What Goes Around Comes Around

By john smith

Published on Feb 21, 2023




Disclaimer: The following story is fictional. It in no way encourages or approves of the abuse of minors which is abhorrent. The author resides in San Diego and would be interested in meeting 18-25 year olds who like the story.


It was a really long night. Sleep was not possible: the electric buttplug would alternately make my as feel as if it was being expertly fucked, then it would stop for a minute and a jolt of electricity would go through my cock and balls. My dick would grow and be ready to shoot, then it would shrivel as the shock traveled through it. Up, Down, Up, Down, Pleasure, Pain, Pleasure, Pain...all night long.

At about 8 the next morning, my master came into the room. He laughed when he saw the stains of the precum that had been leaking all over my belly through the night. It looked like I had leaked a cup of it, though that certainly wasn't possible. Eric disconnected the electrical device, then led me to the bathroom and told me to pee. Afterwards, he grabbed my nuts, gently at first, then he began to squeeze them.

"Jesus Christ!......FUCK...OH...Please..." all came spilling out of my mouth.

In fact, he wasn't squeezing hard at all! However, my nuts were so tender after all of that stimulation through the night that any pressure at all was excruciating.

"Would you like to drain those balls boy?" he asked.

"Yes Sir" I replied, praying for the chance to cum at last.

"Get on the bed on all fours boy" was the order. "Now spread your legs boy" which I immediately did.

Then I heard the snapping sound of rubber gloves going on. Master Eric slipped a condom over my dick, then inserted his fingers up my ass and began massing, then abusing my prostate. He essentially "Milked" me by pressing on the prostate with one hand, then using the other to milk the fluid out of my cock. He did this for about a half hour resulting in large quantities of fluid in the condom, but nothing that resembled an orgasm. I was just as horny as before, but had indeed been "milked".

When he was finished, he fucked my ass hard for another half hour, resulting in even more leakage from my swollen dick.

After he was relieved, Eric removed the condom and tied a knot in the end. Then he took out the plastic chastity device, and in the light of day I could see that it was a "CB2000". He replaced it on me and locked the little brass lock.

"This will keep your hands off and keep your mind where it should be boy" he said, as he tucked the key in his pocket.

The usual morning routine then progressed: showering him, then myself; preparing breakfast; cleaning up the dishes and kitchen, etc.

Eric then announced "I'm going back to college boy".

I could hardly believe my ears...he was leaving early! My servitude was almost finished.

"However, you still require a good bit of training. I will leave you written instructions on what to do when you drop me off at the plane" he said.

"What time do I need to drive you to the plane, Sir?" I asked.

"In about 3 hours boy, but first we have some unfinished business to do" he replied, then pointed to the basement. I knew this was not going to be business I enjoyed, but of course complied.

Once in the basement, I was fastened with my hands tied over my head to an exposed beam. This had me still standing on my feet, but barely. Eric then ripped my boxers off and stuffed them in my mouth saying "I don't want to disturb the neighbors boy".

I was expecting the worst, but he mysteriously walked out of the room and left me there. Some time later, I heard the doorbell ring, and the door open, then close. Muffled voices followed this. Then another ring, and more muffled voices.

Finally, I heard people coming down the stairs. I turned to see who: it was Master Eric, Master Stefan, and "Pizza Boy" aka "master Mark". The three then came around in front of me and faced me. Each was wearing a nylon lanyard from which a small key hung: the key to my CB 2000, the key to my chastity device!

"Boy, Masters Stefan and Mark have graciously agreed to train you in my absence...what do you say BOY?" said Eric.

"Thank you Sirs" I replied.

"Now, every Tuesday and Friday you will clean master Stefan's apartment and follow his orders. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday you will be available for Master Mark and anyone he chooses to bring over. You will obey their orders like mine. If you fail to do so, you will be beaten very severely. Do You Understand boy?" said Eric.

What could I say except "YES SIR" in reply.


Eric then stepped behind me and to one side while my other masters sat down and watched. That was the last thing I saw, as I was blindfolded. The remainder of the next hour would be spent with only hearing and feeling as my senses.

I felt hands unlocking the CB 2000. As it came loose, my cock sprang up to strike my abdomen. Next, my balls were roughly handled causing me to gasp, then suddenly I felt nauseaus as a sudden hard jerk pulled them toward the floor. I was aware enough to know that I was wearing a parachute with a very heavy weight. I could feel myself beginning to sweat, just from the pain in my balls. Next, I felt some kind of lubricant being spread over my cock, then a condom was awkwardly put over my dick as fingers went in and out under it `...what was he doing...the condom was holding something on my dick", I thought.


There was nothing erotic about this: IT HURT. The device was set so that the pain would reduce to a bearable level, then rise like a wave until I was screaming into the boxer-gag, then it would recede again.

"Gonna fry his dick" I heard Mark say in the background as I tried to scream into the gag.

The next thing I felt was explosive pain in my ass. I was being paddled with something really heavy. This was not any of the paddles I had felt before...Christ, it felt like a two by four...

"UUUUMPH" was all I could get out through the gag as the blows fell hard and fast.

I must have disconnected for a while, because some time had passed and I became aware that the pounding on my ass was no longer occurring.

Then, I heard something whistle past my ear: "OH GOD" I thought... "IT'S A CANE".

The familiar whistle through the air, brief delay, then explosive burn accompanied by my screams began. I lost count at 25 blows, again receding into some other part of my mind where the pain would be tolerable.

My next awareness was of the caning no longer occurring. Just as I was thinking, "Thank God, its over", a new part of my body exploded: my back.

It took a while to figure out what was happening: searing white hot pain all over my back, then legs, then shoulders. Then it struck me, as I heard a voice screaming in muffled tones in the distance... "I'm being flogged with a cat o nine tails!"

Eventually this too receded, and all I felt was the searing burn of my cock being electrocuted as the voltage rose and fell. I felt someone close to me, breathing on my neck: "Now you understand boy...you will serve these Masters well or it will happen again".

I was then carried up to my room and laid down.

The next thing I knew, it was morning. I was laying on my side, and as I moved, searing pain went through my body. It all came back to me...the beating...the sound of the boys laughing about it...the burning in my cock...

I went to comfort myself in the time honored way when my hand just touched polycarbonate: the CB 200 was on and locked. I must have lay there, willing the energy to get up, for about an hour. Eventually I got up and headed into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

What a mess! My back and shoulders were criss crossed with red welts from the cat. My ass was purple and swollen with areas of broken bleeding skin where the cane had cut into me...

I got into the shower with antiseptic soap and cleaned up as best I could. Then I put antibiotic ointment on my ass and limped down the stairs to get breakfast.

This was my routine for about 3 days, then I began to heal and explore my surroundings. Eric was gone. Some number of days had elapsed. What day was it?

I turned on the TV and realized that it was Friday...

"There's something I have to do...OH FUCK...Master Stefan's apartment must be cleaned".

I got dressed and speeded over to the apartment. Hesitating, I rang the buzzer and Stefan answered, then let me in via the remote. I ran up the stairs to his apartment and entered.

"Good boy...I thought you might forget" he said, followed by the command "Strip".

I had my clothes off quickly, and Stefan proceeded to examine my body. He ran a finger across the healing cane marks, and felt the now green discolored buttocks as he whistled through his teeth.

"If I were you, I would be a good boy" he said.

"YES SIR" I stated emphatically.

Stefan then pushed me down to my knees and dropped his boxers "Eat me boy" he said as he fed me his dick.

I was roughly face fucked for about 15 minutes before the sticky salty taste hit the back of my throat. It felt like he shot a big load. I swallowed, released his dick and said the required "thank you sir" to him.

"Stand Up" was all I heard in return.

As I did so, I could see that the key to the CB2000 was in his hand.

"Would you like me to release you and let you jerk off, Boy?" he asked.

"Oh Please Sir...my balls ache...would you..." was my reply.

"I might, lets see how clean the place is when I get back" he said as he hung the key back around his neck. My dick was trying to get hard and was pressing against the polycarbonate cage painfully.

The day passed quickly as I performed my maid duties for Master Stefan. The apartment wasn't as dirty as it had been the first time, and I had time to check and double check the job I did. Just as I finished, Stefan entered the apartment.

"Lets have a look boy" he said.

I meekly followed behind him as he performed a very detailed inspection of the apartment: "Good work, I can find no fault...I think I'll give you release" he said.

He unlocked the CB2000 and placed a condom over my dick. I could feel a quivering in my ass and balls...FINALLY! I was going to get to cum.

Next, Stefan laid me on the bed on my stomach and placed my hands above my head.

"Stay put boy" he said.

I heard a condom wrapper opening and knew he was preparing to fuck me. Then, I felt a pressure on my asshole. I relaxed a bit so he could ease himself inside me, but there was nothing easy about Stefan's entry: he SLAMMED his meat in to the hilt--all 9 inches of it. I whimpered, but soon began to enjoy the rough fucking by this young man. I was becoming quite a whore I thought.

Stefan pounded my ass for 45 minutes before he came, then collapsed panting on my back. I could feel that he was covered with sweat.

"Roll over boy" he said, and I did so.

To my surprise, the condom was full of milky fluid. "BUT I DIDN'T GET AN ORGASM" I wanted to scream.

Essentially, the piston of his cock slamming my prostate had milked me dry, but without the benefit of an orgasm. I was just as horny as before, and just as sore.

Stefan removed the condom and tied a knot in the end of it. Then, he took out the CB 2000, but could not put it on because of my erection. Again I thought, "Now he'll have to let me cum".

No such luck. I saw stars as Stefan slapped my blue balls hard with his hand. When I stopped doubling over, my dick was soft, and the C B 200 was placed back on and locked.

"See you Tuesday" he said as he ushered me out the door.


Next: Chapter 6

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