Doug's were off to college and I had the whole house to myself as the wife thank God had taken off with "The true Love of Her life" Hell I was glad to be rid of her and on my own at 46. She did at least agree to let me buy her out of the house so I had that and the Boys took my side which made it all much easier on me.

One Saturday afternoon I heard the lawn mower going next door which was strange as the company Doug had a contract with usually came during the work week. I peeked out and there was Doug mowing his own lawn with an old mower. I had one of those sit down ones so I walked out to offer Doug to use my mower? he was then 46 like myself in pretty good shape not a weightlifter but kept thin and fit like myself. He was I suppose a handsome man with till jet black hair. He best asset was his Irish sense of humor which of course made everybody love to be around him.

Doug I said Look man I have a sit down mower your welcome to use instead of this push one. You'll be done in half the time?

Doug wiping the sweat from his brow was shirtless and sweating like a pig. He smiled at me and said "You know Kevin that sounds like the best idea I've heard all day?

I laughed and said "Doug I've got a better idea for you. You look like you really need a break come on in my place and let's have a nice cold beer before I show you how to run the mower?

He nodded and followed me into the house. I had the air on and that seemed to refresh him right up. The cold beer soon turned into two. Doug was still shirtless and I was getting kind of turned on by this fact. I felt it must be because I had not had any sex in so long that I was just over horny? Doug didn't notice me looking at him and then on the third beer he told me that Alice his wife had left him too. She hooked up with an old high school flame He chuckled as I did that here we wee again both in the same boat. he told me that like me he worked it out so he was able to keep the house and Alice was even going to help him with the Boys college education. The man was pouring his heart out to me and the break up really got to him. I was glad to be able to be there for him and We talked for hours on end and finished up a whole case of beer. The lawn would have to wit until tomorrow. I fixed us some dinner that night and it was after 11 PM before Doug headed next door for some sleep.

That night I laid in bed undressed as always and with the TV on and I just kept thinking of Doug and how hot his bare skin looked to me. I was thinking of the few times I was able to get a glance at his crotch without his seeing me and how I loved it. I was having old thoughts of male on male sex. This was crazy I had not had sex with another guy since my college days nor often gave it much thought. Well, I beat off that night thinking all these thoughts about my next door straight neighbor.

Next day Sunday at 10 AM I was in my kitchen having a coffee when Doug knocked at my back door. he came in and joined me for a cup and some more talk. he felt bad about bending my ear the night before and of course I told him it was no problem I was glad to help. We then got out and I helped him do his lawn and he helped me do mine. after we sat by my pool having our beers and talking about when our kids were young and would play for hours right in this very pool. We talked about work and of course both our failed marriages. I was feeling so close to this man like we had been close friends for years. We talked about how at our age all our friends were moved on still married or even dead.

We got around to talking about dating and I confided that I was kind of afraid to start dating again at my age. Doug was telling me that I shouldn't because I was in great shape and looked years younger? I was telling him that I thought he would have the best chance dating as he was still a hot looking man for 46. He blushed and I loved that. I couldn't believe myself and the feelings long hidden I was having for this man all of a sudden. Just too dam horny I thought?

Doug was saying how he just didn't really want to get involved with another women at this stage in his life. Didn't want to have one clinging to him and taking control of him and all that stuff. he joked that he would just have to keep doing what he had been beating off to some porn books. Porn books he said he was able to now leave out in the living room if he wanted. We had some laughs on that and the benefits of being free again. If only Doug knew the thoughts I was having or got a look at the bulge growing in my pants?

I came out to the pool with more beers and Doug took his and said Kevin how about I run home shower and get a swimming suit and we take a dip?

I said Yea you know that sounds like a great idea an afternoon swim. Look why run home buddy You can shower right here no problem hell this is now a bachelor pad remember. No women to cover up from. Go ahead I'll show you were the towels are. This handsome smile came over his face and then he said "Yea that would kind of be fun Kevin. OK hell yea we are tow bachelors now so may as well take advantage of it.

My knees were actuarially shaking as I lead him into my master bed room. I had a full bath in there and told Doug he could just put his clothes down on the chair. he started to pull off his shirt having no T-shirt on. His chest was well defined he had to my relief a little beer gut but his skin was smooth. he looked at me and said. "Ah Kevin are You going to shower now too? I nodded yea after you go I'll hop in too> Doug smiled again and said. " Well you may as well undress now too because I take a fast shower and you can hop in right after me. Again I nodded and was taking off my shirt. We sat taking off our sneakers and socks side by side. I was getting so turned on and trying not to pop a hard on. then we stood and pulled down our jeans and then our underwear. I got a good look at Doug bare cock while he was folding his jeans. It was cut and the head was pretty big looking his balls big as eggs and hung low with a thick bush of black pubic hair. I knew I would be beating off to this picture tonight.

Doug reached over and was slapping his hand on my bare stomach and saying I am glad to see I am not the only one with a beer gut here Kevin. His hand stayed on my stomach a while and I said. yea I guess we both need to work out some? He was staring now right at my cock and I just said It feels so strange standing here both naked like this. he looked up from my dick and said yea your the first person I've seen naked in a long time Kevin and Your looking mighty good to me about now. Hell I must be turning queer in my old age? We laughed and then he wanted to shower. I showed him in the stall and stood there while he took his. Once out I handed him a towel and while he had his face covered drying I was able to really stare at hat nice man meat of his again. It looked even bigger then before? Then he caught me staring at his dick and smiled and said. you getting those funny feeling too I see? I guess its just natural to want to check out other guys sometimes? Hell all I've seen for the last 25 years are pussy and so I guess seeing another guys cock is getting something unusual? I looked up to his eyes and smiled a nervous smile and just said I better get in the shower now. I knew I was getting all hard and shot into the cover of the shower. Doug was talking as I was under the water fighting my hard on. he was saying "Kevin I hope I didn't scare you or anything by what I said? I mean I guess sometimes I just say things without thinking them through? I was just getting this feeling of a kind of sexual turn on being naked in front of someone else and even that someone else being a man was still kind of sexy for me. That is what I guess I meant to say?

He must have thought I was going to be in there longer? I opened the sliding door quickly and there was Doug with his semi hard dick in his hand pulling on it and His other hand feeling his big low hanging balls. I stood there half in half out of the shower and his hands dropped to his side at once. he blushed and said 'Opps I got caught sorry" I stepped out and said Hey Doug no problem buddy I had one myself in the shower and was playing with mine too. He seemed relieved at that and followed me to the bed room. I found him a spare bathing suit to use and We had our eyes glued to each other as we slipped on the suits.

In the pool we played some games like two kids would and were having a good time best for me in years. I was so attracted to the way his hairy legs looked with the hairs all wet on them. At one point I was floating on the raft and he came under and flipped me over. I fell in the pool and he had grabbed me under water as he did his cock brushed against my ass and his arms were around me and I pushed my ass back on his hard dick . He responded by pushing it more into me and lowering his hands down to the top of my suit. His one hand slipped into my suit and he was touching my pubic hair bush. I pushed back on his hard dick more to let him know I liked it and then his hand came down more and was just touching the base root of my own hard dick. We broke to come up for air and shaking the water from us I said Hey that was so fucking hot Doug. He looked at me and said Kevin I don't know what the hell came over me man just caught up in the moment I guess I am so sorry Kevin.

Hey I didn't push you away did I. Doug? We got out of the pool and Doug seemed real nervous now and I decided to not push it. Soon after he left for his house saying he would pick up his clothes from me the next day. That night I was in my room thinking about how dam close we two had come to getting it on and how much I wanted to do it with this man. I saw his socks and his briefs on the chair I got in bed with them and I jerked off think of Him and then I was cuming in his white briefs.

Next day in work Doug came to my office and asked if I wanted to join him for lunch in the cafeteria? Doug looked so handsome in his suit and I kept thinking of what had happened in the pool and hoping it wouldn't hurt our new relationship and that Doug was on the same track with me on this? At lunch he was really up beat which I took as a good sign he was thanking me for letting him hang out over the weekend and the pool and beers and all. Then he said Remember We had talked about our dating and how we both were just not ready to get back into it?

I said "Yea sure we both just felt we had had enough for now with women.

Doug talking low said 'Well yea and what I want to ask you is this Friday is to go out with me for dinner and a movie after work kind of a guy guy kind of date maybe a few drinks at some nice spot?

I was ready to cum in my pants. This handsome man was asking me out now and he knew what had happened between us in the pool. I said "Doug I would really like to be your guy guy date Friday now what would you like me to wear? Formal casual what ever.

He had this grin on his face and said. " MM just something that is dress casual and easy to get out of I guess? He winked

The date was set for 7 PM reservations at the restaurant Doug would pick me up at 6:30 in his car. All week we were not able to see each other for one reason or the other. My mind was so confused. Was I reading too much into this thing? Was Doug just thinking of a few drinks a show and a meal with a buddy because he was lonely? Then too he did keep pushing his hard dick into my crack in the pool and that was his hand touch on the very root of my hard dick int the pool? Friday I got a call in the office from Doug to remind me of the date that night. and I was on cloud nine. Hoping against hope that we would be doing it before the night was out? that I would get to touch his bare dick and taste his bare manhood in my mouth and I prayed feel him entering into me?

Dinner was wonderful and Doug looked so handsome in his blue sweater and I noticed how he treated me like his date the whole way opening the car door for me then at dinner suggesting things for me and ordering the meal for us and deferring to me like I was his pussy date. I was eating it all up and it was kind of our private joke. He was referring to me as a great date the whole time and I would joke back with him.

We decided to sip the movie and take in a comedy show for an hour then drinks. The show was great and Doug at one point put his hand on mine at the table and we actually held hands smiling like two teenagers on a date. Over drinks at a club not far from our homes One I had never known of Doug was saying after we were seated " I picked this place because here the tow of us can relax on this date of ours and not stick out so much?

I looked around and said "What do you mean not stick out?

He smiled and said "Well two guys alone having drinks and acting like they are on a date could run into problems most other places. here its the normal.

I looked around the place again and sure as shit it was, I could see now a gay place. All male on male couples or female on female couples I laughed and said Oh Doug you thought of everything on this date.

He said 'As well I should you've been so good to me I wanted to insure you a good time. Now I do have one question through?

I now boldly took his hand in mine across the table saying "Go ahead Doug what is the one question?

He squeezed me hand now and looking in my eyes he said "do you put out on the first date?

I pretended shock at this and said "Oh Doug do you mean you would want to get into my jockey briefs and put your thing between my legs?

He smiled and I was melting he laughed then and said "Mm would Please help any? Please let me work your jockey shorts down and Please let me put my hard thing between Your hot masculine hairy legs and please do the same to me all night long?

I said "Oh Doug last week in the pool I wanted you to do that so much and I just didn't know if you wanted the same thing or were just caught up in the moment Oh Doug I would love that.

He tapped my hand and said. ' I've taken the liberty of buying us a large thing of KY for our first night together. Now Your place or mine?

I squeezed his masculine hand and said Please my place"

The clubs piano player came on and we listened to the music for another two hours talking. I told Doug about my experience in College and he was telling me about him and his Brother having done male on male sex as kids and a few Friends. We had both not had male on male in many many to many years.

if you like this so far let me know at Irishmeninmontreal@yahoo.ca If you live in Montreal drop me a line or join up with the 40 Plus gay men's club there at the Angora Bar Friday nights 7 PM until 9 PM meet Kevin Kelly to join. Kevin Kelly

Next: Chapter 2

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