What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Dec 4, 2009


Here is another installment right on the heels of the last one. That last one was quite the piece of work-pretty long...we'll see how I do with this one. If you are easily offended please don't read and again -- encouragement is welcome-inspire me.

What I Saw 10

I had finally recovered after the last episode I was privileged to witness. I have to say I really couldn't believe the town I lived in-who knew if was filled with such kinky sex fiends. Mind you I was not complaining I had been lucky enough to have witnessed what I considered some of the hottest sex scenes imaginable. Several weeks had passed since I saw the defilement of Austin Levi. I had kept my eyes peeled for a return of the landscaping crew but so far nothing. Austin himself seemed to be away much of the time. I assumed he was probably catching up with in town friends while home on his college break. As the summer winded down I started getting that itch again. My testosterone level was high and I was getting more and more preoccupied with dirty thoughts. Nothing much was going on at home and I hadn't had the opportunity to see any of my school friends engaged in anything other then the occasional pick up basketball game.

It was getting bad. My hard on was almost constant and I was torturing myself by edging to the brink of orgasm several times a day. I knew if I didn't get a chance to see something soon I would have to do something drastic.

Another week passed with no action and as school was fast approaching I decided that I would risk another trip to the adult book store in the next town over. I picked a night when I knew my parents wouldn't be around to ask where I was going. I dressed for the occasion in baggy track pants, no underwear and a t-shirt and had packed an extra pair of pants and shirt in the car so I could change if I got "dirty". I walked quickly through the door. I tried to slide my eyes quickly past the guy at the high counter but he barely looked up. A couple of guys were standing in the aisles of the racks of magazines. I tried to be patient and not race to the back room to the booths and pretended to peruse the magazines featuring all sorts of varied sex acts. I noticed that both of the guys were doing the same-just sort of loitering around not really looking at much. I also couldn't help but notice that they were both pretty hot. One was about 35 or so and tall-maybe 5'10" or so. He looked built. He was wearing tight faded jeans, sort of half tucked in a pair of timberland boots and a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off. His arms were pretty ripped and he has an Asian symbol tattooed on the inside of his forearm. He had a short light brown brush cut and a couple of day's worth of stubble. The other guy was a bit older, maybe in his 40's or so and had dark hair and a goatee. He was maybe 6' tall and was wearing navy dress pants and a white dress shirt. I tried to check them out discreetly, the last thing I needed was to get my ass kicked in an adult book store. I circled the racks just pretending to look. As I got nearer to the two men I was naturally attracted to their crotches. I mean it's what I do-check out cock whenever possible. Much to my surprise both men seemed to be in a state of semi arousal. Flannel, clearly had a half hard dick trailing down the right leg of his jeans. It was clearly visible and looked pretty sizeable. Business man also seemed to have a good sized bulge in his pants. His navy trousers were tenting out somewhat obscenely. I moved a bit closer one aisle away and tried to eavesdrop.

"Nothing going on in back?" Flannel whispered.

"No-not yet-but Christ I hope someone gets here soon-I need to get off" Answered the business man.

Flannel lowered his head and spoke softly. "Yeah me too-my dick is already half hard and I need to unload my balls, and I mean soon.

Shit these two were waiting for someone to service the holes in back!

Fuck, as excited as I was I wasn't willing to do that-I liked to watch and rarely did anything more.

I lingered around the aisles and then decided what the hell at least I could go pick out a spot.

I went through the door to the back room and was immediately hit with the smell of semen and disinfectant.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light I could make out a few other men lingering in the hall. It looked like three or so. I tried not to make eye contact and slipped past them. I had never gone to the end aisle of booths before. At the end on the left there was what looked like a double sized booth that abutted three other ones. One was on each side and one in front almost right next to the door. I cocked my head to figure out the logistics and realized that that booth must have three glory holes in it, one from each abutting booth. Looking at the set up I figured if I took the one next to the door I could possibly see into the booth through the hole and maybe catch some good action. As I went to open the door to the booth I looked at the door to the oversized booth and noticed there was also a hole cut in the door to the common hall? There was a sliding cover over it but I thought that was pretty strange. I entered my booth and noticed this booth had two holes on the same wall, one into the big booth and one in the other booth to the right of the large booth.

Knowing the drill immediately fed a five into the video player. I had just selected a movie-everyday gay fuck film just to pass the time when I heard someone enter the booth that abutted mine. Christ these guys wasted no time. The slider was covered on that hole on my side and I decided to leave it that way and maybe the guy would take a hint and vacate and look for action elsewhere. I lazily watched the film ignoring the tapping on the slider from Mr. Eager next door. After a few minutes he had stopped tapping and I thought maybe I could risk a peek. I slowly crouched down and moved the slider a bit. I put my eye to hole and looked into the dim booth. By the light of the movie he had going I could clearly see his entire torso. He must have been one of the guys from the hall. He was standing in front of the monitor watching straight porn. I could see his booth also had a hole into the large booth on the other wall.

I could see that he was wearing khakis, a ribbon belt and an oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was lightly stroking his crotch with his left hand. I saw the glint of his gold wedding band. I couldn't see his head or face so I didn't know if he was aware I was watching or not. He began to rub a bit more insistently and I noticed it was producing some results. The front of his tan pants was bulging noticeably. It looked like he might have an impressive piece inside those preppy trousers. If nothing else I might get to see him jack off-that was better then nothing and my own cock began to harden at the thought. Slowly he undid his belt and let it swing open. He unbuttoned the pants and lowered the zipper. I was correct in my appraisal. Though clearly not even fully hard his cock was leaning heavily against the clean white fabric of his briefs and it looked hefty. He continued to stroke up and down the cotton covered tube and I saw his cock both thicken and lengthen considerably. By now it looked about 9 inches and he was starting to spot his underwear with a bit of precum. This might be good. I opened the slider a bit more. He now had stuck his hand inside the underwear and seemed to be caressing his balls and alternately frigging the ridge at the head of his dick. I heard some noises out in the hall; clearly a few more people had entered the hall. Mr. Preppy froze-obviously listening. I heard a low murmur of voices and then heard someone enter the big double booth adjacent to of mine. I stayed where I was and continued to watch as he shucked his khakis low down on his hips and started to slowly lower his underwear. His cock sprang out fully hard and gorgeous. He ass looked amazing as well. He had dark tan lines on his upper thighs and a classic bubble but-at least as far as I could tell from a side view. A glistening bead of precum stood on the tip of his flared cock head.

I heard more noise in the next booth and decided to tear myself away from this show and see what was up. I moved over to the other hole and slowly moved aside the cover. When I put my eye to the hole I almost fell over at what I saw.

Standing face to face in the next booth whispering to each other was none other then my schoolmate Bobby and our teacher Mr. Halen. Mr. H was intently talking to Bobby who looked nervous. My teacher was wearing his usual uniform of brown dress pants and a tight striped button down shirt. I have described him before but it still struck me how hot he was.

He was well over six feet and had a hard muscular, lean body. Bobby was almost a foot shorter with blond hair and a nicely developed little body. I had witnessed these two engaged in a tease and torture fest earlier in the school year and could still not get the image of Bobby on his knees, naked worshiping the 10 inch erection his teacher teased him with. What the fuck were they doing here-together??!! I leaned in closer trying to catch their fevered conversation.

"Listen, I told you I'd get you in here-see nobody stopped us-no need to be nervous now" said Mr. Halen

Bobby looked up at him and said,"I am still freaked out I don't want anyone to see me here"

"Do you want to leave? Asked the older man

"NO-I'm not saying that I'm just scared of getting caught" Bobby answered back.

"It will be worth the risk-we agreed right?-you wanted more cock right? More cum? Well this is the place to get it" Mr. Halen said with an evil smile.

"I am horny as hell-you haven't let me even see your cock for weeks now" Bobby said pouting slightly.

"I know it's been hard but I wanted to really get you desperate so you'll follow all my directions. You're very good at taking direction when you're motivated enough." Stated Mr. H

I looked at the crotch of Bobby's sweat pants and noticed he was already fully hard. It was tenting out his pants by seven or eight inches already.

Mr. Halen was also clearly getting excited as he seemed to be shifting around to accommodate the tightness that his growing erection was causing in his tight pants.

"Let's put on a nice movie and relax until the place fills up a bit" said the older man feeding what looked like a 20 into the video machine. He scanned the channels until he stopped on a movie depicting a slim guy sucking an enormous black cock.

"How about this one Bobby?"

"Yeah-fuck yeah, that's hot" the teen whispered.

"Now don't get too excited-I don't want you cumming-remember the rules; you do exactly as I say and you are not, under any circumstances to touch yourself, understand?" Mr. Halen demanded.

Bobby kept his eyes glued to the movie as the guy on the film began to suck on that huge cock in earnest. A soft tapping could be heard from the slider in the big booth on the other side. It was Preppy trying to get them to open the slider.

Mr. Halen leaned down and moved the cover open-he put his mouth to the hole and softly whispered, "hey lean down-I want to talk to you" I jumped over to the other hole in my booth to catch Khaki's tuck his fat cock into his underwear and bend over-his ear to the hole.

I went back to the other hole to try and catch what my teacher was going to say.

I heard him whisper, "Hey friend-I've got a hot young guy in here with me who is dying for cock-but I want him crazy for it...so I want to get him all worked up before he actually gets one in his hot little mouth. You game?"

I heard a breathy "sure" come back through the hole.

"I'll leave this open but don't put your dick through until I tap..o.k.? You can watch for a bit" said the older man.

Mr. Halen turned back to Bobby who was now leaning closer to the screen as the slim guy on the film was running his closed fist up and down the thick shaft of the black guy's cock while he sucked intently on the head. Bobby's lips were parted and he was breathing slightly heavy. Mr. Halen put two thick fingers under the kid's chin to turn him away from the movie.

"Are you having fun?" he asked.

"Yeah-is there someone in that booth? Can I suck his cock? Bobby said quickly.

Mr. Halen slowly shook his head. "No, not yet... but get on your knees Bobby-now" he ordered.

Bobby sank slowly down, kneeling in front of the man, towering over him.

"I'm going to loosen my shirt a bit and then maybe, just maybe-if you ask nicely I may let you see my cock." He stated in a flat voice.

Bobby's eyes immediately locked on to the crotch of the brown slacks. Mr. Halen's cock was positively straining at the fabric at this point. The outline of his shaft could be seen standing straight up and the bulge from the cock head was pushing at the waist band.

The older man shucked his shirt tails out of the top of the pants and then slowly undid the top two buttons of his shirt. Now some of his lightly hairy chest was exposed. His slid his hand in side the shirt and casually rubbed across the thick pectoral muscles. Bobby looked on from the floor.

"Can I see you dick now-please" he whispered.

I heard the preppy guy in the next booth bump into the wall a bit-he must have been looking through and got a bit too eager for the view.

Mr. Halen looked over and then down at Bobby. "We have an audience-you can ask better then that-can't you, you little cock whore?"

Bobby swallowed hard and shifted his glance to the open hole. He turned back to he teacher.

"Christ -you know how bad I need it-please let me see your cock-I'll do everything you say-I promise just unzip your pants." The pleading note in his voice had a definite ring of sincerity. He clearly was in need. I looked down between his spread knees and saw his sweat pants now had a nice big wet spot in the front and his cock was visibly throbbing against the soft material. Christ was he not wearing underwear??

"That's a bit better-maybe I'll just undo the button on my pants for starters." The man said.

His licked his lips and flicked his tongue over his dark mustache. He ran a hand down his torso over the shirt until he reached the top of his pants.

"You sure you want to see it Pig?" he asked

Bobby moaned "please"

Mr. Halen popped the button. He was so hard and his cock so large that by simply undoing the button on the waist band his entire mushroom shaped cock head bobbed free. He clearly was wearing no underwear and the crown of his dick was already shiny with precum.

Bobby licked his lips convulsively. His eyes glued to the bloated head that appeared to throb now that it was free of the confining fabric.

Bobby attempted to scoot closer on his knees to the older man. Mr. Halen seeing this took a quick step back. "Don't fucking move-did I tell you to approach me bitch?" he whispered harshly.

Bobby shook his head

"I really thought I was clear and you were better trained" said the older man shaking his head in disgust.

"We can forget this whole thing and I can go home right now"

"No please-I'm sorry –I'm just so fucking horny, c'mon just let me see it and touch it-I'll be good." Bobby pleaded.

Mr. Halen looked down at him, thinking.

"Alright kid you can see my cock and then we'll see about touching it." Mr. Halen said.

Clearly he was as horny as the kid because he stepped back making sure he was in full view of the guy watching from the hole and began to slowly unzip his pants. Once the zipper was down an inch or so the weight of his cock parted the fabric and almost his entire cock was exposed. I had forgotten how truly incredible it was. It was about 10 and ½ inches long with huge thick veins tracing all around the shaft. The head flared out violently and was deep red. He roughly reached into his pants and scooped out his balls. They too were a sight to behold; large and swollen to the size apricots surrounded by a thick neatly trimmed flush of pubic hair.

He leaned back against the wall of the booth and just let his cock jut out into the room, pulsing in time to his heartbeat. I thought I heard a gasp from the other side of the wall. Clearly the married guy next door was impressed.

Suddenly there was some noise form the far wall of their booth-clearly someone had entered the booth other side.

Mr. Halen leaned over and slid aside the cover "Hey-were putting on a show over here feel free to watch. I saw an eye peer through and caught some light brown chin stubble-this must be Flannel from earlier in the store. I heard him whisper "This kid gonna suck some cock?"

Mr. Halen chuckled and relied "Just wait"

Bobby was now getting really worked up I saw his cock jerking around in his sweats and the stain on the front was definitely expanding.

"God please let me suck him off" he begged the teacher.

"You're getting ahead of yourself cunt-I thought you wanted to play with MY dick." said Mr. Halen.

"Can I touch it?" Bobby asked.

"Yes, but lightly and stop when I tell you." He answered.

Mr. Halen leaned back and thrust his groin forward, his cock rising up to almost between his cut pectorals. He had undone the last buttons on his shirt and as his cock pulsed it was slapping lightly against his exposed body.

Bobby sat up on his knees and leaned forward, he tentatively reached out one hand. With the lightest of possible touches he encircled the base of the huge dick and gently ran his hand up the length, stopping at the ridge of the head. The older man shuddered. Bobby then used his other hand to catch those big swinging balls. He cupped them and began to gently tug on them as he continued with his slow, soft hand job.

"God your dick it so hot-it is almost burning my palms. I can't believe how big it fucking is. I can't believe that it doesn't split me in two when you've fucked me." Bobby whispered.

"Shit...you've fucked this kid?" I heard from Flannel.

Mr. Halen just smiled.

Bobby was now pulling the eleven incher away from the big man's body and then letting it go so it would slap back with an audible sound against his stomach. Beads of precum had formed on the head and now flew around the small room with the tension the kid was putting on the erection.

Mr. Halen stepped back "That's enough for now" he said

"You want to help one of these guys out?" he asked the kid kneeling before him.

"Christ he'll suck more then one of us off, who is this little pig?" asked the guy in the far booth. Nothing had been heard from Preppy in the booth next to me so Mr. Halen leaned over and lightly tapped on the wall.

Bobby looked over as first the round mushroom head came through. It was absolutely slick with precum; clearly the show had really gotten to this guy. As more and more of his thick cock came through the hole I heard Bobby moan. It was truly a pretty dick. Pink and perfectly proportioned.

"Christ-make him suck it" Flannel interjected. "I want to see him swallow some cum" he growled.

Mr. Halen appraised the thick 9 inch cock now jutting into the booth. It was jerking slightly and another thick clear bead of fluid leaked out the wide slit in the cut head. He reached his big hand over and grasped the shaft from underneath, feeling the thick cum tube funning up the bottom of the cock. Immediately it began to jerk in his hand.

"Are you going to shoot?" he asked somewhat loudly.

"Fuck...almost" came back from the other side of the wall.

Just then there was more noise at the door to their booth. I averted my eyes from that beautiful dick to peek through the crack in my door and I could see the handsome dark haired business man bending over to look through the glory hole that was cut into the door of the booth. This hole had no cover so he was able to quickly take in the scene playing out in the dim light. He stood up and undid the button on his pants and quickly drew down the zipper. I saw him shuck down the front of some briefs and with some difficulty extract his cock. Christ what was this? bull dick day at the store. His dick was incredible. It was probably 10 inches long with a nice cut cock head. The head was almost triangular in shape. It looked painfully hard as he guided through the hole, hoping for some much needed attention. I went back to my birds eye view and gasped to see Bobby on his knees, starting to sweat, with Mr. Halen towering over him with his huge cock jutting out from his hairy torso and two other thick cocks straining through the holes in the walls. The guy in flannel still had his eye pressed to the hole watching the whole thing.

"Choices, choices Bobby...hmmmm" muttered Mr. Halen

"Make him suck off the guy over there" said Flannel. "He's ready to shoot and I want to see this kid swallow it."

Bobby groaned..."Please let me eat his cum" he begged to his teacher.

Mr. Halen was still lightly fondling the preppy guy's beautiful dick. He was being careful not to touch it too firmly or go near the head.

"You want to cum?' He asked the wall.

"YES" came the reply

Mr. Halen roughly grabbed the back of Bobby's head by his hair and jerked his head over to the hole. Bobby immediately opened his mouth hoping to have it filled with that cock.

"Hold on whore-I didn't tell you that you were going to blow this guy-did I?" he said harshly

Bobby winced as the question was punctuated with a jerk to his hair.

"Put your balls through" The teacher ordered.

The preppy guy reluctantly withdrew his cock and then maneuvered his entire cock and his two swollen testicles into the hole. The tight fit seemed to make his dick swell even more.

"Bobby I want you to lick and suck this man's balls-but DO NOT put his cock in your mouth. Do you understand/" questioned the older man.

Bobby eagerly nodded and approached the hole.

Through the wall an urgent voice whispered, "I won't last long I'm warning you, I'm too excited." As proof, his dick did a wild jerk and a thick bead of precum oozed out the slit.

Bobby moved his head forward and opened his mouth wide. He didn't waste any time licking the nuts but instead proceeded to take first one the both of the tender orbs into his hot sucking mouth. A loud groan came through the wall.

The flannel shirt guy said "yeah suck them hard, make him shoot"

Bobby kept the balls trapped in his mouth but moved his head back, pulling them as far away from the base of the throbbing cock as he could. This seemed to do the trick as the man's rock hard dick began to tremble and the head swelled even more.

"Bobby take the head in your mouth-he's there" Mr. Halen urgently whispered.

Bobby sat up on his knees and leaned forward and slowly grasped the shaking, engorged head in his mouth. Mr. Halen grabbed the back of Bobby's hair, preventing him from deep throating the cock which he clearly was dying to do.

Beyond the wall the married guys breathing had reached a crescendo, he was huffing and puffing and with no thought to the fact that he was in a public place began to call out loudly, "Fuck your mouth is so hot I'm ...gonna...shooot." as the words left his mouth I saw his balls harden and Bobby moan as the first big shot filled is mouth. Mr. Halen violently pulled Bobby's mouth off the head, saying "Our friend wants to see you eat the cum-show him". Bobby's wide open mouth was filled with white semen. The dick jerked violently as it came out of the kid's mouth and another thick jet of semen rocketed out the opened piss slit. Mr. Halen forced Bobby's head down under the shooting cock and the cum landed on his lips, tongue and face. The next shot arched up and landed fully in Bobby's open mouth. I could see his tongue was coated in jizz and Flannel guy began to talk.

"Fuck yeah... look at all that cum, that dick is going to keep shooting. Look at the little pig catch it all... fuck-what a whore."

The guy's dick was continuing to expel semen at an amazing rate. Several more heavy shots jetted out coating the kid's face, hair and continually refilling his mouth even as he kept swallowing,

Mr. Halen let go of Bobby's hair and said "deep throat that mother fucker and milk him dry you cunt"

Bobby free from confinement leaned up and again captured the still shooting, trembling head. This time with no one to stop him he used his hand to grasp the thick base and took the head down to the back of his throat. I could see him swallow convulsively and then he pushed the head past the barrier and I saw his throat swell as his lips touched the man's pubic hair.

"Fuck he's got the whole thing down his throat-fucking amazing the lucky guy is shooting his cum straight into the little queer" exclaimed Flannel.

The business man hadn't moved but his dick clearly appreciated the goings on as it seemed to swell even more in the hole through the door and a thin stream of precum dripped to the floor.

Bobby pulled his throat off the cock and rested the oozing head on his outstretched tongue and used his slick fist to milk more cum from the cock.

Mr. Halen leaned around Bobby and began to slap the business man's cock up and down in his palm clearly impressed.

"Look at the next one here Bobby-maybe this one can shoot in your tight asshole" he said

The business man groaned and Flannel said "Fuck yeah let's get this little puppy fucked."

Bobby continued to lick the cock head before him and indeed it hadn't softened at all. Spurred on, Bobby began to mouth the head and torturously tongue the piss slit. He roughly grabbed the guy's swinging balls and began to rhythmically tug them. He pushed himself further down on the cock and began to alternately deep throat the head and then pull all the way back and viciously lick the sensitive V of skin under the circumcision scar. This was too much for Married guy.

"I'm going to cum again...fuuuuckkk." He positively screamed.

Bobby pulled his lips off the cock and aimed the head right at his open mouth; he was immediately rewarded by a thick blast of cum. He closed his mouth and swallowed as the next shot hit him squarely in the face coating his forehead and hairline. Bobby trapped the shooting head in his mouth and took the rest down his throat. Flannel was loosing his shit.

"I can't fucking believe this kid-Take my dick kid now" he yelled and stood up and shoved a HUGE twelve inch, wicked curved dick though the hole. It barely fit and looked like it was taking up major space in the booth. Mr. Halen interrupted the action. "Hey let's slow things down a bit we're not going anywhere-lets service people in the order they arrived."

The married guy was slowly retracting his spent cock and Bobby was staring lustfully at the throbbing cock coming through the hole in the door.

"Stand up Bobby" Mr. Halen ordered. Bobby did and I could see that his dick was rock hard and yet the front of his pants were soaked.

Let's loose the clothes Bobby-we're deep into this now and I think for what comes next you need to be totally naked." Said the teacher.

Bobby looked reluctant. "What if someone comes and we get caught-no one else in taking their clothes off."

Mr. Halen was having none of this rebellion. He looked Bobby in the eye and slapped him hard across the face.

Flannel whispered. "Fuck yeah teach the little bitch a lesson-let's see him naked-I want to see that ass."

Mr. Halen didn't wait for any response from the kid he moved in and grabbed two handfuls of his t-shirt and tore if in half, his ten inch dick bobbing with the effort. Bobby's deeply tanned and defined chest glowed in the light given off by the video screen. Mr. Halen used two hands to roughly pinch Bobby's nipples, Bobby groaned and his dick jumped in his loose sweats.

"Kick off you sneakers-NOW" yelled the big man

Bobby used one foot to kick off the shoes.

"Now I don't have a shirt to put back on" Bobby said

"I don't fucking care if you have to walk through this store naked when it is time to go-get it" Halen gruffly answered.

Bobby was standing there in just his loose grey sweat, obscenely tented out in the front and the amazing swell of the bubble but showed off to perfection. While the older mustachioed man stood there with an engorged cock straining out the opening of his undone pants and his shirt hanging unbuttoned around him.

Mr. Halen leaned over to the door. "Hey Stud pull that monster out to the hole for a second so you can see what your going to fuck."

The business man withdrew his ten inches, it seemed to take forever, and crouched at the hole to see.

Mr. Halen roughly grabbed Bobby and spun him around so they were facing each other, Bobby's ass to the door.

"Stroke my cock while I do this." He instructed.

Bobby reached down between their bodies and began to run his hand up and down the thick shaft, twisting his palm around the wet head.

Mr. Halen reached around the boy and began to run his hands down the broad brown back. As he reached the waist band of the pants he would slide his finger tips in and caress the top swell of Bobby's perfect ass.

The business guy's breathing was heavy and he said "let me fucking see it."

"You want to see this ass?" asked the older man.

"Yeah let me see and then I want to fuck it" he relied.

Mr. Halen with exquisite slowness lowered the back of the pants. Bobby's ass sat high and round and perfectly white. He had two deep dents in the side defining his ass muscles and deep tan lines around hid legs and across his waist.

The business man groaned at the sight.

Mr. Halen started at the kid's shoulders with both hands in one long stroke ended up cupping those two perfect ass cheeks.

He roughly grasped them and spread them open, Bobby gasped as his perfectly hairless tight hole was exposed to the warm air of the booth.

Bobby was continuing to give an amazing hand job to his teacher as Mr. Halen stroked and played with his ass cheeks.

"Enough kid-you're going to make me shoot-let's get you ready" said Mr. Halen as he ducked down and behind the kid and knelt in front of his ass. Bobby arched his back and looked over his shoulder as the man used two hands to pry apart those tight mounds and began to slowly, lightly lick his asshole.

Bobby groaned loudly at the first hot contact of the man's thick tongue. His dick was still jutting out, trapped in the front of the sweats.

"Can I take these off now?' he asked

Mr. Halen leaned back "oh now you want to be naked ..huh?"

He grabbed the pants at the hips and pulled, hard-ripping them in half. He proceeded to rip down both leg seams until Bobby stood there in a filthy porno booth, barefoot and totally naked.

Bobby's cock looked painful. It was about 8 inches long with a fat head and was smeared with precum. His balls looked equally as swollen. His sweaty face was still craned over his shoulder and Mr. Halen returned his tongue to his hole.

Mr. Halen was clearly not playing around anymore. He used his fist to push Bobby's legs apart and put one hand on the small of his back to bend him over. Bobby braced himself on the wall his face pressed against the video screen which was now depicting a tight shot of a thick cock slamming into a tight asshole. As Mr. Halen began to roughly eat out Bobby's hole the kid began to moan and lick the video screen.

Flannel was going nuts "Fuckin A I need some of that...please" he begged.

Halen pulled his face out the wet ass crack and said "Shove your cock through the hole-but don't get carried away and shoot."

As flannel stood up and aimed that monster at the hole Mr. Halen looked over the kid's hip.

"Bobby I want you to lick and suck that huge cock head-but don't put any more then that in your mouth, do you understand?"

Bobby groaned a reply.

Mr. Halen began to tongue fuck Bobby, penetrating him as far as he could with his extended tongue roughly keeping his ass wide open.

The Flannel shirt guy's cock was now all the way through the hole, all twelve inches. It curved upwards back towards the wall and the head was at least apple sized.

Bobby shifted his position so his mouth was directly over the crown of that glorious cock. He lowered his head, extended his tongue and dipped it into the gaping slit in the head. He came away with a thin stream of precum attaching him to the head. Flannel groaned. Bobby began to use the very tip of hid tongue like a shovel to just collect the endless supply of fluid pooling in the slit of that huge head.

The business man was crouched watching and was jerking his cock at the show. Mr. Halen was deep into the kid's ass and Bobby's cock was dripping a constant stream of precum that was pooling on the floor between his splayed legs.

Just then, as Bobby began to explore more of the head with his tongue we all heard someone else enter the booth vacated by the married guy. Now whoever entered had clearly walked right past the handsome business man on his knees, eyes to the hole stroking a huge erection. So there was no doubt he knew something good was going on in there.

A dark eye appeared at the hole and Bobby clearly wanted to impress because he tilted his face up to give the full view of his tongue swirling all around the bloated cock head sticking through the wall. Flannel was at a breaking point and he exclaimed "I'm really close...kid...back off" his dick began to vibrate under Bobby's tongue.

Bobby ignored this and instead trapped the head in his wet mouth and sucked his cheeks distended from the size of the swollen cock head.

Mr. Halen looked up and asked "Can you get off more then once?"

Flannel could barely speak with the effort he was expending not to shoot into the kid's hot sucking mouth.

"Fuckk...yessss...I can-you want me to shoot in his mouth/"

"No –hold off one second" said Mr. Halen "Let's let you get him ready for our friend at the door-stay really still" he instructed.

Mr. Halen stood up his cock dripping and roughly grabbed Bobby around the waist. He turned him around and pointed his ass at the man's trembling dick.

"I'm going to back his hole onto the head-I want you to hold back until you're in...then let loose and hose his insides down." Said Halen

Flannel expelled a huge breath and said "Fuckin hurry-I've got a huge load and I'm seriously almost there. Be careful putting it in or I'll go off."

The business man said. "You're going to let him cum up his ass to lube him up for me...fuck I've never seen anything like this."

The new comer now chimed in "I want a turn with this one too" his voice was deep.

Halen looked over –show the kid your cock while he gets filled"

Mr. Halen gently guided Bobby back.

"Bobby carefully grasp the man's cock at the base to steady it and then I want you to slide just the head in your ass...Can you do that, and not go further?" he asked

Bobby turned his sweaty face up to his teacher "Can't he shove it all the way in and cum deep-that'd be good too."

"No –do as you're told' said Halen.

Just then Bobby gasped as an enormous purple cock came through the hole opposite him It was brutally thick and coursed with huge veins. The head was shinning and a deep dark color. Unbelievably it was another twelve inch dick pushing into the booth.

Flannel said "dude do it I'm on the edge"

Bobby grabbed the thick base of his cock and Flannel said "Easy... I'm gonna shoot"

Mr. Halen looked over the kid's shoulder as he aimed that throbbing head at his sopping wet asshole.

"Now just the head Bobby remember" he warned.

Bobby arched his back and the tip came in hot contact with his ass lips.

Flannel screamed "Fuuuck...c'mon"

Bobby exerted a bit more pressure and his tight ring parted and the head eased in with exquisite slowness. Bobby's cock jerked and he began to cum once his ass clamped down on the fat head lodged in him. A thick jet of cum flew out and landed with a splat on the floor. Bobby moaned.

"That's number one for the kid gentleman-but trust me that is just the beginning for this cock whore.

As Bobby's continued to shoot his ass was spasaming on the engorged head in him.

Flannel screamed again "The little fucker is shooting...I can fell it...ahhhh"

"Hold on man-let's let him finish-can you hold it?" asked Halen

"Fuck I don't know how I have this long but yeah... I'll try"

Bobby's shooting seemed to taper off after five or six heavy shots and sweat was pouring off him.

Mr. Halen grabbed a handful of his hair forcing the kid to look at him. "You ready to feel your guts get flooded whore? Stay still!"

Mr. Halen reached around and with one light touch around Bobby's ass lips where the head had entered he said "shoot".

Flannel let out a huge breath and released. Bobby's head snapped back as the first scalding blast entered him. Halen grabbed his waist to keep him from impaling himself to the hilt on the cock. Flannel send to just keep shooting and shooting. I could see the cum travel up the thick tube along the bottom of his impossibly long shaft and cum began to seep out around the edges of Bobby's super tight hole. Mr. Halen looked at Bobby-"you in control?'

Through heavy breaths Bobby said "yeah"

Mr. Halen leaned down and began to scoop up Bobby's cum form the floor. He smeared it all around his huge cock and with another scoop it was dripping and shiny.

"Suck cunt" he said.

With the huge head still unloading in his hole he leaned over and took the man's cock head in his mouth he began to lick and suck on the penis frantically. He would swirl his tongue around the head cleaning up all the cum and then trap the crown and smoothly deep throat it. After a minute or so of this Mr. Halen pulled his cock out of Bobby's mouth "Enough".

"You done shooting over there?" he asked.

"Yeah-but my dick is still aching-let him suck me off and feed him." Flannel asked.

"Patience my friend...patience."

"Yeah it's my turn" said the business man.

Mr. Halen looked over and saw that the man's ten inch dick was back through the hole.

"Back it out for a second" he instructed.

As the business man complied Mr. Halen looked at Bobby. "We're going to get you good and fucked-you ready?"

Bobby whispered..."yeah"

With that Mr. Halen...unlocked the door and swung it open.

The surprised man in the navy pants stood there dick out wide eyed. There were several other men crowded around in the hall obviously hoping for a turn.

"Now let's keep this orderly" said Mr. Halen.

Bobby had a freaked out look on his face, standing there naked, cum all around his mouth and a fat cockhead still lodged in his ass. He stood up abruptly, Flannel's head exiting with a pop.

Mr. Halen grabbed the back of Bobby's neck and spun him around.

"You want this-you know you do" He bent him over and grabbed the back of his head and shoved it towards the monster black cock coming through the hole. Then pointed at Flannels still throbbing dripping cock.

"Suck them off while this guy fucks you" he ordered.

The business man virtually charged into the booth. He crouched down before Bobby's split, wet, dripping ass and parted the tight cheeks and began to tongue fuck him.

Bobby began to slowly lick up and down the huge black dick. I noticed he was focusing on the shaft and not even come in contact with the head at all. He moaned as he chewed on the cum tube and swirled his tongue all around the immensely thick stalk. He used his hand to begin stroking up and down the thick shaft of the guy who had just cum in his ass. Meanwhile a guy in the hall began to use his cell phone to start taking pictures of the action. "

"See Bobby, you're going to be famous" said Mr. Halen leaning into the kids face as he worked over the thick black dick.

The business man stood up and unbuttoned his white dress shirt. He goatee was glistening with spit and cum from the kid's ass.

He exposed nicely rounded chest muscles and a tight smooth six pack. He shucked his pant down low on his hips and aimed that vicious triangular cock head at Bobby's hole. Mr. Halen stood by the door making sure no one else came in and disturbed the scene.

"You want this dick-you fucking little whore?" the man asked

Bobby retracted his tongue from the open piss lit of the black cock head and looked around at the man.

"God yes-Fuck me!"

The man grabbed Bobby's hips and brought his shaking cock to the hole. It was so hard it need so guidance in one long slow stroke he was buried to the hilt in the kid's slick ass.

Bobby groaned around the shaft he was mouthing.

The man in the navy pants began to fuck the kid in earnest; He used long full strokes almost pulling his cock all the way out before plunging it back in balls to ass.

Bobby meanwhile continued to tease the huge cock in front of him and give relentless slick hand job to the other guy.

The black guy was moaning and begging or the kid to put his head in his mouth but Bobby was exercising the only control he had and purposely stayed clear of the dripping head which had swelled even more with all the indirect contact.

The man fucking him began to breathe heavier and his strokes were getting erratic. He was close.

I looked at Bobby's crotch when I heard a particularly loud moan come from him. As the business man brutally rammed his cock head against the kid's prostate he began to shoot. Cum pumped out with each long stroke pooling on the floor. Bobby's dick lost none of its firmness and just shook and continued to dribble cum.

The guy in Flannel began to yell. "Christ kid I'm on the edge again fuck –quick put it in your mouth-catch my cum."

Bobby pulled off the huge black shaft and moved over to capture the now shaking head in his lips. He swirled his tongue around the flange never letting the head slip out of his lips. The first blastoff cum made him snap his head back and the cock jerked out of his mouth. I saw his coated tongue before he quickly trapped the head again and let it fire directly into his sucking mouth. He swallowed load after load before puling off and letting one shot coat his face and hair.

This was too much for the guy fucking him. With a scream he slammed all the way in to the hilt and began to shoot into Bobby's tight hot channel.

As he shakily fucked his cum into the kid the black guy spoke"get over here I'm close"

Mr. Halen leaned in and grabbed the man's huge shaft. "Bobby get him off by just licking the head" he ordered.

He steadied the trembling dick while Bobby finally began to use his tongue on the apple sized glans. Bobby flattened his tongue out and used firm pressure to lick all over the entire dripping head.

The man in the navy pants pulled his cock out and shot the last two heavy shots across the kid's sweaty back. And stood there disheveled and puffing.

The black guy let out a moan and his dick began to shake violently.

I'm gonna shoot kid!' he yelled


Bobby sucked the fat head I his mouth and deep throated the cock as the man's balls contracted and he blasted cum right down the kid's throat. Bobby pulled back a bit and began to use his fist to pump cum out of the thick cock tube in his mouth. He was swallowing feverishly, yet some still sluiced out around hid tightly clamped lips. He pulled off the cock entirely, strings of cum glistening in his spitty mouth and pumped out a couple of shots of thick semen directly onto his tongue.

At this point another man entered the booth, it was the counter guy. He looked at Mr. Halen and said "I gotta break this party up-it's too much-I could get closed down-the guys are too excited"

Mr. Halen released the black guy's shaft and said. "I understand-just give us another few minutes-I need to finish."

"O.K. but make it quick.

He exited and began to shoo the rest of the men out into the store.

Halen saw that the holes were now empty-Flannel and the black gut seemed to have pulled out and left. Bobby was standing there naked, hard licking cum from his hand. His clothes were ripped in a pile on the floor.

Mr. Halen looked out in the hall and grabbed a guy by the arm. He looked like a construction worker. He was wearing coverall and a baseball cap- he was about 6' tall and deeply tan.

"Hey you want to help me out with this little cunt?"

"Umm... sure I was hoping to get in on the action but I though he was closing up shop." He said

"How big is your cock" asked the teacher

The man looked past Mr. Halen and looked directly into Bobby's eyes. "BIG-and I'm fucking hard"

Bobby's eyes dropped to his crotch and he licked his lips when e saw the bulge in his jeans and coveralls.

"We'll come on in then" said Mr. Halen

The man stepped into the booth and closed the door behind him.

He began to shrug out of the work gear. He had on a white wife beater and tight jeans.

As he continued to undress Mr. Halen looked on questioningly.

"Oh I'm getting naked for this-I'm going to do things to this little cum whore and I am not holding back.

Bobby groaned.

The man was about 45 or so and had thick ropey muscles, clearly not sculpted in a gym, but from hard labor. He had slight light fuzz on his chest and flat stomach.

He unbuttoned the jeans and unceremoniously pushed them down and off over his bare feet, He stood there in a pair of black boxer briefs. He hadn't lied his cock was fully erect and standing straight up. I looked about 9 or 10 inches long and really thick. Bobby stared in lust and compulsively licked his lip. Mr. Halen stood off to the side. Watching and stroking his painfully hard cock. I realized at this point that he had bee rigid during the entire time and not yet cum.

The workman walked up to Bobby and placed his hand on the back of his neck. He brought his face close and said "let's get you good and fucked, Boy"

Bobby closed his eyes and moaned.

"How many cocks have you had so far?" he asked the boy

Bobby shrugged and Mr. Halen interjected, I think he's gotten four guys off so far, a couple of them twice.

"Nice work kid-do you still want more?" the man asked

Bobby simply nodded and looked down at his dick. It was still fully erect and throbbing in time with his pulse.

"You gonna help out here" the man asked Halen

Mr. Halen stood up and finally shed his shirt, as he approached Bobby he pulled his pants down entirely and stepped out of them. He was now totally naked. He came up behind the boy and stood close enough that his cock head brushed against the small of his back Bobby jumped at the hot contact. The other man moved in closer as well and pulled Bobby's face to him. He closed his mouth over the boy's swollen lips and began to force his tongue into Bobby's mouth. Bobby moaned. The man still ad on his briefs and began to grind he crotch into Bobby's abdomen, his thick thigh pressing against the kid's sticky cock. Mr. Halen reached around and began to alternately pinch, stroke and flick at the kid's nipples while he looked down between their bodies and watched as he rubbed his cock up the boy's ass crack onto his lower back. His cock was in such a state of excitement that he was leaving a shinning wet trail all along the juncture of those two perfect globes.

Bobby was in overdrive with these two big men mauling his hot flesh and was breathing heavy and groaning almost constantly.

The workman broke his hot kiss and stepped back and shakily pulled down the boxer briefs. His cock had swelled to even greater proportions and now stood away from his body a full eleven inches. It was coursed with huge thick ridges of veins and had a deep red swollen cock head. Bobby groaned at the sight as the man stepped back in and began to tongue fuck his throat again. Mr. Halen was now gripping Bobby's shoulders and intently rubbing his cock along Bobby's ass crack all the way to the top and then pulling it away and doing it again, over and over. His dick was shinning and precum was smeared all over the kid's ass.

The workman without breaking the hot mouth contact guided one of the boy's hands onto his hard member. Bobby began to run his open palm all along the underside of the huge dick and lightly flutter his fingers over the now dripping head.

Mr. Halen's strokes were getting choppy and his cock seemed to vibrate, it was clear he was really close to shooting. With a herculean effort he pulled back and threw his head back in concentration.

He stepped back and leaned against the wall. "I'm just too close-I need to calm down for minute" he said

The other man pulled his mouth away from the kid and said" I'm ready to be inside that ass-get down on you hand and knees Kid."

Bobby turned around and knelt on the floor.

"I'm so ready to ride this ass –I can't even tell you" the workman breathily whispered.

He knelt down behind Bobby and began to run his hands up and down the muscular back in broad strokes. He used both hand to push Bobby down onto all fours and then began to concentrate his touches on the hot white ass before him.

He leaned down and gripped Bobby's ass cheeks, separating them and exposing his hole. I could see from my vantage point the cum smeared all around his tight opening.

The guy looked up at Mr. Halen and asked. "How many dicks have shot up in here?"

"Two big loads" answered the teacher.

Ummm he said as he lowered his head and began to lick the cum from the seeping asshole.

Bobby was moaning again and his dick pulsed and a huge glob of precum fell to the floor and the man's tongue penetrated his ass for the first time. The man began to bite, suck and tongue the hole deeply as Bobby arched his back and pushed his ass into the man's mouth.

"Hey –why don't you sit in front of the kid and let him look at the cock while I fuck him.

Mr. Halen moved over, seeming very willing to take directions now from this forceful man.

He positioned himself on the floor, les wide apart, back against the wall with his big dick straining up along his stomach.

The workman now sat up. He wiped the cum and spit off his face with the back of his hand and firmly grabbed the boy's waist. He looked down at his dick, it was standing straight up. He let go of the kid with one hand and used to it to force his cock down to line it up with Bobby's ass. He rested the head right against the hole and said, "You want my cock in you kid?"

Bobby tore his eyes away from the towering erection in front of him. "Yes...please. Fuck me" he said.

The man watched as he slowly exerted some pressure and guided his huge cock head through the young man's tight ass ring. Once the head was in he just left it for a second. He groaned at the feeling. He then steadily pushed his hips forward giving the kid a few more inches of cock. Bobby gasped and turned around to look at the man.

"You like that Bitch?" he asked

"Ummm" was all Bobby could reply.

He removed his hand form the base of his cock and pushed again-a few more inches went in-punctuated by a loud grunt from Bobby.

"Almost there kid-a couple more inches to go" he said

He ran his hands up Bobby's now sweating back and then down over the round ass cheeks that were framing his huge cock. He firmly grasped the soft flesh and pulled them apart and slowly pushed his hips forward again. This time he didn't stop as Bobby began to groan and pant. Finally Bobby could fell the bristles of the mans pubis hair on his separated ass cheeks and knew that he had all eleven inches in him.

"Fuck, this kid is so tight and slick-it feels fucking incredible" the man huffed.

He slowly pulled back the ridges of his cock causing exquisite friction on the boy's ass lips as he extracted his cock until just the head remained.

"Here we go" he said.

He then began a steady rhythm of long smooth strokes, pulling back to the point of extraction each time before inexorably pushing his entire length back in. He was angling his cock downward on the in stroke to ensure that his huge head was battering the kid's prostrate with each stroke. The effect was immediate on Bobby as his cock head swelled to even greater proportions and his dick began to jump and jerk. The man never slowed or stopped and just kept up this steady long dicking of the kids beautiful ass.

"Christ this is the best ass I've ever fucked, it is so hot and wet-I can't believe the felling of all that cum coating my dick." He said.

Mr. Halen had now moved forward and was kneeling in front of Bobby's face and stroking his cock inches away from the kid's face' Bobby looked hypnotized as the head dripped in front of him.

As the man continued to pump into the boy with his excruciating steady rhythm, footsteps approached the still open door to their booth. The counter man stood there and watched as the big man was up on his knees sliding his cock in and out of the tight hot channel the boy presented on all fours his huge hands wrapped tightly around the kid's trim waist. He saw Mr. Halen at the kid's face wiping precum from his dripping cock head across the kid's cheeks and lips.

"Hey I thought you guys were done in here?" he asked.

"Almost" said the workman

"Christ you're totally fucking the crap out of that kid!" He exclaimed.

"It is beyond belief-I could do this all nigh, honestly-this is the best fuck I've had in a very long time" he said never slowing his rhythm.

As the counter man watched he raised up a bit and angled his cock down and made his next thrust deeper and more brutal-His cock head rammed the kid's tortured prostrate and Bobby groaned as a huge shot of cum flew out of his dick. The workman gasped as the ass lips began to clamp and flutter around the base of his shaft as the kid orgasmed.

"Fuck he's cumming-how many times has he gotten off tonight?" the standing man said.

Mr. Halen answered "three or four times I think"

"Fuck...well can you guys finish up I want to close up" he said

Mr. Halen asked "are there any more men left in the store?"

"Yeah a couple of guys are hanging around the aisles but I put the rope up over the hall to the booths.

"Give us a minute and then take it down, let them in" he said

Bobby groaned at this.

The workman's strokes were now getting uneven and he was trembling and shuddering on each out stroke. The huge bulging veins along his shaft must have been glorious torture for those sensitive ass lips with each in and out stroke.

"Fuck I'm close-I don't think I can last too much longer-this is just too good." He said though heavy breaths.

He looked at Mr. Halen and said. "Are you close? Let me see you feed this kid"

Mr. Halen sat up on his knees and looked down at Bobby "Whore? I want you to take my cock head in your mouth-I'm very close to shooting."

Bobby craned his head forward and trapped the man's tremmoring head in his mouth. He didn't close his lips around it, instead he just began to mouth the head and flick his tongue into the slit.

That was all it took, Mr. Halen groaned and cum began to shoot out of his dick. Bobby kept his mouth open continuing to mouth the head as it shot. Cum filled his mouth in ropey strands and coated his lips and cheeks. He swallowed and then leaned up and took the head fully into his mouth. He groaned as he slid hid throat down to the base and let Mr. Halen continue to shoot straight down his throat.

"Fuuckkk-that is too hot-fucking kid gorging on cummmm..Ahhh "shouted the workman.

He pulled his cock back in one trembling shaky stroke and let his cock head pop out of the boy's tight ass. His dick immediately jumped straight up to between his nipples and a thick shot of semen few out coating his own chin and neck.

"Awww so fucking hot" he screamed. He roughly grabbed the base of his shooting cock and shoved the head back into Bobby's ass a shot pulsed out coating the channel and he firmly shoved the entire cock in letting the head fire off deep against the kids overused prostrate, scalding it. Bobby pulled his face of the huge dick lodged in his throat and another shot hit his open mouth as he silently screamed and came again.

At this point there seemed to be almost nothing left in the kids balls and a thin stream of watery cum spilled out.

As the two men continued to shoot cum into and on the kid more footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. Two big young black guys entered the doorway and their eyes widened in surprise at the depraved scene before them.

Mr. Halen stood up and used Bobby's ripped t-shirt to wipe the cum and spit from his cock. The work man slowly extracted his still erect cock from Bobby's ass and cum just sluiced out the sides as the head came out. He stood up and grabbed the kid's torn sweats and began to mop the cum off his chin, neck and face. Both med started to get dressed as Bobby looked over his shoulder still on all fours.

"He has nothing to wear when he leaves-when you're done with him if one of you can drop him off near his house that'd be great" said Mr. Halen.

The two thug looking guys were starting to stroke what looked like full blown hard ons through their pants.

"No problem man-we'll see him home safely" one answered.

The tow older men fully dressed now exited the booth as the first black guy shucked his pants down and got on his knees behind Bobby.

"Guide me in kid" he said.

Mr. Halen looked back as Bobby wrapped his small white fist around the thick black shaft behind him and lined the bloated purple head up with his dripping ass. As the man impaled the kid to the hilt the two older men left to head to their respective homes.

Next: Chapter 12

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