What Goes Around Comes Around

By john smith

Published on Feb 17, 2023




Disclaimer: The following story is fictional. It in no way encourages or approves of the abuse of minors which is abhorrent. The author resides in San Diego and would be interested in meeting 18-25 year olds who like the story.


The next day was Sunday, but it was not a day of rest for me. Eric walked around the house, inspecting it, and announced that it was a mess. He then told me I had 8 hours to prepare it for inspection, and that he was leaving for the day. He did not bother to tell me where he was going, but he did tell me that I was to wear no clothing today.

He started up my car and left, after taking $100 from my wallet. "Thanks Boy" he said as he went out the door.

I was in no mood to be a maid on this particular day, and I spent a good half hour ranting to myself about "that ungrateful asshole" Eric. When I calmed down though, I realized that I had better get cleaning or I was really going to be in trouble.

I began by stripping the beds and placing all the sheets and towels in the washing machine, as well as bringing down the other dirty clothes to the laundry room. I would have to keep the washer and dryer going to get the load of whites and darks done in time. After starting the washer, I cleaned up the kitchen. My master's guests had left lots of dirty dishes around, and I had to soak and scrub these before they went into the dishwasher. Then I started the dishwasher and moved on to vacuuming the carpets and tile floors. Part way through this I heard the washer stop and moved the whites into the dryer and started the colored clothes. I finished vacuuming when I heard the dryer buzzer go off, so I moved the darks into the dryer and folded/put away the whites. I also remade the beds and put out the now clean towels. Then I got the steamer and cleaned the tile floors.

Next I moved on to the bathrooms. They hadn't been cleaned in a couple of weeks, and had hard use with the beer swilling friends my master brought in. I scrubbed the toilets, tubs, and shower with bleach, then cleaned the sinks and countertops. Finally, I bleached the floors in all three bathrooms.

Time was passing quickly, and I still had more to do. I dusted all over the house, picking up the objects on tables and shelves to be sure I did it right. Suddenly I remembered the clothes in the dryer, and went to fold and hang them.

Next, I realized that the windows were dirty. This presented a real problem: I was under orders to be naked, but I had to stand in front of windows and sliding doors to clean them. I thought "what the fuck, he's not here" and put on a pair of shorts while I did this job. When the windows were clean, I put the shorts away so I would not get caught. Then I noticed that the TVs had dust all over their screens, and I got the windex and cleaned them. At about that time, Eric returned, one hour early.

He said "time for inspection boy". I knew better than to argue with him. Accompanied by Eric, we went from room to room with his inspecting everything. We ended in the master bedroom.

"Boy, for a first effort this was not bad. However, you failed to do several important things. First, I noticed you did not empty the dishwasher. Second, the inside of the refrigerator was not cleaned, and there was some rotting food in it. Third, you did not iron my underwear: I require a boy to do this so he keeps his mind on his lowly status. You are going to be punished fairly severely, but first we will go out to dinner. Let's shower".

I went into the shower with My young master and as directed scrubbed him from head to toe and shampooed his hair. Then he stood by and supervised as I cleaned myself. He required that I douche in front of him which was embarrassing. Finally, I dried both of us off and did a blow dry of his hair, then mine. I laid out nice clothing for each of us and helped him dress. I then reached for my own clothing, but he stopped me.

"Hold on boy, I have some things for you to wear for dinner" said Eric.

I thought to myself "I wonder what he wants me in...I laid out pretty good clothes".

Eric then reached into the drawer where he stored all of the SM supplies he brought with him. He brought out the quirt and tossed it on the bed: "that's for later boy" he said.

Next, he reached in and pulled out a metallic cock ring, and a metallic butt plug. Each of these had wire leads going to them. He bent me over, and using a lubricant that I had not seen before (it turned out to be an electrolyte lubricant) he lubed me up and inserted the plug. This plug was BIG around, then tapered such that once in my ass, it would stay there. The wires then hung down.

Next, he put the metal cock ring on me, adjusting it with a band until it was reasonably tight. I got hard from this. He then told me to get dressed. I did so, aiming my penis straight up so the erection would be less obvious under my clothing. When I got my shirt, tie, and pants on, he brought out a box about the size of a walkman. He ran the leads to the box, then snapped it in place in the small of my back and had me put on my jacket.

Thus attired, there was no way that anyone would see that I was wearing any of this equipment. Then, he brought out a tiny transmitter with a couple of dials and began to manipulate them.

I immediately felt the most erotic tingling from my cock to my ass. Then he switched something, and it felt like my ass was being fucked: in and out ( I later learned that it was just an illusion produced by the frequency of the electric pulse). Then this stopped, and I felt the nice tingling in my cock and ass again. With a wicked grin, Eric then turned a knob on the remote, and as he did so the voltage went up. It moved quickly from erotic to a horrible burning sensation that doubled me over and made me gasp.

"Get used to it boy. It's your remote trainer. Believe it or not, it works at a distance of one mile. The only thing I wonder is whether or not other EM sources might activate it. Guess we'll find out".

With that, We went out to the car. Eric made me sit in the back like a child, and he drove to a wonderful seafood restaurant.

As we got out of the car, he adjusted the transmitter to give me that erotic tingle. I went rock hard, and it was hard to conceal it even with the jacket. We entered the restaurant and I concealed my hard on as well as I could by stooping a bit. The Maitre De seated us, and we were greeted by our waiter "Stefan": a gorgeous college kid of about 22: 6 ft; blond; muscular: the perfect frat jock. He gave a willing smile as he asked if he could get us drinks. I spoke up to order a scotch and soda, when Eric said "Quiet boy" and ordered for us. He got a beer, and I got a "Shirley Temple". Our waiter found this amusing, and gave a knowing wink at Eric.

After our drinks and menus arrived, we studied them. Eric then changed the remote so that I was getting the sensation of being fucked. I wanted to rock my hips because it was so hot, but had to sit there looking as if nothing was happening. The waiter returned to take our orders and started with me. He stood over me, looking down, and obviously noted the bulge and the growing precum stain on my dark pants. As I opened my mouth, Eric said "the boy will have the children's fish and chips dinner". Our waiter smirked and said " we ordinarily do not allow the adults to eat off of the children's menu, but this seems an exception".

Eric then ordered a great meal for himself: Lobster Bisque; Oysters on the half shell; Caesar Salad, and the Scallop linguini.

As the meal progressed, our attentive waiter kept returning. It became clear that it wasn't just about service, he was getting off on looking at me in increasingly obvious torment as Eric worked the remote. The remote was out on the table, so the waiter had a guess as to what was going on.

Halfway through dinner, Eric ordered me the scotch and soda. Our waiter brought it, and while he was still present Eric said "Boy, I think you need to pee".

I replied "Master, I have precum all over the front of my pants and a raging hard on. It would be awkward". Master Eric simply played a bit with the remote, and delivered a sharp jolt to my cock and asshole. I gasped and turned red and got up to go, stooping a bit to conceal my state.

"Stand up straight boy...and take your drink with you. I want you to dump out the scotch, and refill it with urine".

"Yes Sir" I replied.

"And by the way, if you aren't back in two minutes, I am going to make you regret it".

I quickly went to the bathroom, glad that it was a dark restaurant and that the one stall was unoccupied. I dumped out the scotch and soda, saving the ice, and then pulled out my dick and strained to pee: NOTHING!

I strained further: STILL NOTHING. My hard dick was just not letting anything through. I spent the next two minutes or so trying, when suddenly I felt an enormous jolt of electricity, like a cattle prod, shoot from my cock, through my balls, to my asshole. I grunted and fell to my knees. In a minute or so when I could move again, my dick was soft and I quickly peed in the cup and rushed back to the table.

"Took you a while boy" said Eric.

"Sorry master" I replied in as contrite a voice as I could muster.

"Sip your drink boy, you need to finish it before we leave" he said.

Disgusted, I took a sip: at least it was cold, but I hadn't drunk much that day and had taken my morning vitamins so it was pretty concentrated and really smelled like urine (surprise). I gagged some down.

"Good boy, now finish your fish and chips".

Over the next 10 minutes I finished my fish and chips, washing it down with what used to be scotch and soda. Our attentive waiter came by several times, and even asked if I was satisfied with the scotch he had selected. I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck himself, but Eric saw it coming and gave me a moderate shock to the nuts.

"F...Yes sir, excellent, thankyou".

"Would sir like another?" asked Stefan the waiter, who was obviously getting into this.

"YES he would" replied Eric.

Stefan disappeared for a few minutes, and I saw him coming out of the bathroom. Then he arrived with a scotch and soda, a little lighter than the one I had been drinking, and placed it before me. "Its from my private supply" he said. I sniffed, knowing that this really was his own private supply. I looked at Eric who said "Drink it boy" and took a sip.

Now I had never done anything like this at all. I found the idea of drinking my own urine totally disgusting. However, I gagged on Stefan's urine cocktail, but managed to get a gulp down.

"Is it to your satisfaction sir?" asked Stefan, with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, excellent, thankyou very much" I replied, not wanting to have my nuts fried again.

Eric ordered an after dinner drink and sipped it while I finished my "scotch and soda."

Then he requested the check. When it arrived, I put out my credit card as usual. When Stefan returned, Eric said "Now leave the man a nice tip. He did take special care of you".

"Yes Sir" I replied, leaving a 25% tip.

Stefan saw the amount and smiled broadly.

"Boy, go out and get the car now" I was ordered. I rushed to comply, and pulled it around front where I waited for Master Eric. He took a few minutes, then came out and ordered me to drive home.

On the way, Eric made it a point to rub in my new lowly status:

"So, from big man beating a teen boy to boy bitch drinking urine, how does it feel?" he asked.

I didn't reply, feeling no answer was required. Then, I felt the voltage coming up on my dick and balls and spoke up quickly:

"Sir, it was totally disgusting; I feel like a humiliated worthless pig; I never imagined I could sink so low" I said with feeling.

"Good, that's exactly what you need" said a very satisfied Eric.

When we got home, he told me to undress. He removed the gadgetry, including popping the large butt plug out. I was sent to douche and clean off the equipment and then I returned. Master Eric told me to get him a beer, then he sipped it while I massaged his feet.

After finishing his beer, I was ordered to give a full body massage which I spent the next hour and a half doing. When I reached for his cock, he pushed me away saying "not yet boy".

Of course, I was hard and dripping: I had the worst case of the blue balls ever. I had been continuously stimulated for 3 hours in the restaurant, and now again was stimulated by rubbing the magnificent body of the young man who now owned me. I shifted about uncomfortably, and Master Eric noticed.

"What's wrong boy?" he asked.

"Blue balls sir" I answered honestly.

He laughed and said that maybe, if I was real good, I might get to cum.

Just then the doorbell rang, and I was sent, naked, to answer it. When I opened the door it was our waiter Stefan. He was even more youthful wearing his jeans and polo shirt. He had obviously come right from work.

"Thanks for having me over Eric" he said.

"No Problem, I like to share my boy's punishments with others" replied Eric.

"This is so cool: I mean I've read about this shit, but never imagined that a young guy would ever be dominating someone older like this" said Stefan.

"Hey, can I get cleaned up? I just came from work?" asked Stefan.

"Certainly you can...BOY! Get Master Stefan a beer and show him to the shower. Then you will undress and scrub and dry him as you do for me".

I jumped to the task of bringing one of the Heinikens that my master prefers, then led a smiling Stefan to the shower. I began by taking off each shoe, then each sock. Next, I removed his polo shirt to reveal a smooth, brown, rippling chest with well developed pecs; large biceps, and a a deep six pack. My dick got even harder than it was before!

Next, I unfastened his buckle, and slowly worked the jeans down, revealing a dark trail of hair leading to his pubes. To my surprise, he wore no underwear at all, and his cock sprung to attention.

Now, compared to my master it was modest. But it was still 7.5 inches; moderate thickness; and had a beautiful foreskin. I could see some precum, and I could smell the musty scent of his crotch.

"Let me start the shower sir" I said.

"No boy: first I want a tongue bath" said the boy.

I knew that if there was any complaint that Eric would beat the shit out of me, so I began. Starting at his feet, with their musty sneaker smell, I worked my way up to his balls and crotch. I prepared to lick his cock, when he turned and put me to work on his ass and asshole. Then he ordered me to stand up and made me thoroughly clean out his underarms.

"I'm ready for the shower now boy" he said as he drained his beer.

I adjusted the temperature, then followed him into the shower. I began by shampooing his hair, then soaped his body thoroughly from head to toe and rinsed him.

"Again" he said, and I repeated the process. Then I turned off the shower, dried him off with two large towels, and brushed his short blond hair

"Lets go downstairs boy" he said.

"Yes sir" I replied, following him back down.

Eric already had another beer, and ordered me to bring one for Stefan.

When I delivered the beer, Stefan said "Lets go to the Master Bedroom: Boy, get your sawhorse and meet us in 5 minutes".

At precisely 5 minutes, I entered carrying my sawhorse. Master Eric and Stefan were both naked and were kissing deeply. Both were erect. When I entered they stopped and Master Eric told me to bend over the sawhorse.

My hands were secured, and out came the quirt: it's two long leather tails were clearly going to hurt like hell.

"My boy failed to properly clean the house today, and now he is going to be punished" said Eric.

With that he reared back and swung this whip/quirt in a broad arc bringing it down hard on my ass. I gritted my teeth and tried not to scream.

The quirt is constructed of two long leather tails: kind of like a double whip. They are smooth and very flexible, but heavy. It strikes in 2 places, close together, and produces an extreme burn upon impact, which then increases greatly in intensity for a couple of seconds.

Eric reared back and gave it to me again: "UUUUGH" I grunted.

Meanwhile, he began a sort of instructional lecture to Stefan: "it is important to keep a boy in his place and cut him no slack...WHIP...if you show the least sign of weakness, the boy will not respect you...WHIP... therefore, punishment should be severe and inescapable...WHIP... Now listen to this boy crying and pleading..."

In fact, I was crying and pleading: "Please stop; I'll clean better next time...I'll do anything...Please..."

Eric then continued " WHIP...the boy is obviously contrite, but at this stage they will say anything to make it stop...WHIP... therefore, one mustn't stop the whipping until it is clear that they boy has learned his lesson...WHIP...Now, would you like to try it?"

Stefan was only too eager "Sure, I'd love to". Then this big muscular hunk swung the quirt in a wide arc and brought it down hard: "AAAAAAAGH" I screamed as he hit my thighs and the whip wrapped around my hip with the tip of it striking my dick.

"Now Stefan, you will need some more practice. Try to strike him without wrapping around like that" said Eric.

Stefan paused a minute, took aim, and again brought it down with all of his might: this time it didn't wrap, but it struck my low back.

"Much better, but try to strike only his buttocks and upper thighs" said Eric.

Stefan reared back and again swung the quirt: I Screamed as it hit my buttocks, and could feel some warm dripping: my own blood.

Eric saw this and said "There, I think he has almost learned his lesson at this point, and I do not wish to have him bleed all over the carpet. Scott! Have you learned your lesson?"

"YES SIR! I WILL CLEAN MUCH BETTER SIR! I"VE LEARNED" I shouted as convincingly as possible.

"Good boy" said Eric.

Strangely, I felt a touch of pride at receiving his praise. This pride then turned to cold fear at his next words:

"However, earlier today you were complaining about the blue balls. I have a solution that will guarantee you never complain about them again" said Eric. Then he whispered something to Stefan who said "My God, won't you injure him!"

I did not like where this was going, but I was strapped down to the sawhorse and could do nothing. I heard the quirt swing again, then my world exploded, I lost my breath, and ultimately vomited as the two tails wrapped around my swollen balls and dripping cock with a full force whipping action.

I spent the next 5 minutes trying to catch my breath and sobbing as my nuts ached: it was like being kicked by a horse.

When I calmed down, Eric came over to me and said "Scott, do you still have the blue balls?".

"NO SIR" I said, knowing what would happen if I said otherwise.

Next, I was released and told to clean up the vomit. When I finished this, I was sent for two more beers. While fulfilling these duties, I was keenly aware of a dull throbbing ache in my balls: it was like blue balls multiplied times ten!

Upon serving beer to Eric and Stefan, I was directed to stand at parade rest at the foot of the bed. Jason and Stefan then proceeded to make out passionately over the next two hours. They kissed, fondled, sucked, and fucked themselves into exhaustion. Meanwhile, I was standing there with a puddle of precum and the two sorest balls on earth. When they had finished, Eric looked at my predicament and said:

"Boy, you look like you've sprung a leak there...do you have the blue balls?".

I hesitated, then not wanting to risk the quirt again said "No Sir".

Eric then said "would you like to cum?"

I said "very much sir, please..."

"Sorry dud, not going to happen for you" replied Eric as he went to his drawer of sex toys. He pulled out a clear plastic device with a small padlock and placed my cock and balls into it and locked it in place. It was a chastity device, and a very effective one at that. I looked at it, knowing there was no way I would get it off of me and knowing that I wouldn't sleep much tonight with my balls so sore.

"Go to sleep at the foot of the bed boy" said Eric.

I complied, but didn't sleep much that night; thinking of the two hot guys sleeping in each others arms; their passionate lovemaking; and my sore balls and leaking cock.


Next: Chapter 4

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