What Goes Around Comes Around

By john smith

Published on Feb 17, 2023




Disclaimer: The following story is fictional. It in no way encourages or approves of the abuse of minors which is abhorrent. The author resides in San Diego and would be interested in meeting 18-25 year olds who like the story.


We had a fine meal, though I found it difficult to sit through it. We reminisced about his growing up and he entertained me with stories of college. At the end of the meal we went home and fell asleep together.

The next morning was Saturday. Eric got up and did his usual 5 mile run followed by 200 pushups and sit ups. At the end of it all he was pumped up and glistening with sweat. I prepared breakfast while he was working out, and he enjoyed a big meal while still in his work out clothes. Then he went upstairs and stripped out of his sweaty clothes and dropped them on the floor and said "make sure those are clean tomorrow".

He turned to go in the shower, hesitated, then told me to follow him. I have a large California style master bathroom with an enormous Jacuzzi type tub and a separate shower stall with two heads. It is set up with no curtain and has a really large area for showering. He stepped under the water then directed me to do the same. Then he handed me soap and a washcloth and had me wash him from head to toe. This gave me my first up close look at his 9" uncut cock and pendulous low hanging balls in some time. He had come a long way from when he was a teen! After washing him, he surprised me by doing the same. Of course, I was hard throughout the whole experience as was he. He gently pressed me down to my knees and had me blow him while the water cascaded down our bodies. Afterwards, I had to first dry him, then myself.

Eric then announced that he had planned the whole day for us. We would rent a sailboat and go out on the bay for the day. He told me to pack sandwiches for 4 as well as drinks. I had already gotten up early and stocked the fridge with Heiniken as commanded, and I put 12 of these with the sandwiches. We then went down to the docks where, to my surprise, two of his old high school buddies were waiting for us, already on a boat. I had to pay for it with my credit card, then away we went.

It was a glorious day for sailing as well as sunbathing. Eric and his friends had their shirts off. Both of these boys had matured since High School too. The first was named Matt. Matt spent more time at my house than at his own when he was growing up. Now, at age 21, he was working as a lifeguard and going to college. He had dark hair, a well developed chest and 6 pack, moderately hair legs, smooth body otherwise, and a deep lifeguard tan. The other one was named Frank. I knew less about Frank, but had always suspected that he was Eric's first lover. Frank was a slightly built boy of 19 with brown hair and a swimmer's build. He only stood about 5-4 and had a hesitant quality about him.

I was snapped from this reverie when Eric said "Get me and my friends beers, Boy". I looked up in shock to notice that Matt and Frank were exchanging knowing glances: clearly the had been briefed on our domestic change of roles.

"Yes Sir" I replied, quickly fetching them each a beer.

The next hour was spent tacking and trimming the sails until we were off shore enough that there were not other boats around. At that point the boys stripped down completely and began to sunbathe. I enjoyed checking them out: Matt was uncut and looked to be a thin 7 inches; Frank was at most 6 and circumcised. I steered the boat over the next hour, then found I was getting incredibly hot. I put on the autopilot and went down and got myself a beer. I came back up and was standing looking at the gulls and the water when Eric said "What is that in your hand?".

I replied "a beer, its hot".

He then said "I think you mean it's a beer, its hot, SIR".

I swallowed and said "Yes Sir".

At this point Frank and Matt were getting interested and sat up and looked.

Eric then said "its time, go below now".

I complied, knowing I was about to get a beating, but at least glad that it was going to be down below where Frank and Matt might hear, but would not be watching.

I was bent over the Galley sink and my shorts were dropped. The Jokari paddle then came out. I was still marked up from last night, so I knew this was really going to hurt.

"SMACK" came the first blow: it felt full force. "SMACK, SMACK, SMACK" rained the next 3. I moaned alout. "SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK" came the next four. The tears began to flow and I began to apologize and plead.

"Please Sir, I didn't know I should not take a beer without permission... AAAGH...I will never..OOOOOOOOOH...do it again...AAAGH...I promise... PLEEEEESE SIR...I've learned my lesson".

After about a five minute beating, he stopped and told me to take the sandwiches up on deck and serve the guests as well as myself. I looked down at my shorts, hoping I could cover my red ass with them, but he just shook his head.

I then went on deck and proceeded to serve Frank and Eric. They both laughed when they saw my ass. Eric even gave it a couple of slaps. Frank said "Oh, Eric, can I do it next time". Eric laughed and said "maybe".

The remainder of the afternoon was uneventful. I behaved, remembered to always ask permission, say sir, etc.

We got back to the house at about 5PM. They set me to the task of putting away everything and getting them more beers. There was a game on so they were absorbed in watching that as I stood around like a servant. I complied dutifully.

Then Frank turned off the TV. The others said "we were watching that, what are you doing?"

Frank replied "It occurs to me that the boy did not address me or Matt as `Sir' today. Now as I recall, when we were all in high school we used to have to call him sir. Seems like a double standard".

Matt chimed in "Yeah. Sure is. How come you let him do that?" while looking at Eric.

Eric then said "It was a flaw in his upbringing. I think I have just the way to correct it". He then sent me off to "Get the sawhorse and the strap" which I did. I assumed, correctly, that he meant the razor strap that had been used on him. Just as I was coming down the stairs I heard him calling for a Pizza Delivery, and giving my name and credit card number.

The Sawhorse was set up in the middle of the room, and I was forced to assume position over it. They did not bother with any duct tape this time.

Eric then announced my punishment "You will receive 10 blows from Frank, 10 from Matt, then 10 from me. They will be spread out at one minute intervals. You will hold position or we will start again."

Then it began. With a shit eating grin, Frank grasped the strap and swung it in the air "my old man used to use one of these on me, this is going to be cool". Then he struck the first blow as I gasped and said "thank you sir" assuming that this was the drill. He found this uproariously funny and struck as hard as he could on the second blow. Fortunately, he is not very big and even full force it was nothing like the paddling I took earlier. The 10 blows were completed right on schedule in 10 minutes. I was breathing fast and red faced, but had held it together: Frank just isn't that strong.

With no respite at all, Matt stepped up. This suntanned, in shape, muscular lifeguard was a lot stronger than Frank. I knew the party was over. Matt held the strap, swung it through the air a few times, smiled at Eric and Frank, then let loose with a hard Blow

"UUUG" I grunted: this really hurt. Then at precisely one minute, he swung again. "OOOOOH FUCK" I cried out.

I spent the next 55 seconds contemplating what was coming next. The wait was worse than the pain. Well, not really but it made the pain worse. In between blows Matt was getting into his role.

"How does it feel big guy? Do you like this? Too bad, I love it. I'm just getting warmed up".

CRAAACK went the third blow and I started begging.

"Please Sir, not so hard, I'm really sore... it huuuuurts..."

He replied "Too bad" and just continued through the whole 10. I was a blubbering mess by the end of it.

Then Eric stepped up and said "You have embarrassed me in front of my friends with your lack of respect. I am going to teach you a lesson you won't forget".

Immediately, the first blow fell really hard. I screamed.

Just then, the door bell rang. I thought "what the fuck, the neighbors are probably coming to check because of all the noise". I was wrong. It was the Pizza Delivery boy.

I recognized him immediately. He has delivered to me before, and at just 18 was going to graduate this spring. I struggled to recall his name... just couldn't quite recall. He was a slightly built kid of about 5-9 with boyish good looks that made him appear about 16.

He walked in, and immediately laughed "What is this?" he asked.

"Stand up boy" Eric said.

I stood and faced the pizza boy asking if he needed me to sign the credit card slip, which he did. He was dumbfounded as he looked at me, my hamburger like ass, and they guys who had been beating me.

"This is so cool" he said. "Can I watch?"

Eric replied "Better than that, you can give him the last eight. Just be sure you swing as hard as you can. BOY! Get back in position".

I complied. It really couldn't get a lot worse from my perspective.

The Pizza Boy than began. Since he was not told of the one minute between blows instruction, he just gave me about four a minute for two minutes. He was a lot stronger than he looked. Either that, or I was just pretty tender. In any case, I made an ass of myself begging him to stop.

Then Eric had me stand up, and he said to the Pizza Boy "Hey, how much of a tip did he give you?"

The boy replied "Two bucks, kind of cheap".

Eric said "Is there something you might rather have?"

Pizza Boy then grabbed his crotch and said "Yeah, I haven't shot a load for a week, I want him to suck my cock".

Eric snapped his fingers once and pointed. I went in front of the boy and knelt before him. He dropped his pants and boxers in one move:

"Jesus Christ" I thought: he's bigger than Eric. This 5-6 skinny smooth kid who still looked like he was 16 had a thick 9 plus tool. His dick was already throbbing.

"Lick my balls, asshole" he said.

I hurried to comply, and I was rock hard before my tongue even touched him. Imagine an enormous thick perfectly shaped circumcised cock with a mushroom head hanging down from a boyish flat abdomen with no trail and only light pubic hair. Under it all are 2 enormous low hanging balls.

I began by licking around his balls, then, with difficulty, got one in my mouth and began to roll my tongue around it. Then I did the butterfly tongue maneuver and he moaned and said "Yeaaah". I then switched to the other ball and repeated the process. He again moaned "FUCK...now suck my dick bitch".

I moved to his cock, gradually kissing my way up to the head which I then swirled with circular motions of my tongue. He moaned then said "SUCK IT".

I then took the massive cock in my mouth. He took over from there face fucking me while I gagged, then pulled out and ejaculated at least five squirts of his boy cum all over my face, hair, and chest.

Eric then ordered me to "thank the man" for his gift.

I replied "thank you sir for the gift of your cum".

"Any time cocksucker" was his reply as he zipped up.

As I knelt there, covered in cum with a sore ass, I was vaguely aware of an exchange between Eric and the "pizza boy". I didn't hear much, but something passed between them and I heard Eric say "talk to ya later Mark".


Next: Chapter 3

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