What He Doesnt Know

By wow

Published on Dec 21, 2018


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My name is Daren and I have a fiance named Ronaldo. We are your average nerdy gay couple and spend lots of time together and with friends enjoying life and establishing ourselves in out careers. We are pretty active in our sex life though Ronny has a little more fun than me and that is what I want to share with you all. I think it will best sum up if I just tell you what happened the first day we were officially an item and he finally stayed over at my place.

I am 5'5 140 and fit with a little suppleness to my frame at 22 years old and Ronny was 23 at the time standing 5'7? and 150 but he had very little fat on him. Both of us are Puerto Rican but he is from the island and takes after the Spaniard line more so than me where I tan really well. Anyways...

At this time I was living with a good friend of mine named Tim. He was an older gay guy that I met while coming out just a year or so ago and when my parents were about to kick me out for basically being gay I decided to move in with him for low rent and all that. Plus he had just bought a big 5 bedroom house thanks to the housing market crash and needed to fill it. He was your average white guy at 35 being 6ft and near 200 pounds but he carried it well and was a cool guy. He worked night shifts and so I would see him in the early morning or in the evening but otherwise he was in his master bedroom asleep or playing MMO's.

The night me and Ronny made it official was really special we hung out all day saw a movie and when we got home I was all over him. We got into bed and kissed heavily and let our hands go free. I love feeling his hard smooth body and he loved getting rough with mine. He would bite my nipples, grope my ass, and pull my hair just right. I decided to give him my virginity with no hesitation. Yeah I had fooled around with other guys but never beyond a blow job. He got lube and forced me doggie style and lined his cock up to my tight but VERY hungry hole. He made me ask for it and with a slap on my ass he started to sink into me. He was a master top. I knew he was more experienced than me but he made me love it almost from the first half inch. He wasn't huge like me he was a respectable 6 inches but we were both fairly thick too. I hardly touched myself for all the pleasure he was giving me. We were truly making love. It felt like an hour and afterward we were pretty tired and went to bed.

The next morning we got up and showered together got dressed comfortably and went to make breakfast and start playing video games. Ronny was in just some basketball shorts he brought with him that were a bit tight and that is all but who would complain with a body like that. We met Tim in the kitchen and started making food. they seemed to know each other but it was a small town and we had a local bar so I did not think anything of it. As me and Ronny settle in and start playing video games (FFX) in the living room, Tim comes out and asks Ronny if he could take a look at his computer cause it has been giving him issues when he tries to play games on it. Ronny gets up and heads down the hall and i keep playing my game. From where I am I can see Tim's door just barely and it is open just a bit however it is mostly dark cause he has black out curtains due to his vampire like work schedule. While I play my game I slowly realise it has been a while...or maybe not... 25 minutes have gone by and I get to a save point. I save and pause the game and that is when it hits me.

Generally when you pause a game it gets much quieter and that is all it took for my ears to pick up a small but deliberate moan. I was on alert now! I get up slowly and walk closer. I was certain now. That is Ronny moaning and trying to stay quiet. I finally get to the door and slurping and smacking sounds assault my ears. Why am I not bursting in and stopping what I know is happening in this room?! I am turned on that is why...my cock is so hard in my sweat pants. I need to hear more. See more. I peek in but while i have a clear shot to the bed from the way the door is cracked that is not where the action is. I follow my ears towards the desk but I dont want to go in and I dont want them to notice the door move too much. I look through the door jam as it is cracked just a little. Jackpot! i see Tim with his back mostly to me on his knees and his shorts around them making jerking motions with one hand and bobbing his head in the lap of my new boyfriend. My new boyfriend who just took my cherry was pushing my landlord/friend/roommate's head down on his cock. I was in shock but I was also absentmindedly groping my own cock. Suddenly Tim whispers "fuck me"

"okay. just let me check on him. you get ready and Ill tell him it will take a while to fix this." they both chuckled as he pointed to Tim's ass and Tim gave him a couple more bobs

I ran silently back. heart pounding! What was I doing! I resumed my game and prepared for what he might say. A minute later he was back at the couch telling me how he is gonna do a restart and whatever. But basically all I heard was "hey baby. I am going to fuck your friend so please don't come over here for the next half hour or more and when you hear his shower running definitely don't come cause I wont be at his computer. Thanks babe!" and he kissed me before swaggering...CLEARLY swaggering back to my friend's room.

My Heart was in my throat and I was going through so many emotions. WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I DO!?!?...Then a clear thought that worked on so many levels came through. What he doesn't know wont hurt him.

=====What he doesn't know 2=====

...Now where did I leave off?

Oh! right...my new boyfriend Ronny who just took my virginity is in my roommates room about to fuck him after i peeked in Tim sucking him off. Some computer help he needed.

Anyways after my boyfriend swaggered his barely covered self into my roommate's room two things happened. Number 1 I realized how much i was falling for this cheating puerto rican bastard. Number 2 as I was enjoying realizing that my roommates door shut slowly but to me it was the loudest sound when the latch took. I was in a panic! My boyfriend was going to fuck my roommate AND I WASN'T GOING TO BE ABLE TO WATCH!

I turned the game back on but lowered the volume a little. I guess to give myself some cover in case they were making sure I was "unaware". That made me chuckle a bit cause I was hiding from them as much as the other way around. I crept back up the hall to the door and pressed my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything. Tim is a big guy at 6 ft. and around 200 so he has a big bed too but either it is old or i just noticed how noisy it is when you have two men on it being "active". Whatever they were doing I am guessing it was something like aggressive kissing...I wasn't hearing enough unfortunately so i started to panic again as my own cock strained against my sweats. unconsciously i was groping and jerking it slowly.

Suddenly I had an idea. I could wait until I was sure they were going at it distracted and try to slowly open the door up a crack. It should work since from the little fooling around we did before we finally had sex I noticed just how into it Ronny gets. He is very Latino stereo type in that aspect. Very passionate. So i waited with my ear pressed to the door and my hand in my pants slowly going at it. I heard the odd moan and almost drooled at how seemingly high pitch Tim could get. I was picturing Ronny eating him out before lining his cock up to the bigger man's tight hole.

Then it happened. That bed started getting suggestively rhythmic in its muted noise making. This was the moment I wanted. I reach my hand for the nob and go to turn the nob but a sudden thought hits me...I gotta turn the hall and living room light off or they will know the moment i open the door. I scramble to do just that and not make any cues for them to break out of their lustful spell. I finally get back and work back up the nerve to open the door. Slowly. very slowly.

"MMM!! Fuck me!" Tim's moan assaults my ears at full volume. The sounds of the bed squeaking in time with the fluctuations in his voice.

"Glad to finally get my cock boy?" Ronny said as he steadied his rhythm. "work that ass for me" And the sound of a smack made me dare to peek. What I saw was better than I had imagined. Tim was riding Ronny. His big ass was bouncing to make the sounds the bed was playing for my ears and Ronny had a hand on each cheek. In the dim light I could see Tim had his head back in pleasure and one hand bracing himself to deliver what looked like a vigorous ride. I knew that Tim was experienced but this was the proof.

He then bent down and they started making out but my Ronny is a stud and he didnt miss a beat. He kept pumping into the big bubble his cock was stuck in and moved from Tim's mouth to his tits. Tim has a nice chest so I don't blame him. It isn't muscular really but its definitely not all fat...supple and apparently sensitive cause he moaned out nicely. "Get on your back." came a forceful voice from Ronny, and he manhandled Tim deftly into missionary position. I ducked back instinctively but when i peeked in they were back at a faster pace than before. "It is a shame we can't keep this up for too long. Your ass is so good."

"well you could have had some last night."

"I did. now where do you want this load?"

"inside. always inside for you papi!"

"good boy! UUUnnngghhhh!!!!!" Ronny was jerking and grunting as he unloaded into my friend the same way as when he claimed me last night. It seemed like they were both excited and happy with what they did cause they let out a sigh and chuckle as they noticed Tim had cum also. That is when i knew I had to get back to my place.

I shut the door and set everything the way it was supposed to be but i wondered why Ronny hadn't come out so i walked back to the door and heard the water running... I knew i had a golden opportunity. I opened the door and herd them in the shower joking around. i pulled out my cock and in no time I blasted cum on the spot they had just fucked on the ruined bed.

I stopped to listen to what they are talking about and heard nothing specific but more suggesting this was not their first time and not the last as well as him having all the apps on his phone...I need to check on that. hmmm...


this is a true story and i used to post on tumblr so i have a bit on this story that will come regularly. feel free to email me at

wow (dot) erutan (at) gmail (dot) com

Next: Chapter 2

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