What Happened


Published on Mar 3, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! I have some good ideas for this story, but I need to know if anyone would read it. This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional. Anyway on with the story!

Feel free to let me know how you feel. Good or bad: BARBARABBCONTEMP@AOL.COM

What Happened


"I'm so tired of this shit" Howie said angrily, collapsing on to the dressing room couch. They were waiting, once again, for the 'favorite' backstreet boy to grace them with his presence. The concert has been stalled three time already.

"If he's not here in ten minutes, we do the concert without him or I'm going home!"

"We have a new album out and over 50,000 fans out there. We can't afford to cancel this thing, so someone needs to find out where the hell he's at!" said Brian, trying to get control over the situation.

Everyone's eyes quickly averted to Nick. He couldn't bring himself to met their glare. He knew that most of them blamed him for what has happened to the group since his brother joined.

A few years ago, in 2000, Aaron Carter joined the group. That's when the trouble begun. All the attention had gone completely to his head, and as far as he was concerned, Nick had absolutely no authority over him anymore. He was the baby of the group now, all the attention, all the girls, and all the money was all for him. At first, it was as they all dreamed.

They were hot, and Aaron only brought them more publicity. Until Aaron became the biggest asshole in the group. He was constantly complaining if things didn't go as planned. He was easily agitated, and the slightest thing ticked him off. Everything he said, went. The manager of the group, MADE him head honcho. With all this Aaron publicity sweeping the world, his paycheck became fatter and fatter. He pushed the boys further and further apart.

He didn't care that he was hurting his brother the most. Not only for the group falling apart, but also his heart. Aaron found out about Nick and Kevin a year after he joined. He threatened to let the cat out of the bag to Jane Carter. The person Nick feared the most. Aaron didn't want to take any chance of losing their fans, now that he was the center of attention. He did everything in his power to keep them apart, until Kevin couldn't take it anymore. Nick would always side with Aaron, to keep Jane from finding out. Kevin sat Nick down and told him he would always have a place in his heart, but they couldn't be together if he couldn't choose him over his fear.

Brian and Nick's friendship had deceased because of Aaron also, he always and forever needed constant attention to keep him happy. It was, " No Brian, we can't chill tonight. Aaron wants to see Britney in concert." Or some other excuse. Nick was so afraid to admit that Aaron was the cause of the group breaking apart. The boys weren't as comfortable when Aaron was around. They couldn't be themselves.

AJ was the one who really couldn't stand him. Aaron made him so mad, he would unleash his anger on everyone else. Just a few weeks back, he ripped apart the tour bus in such a rage, the cops had to handcuff him. " I'll kill that little bastard! I hate him! I hate him!" He bellowed, struggling with the cop to let him go. The tears he held in for so many years were continuously rolling down his cheeks onto the hood of the cop car. Aaron stood by, innocently, glaring wide eyed as if he didn't know WHY AJ was acting that way.

That incident was all over the news and in papers everywhere within 24 hours. That hurt the group's ego. The ratings suddenly dropped, and their rivals, 98 Degrees, 'NSYNC and Five shot to the top of the U.S. charts.

That same day of his arrest, was also when AJ decided he might have to leave the group before he really did kill Aaron. He got the group together one evening, when Aaron was out signing autographs, and told them he was seriously thinking of leaving the group the next couple of months.

It hurt him to make such a decision, but he just couldn't tolerate the conflicts, the fighting, and the arguing all the time. All was quiet for the sake of the thought. Brian, was completely silent, staring blurry eyed up at the ceiling. He didn't want AJ to leave. Hoping not to be detected, he wiped a tear out of his eye and continued to stare. He had secretly fallen in love with AJ a couple of years ago. The thought of not having him around was killing him inside. Now he would never be able to tell him how he felt. He had just started to open up to AJ.

The nights he spent awake, listening to himself crying over AJ's choice. He loved him with all his heart, but leaving was the best thing AJ could do. AJ was on continuous prescription medication because of Aaron. Medication to get him to sleep, stay awake and maintain his temper. And secretly, they managed to keep AJ's trips to the mental institution a secret.

His problem was that he'd let Aaron get into his head, and he couldn't take it. He'd had a total of 6 nervous breakdowns since Aaron joined, nine years ago. At times, when reporters were caked outside their tour bus, all they could do was hold AJ down during these nervous breakdowns until he fell asleep. They would talk to him and try to calm him down, because they didn't want the public to know about AJ's problem. They kept it a secret for nine years. Nine years!

AJ didn't want to leave the group either, but he knew he'd kill either himself, or Aaron by accident one of these days. Or even worse, one of the guys. He stifled tears, not even bothering to act hard.

Kevin tolerated Aaron's shit because of Nick. He knew how much Jane had hurt him in the past over the control of his money. After everything they had been through, he couldn't let Nick down like that. He knew what the opinion of his family meant to Nick, unfortunately so did Aaron. Whenever Aaron wanted a little more control, he used the little brother routine to get Nick on his side. The constant manipulation has left Nick in a fragile state. Kevin and Nick made a pact that if AJ really left, so would they. Kevin made a personal vow, when this happened he would be there for Nick. He knew the family would turn their backs on him over this. All he could think about was the day Aaron's ass belonged to him. He was going to make him pay for what he has done.

Suddenly Nick, overwhelmingly filled with guilt, dropped to his knees crying shamelessly into his hands. "AJ!! No! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!" He jerked once and fell over on his side, knees tucked under his chest whimpering. Kevin went over to help him up.

" No Nick, let him go, he has to go," Brian said painfully, grabbing him under his arms. AJ stared blankly into Nick's blood-shot eyes.

The group was falling apart. Nick was next to go insane, and AJ knew it. He couldn't stand his brother much longer.

Without warning the door flew open let's get this shit over with...."

I would really appreciated it, if people would let me know how they like it so far!

I promise to answer any e-mail, good or bad. Once again my address is BARBARABBCONTEMP@AOL.COM. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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