What He Wanted

By D One

Published on Apr 21, 2011



Getting fucked had changed him.

When it happened, his mind would travel into a world beyond the one he knew, away from the people he thought about and vaulted him into a level of life that could only be described as limbo.

But it didn't happen often enough. He braved his fears and walked confidently passed the bouncers. They didn't question him and despite being underage, Artie got an introduction to other guys like him at an early age.

There were the booths in the back of the adult video store and a handy exit to the alley behind it. He'd meet someone out front then walk to the alley and wait. When the door opened he quickly entered and was soon in a booth with a stranger who only cared about his hard cock.

It was crude, often painful and rude. But he left with someones cum drying on his skin and a phantom cock feeling.

It was addictive and like anything that felt good, he wanted sex as often as he could find it.

But often his youth scared them away. There were days and nights when nobody would respond. Perhaps he looked or acted too needy as well whispering "wanna blowjob?" to silhouettes in the basement bathroom at the nearby campus or bus station.

"You're what?" the older boy stared at him. Clark couldn't believe anyone was admitting it, let alone to him and certainly not the young guy he knew named Arthur.

"You're not queer. You're just horny like any of us." Clark said "Come on whip it out and we'll jack off or something"

A shirtless Arthur was stroking hard watching Clark do the same. He knelt and moved close wanting the older boy to cum all over him.

"Shit man you're not gonna suck my cock" Clark said "that's fag stuff" he kept jacking. Arthur ignored the warning and moved closer, closing his eyes and opening his mouth.

He heard Clark curse then felt the wetness land on his tongue, cheeks, forehead and overheated chest. His own cock exploded as it always did when he knew a guy he was with was cumming in or on him.

"Shit" Clark said "Maybe you are..you know like that" he was much more polite now.

"A bunch of us are getting together for the year end thing. You know beer, food, music, broads..after that just us guys. Show up and hang out. If you stick around, you may get what you want maybe more" Clark was closing his button up jeans.

"Yea ok" Arthur said

"But the big test is you gotta do it in front of the other guys" Clark said "if you can do that, then yea you're queer." He laughed "Let's see how gay you are then."

Getting fucked in public was going to be humiliating. Arthur showered a second time. Usually using the soap and hot water he milked himself into near exhaustion. But that day he left his hardness alone.

He walked to school, his erection eyed by some others he passed by. Guys laughed at him in class. His cock couldn't soften. All Artie could think of was what was ahead of him that night.

Others would know. Next week the word would spread throughout the school. He'd hear names muttered or even yelled at him. Hot jocks he always glanced at would stare as if to threaten him then. Teachers he befriended that didn't recognize the flirtation would know. His close friends would know. Girls would giggle.

And perhaps some guys, be they the jocks, teachers or friends would secretly think how they might experience some pleasures only thought about in the privacy of their own beds. He might get a midnight phone call, or an apparently innocent situation where he would be alone with one, perhaps undressed.

The final bell rang and usually he'd go by the locker room to see any lingering naked classmates or the swim team horsing around with each other wearing their very small swim suits.

Once while he sat in the stands holding a book as if studying, he saw guys playing grabass with each other and finally stripping off swimsuits and chasing each other till they jumped into the pool. He learned that after practice they often ran back from the locker room for skinny dippings. He had seen that more then once.

That day he went home. His stomach quivered as he knew the time was getting closer and closer.

Arthur sought the refuge of sleep. His dreams recalled encounters, videos he had seen, pictures he had seen, guys he had fantasies about ranging from famous to school mates.

The party music was loud when he arrived. Clark smiled and nodded at him when Artie arrived. He was dancing with a girl from school.

Artie wandered around, drank beer which he didn't like but drank nevertheless, writhed to the music and talked to guys he recognized.

"Glad you're here" Clark finally came by and patted his butt when he greeted him. "You're gonna have a good time later. Martin is here."

Martin, a member of the swim team most certainly destined to the Olympics rarely had time for parties. But that night was special and he was there.

Arthur fantasized Martin had heard he was going to be there and that night would submit himself. That's why Martin was there. He knew that wasn't the reason but the fantasy made him feel calmer.

Justin, one of his friends was there. They talked and talked till Justin said he had to go.

The rooms grew darker and the couples became closer, many making out on couches or walking up stairs to another room to do whatever they dared to.

The door opened and closed.

"Better get some rest, the gang is leaving" Clark said to him "You can use my room" he handed Arthur a key.

Arthur walked up the same stairs as the couples till he found the one door that was locked.

Inside it was quiet. The small bed at one side was surrounded by sports team penants, posters of athletes and photos of a nearby University that Clark planned to attend.

Arthur had been in the room before, nearly naked leaving stained and wishing for more then what occurred.

He lay on the bed and besides the sounds of music, laughter and door slaming, he fell asleep.

"Hey you ok?" Clark sat on the bed. He was shirtless now. Art reached out to touch the boys skin.

"Hey, kiddo, come on down. Only some guys are there now, the ones that will hang out all night"

He led Art down the stairs. Someone handed him a beer. Most were half naked like Clark. A bunch danced in a group in the middle of the darkened room. Their shorts clad hips gyrated as if they were fucking, some hands were around shoulders, even on buttocks. Some guys laughed, others drank.

"Come on dance" Clark said taking Arties hand. He didn't pull away in fear of other guys seeing this. He moved to the group and began to step to the beat.

Eventually the music seemed to overtake his thoughts and vibrate his body. In front of him Clark moved his body seductively, arms overhead, his face smiling sometimes, his eyes winking now and then.

Behind him Art felt hands on his hips and someone dancing so close his clothed butt felt the body of another.

It was Martin who joined them. He wore only tiny whitie jockey shorts. His meat seemed to be detectable probably due to it's size not being hard.

And it ws Martin who reached for Arties shirt and peeled it over his head. Artie felt naked now though half clothed.

He danced facing Martin and Clark. There were others on either side of them, and behind them all. The group seemed to get closer and closer the longer the music played.

Clarkmoved and was soon dancing with him, his arms over his shoulders. Artie rested his own hands on the boys hips feeling them move to the beat and tried to match his own movements.

Hands touched his butt, back. Clark cupped his crotch and he did the same feeling the hardness he hoped to feel.

Martin was dancing close. Someones behind him had their hands were around his body, fingers resting inside the jockey waistband.

"Orgy" Artie thought. "He was going to be in a real orgy". He danced harder and felt the sweat pour from his armpits down his sides.

He had been with two men once. One he had followed into a bathroom stall, the other joined them as he knelt sucking the man's cock. Fingers stroked him and unbuttoned his fly till his ass was bare and vulnerable.

If he could be like that with Clark and Martin that night, it would be heaven he thought about. Then there were others there...

"Nobody will be straight or gay" Clark had said "just horny"

It was true. Artie could smell the aroma of their body sweat and the musky odor of male crotches. It was like the locker room, no more intense then that.

"It's time" Clark whispered in his ear.

The music continued to play, some guys were still dancing in a group. Others were sitting around. Some were stripping off jeans to reveal their brand of underwear and stage of their youthful erections. "When you're ready just come out and ... "Clark said "everyone will take it from there"

Artie stood in the dark kitchen where Clark had taken him. He listened as Clark peeled his shorts off, leaving only his bulging jockstrap on. He turned to leave giving Artie a view of his muscled buttocks.

Artie wanted to reach for them and lick them and the hotness between. Surely Clark would like that and throw him on the table to fuck him.

Artie was alone. He could exit the kitchen door. Instead he stripped totally naked. He was nervous but he was hard as hell.

They might make fun of him, but he was ready for that daring them to get a blowjob or prove their manliness by fucking his willing ass. He was about to become a slut, a fag, a nancy boy..whatever they would call him.

The music had gotten louder. The room darker. Some guys looked over when he came in. Arties saw he wasn't the only naked guy there now. Martin and some other guy were dancing totally naked, their hard cocks bouncing as they gyrated.

Martin glanced at him and smiled.

Clarksat on the couch with two others watching him. In front of them an ottoman had been positioned and covered with a towel and a cushion on the floor.

Artie could go there and kneel waiting for the first one who would place himself there for sucking.

He tried not to look at anyone as he moved to the spot and knelt. Nobody said anything. He felt a hand on his back pressing and Artie bent forward laying on the ottoman where he thought others would sit.

Fingers moved down his back and over his bare buttocks and over the dilated butthole he offered.

The first one hurt like hell but it stretched his muscles open and slide along the intestine walls sending shivers of sensation through him. His body wanted to push it out like a clumb of fecal matter.

Instead the invading flesh pushed in until pubic hair rubbed against his smooth skin.

Artie look up and saw guys watching. He had gone beyond the limits of his fears. Artie was there, naked, laying, accepting, welcoming and moaning.

The cock moved in and out of him slowly taking him to that limbo existence Artie sought and he was soon moving to meet each insert with a welcoming anal hunger he had come to be happy he had for cock.

The cum felt cool as it shot across his hot skin. And before he could decide whether to stand and let it drip off, another cock replaced the first one.

This was thinner then the first sliding easily inside, perhaps using the previous fucking cock's sperm as lubricant.

Artie didn't mind pushing back to feel how far the new cock would go. It moved in and out fast. He felt the owner's hands clutching his butt skin for leverage. He wanted it to keep going until his own body would cum.

Looking to the sides he saw some of the guys jacking their own cocks while they watched and perhaps waited for their turn.

"Here inhale this" Clark's voice was recognizable. Artie snorted the contents of a vile without question. It was Clark who promised him that night's events and now he trusted the guy.

"It'll make that ass hungrier" Clark said.

Artie couldn't imagine how much hungrier his ass could be at that point. He was naked in public, being fucked by guys who probably had bullied him in the past or talked about him as a fag or didn't even know him.

He was letting hard cocks fuck him like the girls they lied about fucking. He was a slut, a whore a willing submissive fag.

A third cock stretched him before he knew the second one had withdrawn. He didn't know if it had left a deposit in or on him at all. There was a strange feeling in his head, body and other glands. Whatever Clark said was true..he felt different, hungry, needy and loving the pain and pleasure the third cock was giving him.

"This one is for me kiddo" Clark whispered in his ear. Clark was finally fucking him. Artie fetl more excited, moving his buttocks, clencing his sphincter determined to give Clark a fuck that he would think about for the rest of his life.

Years from now when Clark was arguing with whatever woman he had married about bills or the kids in their beds, his mind would return to this night when another boy demanded only pleasure and returned the pleasure.

A rhythm of his own butt and the thick cock inside him evolved and he heard his own voice and Clarks...cursing, begging, promising. He saw feet of those standing close by. He heard the familiar sounds of hands and cocks. Several would shoot their sperm all over his back and Clark's body as they watched the two fuck.

Orgasm came too soon for Artie. His body had it's own mind and made him spill out onto the covered ottoman and floor. He lay there tired for an instant feeling wetness landing on his skin.

Inside him the cock was still fucking and he aroused himself to give it the attention it deserved clenching and moving once again to milk it until his guts would be covered in Clarks sperm.

"Shit kid" Clark fell on top of him. Artie still heard others whacking their cocks perhaps to shoot on Clark's body as it lay on top of his.

There was laughter, not of ridicule but relief as they stirred. Someone handed them towels and another hand was wiping his back as Artie wiped his chest and crotch.

"It's not over" Clark said "Just recharge"

Artie took the cold drink offered him not caring what it was. He was panting and sat next to Clark whose legs lay over one of his. Next to them, someone was sucking Martin's cock. They watched. Martin opened his eyes, smiled and winked at him.

Perhaps his cock had been one of the three that had fucked him or perhaps Martin planned to fuck him. Clark had said it's not over.

Mornings at sleepover parties are enlightening. Whatever inhibitions, reputations or self image guys have disappear once sleep and night time activities take over.

Artie returned from the bathroom and stepped over bodies, most of which were naked as he returned to he couch where he had awakened.

Guys he didn't know were sleeping with arms around each other. Another guys slept in spooning postion with another one behind him and one in front of him. A single guy slept leaning against the wall, his crotch held by a hand belonging to a friend Artie had seen sucking him hours ago.

When they awoke, hands would withdraw, bodies would clothe and images would be restored with only memories of the night hidden in the recesses of their minds. Some would classify the night to their youth, drugs, beer or horniness..innocent of what matters when sex and love drew them to the life long mate who awaited the right time and place.

"You ok?" Martin asked welcoming him back to the couch. Clark didn't stire at first but moved his arm over Artie when he settled down between the two.

Guys left and eventually only a few were there.

Clark awoke and returned from his visit to the bathroom. He whispered in Martin's ear and he stirred.

"Come on, we can use the big bed upstairs" Clark said to Artie "if you still want"

Artie stood and followed the two naked fuckers towards the stairs. He noticed a few others were following them.

Clarkhad promised him the night. He promised Artie would get all he wanted and more.

"Here another snort, you're going to need it" Clark shoved the vile under Arties nose.

He wasn't sure he wanted it. He wanted the night to continue, to achieve the pleasures of his personal limbo, to feel cock after cock on him, in him around him, cumin on him and in him.

Artie wasn't sure if he needed what Clark had to offer.

But he inhaled anyway.

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